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1. Cách dùng


1. Diễn tả một thói quen, một hành 1. Diễn tả một hành động

động xảy ra thường xuyên lặp đi lặp đang xảy ra tại hiện tại.

lại ở hiện tại.

Eg: The children are playing

Eg: He watches TV every night. football now.

2. Diễn tả một chân lý, một sự thật 2. Dùng theo sau câu đề

hiển nhiên. nghị, mệnh lệnh.

Eg: The sun rises in the East. Eg: Look! The child is crying.

3. Diễn tả một lịch trình có sẵn, thời 3. Thì này còn được dùng để

khóa biểu, chương trình diễn tả một hành động sắp

xảy ra.
Eg: The plane leaves for London at

12.30 p.m. Eg: He is coming tomorrow.

4. Dùng sau các cụm từ chỉ thời gian

when, as soon as… và trong câu điều

kiện loại 1

Eg: I will call you as soon as I arrive.

2. Cấu trúc

+ S + V(s/es) S + am/is/are + V-ing

Ex: He frequently plays tennis. Ex: The children are playing football now.

- S + do/does not + V-inf S + am/is/are + not + V-ing

Ex: She doesn’t usually play Ex: The children are not playing football
tennis. right now.

? Do/Does + S + V-inf? Am/Is/Are + S + V-ing?

Ex: Do you often play tennis? Ex: Are the children playing football at

3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết


- Often, usually, frequently - Now

- Always, constantly - Right now

- Sometimes, occasionally - At the moment

- Seldom, rarely - At present

- Every day/ week/ month... - Look! Listen!... - At + giờ cụ thể

+ now
- Daily, weekly, monthly,

quarterly, yearly - Watch out!

- Once, twice, three times/four

times…a day/week/month/year
4. Một số trường hợp đặc biệt của hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp


Hiện tại đơn Hiện tại tiếp diễn

(Present Simple Tense) (Present Continuous Tense)

Một số động từ chỉ hành động

(action verb) như know,

understand, v.v…hoặc thể hiện

sự yêu ghét như love, like, hate,

v.v…không dùng ở thì hiện tại

tiếp diễn.

S + always + V S + always + V-ing

Ý nghĩa: Diễn tả những việc Ý nghĩa: Diễn tả những việc xảy

thường xuyên làm, xảy ra và chủ ra liên tục với tần suất cao hơn

yếu mang nghĩa tiêu cực. thông thường và đa số mang

nghĩa tiêu cực.

Ex: He always goes to school late. Ex: She is always forgetting her


Không sử dụng “have” ở thì hiện

tại tiếp diễn với nghĩa là sở hữu.

Câu đúng: I have a luxury bag

Câu sai: I am having a luxury bag.

To be selfish Tobe + being selfish

Ý nghĩa: Nói về cách hành xử của Ý nghĩa: Nói về cách hành xử của

1 người ngay lúc đó. 1 người ngay lúc đó.

Ex: He is selfish, through and Ex: It’s surprising to me that the

through. boy is being so selfish.

(Cậu ta là rất ích kỷ, lúc nào cũng (Tôi ngạc nhiên vì cậu bé đang

như vậy) . hành xử quá ích kỷ) .


Task 1. Chia động từ trong ngoặc.

1. Where's John? He ________(listen) to a new CD in his room.

2. Don't forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it

always ________(rain) in England.

3. Jean ________(work) hard all day but she ________(not work) at the


4. Look! That boy ________ (run) after the bus. He________(want) to catch

5. He ________(speak) German so well because he ________(come) from


6. Shh! The boss ________(come). We ________(meet) him in an hour and

nothing is ready!

7. _______you usually _______(go) away for Christmas or_______ you

______(stay) at home?

8. She ________(hold) some roses. They________(smell) lovely.

9. Oh no! Look! It ________(snow) again. It always________(snow) in this


10. Mary ________ (swim) very well, but she ________(not run) very fast.

Hiển thị đáp án

Task 2. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or

present progressive).

1. Look! He (leave) the house.

2. Quiet please! I (write) a test.

3. She usually (walk) to school.

4. But look! Today she (go) by bike.

5. Every Sunday we (go) to see my grandparents.

6. He often (go) to the cinema.

7. We (play) Monopoly at the moment.

8. The child seldom (cry) .

9. I (not/ do) anything at the moment.

10. (watch/ he) the news regularly?

Hiển thị đáp án

Task 3. Hoàn thành câu sử dụng từ cho sẵn.

1. He/ often/ have/ breakfast/ late.

2. You/ do/ the housework/ at the moment?

3. I/ not/ go/ to school/ on weekends.

4. John's girlfriend/ wear/ a red T-shirt/ now.

5. They/ like/ beer or wine?

6. What/ he/ usually/ do/ at night?

7. The teacher/ never/ lose/ his temper.

8. Why/ you/ listen/ to music/ loudly now?

Hiển thị đáp án

Task 4. Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng.

1. My grandfather ______ collecting stamps.

A. is loving B. are loving C. loves

2. She ______ her friends at a bar right now.

A. waiting B. is waiting C. waits

3. Nguyen Nhat Anh is a writer. He ______ a short story about a dragon.

A. is writing B. writes C. are writing

4. I never ______ home late.

A. come B. is coming C. am coming

5. My boss ______ high heels to work.

A. doesn’t wear B. aren’t wearing C. don’t wear

6. She usually ______ much.

A. doesn’t talk B. don’t talk C. isn’t talking

7. This spaghetti ______ awful.

A. tastes B. is tasting C. taste

8. I ______ he is a good man.

A. thinks B. think C. am thinking

9. As the ceremony ______ at 7∶30 a.m., we have to be there early.

A. is starting B. start C. starts

10. Kate ______ a cup of coffee every morning.

A. is drinking B. drinks C. drink

Hiển thị đáp án

Task 5. Chia các động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại đơn hoặc hiện

tại tiếp diễn sao cho thích hợp.

1. A: Where is Molly? B: She __________________ (feed) her cat


2. __________________ (she/ need) to go and see a doctor?

3. She usually _______________ (wash) the dishes after dinner.

4. __________________ (your sister/ wear) sunglasses?

5. He frequently __________________ (do) yoga.

6. We __________________ (move) to Canada in August.

7. My son _______________ (not practice) the piano every day.

8. I __________________ (not like) to take selfies.

9. Megan _________________ (go) on holiday to Cornwall this summer.

10. When __________________ (the film/ start)?

Hiển thị đáp án

Task 6. Hoàn thành đoạn văn.

It (0. be) is Sunday evening and my friends and I (1. be) ....... at Jane's

birthday party. Jane (2. wear) ....... a beautiful long dress and (3.
stand) ....... next to her boyfriend. Some guests (4. drink) ....... wine or

beer in the corner of the room. Some of her relatives (5. dance) ....... in

the middle of the room. Most people (6. sit) ....... on chairs, (7.

enjoy) ....... foods and (8. chat)....... with one another. We often (9.

go) ....... to our friends' birthday parties. We always (10. dress) ....... well

and (11. travel) ....... by taxi. Parties never (12. make) ....... us bored

because we like them.

Hiển thị đáp án

Task 7. Use the following verbs to complete the sentences.

Sometimes you need the negative: believe eat flow go grow

make rise tell translate

1. The earth ………round the sun.

2. Rice doesn't ……… in Britain.

3. The sun ..... in the east.

4. Bees ..... honey.

5. Vegetariants ..... meat.

6. An atheist ..... in God.

7. An interpreter ..... from one language into another.

8. Liars are people who ..... the truth.

Hiển thị đáp án

Task 8. Chia các động từ trong ngoặc đơn ở thì hiện tại đơn hoặc

thì hiện tại tiếp diễn phù hợp nhất.

1. A: What is Molly doing now? B: She _______ (wash) dishes in the


2. _______ (Molly / decorate) her sister’s birthday cake right now?

3. My mother usually __________ (wash) the dishes after meals.

4. _________ (your young sister/ wear) a T-shirt and a flower skirt?

5. He rarely_________ (play) chess with his friends.

6. My daughter__________ (learn) English in an extra-class this evening.

7. We ________________ (move) to the USA and visiting our grandfather

in November.

8. She often __________ (clean) her room after dinner.

9. My family___________ (go) on holiday to Cornwall this spring.

10. When ______________ (the dinner party/ start)? I’m hungry!

Hiển thị đáp án

Task 9. Xây dựng câu sử dụng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn dựa vào các từ

gợi ý cho sẵn.

1. They/ask/a/woman/about/the/way/the/railway/station.

2. My/father/water/some plants/the/garden.
3. Tam/have/lunch/her/friends/a/restaurant.

4. My/daughter/draw/a/beautiful/picture.

5. My/mother/clean/kitchen.

Hiển thị đáp án

Task 10. Chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1. He always (go) _______ class lately.

2. Sit down! A strange dog (run) _______ to you.

3. That baby (cry) _______ loudly in the party now.

4. Lan (travel) _______ to London every Sunday.

5. My brothers (not/drink) _______ tea at the moment.

6. We (have) _______ a holiday in July every year.

7. You (play) _______ football once a week.

8. The moon (circle) _______ around the earth.

9. You always (teach) _______ me new things.

10. Look! Those people (climb) _______ the mountain so fast.

Hiển thị đáp án


Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into present simple or

present continuous tense.

1. Listen! My mother (sing) __________ a song.

2. Every night, we (go) __________ to bed at 10 p.m

3. Giang (like) __________ music but I (like) __________ Math.

4. Now, they (stay) __________ in Hue .

5. My father (read) __________ a newspaper in the morning

6. Look! Ha (run) __________.

7. Trang usually (listen) _______ to the teacher in the class, but she (not

listen) _______ now.

8. Where __________ your father (be)?

- He (be) __________ living room. He (watch) _________TV.

9. __________ they (go) to school by bus today?

10. There (be) __________ many flowers in our garden.

11. Every day, Mr. Hung (not go) __________ to work by car.

12. In the autumn, I rarely (go) __________ sailing and (go) __________ to

13. I (write) __________ a letter to my friend now.

14. At 12 a.m. every day, I (have __________ lunch and (go) __________ to


15. On Monday, I (have) __________ math and Art.

16. On Friday, I (have) __________ English.

17. At the moment, I (eat) __________ an orange and my sisters (play)

__________ tennis.

18. Now, he (look) __________ his cat. It (eat) __________a mouse in the


19. Phong, An, Ha, Lan (be) __________ close friend.

20 __________ your mother (walk) __________ to market?

21. It (be) __________ 10.00. We (learn) __________ our lesson.

22. What ___________ you (do) ____________ now?

23. __________ your mother (walk) to work every day?

24. They (not play) __________ soccer in the morning.

25. ____________ Hai (work) ____________ in the garden at the moment?

26. My brother (do) __________ his homework in his room now. He does

it every day.
27. James and his brother (play) __________ soccer at the moment. They


__________ it every afternoon.

28. Where __________ the old man (live) __________ now?

29. Mr. Smith often (teach) __________ class 4A,but this morning he

(teach) __________ class 4B.

30. It's 7.30 now. She (study) _________ science in the classroom.

Đáp án:

1. is singing 11. doesn’t go 21. is – are learning

2. go 12. go – go 22. are you doing

3. likes 13. am writing 23. does your

mother walk

4. are staying 14. have – go 24. don’t play

5. reads 15. have 25. is Hai working

6. is running 16. have 26. is doing

7. listens – isn’t 17. am eating – is 27. are playing –

listening playing play

8. is – is – is watching 18. is looking – is 28. is the old man

eating living

9. do they go 19. are 29. teaches – is


10. are 20. does your mother 30. is studying


Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into present simple or

present continuous tense.

1. I ____________ (be) in a cafe now.

2. ____________ (she/play) tennis every week?

3. They __________ (go) to the cinema every Wednesday.

4. ____________ (she/be) a singer?

5. You ___________ (find) the weather here cold.

6. ____________ (they/be) on the bus?

7. Lucy ___________ (ride) her bicycle to work.

8. Why ___________ (he/be) in France?

9. I ____________ (not/play) the piano very often.

10. It ____________ (not/be) cold today.

11. We ____________ (be) from Portugal.

12. ____________ (we/make) too much noise at night?

13. Where ____________ (Harry/study)?

14. ____________ (it/be) foggy today?

15. We ____________ (not/be) late.

16. They ____________ (not/like) animals.

17. Where ____________ (you/be)?

18. He ____________ (not/be) an accountant.

19. ____________ (the dog/eat) chicken?

20. She ____________ (be) my sister.

Đáp án:

1. am 11. are

2. Does she play 12. Do we make

3. go 13. does Harry study

4. Is she 14. Is it

5. find 15. aren’t

6. Are they 16. don’t like

7. rides 17. are you

8. is he 18. isn’t

9. don’t play 19. Does the dog eat

10. isn’t 20. is

Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into present simple or

present continuous tense.

1. Where ___________ you (live) ____________?

I (live) ___________ in Hai Duong town.

2. What ___________ he (do) ___________ now?

He (water) ___________ flowers in the garden.

3. What ___________ she (do) _________? - She (be) ___________ a teacher.

4. Where _____________ you (be) from?

5. At the moment, my sisters (play) ___________ volleyball and my

brother (play) ___________ soccer.

6. It is 9.00; my family (watch___________ TV.

7. In the summer, I usually (go) ___________ to the park with my friends,

and in the spring, we (have) ___________ Tet Holiday; I (be) ___________

happy because I always (visit) ______________ my grandparents.

8. ___________ your father (go) ___________ to work by bus?

9. How ___________ your sister (go) ___________ to school?

10. What time ___________ they (get up) ___________?

11. What ___________ they (do) ___________ in the winter?

12. Today, we (have) ___________ English class.

13. Her favourite subject (be) ___________ English.

14. Now, my brother (like) ___________ eating bananas.

15. Look! A man (call) ___________ you.

16. Keep silent! I (listen) ___________ to the radio.

17. ___________ you (play) ___________ badminton now?

18. Every day, my father (get up) ___________ at 5.00 a.m., but today, he

(get up) ___________ at 6.00 a.m.

19. Every morning, I (watch) ___________ TV at 10.00, but today I (Listen)

___________ to music at 10.00.

20. Every day , I (go) ___________ to school by bike but today I go to

school by motorbike.

21. Every morning, my father (have) ___________ a cup of coffee but

today he (drink) ___________ milk.

22. At the moment, I(read) ___________ a book and my brother (watch)

___________ TV.
23. Hoa (live) ___________ in Hanoi, and Ha (live) ___________ in HCM City.

24. Hung and his friend (play) ___________ badminton.

25. They usually (get up) ___________ at 6.oo in the morning.

26. Ha never (go) ___________ fishing in the winter but she always (do)

___________ it in the summer.

27. My teacher (tell) ___________ Hoa about Math.

28. There (be) ___________ animals in the circus.

29. ___________ he (watch) ___________ TV at 7.00 every morning?

30. What ___________ she (do) ___________ at 7.00 a.m?

31. How old ___________ she (be)?

32. How ___________ she (be)?

33. My children (go) ___________ to school by bike.

34. We (go) ___________ to the supermarket to buy some food.

35. Mr. Hien (go) ___________ on business to Hanoi every month.

36. Ha (like) ___________ coffee very much, but I (not like) ___________ it.

37. She (like) ___________ tea, but she (not like) ___________ coffee.

38. I (love) ___________ cats, but I (not love) ___________ dogs.

39. Every day, I (go) ___________ to school on foot, but today I (go)

___________ to school by bike.

40. Who you ___________ (wait) for Nam?

- No, I ___________ (wait) for Mr. Hai.

41. My sister (get) ___________ dressed and (brush) ___________ her teeth

herself at 6.30 every day.

42. Mrs. Smith (not live) ___________ in downtown. She (rent) ___________

in an apartment in the suburb.

43. How ___________ your children (go) ___________ to school every day?

44. It's 9 o'clock in the morning. Lien (be) ___________ in her room. She

(listen) ___________ to music.

45. We ___________ (play) soccer in the yard now.

46. My father (go) ___________ to work by bike. Sometimes he (walk)


47. ___________ You (live) ___________ near a market? - It (be) ___________


48. Now I (do) ___________ the cooking while Hoa (listen) ___________ to


49. At the moment, Nam and his friends (go) ___________ shopping at

the mall.
50. In the autumn, I rarely (go) ___________ sailing and (go) ___________ to


Đáp án:

1. do … live – live 26. goes – does

2. is .... doing - is watering 27. tells

3. does ... do - is 28. are

4. are 29. Does … watch

5. is playing - is playing 30. does … do

6. is watching 31. is

7. go - have - am - visit 32. is

8. Does … go 33. go

9. does … go 34. go

10. do … get up 35. goes

11. do … do 36. likes – don’t like

12. have 37. likes – doesn’t like

13. is 38. love – don’t love

14. likes 39. go – go

15. is calling 40. Are … waiting – am waiting

16. am listening 41. gets – brushes

17. Are … playing 42. doesn’t live – rents

18. gets up – gets up 43. go … go

19. watch – am listening 44. is – is listening

20. go 45. are playing

21. am reading – is watching 46. goes – walks

22. am reading – is watching 47. Do … live – is

23. lives – lives 48. am doing – is listening

24. play 49. are going

25. get up 50. go - go

Exercise 4. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. The train (leave) ________ at 8 p.m.

2. Minh (go) ________ to a new school next term.

3. Does Tri (play) ________ football?

4. Where (do) ________ they work?

5. Does Minh (work) ________ at Bach Mai Hospital?

6. Linh (be) ________ a student.

7. I (work) ________ in HCM City for the next week.

8. When I (get) ________ home, my mother (cook) ________ dinner.

9. The human body (contain) ________ 206 bones.

10. He (drive) ________ to work every day.

Đáp án:

1. leaves 2. is going 3. play 4. do 5. work

6. is 7. am 8. get/ is 9. contains 10. drives

working cooking

Exercise 5. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. Where’s John? He ________ (listen) to a new CD in his room.

2. Don’t forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it

always ________ (rain) in England.

3. Jean ________ (work) hard all day but she ________ (not work) at the


4. Look! That boy ________ (run) after the bus. He wants to ________

(catch) it.

5. He ________ (speak) German so well because he ________ (come) from

6. Shh! The boss ________ (come). We ________ (meet) him in an hour

and nothing is ready!

7. ________ you usually go away for Christmas or ________ you ________

(stay) at home?

8. She ________ (hold) some roses. They ________ (smell) lovely.

9. Oh! Look at it! It ________ (snow) again. It’s always ________ (snow) in

this country.

10. Mary ________ (swim) very well, but she ________ (not run) very fast.

11. ________ your students (play) ________ soccer every afternoon?

12. He ________ (go) to bed at 11.30 p.m.

13. They ________ (go) home and ________ (have) lunch.

14. ________ he ________ (play) sports?

15. He ________ (teach) English in a big school in town.

16. Every day she ________ (go) to work by bike.

17. We usually ________ (read) books, ________ (listen) to music or

________ (watch) TV.

18. Sometimes, I ________ (play) badminton.

19. Ann ________ (like) her job very much.

20. ________ your mother ________ (walk) to the market?

Đáp án:

1. is listening 2. is raining

3. works - is not working 4. is running - wants

5. speaks - comes 6. is coming - are meeting

7. Do - go - do - stay 8. is holding - smell

9. is snowing - snows 10. swims - doesn’t run

11. 12. goes

13. go - have 14.

15. teaches 16. goes

17. read - listen - watch 18. play

19. likes 20. Does…walk

Exercise 6. Arrange and rewrite the following words to make a

meaningful sentence.

1. Minh/ wash / her hair/ now.

2. Ha and Mai/ listen/ music/ to.

3. rain/ It/ very hard.

4. English/ learn/ I.
5. your father/ watch/ TV?

6. What/ they/ do?

7. My company/ the weekend/ at/ work/ doesn’t.

8. never/ He/ cigarettes/ smoke.

9. usually/ at/ home/ go/ She/ 6 o’clock.

10. live/ Hanoi/ you/ Do/ in?

Đáp án:

1. Minh is washing her hair now.

2. Ha and Mai are listening to music.

3. It is raining very hard.

4. I am learning English.

5. Is your father watching TV?

6. What are they doing?

7. My company doesn’t work at the weekend.

8. He never smokes cigarettes.

9. She usually goes home at six o’clock.

10. Do you live in Hanoi?

Exercise 7. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. We (have) ________ English lessons on Tuesday and Friday.

2. - Where is Phong?

- I think he (read) ________ in the library.

3. Chau usually (listen) ________ to the teacher in class, but she is not

listening now; she (look) ________ out of the window.

4. If the pupils do well at school, they (receive) ________ scholarships.

5. Who (play) ________ music upstairs? It’s really noisy.

6. It (start) ________ rainy on our way home, but luckily I had my

umbrella in my bag.

7. I wasn't sure of my answer so I (guess) ________ I (be) ________ right!

8. I (do) ________ my Exercise now, but I can come and help you later.

Đáp án:

1. have 2. is reading 3. listens - is 4. receive


5. is playing 6. starts 7. guess - am 8. am doing

Exercise 8. Complete the following paragraph.

It (0. be) is Sunday evening and my friends and I (1. be) ______ at Jane's

birthday party. Jane (2. wear) ______ a beautiful long dress and (3.

stand) ______ next to her boyfriend. Some guests (4. drink) ______ wine

or beer in the corner of the room. Some of her relatives (5. dance)

______ in the middle of the room. Most people (6. sit) ______ on chairs,

(7. enjoy) ______ foods and (8. chat) ______ with one another. We often

(9. go) ______ to our friends' birthday parties. We always (10. dress)

______ well and (11. travel) ______ by taxi. Parties never (12. make) ______

us bored because we like them.

Đáp án:

1. are 2. is wearing 3. standing 4. are drinking

5. are dancing 6. are sitting 7. enjoying 8. chatting

9. go 10. dress 11. travel 12. make

Exercise 9. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I (be) ________ at school at the weekend.

2. She (not study) ________ on Friday.

3. My students (be not) ________ hard-working.

4. He (have) ________ a new haircut today.

5. I usually (have) ________ breakfast at 7.00.

6. She (live) ________ in a house.

Đáp án:

1. am 2. doesn't study 3. aren't

4. has 5. have 6. lives

Exercise 10. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. John (not read) ________ a book now.

2. What ______ you (do) ________ tonight?

3. Jack and Peter (work) ________ late today.

4. Silvia (not listen) ________ to music at the moment.

5. Maria (sit) ________ next to Paul right now.

6. How many other students ______ you (study) ________ with today?

7. He always (make) ________ noisy at night.

8. Where (be) ________ your husband?

9. She (wear) ________ earrings today.

10. The weather (get) ________ cold this season.

11. My children (be) ________ upstairs now. They (play) ________ games.

12. Look! The bus (come) ________.

Đáp án:
1. isn't reading 2. are…doing 3. are working 4. isn't


5. is sitting 6. are… 7. is always 8. is

studying making

9. is wearing 10. is getting 11. are - are 12. is coming


Exercise 11. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. John (play) _________ football at the moment.

2. We often (write) _________ tests at our school.

3. I (talk) _________ to my teacher now.

4. Look! Mandy and Susan (watch) _________ a film on TV.

5. Olivia (visit) _________ her uncle every weekend.

6. Now the sun (shine) _________.

7. They sometimes (read) _________ poems in the lessons.

8. Listen! The band (play) _________ the new guitar.

9. _________ you (go) _________ to school by bike?

10. Every morning, my mother (get) _________ up at 6 o’clock.

11. It’s seven o’clock and they (go) _________ to school now.
12. Mrs. Cooper (eat) _________ in the restaurant every Sunday.

13. Our cat never (jump) _________ on the kitchen table.

14. Look! The men (wear) _________ blue uniforms.

15. My father (not smoke) _________ but my uncle smokes too much.

16. It (be) _________ early in the morning.

17. Sally (get) _________ out of bed, (open) _________ the window and (go)

_________ into the bathroom.

18. Then she (have) _________ breakfast.

19. After breakfast, Sally usually (cycle) _________ to school.

20. After school, she (go) _________ back home.

21. Sally usually (have) _________ her lunch at home.

22. In the afternoon, she first (do) _________ her homework and then

she (meet) _________ her friends in the park.

23. What _________ she (do) _________ now?

24. She _________ (not play) _________ the guitar, but she (play) _________

the piano.

25. Her friends are listening and some of them (sing) _________ along.

26. The taxi (wait) _________ for them at the moment.

27. He always (help) _________ his grandmother with the housework.

28. They never (eat) _________ very much.

29. Listen! Bill (play) _________ his electric guitar.

30. He (wash) _________ his car every Sunday.

31. Where’s Cindy? – She (have) _________ a bath.

32. My father (live) _________ in a house near the river because he (like)

_________ swimming.

33. Every morning, my mother (walk) _________ in the park.

34. What newspaper _________ you usually (read) _________? – The


35. Be careful! The teacher (look) _________ at you.

36. _________ your mother (do) _________ morning exercise every day?

37. In summer, it (be) _________ very hot, so he often (go) _________ to

the seaside on holiday.

38. _________ you (look) _________ for Peter? I think he (read) _________

books in the library.

39. Mother (cook) _________ in the kitchen at the moment.

40. Let’s (help) _________ her.

41. She (not/ want) _________ any coffee. She (want) _________ some tea.

42. They (not/ go) _________ fishing in winter.

43. I (like) _________ my English class very much.

44. He usually (go) _________ to the library when he has free time.

45. What _________ Mrs. Brown (do) _________? – She’s a teacher.

46. What _________ your father often (do) _________ in the evening?

47. Look! The boy (climb) _________ up a ladder.

48. They (play) ________ volleyball every afternoon, but they (not/ play)

________ badminton now.

49. He (learn) _________ English and I (read) _________ a book now.

50. He often (have) _________ coffee for breakfast.

51. What (be) _________ the weather like today? It (be) _________ cold.

52. He usually (go jogging) _________ in the morning.

53. He often (go) _________ swimming. He (go) _________ swimming at

the moment.

54. My sister (do) _________ aerobics every morning.

55. Lan (go) _________ to school six days a week.

56. We (not/ go) _________ swimming in the winter.

57. He often (go) _________ the movie on Sunday.

58. The students (do) _________ their homework now.

59. My mother (like) _________ iced tea.

60. He never (go) _________ camping because he (not/ have) ________ a


Đáp án:

1. is playing 2. write 3. am talking 4. are watching

5. visits 6. is shining 7. read 8. is playing

9. Do you go 10. gets 11. are going 12. eats

13. jumps 14. is wearing 15. doesn't 16. is


17. gets/ 18. has 19. cycles 20. goes

opens/ goes

21. has 22. does/ 23. is…doing 24. isn’t

meets playing/ is


25. are singing 26. is waiting 27. helps 28. eat

29. is playing 30. washes 31. is having 32. lives/ likes

33. walks 34. do…read 35. is looking 36. Does…do

37. is/ goes 38. Are… 39. is cooking 40. help

looking/ is


41. doesn’t 42. don’t go 43. like 44. goes

want/ wants

45. does…do 46. does…do 47. is climbing 48. play/ are

not playing

49. is learning/ 50. has 51. is/ is 52. goes

am reading jogging

53. goes/ is 54. does 55. goes 56. don’t go


57. goes 58. are doing 59. likes 60. goes/

doesn’t have

Exercise 12. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Where you (live) ________? I (live) ________ in Hai Duong town.

2. What (be) ________ he (do) ________ now? He (water) ________ flowers

in the garden.

3. What ________ she (do) ________? She (be) ________ a teacher.

4. Where (be) ________ you from?

5. At the moment, my sisters (play) ________ volleyball and my brother

(play) ________ soccer.

6. It is 9.00, my family (watch) ________ TV.

7. In the summer, I usually (go) ________ to the park with my friends,

and in the spring, we (have) ________ Tet holiday, I (be) ________ happy

because I always (visit) ________ my grandparents.

8. Does your father (go) ________ to work by bus?

9. How (do) ________ your sister (go) ________ to school?

10. What time___________they (get up) ___________?

11. What ________ they (do) ________ in the winter?

12. Today, we (have) ________ English class.

13. Her favorite subject (be) ________ English.

14. Now, my brother (like) ________ eating bananas.

15. Look! A man (call) ________ you.

16. Keep silent! I (listen) ________ to the radio.

17. ________ you (play) ________ badminton now?

18. Every day, my father (get up) ________ at 5.00 a.m.

Đáp án:
1. do…live/ live 2. is…doing /is 3. does…do/ is


4. are 5. are playing/ is 6. is watching


7. go/ have/ am/ visit 8. go 9. does…go

10. do…get up 11. 12. have

13. is 14. likes 15. is calling

16. am listening 17. Are...playing 18. gets up

Bài tập bổ sung nâng cao

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the

present tense.

1. We ___________ our break now, Mr. Miller. (TAKE)

2. She _____________ for Liverpool later in the day (LEAVE).

3. The actor usually ____________ a lot of fan mail, because he’s so

famous. (GET)

4. The car ____________ oil. Can you repair it? (LOSE)

5. Dorothy _____________ reading good books during her holidays.


6. My brother ______________ Italy at the moment (TOUR).

7. They __________ a game of cards right now. (HAVE)

8. I _________ a hat today because there’s a very special event in town.


9. Such bad behavior always _____________ me mad. (MAKE)

10. Unpopular songs ____________ very well. (NOT SELL)

11. She usually __________ out with her friends on Saturday evenings.


12. What ________ , Mum? – It smells so good! (YOU BAKE)

13. __________to the bridge club? (YOU BELONG)

14. The children _____________ playing in the hut whenever we’re at our

weekend house. (ENJOY)

15. The headmaster rarely _________ a class. He normally _________

administrative work. (TEACH, DO)

16. _____________ if I ask you a question? (YOU MIND)

17. I ____________ some money because I want to travel to Spain next


18. What _________ ? (THIS BOOK – COST)

19. The boy and his father ___________ a long conversation. – I wonder

what they ____________ about. (HAVE, TALK)

20. Robert ___________ to catch the same bus every morning, but he

________________ . (TRY, NOT ALWAYS SUCCEED)

Đáp án:

1. are taking 2. is leaving

3. gets 4. is losing

5. loves 6. is touring

7. are having 8. am wearing

9. makes 10. do not sell

11. goes 12. are you baking

13. Do you belong 14. enjoy

15. teaches 16. Do you mind

17. am currently saving 18. does this book cost

19. are having 20. tries – doesn’t always


Exercise 2. Put the verbs in the present simple tense or present

continuous tense.

1. Emily lives and works in Paris but she (have) ________ a holiday in

England at the moment.

2. I wonder why the neighbor’s dog (bark) ________ again. Maybe there

is a burglar!

3. Ann (get) ________ up at seven o’clock every morning.

4. Then she (go) ________ to have a shower before breakfast.

5. Then she (drive) ________ to the beach and stays all day.

6. She (not/ work) ________ because she won the lottery last year.

7. Why (you/ learn) ________ English this year?

8. I (live) ________ with my sister for two months because she is

pregnant and I can help her.

9. What (you/ wear) ________ now? In that way, I will recognize you at

the airport.

10. Kate is in the kitchen and very stressed! She (cook) ________ dinner

for 30 people.

11. - Who (play) ________ the guitar upstairs?

- My sister. She’s got a concert tomorrow.

- What (she, play) ________?

- I think it’s a piece by Mozart. (She, play) ________ anything else?

- Yes, the violin, she’s very musical.

12. - Your daughter’s very keen on sports, isn’t she?

- Yes, she (play) ________ tennis.

- Where is she now?

- She (play) ________ tennis, as usual.

13. - What’s that delicious smell?

- My husband, he (cook) ________.

- Isn’t that unusual?

- Yes, normally I (cook) ________ and my husband (shop) ________.

14. What a lovely clock! - It (not work) ________ I’m afraid It’s been

broken for years.

15. Could I use your phone? - I’m afraid it (not work) ________ at the


Đáp án:

1. is having 2. is barking

3. gets 4. goes

5. drives 6. doesn’t work

7. are you learning 8. am living

9. are you wearing 10. is cooking

11. is playing – is she playing – 12. plays – is playing

Does she play

13. is cooking – cooks – shops 14. doesn’t work

15. isn’t working

Bài tập bổ sung hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn lớp 8

Exercise 1. Put the correct form of the verbs in brackets to

complete the following passage (present simple tense or present

continuous tense).

Passage A:

Dear Editor!

I (1) _______ (write) this letter because it seems to me that far too many

changes (2) _______ (take) place in my country these days, and, as a

result, we (3) _______ (lose) our identity. I am living in a small town but

even this town (4) _______ (change) before my eyes. For example, town

authorities (5) _______ (build) a burger place where my favourite

restaurant used to be.

Our culture belongs to everybody, and I (6) _______ (not understand)

why the town leaders (7) _______ (not do) to preserve it. They simply (8)

_______ (not care). In fact, I (9) _______ (think) of starting an action group.

I (10) _______ (appear) on a TV show on Friday evening to make people

aware of how important this issue is. It’s time for us to start doing

something before it gets too late.

Passage B:

Next week, my friends and I (1) _______ (go) camping in the woods. I (2)

_______ (organize) the food, because I (3) _______ (like) cooking. Dave (4)

_______ (have) a big car with a trailer, so he (5) _______ (plan) the

transportation. Sam (6) _______ (bring) the tent - he (7) _______ (go)

camping every year, so he (8) _______ (have) a great tent and lots of

other equipment. My wife (9) _______ (think) we're crazy. She (10)

_______ (like) holidays in comfortable hotels, so she is taking a trip to

Paris instead.

Đáp án:

Passage A:

1. am writing 2. are taking 3. are losing 4. is changing

5. are building 6. don’t 7. aren’t doing 8. don’t care


9. am thinking 10. appearing

Passage B:

1. are going 2. am 3. like 4. has 5. is

organizing planning
6. is 7. goes 8. has 9. think 10. likes


Exercise 2. Complete the sentences.

rise are takes is rising

is taking are meeting is always complains


1. The train journey from London to Edinburgh _______ about five


2. We _______ very happy with our decision to move out of the city.

3. This report _______ ages to write. I don't know when I'll get it finished.

4. In many countries, the cost of food and bills _______.

5. House prices _______ for second year in a row

6. In the film, the main character _______ to his boss about the job. His

boss responds with an offer that seems too good to be true.

7. We _______ at the train station at 9 a.m. tomorrow.

8. He _______. If he doesn't like the job, he should find a better one.

Đáp án:

1. takes 2. are 3. is taking 4. is rising

5. rise 6. complains 7. are meeting 8. is always


Exercise 3. Choose the best answer.

1. You won't find Jerry at home right now. He _______ in the library.

A. studies

B. is studying

2. I _______ lunch in the cafeteria every day.

A. have

B. am having

3. Look! Junko _______ into the water.

A. jumps

B. is jumping

4. Salman is rich - he _______ a Mercedes.

A. drives

B. is driving

5. Once a week, I _______ to an art class at the college.

A. go
B. am going

6. Don't give Jan any cheese. She _______ it!

A. hates

B. is hating

7. It _______ quite hard - perhaps we shouldn't go out tonight.

A. snows

B. is snowing

8. I _______ to Toronto next Thursday. Do you want to come?

A. go

B. am going

9. I _______ you're crazy!

A. think

B. am thinking

10. Marie-Claude isn't a Canadian. I _______ she comes from France.

A. believe

B. am believing

Đáp án:
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A

6. A 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. A

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