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Practice Exam Paper – PH 230 - Human Disease and Prevention

Answer the following questions: (1-34) (Each question carries 2 marks.)

1. In _____, the body's organ systems normally maintain temperature, pH, blood composition, and fluid
levels within a precise range.

A. disease
B. health
C. homeostasis
D. pathology
Answer: C

2. _____ uses computers and x-rays to create three-dimensional images of internal structures.

A. Computed tomography
B. Nuclear medicine
C. Radiography
D. Ultrasound
Answer: A

3. The immune system protects the body by distinguishing _____.

A. inside from outside

B. positive from negative
C. self from non-self
D. upper from lower
Answer: C

4. Interferons increase the activity of _____.

A. erythrocytes and leukocytes

B. macrophages and natural killer cells
C. phagocytes and neutrophils
D. plasma and complement
Answer: B

5. A pathogen is a _____.

A. disease-causing microorganism
B. disease always present within a population
C. prion, composed only of proteins
D. specialist in the study of disease
Answer: A

6. When a disease always occurs at low levels in a population, it is said to be _____.

Practice Exam Paper – PH 230 - Human Disease and Prevention

A. endemic
B. epidemic
C. pandemic
D. pathodemic
Answer: A

7. Cancer is the _____ most common cause of death in the United States.

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
Answer: B

8. An osteosarcoma is a malignant tumor of _____

A. bone
B. kidney
C. liver
D. skin
Answer: A

9. _____ are made from sequences of A, T, G, and C, arranged in different orders and in different

A. Autosomes
B. Chromosomes
C. Genes
D. Haploids
Answer: C

10. Some alleles always produce their trait when inherited and are said to be _____.

A. dominant
B. heterozygous
C. homozygous
D. recessive
Answer: A

11. The pericardium is a _____.

A. double-layered membrane that encloses the heart

B. four-chambered structure that lies inside the heart
C. single layer of membrane that lines the inside of the heart
D. triple-layered membrane that encloses the heart
Answer: A

12. Listening through a stethoscope for abnormal heart sounds is an example of _____.

A. auscultation
B. percussion
C. palpation

Practice Exam Paper – PH 230 - Human Disease and Prevention

D. inspection
Answer: A

13. Plasma contains the protein _____, which promotes the blood's ability to hold water and maintain
pressure inside the blood vessels.

A. albumin
B. hemoglobin
C. lymphocytes
D. platelets
Answer: A

14. In the lungs, hemoglobin binds to oxygen, becoming _____.

A. carboxyhemoglobin
B. erythropoeisis
C. hemoglobinopathies
D. oxyhemoglobin
Answer: D

15. The _____ exert a sweeping action, preventing dust and foreign particles from reaching the lungs.

A. cilia
B. larynx
C. pharynx
D. trachea
Answer: A

16. _____ fluid lubricates the lung and thoracic surfaces, reducing friction as the lungs expand and

A. Endocrine
B. Exocrine
C. Mucus
D. Pleural
Answer: D

17. Chyme passes from the stomach into the small intestine through the _____ sphincter.

A. duodenal
B. hiatal
C. peristalsis
D. pyloric
Answer: D

18. The most serious danger in esophageal varices is _____.

A. bleeding
B. constipation
C. diarrhea
D. dysphagia
Answer: A

Practice Exam Paper – PH 230 - Human Disease and Prevention

19. The functional unit of the kidney is the _____.

A. glomerulus
B. loop of Henle
C. nephron
D. renal pelvis
Answer: C

20. The color and volume of urine may indicate disease, for example diabetics produce _____.

A. large volumes of dark and concentrated urine

B. large volumes of pale and dilute urine
C. small volumes of dark and concentrated urine
D. small volumes of pale and dilute urine
Answer: B

21. The _____ is the space between the rectal opening and the vaginal opening.

A. labia
B. perineum
C. symphysis pubis
D. vestibular
Answer: B

22. Estrogen and progesterone secreted by the _____ drive the menstrual cycle.

A. anterior pituitary gland

B. ovaries
C. thymus
D. uterus
Answer: B

23. Most glandular activity is controlled by the _____, which is sometimes called the master gland.

A. endocrine
B. pineal
C. pituitary
D. thymus
Answer: C

24. Hormone levels are measured in blood or urine samples via _____


D. T1DM and PTH
Answer: B

25. One type of neuron is the _____, which carries nervous impulses between neurons.

A. interneuron

Practice Exam Paper – PH 230 - Human Disease and Prevention

B. motor neuron
C. neuroma
D. sensory neuron
Answer: A

26. The _____ lobes interpret the meaning of incoming sensory signals that arrives from the opposite side
of the body.

A. frontal
B. occipital
C. parietal
D. temporal
Answer: C

27. The _____ is a fibrous connective tissue that lends shape and support to the eyeball and is the visible
white of the eye.

A. conjunctiva
B. retina
C. sclera
D. uvea
Answer: C

28. Myopia is a condition in which the eye _____.

A. can focus on close objects and distant objects

B. can focus on close objects but cannot focus on distant objects
C. cannot focus on close objects and distant objects
D. cannot focus on close objects but can focus on distant objects
Answer: B

29. Mental health is the condition of being sound _____.

A. emotionally and mentally

B. emotionally and physically
C. emotionally, mentally, and physically
D. mentally and physically
Answer: A

30. A(n) ___ is an assessment tool used by mental health professionals to provide insight as to what
additional assessment is needed.

Answer: C

31. _____ are bone's primary minerals.

A. Calcium and phosphate

B. Chloride and magnesium

Practice Exam Paper – PH 230 - Human Disease and Prevention

C. Iodine and zinc

D. Potassium and sodium
Answer: A

32. Osteomyelitis occurs principally following _____.

A. bone trauma or in diabetic patients

B. fractures or in osteogenic sarcoma patients
C. scoliosis or in patients with osteomalacia
D. surgery or in patients with osteoporosis
Answer: A

33. Adipose tissue or fat cells in the _____ tissue help insulate the body from heat and cold.

A. dermis
B. epidermis
C. subcutaneous
D. subdermis
Answer: C

34. _____ is pale skin caused by decreased blood flow.

A. Cyanosis
B. Erythema
C. Jaundice
D. Pallor
Answer: D


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