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"I want to become stronger. Please, whoever you are, whatever you are, give me power. I need power!

Give me power whatever it will cost."

In front of an old book, a young boy was kneeling at the book. the book had a black cover with the
symbol of an inverted triangle on it.

The room was dark. The candle couldn't last as its light faded. cold air entered the room through
ventilation and lowering the temperature.

Suddenly, the light of the candle vanished. The young boy lifted his head and looked at the book. slowly,
the book opened its cover. The page was shifting slowly. Soon, the book stopped moving. Its page was
emitting a red light that make the room brighten.

"Wh-what happen?" The boy stammered. he closed his eyes due to the flashy light.

He opened his eyes slowly. Then, he was shocked when he look at the air. He gasped and stretched his
hand into the air. There was floating organized word.

[Congratulations, you have become a mage. I am Asmodeus, greeting you to become my believer. for
unlocked your skill you must complete the quest]


Kill 4 humans, whether it is noble, farmer, merchant, or any kind of human. The stronger and higher
position the human that you kill will affect your reward.]


Name: Kieran Moore

Class: Lesser Mage

Strength: 2.0

Speed: 2.0

Agility: 2.0

Intelligent: 2.4

Luck: 6

evaluation: Stronger than an ordinary human, but weaker than real mage.]

Kieran gulped, "It's real?"

He lifted both of his hands and focused on the hand's muscles. He could feel the strength that was
bigger than before. He had known once a human become a mage, even if it was the lesser one, that
person would gain an amazing power. His strength, speed, agility, and intelligence were twice what
normal people usually had.

"Hehe, I couldn't believe this! Mage! I've become a mage! This book is a real one! How lucky I am,"
Kieran chuckled. He found the book yesterday. The book was found by him in the mountain cave,
several miles from this city. He guessed the cave was an Asmodeus believer hiding place.

This book was enchanted scripture. Enchanted scripture was the scripture that had received a blessing
from God itself. Enchanted scripture could change a normal human to become a mage, but it could only
be used once time. After that, enchanted scripture would become normal scripture. Only a high priest
that had the power to bless a normal scripture becomes the enchanted one, of course, with permission
from the god itself.

Kieran took an igniter from his pocket. He grabbed the scripture and raised it. Then, he turned on the
igniter with another hand. Kieran was burning the book. Slowly, the fire was devouring the book. its
smoke was spreading and filled the room.

There was a rule in this city, Amantha. All evil believer mages were a criminal, whether they were doing
a crime or not. The Hecrotus Kingdom was a kingdom established by three religions. God of Knowledge
believer, The Sun Church, and The Savior Lord. These three religions were categorized as light Fractions.
In this world, there were three fractions, evil, light, and neutral.

After the book was burned out, Kieran walked out of the room. He opened the door and saw the chain
of grungy houses. In front of them, there was a muddy alley. Kieran walked through the alley slowly. The
moonlight made him easy to look at the things around him.

"Quest, 4 humans to kill, of course, the criminal such as a bandit, thief, or killer is a good one to be

Kieran was not a bad person. He had no intention to kill innocent people. Even if he was an evil believer
mage now, he believed a person couldn't be judged just by his religion. He knew someone who was a
priest of The Savior Lord and that man was a bad person. He had done various things that could be
considered enormous sins.

At the end of the alley, there was a solid road that could accommodate four wagons. On both sides of
the road, there were several merchants which offered various things, such likes food, clothes,
accessories, etc.

crowds filled the road. A noisy sound was disturbing Kieran's ears. Kieran covered his head with a hood.
After that, he walked through people. Soon, he strolled to the alleyway and walked away from noisiness.

After 10th minutes, Keiran arrived at the port. Amantha was a nearby sea city. In the past, it was used as
a port city to connect the Eula Sea and the capital of the Hecrotus Kingdom. But the function as a port
city in the Hecrotus Kingdom was replaced by a new city, Eterna. Eterna had a better geographical
position and a closer distance to the capital.
After being abandoned by the government, this port was rarely used. The one who used this port was
gangs. They were frequently bringing illegal objects that the kingdom had banned. So, the best place to
seek criminals was this place.

Kieran hid behind a big container. He was peeking at a group of people. Four people were heaving a big
box which had 2 meters height and 3 meters wide around. In the higher part of the box, there was a
square hole that Kieran thought it was used as ventilation.

"Be careful, the boss has said this box is important," the bald gangster reminded.

"Hey, what creature do you think is inside this box?"

"I don't know, maybe some baby monster or something scary. Don't mind about it."

Kieran walked slowly without evoking any sound. Fogbound moonlight made those gangsters in
difficulty to find Kieran. Suddenly, Kieran grabbed the bald gangster’s neck and broke it. Other gangsters
found out about Kieran, they were put in the box and rushed toward Kieran.

"Who are you? do you know whom you're causing trouble with?" They were withdrawing the sword and
pointing it at Kieran.

Kieran was pulling his hood and showing his attractive face. He smirked, "It's my words."

Gangster 1 swung his sword. Kieran leaned his body and evaded the sword. Then, He caught Gangster
1's hand and use his other hand to grip Gangster 1's neck. Soon, he moved Gangster 1's body to the
other side. Gangster 2's sword was poking Gangster 1's body.

Kieran took Gangster 1's sword and jabbed it at Gangster 2. Second later, He dodged Gangster 3's sword
and kicked Gangster 4's sword. Kieran knocked Gangster 3 down with his foot. Then, Kieran stabbed the
sword into his chest.

Gangster 4 looked at his friends, He saw that everyone except him was dead. He gulped and looked at
the horrendous man who caused his friends dead. Immediately, he threw away the sword and ran as
strong as he could.

Kieran grabbed the sword and raised it. Then, he threw the sword at Gangster 4. The sword was floating
and went through the air. The next second, the sword was piercing Gangster 4 back.

After Kieran ensured those 4 gangsters were dead, he approached the box. he opened the box
forcefully. Kieran was stunned. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

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