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After eating some broiled rabbit, Kieran and Mio went back to Amantha city.

They were walking for half

hour, and Kieran and Mio saw a wood fence that encircled the city. In front of the city, there was a huge
wooden gate. Two armored men were guarding the gate. Kieran ensured Mio was covering her fox ears
and tail.

One of the armored men straightened his hand and blocked Kieran’s way, "Stop! Where are you come

Kieran showed his bag full of herbs. "I have gone to the forest to collect the herbs. Come on, you see me
every day, don't you?"

"Haha, I am sorry but this is the procedure. By the way," The armored man lowered his voice and
whispered to Kieran, "Who is that?"

Kieran took 10 shallons from his pocket and gave the money to the armored men, "She is my girlfriend.
This, your money."



Kieran clasped Mio's hand and pull her into the city.

Kieran returned to his house. He opened the house and went in. Mio that had been silent for a while,
strip off her hood and took a breath. Then, strip off her coat. She was breathing hard, "It is so hot to use
a coat. I don't want to use that again."

Kieran who was about to go to the kitchen twisted his head, "You should wear it outside, or anyone will
realize who you are."

After that, Kieran brought the bag and go to the kitchen. His mother was herbalist. She taught Kieran
about herbal. After being kicked out of the Moore family, Kieran and his mom was living here. Every day
his mother was brewing herbal medicine and sold it to the pharmacy.

Due to boredom, Mio followed Kieran to the kitchen and watched Kieran brewing the herbal medicine.

"I am interested; you have good knowledge. Are you have a relationship with a noble family or have
learned that from school?" Mio questioned.

"There is no school here. But I had attended school in Avania, the capital city of Hecrotus Kingdom."

Kieran looked at Mio, "How about you? How someone like you had been kidnapped by some random

"Someone doesn't want me to live there, so they trapped me and sold me," her little red lip quivered.
Kieran was interested in Mio’s background, but he knew that was Mio’s privacy to tell him or not.

Smoke was flying out of the pot. Kieran turned off the stove and took the pot with a tattered cloth. After
that, he poured the green liquid into the bottle. Soon, five bottles were full of green liquid. Kieran took
the five bottles and put them in the bag.

"Let's go. We must sell this herbal medicine."

"Go again? I am lazy, I just want to wait for you here," Mio was recumbent and closed her eyes.

Kieran stepped his foot on Mio's tail.

"Kyaah! What the hell are you doing?" She immediately sat up and looked at Kieran angrily. She rubbed
her tail softly.

"Follow me."

After some indignant babble from the Kitsune, Kieran and Mio were going to the pharmacy. Soon, they
arrived in front of the pharmacy. Kieran looked something odd. He saw numerous gangsters roving
around on the main road. They were visiting every shop and stand.

Kieran whispered to Mio who was beside him. "Do not let people see your ears and tail. I think they are
looking for you,"

"Why we don't beat them simply?" As a mage, Mio didn't understand why Kieran was extra careful just
because of several gangsters.

"We will get in trouble, what I mean is not them, but three chiefs of the snakehead gang. Furthermore,
are you forget about your weak condition?"

Snakehead gang was the only gang that operated in Amantha city. There were three chiefs of the
snakehead gang. First was Zed Feroz, he was a former adventurer from the capital city. He was a Sun
Lord believer. The second was Greysia Luminus, who was the cousin of Amantha Mayor, Redruff
Luminus, she was also a God of Knowledge believer. The third was Ryx, an immigrant from the Gordon
Kingdom and Sky Lord believer.

Kieran knew they were a mage. He was sure about that. He didn't know how strong they were. But he
was pretty sure, they were stronger than him.

Soon, Kieran and Mio entered the pharmacy. This pharmacy was located at a road fork. Its size was quite
small and looked old, but that pharmacy was be trusted by the people around it for twenty years or

Inside the pharmacy, there was an old man who wore a long red sleeve with a black vest on it and black
jeans, he also wore a pair of white gloves. In his face, there were round eyeglasses.
The old man realized Kieran, he turned around, "Hi, Kieran, It's a bit fast. I'm not used to seeing you this
early. So, want to sell your herbal medicine again?"

Kieran put the bag on the table. "The only one that makes me here is this herbal medicine."

The old man took 5 bottles from the bag. As usually he did, he was checking about the herbal. Even if
Kieran was doing this every day, a bit of carefulness was no harm.

"Hey Uncle Sam, I see snakehead gangsters on the road, what's happened?" Kieran asked.

"Hmm, they’ve asked me about some beastman or something. I don't put attention to it. You shouldn't
take attention to it, as long as you didn't disturb them, they wouldn't make a problem with you," said
Uncle Sam who was focusing his attention on the herbal medicine.

Kieran looked at Mio. He saw her looking at a shelf full of medicine. Kieran warned, "Do not touch
anything, I will not pay if you crack some medicine bottle."

Mio was grim, she stamped the wood floor. "I am not a kid you know? I know what I can do and what I

Her stamp made the shelf tremble. The tremble was causing one medicine bottle to fall. Mio grabbed
the medicine bottle reflectively. But it made her hood fall.

"This is your mone—" Uncle Sam was speechless. He didn't make any move.

Kieran immediately grabbed the money. Then, he grabbed Mio's waist and put her on his shoulder. He
was running as fast as he could. A second later, Kieran heard Uncle Sam’s shout.

"The Fox girl that you seek is there! Catch him!"

Kieran was exasperated, "Damn old man, I thought we are friends!"

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