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**Ques(on 11:** Choose the correct adverb to complete the sentence.

The movie started _______ than we expected.

A) more early
B) most early
C) earlier
D) the earliest


**Ques(on 12:** Iden(fy the sentence in which the adverb is placed correctly.

A) She can sing very beau(fully.

B) She can very beau(fully sing.
C) Beau(fully she can sing very.
D) She beau(fully can sing very.


**Ques(on 13:** Select the sentence that correctly uses the adverb to modify the verb.

A) The flowers were arranged beau(ful.

B) She can speak French quite fluently.
C) He did his homework good.
D) They behaved most proper at the dinner.


**Ques(on 14:** Choose the adverb that best completes the sentence.

The children were playing ______ outside, making no noise.

A) noisy
B) quiet
C) quietly
D) noiseless

**Ques(on 15:** Find the sentence with the correct use of the compara(ve adverb.

A) She writes more neatly than her brother.

B) He can run faster than his friend.
C) This book is interes(ngly more than the other.
D) Both A and B are correct.


**Ques(on 16:** Choose the sentence where the adverb is used incorrectly.

A) Sadly, we could not aSend the wedding.

B) The sun shone bright over the sea.
C) They searched everywhere for the missing keys.
D) She nearly fell down the stairs.


**Ques(on 17:** Iden(fy the correct adverbial phrase to complete the sentence.

The mee(ng was canceled _______.

A) on sudden
B) on the sudden
C) all of a sudden
D) in a sudden


**Ques(on 18:** Select the sentence that uses an adverb to correctly complete the

A) The crowd cheered wildly when the winner was announced.

B) He was driving too reckless on the wet roads.
C) They seldom come to visit us in weekends.
D) I have nearly ever seen such a beau(ful pain(ng.


**Ques(on 19:** Choose the sentence in which the adverbial clause is used correctly.

A) Although feeling sick, he hardly ever misses a day of work.

B) Despite of the rain, the picnic went on as planned.
C) Because the storm, our flight was delayed.
D) She finished her essay early because she worked efficiently.


**Ques(on 20:** Iden(fy the sentence where the adverb is used correctly to indicate (me.

A) He immediately regreSed his decision.

B) They will be arriving on shortly.
C) I have done my homework last night.
D) I'll call you right away when I get home.


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