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Tell me about yourself:

I’m curently studying a technical career, what is chemestry análisis, but I stopped this for
economyc situation. Reference to my personality, I would describe myself as a a challenge
seeker and as a easy-going person therefore i’m sure i can perfectly be part of this company
since I have the capability to carry out my duties and grow within it.

Why do you want to work for our company?

During my research of a job, I discovered this company and I think is so great beacuse has a lot
of benefits to their employees, in adition, I don’t have any experience about costumer service
and this company could be my first.

Strenghths and debilities

One of my greatest strenghts is my ability to learn fast on the job and teach myself different
skillsets. And while I don´t have any experience in costumer service, Ithink my ability to learn
fast Will help me overcome that obstacle quickly. For my debilites, I am a very critical person
with myself at times.

- Thank you for calling customer service this is Fatima speaking. What can i help you

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