LCS & Structure Quiz

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1/1 Points
1.Which of the following is a way to demonstrate knowledge and application of the language-culture-society
connection in the classroom, except?
Incorporate cultural content in language lessons
Facilitate discussions about the societal norms and values reflected in the target language
Foster a classroom environment that values cultural diversity
Encourage students to view language learning as a mechanical process devoid of cultural context

1/1 Points
2.Which of the following sentences uses a subordinating conjunction to show a contrast between two clauses?
She likes to read books, but she hates to write essays.
She studied hard, although she was tired.
He is very smart, yet he doesn't study much.
They went to the beach, for they wanted to enjoy the sun.

1/1 Points
3.In a society where older people are highly respected and their advice is sought in important matters, this
societal value is known as:
Power distance
Uncertainty avoidance

1/1 Points
4.Identify the error in the following sentence: She said, "I will call you later."
The verb "said" should be changed to "says".
The verb "will" should be changed to "would".
The quotation marks should be replaced by parentheses.
There is no error in the sentence.

1/1 Points
5.What is the term for a society that shares a common culture across a large area?
Homogeneous society
Multicultural society
Pluralistic society
Heterogeneous society

1/1 Points
6.How do you change the pronouns and adverbs in indirect speech when the speaker and the reporter are
You keep the same pronouns and adverbs as the direct speech.
You change the pronouns and adverbs to the opposite of the direct speech.
You change the pronouns and adverbs to match the new speaker and the new time and place.
You change the pronouns and adverbs to the plural form of the direct speech.

1/1 Points
7.In a society where people often switch between multiple languages in a single conversation, this practice is
known as:
Language acquisition

1/1 Points
8.Which of the following sentences is correct?
The teacher praised the students for they hard work.
The teacher praised the students for their hard work.
The teacher praised the students for them hard work.
The teacher praised the students for theirs hard work.

1/1 Points
9.Edward Sapir is best known for his work in which field?

1/1 Points
10.Which modal verb can be used to express polite requests?

1/1 Points
11.In a society where people often share their resources and work together for the benefit of the community, this
societal value is likely a reflection of:
An individualistic culture
A high power distance culture
A low power distance culture
A collectivist culture

1/1 Points
12.Identify the second conditional sentence from the following options:
If I were rich, I’d buy a mansion.
If you touch fire, you get burned.
If he studies hard, he will pass the exam.
If she had studied, she would have passed the exam.

1/1 Points
13.A fashion designer uses patterns and designs from a minority culture without permission and sells them for
profit. This scenario is an example of:
Cultural appropriation
Cultural diffusion
Cultural assimilation
Cultural relativism
1/1 Points
14.Which sentence has a subject-verb agreement error?
The jury is still hearing the controversial case.
The jury has been sequestered for three days.
The jury are having lunch in the cafeteria.
The jury consists of twelve members.

1/1 Points
15.In a society where there is a clear hierarchy of power, with those at the top having more privileges and
resources, this is an example of:
Social Mobility
Social Stratification
Social Cohesion

0/1 Points
16.Which of the following is an example of a noun phrase?
The quick brown fox
She is hungry
Although she is hungry
In the park

1/1 Points
17.What is a potential downside of excessive pressure from standardized testing?
It can lead to a decrease in school fees
It can increase the number of teachers in the school
It can lead to a change in the school's location
It can cause stress and anxiety among students

1/1 Points
18.Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?
The woman who came to the door left flowers for you.
I am not sure to whom this book belongs.
The house which owner is on vacation has an unsightly garden.
Carly will be successful at whatever she chooses to do in life.

1/1 Points
19.In a society a certain group can influence others and control resources. This is an example of:
Social Stratification
Social Mobility
Social Cohesion

1/1 Points
20.Which of the following sentences correctly follows the adverb order?
"Alice sings beautifully."
"Alice at the mall beautifully sings."
"We looked at the fireworks upwards."
"Peter twice a year goes abroad."
1/1 Points
21.Franz, a student from a minority background, feels left out in class. What could be the best strategy to create
a more inclusive environment?
Acknowledge the student's experiences
Recognize other student's feelings and continue with the lesson plan
Speak the second language and the target language
Give the student less homework

0/1 Points
22.Which sentence does not adhere to the adjective order rule?
It’s a lovely little round wooden box.
She wore an expensive white cotton dress.
He has a big black German shepherd dog.
I bought an Italian square new leather bag.

0/1 Points
23.In a multicultural classroom, which of the following is not a recommended practice?
Develop authentic, caring relationships with students
Learn how to say students’ names correctly
Give students chances to share what’s happening in their lives
Encourage students to assimilate and abandon their cultural practices

1/1 Points
24.Which sentence correctly uses a gerund phrase as the subject?
"Studying hard is important for exams."
"To study hard is important for exams."
"He studied hard for the exams."
"Hard studying is important for exams."

1/1 Points
25.A society believes that all people are equal and should have the same rights and opportunities. This belief is
an example of:
Power distance

1/1 Points
26.A student writes, "All of the chickens have laid eggs." Is this sentence grammatically correct?
No, because 'all of the chickens' is a singular subject and should take a singular verb.
Yes, because 'all of the chickens' is a plural subject.
Yes, because the object of the preposition determines the form of the verb when noun and pronoun subjects like
'all' are followed by a prepositional phrase.
Yes, because 'all of the chickens' is a singular subject.
1/1 Points
27.While living in India, Kate notices that people often switch between multiple languages in a single
conversation. This is characteristic of what type of society?
Monolingual society
Multilingual society
Bilingual society
Diglossic society

1/1 Points
28.Identify the inseparable phrasal verb from the following options:
Put off
Call off
Switch on
Look after
0/1 Points
29.Sab is working with a team from Germany and notices that they often use formal language in emails, even
among colleagues. This reflects which societal value?
Power distance
Uncertainty avoidance
1/1 Points
30.Which of the following sentences uses the past continuous tense correctly?
He was read a book when the phone ringing.
He was reading a book when the phone rang.
He will reading a book when the phone rang.
He would read a book when the phone rang.
0/1 Points
31.Teaching English varieties in the classroom can be directly beneficial because it:
Prepares students for real-world communication in English
Helps students understand that there is no single "correct" form of English
Encourages students to value their native language
Exposes students to different forms of English
1/1 Points
32.Which of the following sentences uses a demonstrative pronoun correctly?
That are the books you ordered.
These cake is delicious.
This is my favorite song.
Those is a very nice painting.
1/1 Points
33.A teacher encourages students to share about their cultural practices and compare them with those in other
cultures. This strategy is an example of:
Incorporating Filipino Culture
Using Code-Switching
Discussing Cultural Differences
Teaching English Varieties
1/1 Points
34.Which of the following sentences is correct?
He is good at mathematics.
He is good in mathematics.
He is good on mathematics.
He is good for mathematics.
0/1 Points
35.Dan uses local newspapers and Filipino short stories as reading materials in an English class. This strategy is
an example of:
Encouraging Cultural Exchange
Teaching Pragmatics
Using Authentic Materials
Relating Language to Identity
1/1 Points
36.How do you change a sentence from indirect speech to direct speech?
Add the reporting verb and the linker and place the reported speech within quotation marks.
Remove the reporting verb and the linker and place the reported speech within parentheses.
Remove the reporting verb and the linker and place the reported speech within quotation marks.
Add the reporting verb and the linker and place the reported speech within parentheses.
1/1 Points
37.In a society where individuals can move up from lower socio-economic strata to higher strata, this is an
example of:
Social Stratification
Social Power
Social Mobility
Social Cohesion
0/1 Points
38.Which type of speech is more suitable for summarizing what someone said or when you don't have the exact
words that were spoken?
Indirect Speech
Direct Speech
Summarized Speech
Reported Speech
1/1 Points
39.In a society you're studying, you observe that older people are highly respected and their advice is sought in
important matters. This society likely values:
Power distance
0/1 Points
40.Which type of sentence would you use to express your opinion about a movie you watched?
Interrogative Sentence
Declarative Sentence
Imperative Sentence
Exclamatory Sentence
0/1 Points
41.Erving Goffman's 'dramaturgical approach' suggests that:
People are passive actors in their own lives
People's behavior is determined by biological factors
People's behavior is determined by economic conditions
People actively shape their own lives
1/1 Points
42.What type of complement follows a linking verb and tells us something about the subject?
Subject Complement
Object Complement
1/1 Points
43.What can low student motivation lead to?
Decrease in economic growth
Decline in the number of teachers
Increase in school size
Poor academic performance
1/1 Points
44.What question does the direct object in a sentence answer?
1/1 Points
45.Yna wants to learn a language at her own pace. How could an online-based learning environment benefit this
By providing a physical classroom for the student
By providing face-to-face interaction with teachers and staff
By allowing the student to learn at their own pace and schedule
By providing a social environment for the student to build her clique
0/1 Points
46.Which type of interjection is used to encourage someone to pursue an opportunity or challenge?
Primary interjection
Volitive interjection
Secondary interjection
Emotive interjection
1/1 Points
47.Promoting multilingualism in the classroom can be beneficial. What is the best reason for this?
Prepares students for a globalized world
Encourages students to value their native language
Makes the lessons more engaging for the students and teachers
Enhances students' cognitive and kinesthetic abilities
0/1 Points
48.Which of the following sentences uses a subordinating conjunction to join a dependent clause and an
independent clause, except?
She likes to read books because they are interesting.
She likes to read books but she hates to write essays.
She likes to read books that have happy endings.
She likes to read books when she has free time.
1/1 Points
49.A society values and respects all cultures and believes that no culture is superior to another. This belief is an
example of:
Cultural appropriation
Cultural relativism
1/1 Points
50.During an exercise on adverbs, students come across this sentence: “Therefore, we should study hard for the
exam.” What type of adverb is “Therefore”?
Conjunctive Adverb
Adverb of Manner
Adverb of Frequency
Focusing Adverb
1/1 Points
51.What is 'Cultural Appropriation'?
The act of taking or utilizing aspects of one culture by individuals from another culture without proper
recognition or respect.
The belief that cultural practices should be evaluated within the context of the culture in which they occur.
The inclination to evaluate other cultures based on the norms and values of one's own culture.
The preference for the cultural practices of other cultures and societies, rather than one’s own.
1/1 Points
52.In an English lesson, students are learning about adverbs. The teacher writes a sentence on the board: "She
only eats vegetables for dinner." Which type of adverb is "only" in this context?
Adverb of Manner
Focusing Adverb
Adverb of Frequency
Interrogative Adverb
1/1 Points
53.Cedie wants to understand the culture associated with a new language. How could studying abroad help this
By providing a physical classroom for the student outside his city
By providing the student with firsthand experience of the culture
By giving the student more written assignments
By providing a quiet place for the student to study
1/1 Points
54.Which type of adjective is used to indicate that something has the most or least of a specific quality?
Comparative Adjectives
Superlative Adjectives
Predicate Adjectives
Compound Adjectives
1/1 Points
55.Which of the following is a key component of a conducive language learning environment, except?
Providing opportunities for authentic language use
Assigning excessive amounts of homework
Creating a supportive and encouraging atmosphere
Catering to different learning styles
0/1 Points
56.Mr. Reyes asks the students to identify the infinitive in the sentence: "She wants to travel around the world."
What is it?
To travel
Around the world
1/1 Points
57.Henry is feeling overwhelmed by the amount of new vocabulary they need to learn. What could be a potential
strategy to set realistic goals?
Tell the student to memorize all the vocabulary in one go
Send the student to the guidance office right away
Tell the student they don't need to learn the vocabulary
Break down the vocabulary list into smaller chunks
1/1 Points
58.Ms. Santos asks the students to identify the direct and indirect objects in the sentence: "She gave him a book
for his birthday." What are they?
Direct object: him; Indirect object: a book
Direct object: a book; Indirect object: for his birthday
Direct object: a book; Indirect object: him
Direct object: him; Indirect object: for his birthday
1/1 Points
59.Ibarra seems to learn best when information is presented visually. What teaching strategy could be most
effective for this student?
Using diagrams and charts
Lecturing without visual aids
Providing lots of written text for the student to read
Relying heavily on group discussions
0/1 Points
60.Sarah baked a cake and said, “I made it all by myself.” What role does “myself” play here?
Intensive to emphasize her sole effort in baking.
Indefinite suggesting someone might have helped her unknowingly.
Reflexive indicating she made herself a cake.
Relative linking clauses together in complex sentence structure.
1/1 Points
61.A student in a Philippine English language classroom believes that he is not a "math person" and will never be
good at math. This belief is contrary to the concept of a growth mindset. How can a teacher help shift this
student's mindset?
By telling the student that they are wrong
By explaining that abilities can be developed with effort and learning
By ignoring the student's belief and challenging them to do better because they can
By giving the student more math homework
0/1 Points
62.Which of the following sentences contains a noun of direct address?
John, a close friend of mine, has been missing.
John, could you please close the door?
John is closing the door.
John can close the door.
1/1 Points
63.Mila notices that a student seems to learn best when they can move around and use their body. Which
learning style does this student likely prefer?
1/1 Points
64.In the sentence "The team of scientists made a groundbreaking discovery", what type of noun is "team"?
Collective Noun
Common Noun
Proper Noun
Abstract Noun
1/1 Points
65.Eric is finding it hard to see the relevance of what he is learning. How could incorporating real-life situations
into the lessons help this student?
By making the lessons engaging
By making the lessons more difficult
By increasing the amount of homework
By making the lessons easier
1/1 Points
66.Which part of speech describes or modifies nouns?
0/1 Points
67.Leni is struggling with her English literature homework. How could engaging parents help this student?
By providing additional support at home
By reducing the amount of homework
By increasing the amount of fun video games
By making the homework easier
0/1 Points
68.In the sentence "The jury delivers its verdict", what does 'its' refer to?
The judge
The court
1/1 Points
69.Leila wants to make her grammar lessons more engaging. How could incorporating technology help achieve
By making the class more difficult for advanced students
By increasing the amount of homework for lazy but smart kids
By making the class easier for cognitively challenged individuals
By providing interactive and engaging learning experiences
1/1 Points
70.What type of phrasal verb does not require a direct object to complete its meaning?
Transitive Phrasal Verbs
Intransitive Phrasal Verbs
Separable Phrasal Verbs
Inseparable Phrasal Verbs
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