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University of Transport HCMC English B2.


LESSON 1 + 2

Vietnamese Part of
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Example Sentence
Meaning Speech

“The company has issued

a general rule or hướng dẫn;
guideline /ˈɡaɪd.laɪn/ guidelines for safe noun
principle nguyên tắc
workplace behavior.”

the customs, arts,

social institutions,
“Learning about different
and achievements of
culture /ˈkʌl.tʃər/ cultures enriches our văn hóa noun
a particular nation,
understanding of the world.”
people, or other
social group

quickly; without “Please submit your report ngay lập

promptly /ˈprɒmpt.li/ adverb
delay promptly by the deadline.” tức; mau lẹ

thoải mái;
“He prefers a casual dress
casual /ˈkæʒ.uəl/ relaxed; informal không trang adjective
code at work.”

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Vietnamese Part of
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Example Sentence
Meaning Speech

a strip of material
worn around the
“He adjusted his tie before cà vạt; nơ
tie /taɪ/ neck, typically with a noun
the important meeting.” cổ áo
shirt and suit, as part
of formal dress

“She wore a stylish leather áo khoác;

jacket /ˈdʒæk.ɪt/ a short coat noun
jacket.” áo vét

a sturdy cotton twill

fabric, typically used “His favorite denim jeans
vải denim;
denim /ˈden.ɪm/ for jeans, overalls, were faded from years of noun
vải bò
and other casual wear.”

garments that cover
“She put on her running quần short;
shorts /ʃɔːts/ the hips and thighs, noun
shorts for the morning jog.” quần ngắn
worn for sports or

“He tried to refrain from

stop oneself from kiềm chế;
refrain /rɪˈfreɪn/ making sarcastic comments verb
doing something hạn chế
during the meeting.”

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Vietnamese Part of
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Example Sentence
Meaning Speech

a setting on a mobile
phone that causes it chế độ
“Please switch your phone to
/ˈvaɪ.breɪt to vibrate instead of rung; chế noun
vibrate mode vibrate mode during the
moʊd/ ringing when độ rung phrase
receiving calls or điện thoại

cuộc gọi
an important phone
“She received an urgent call khẩn cấp; noun
urgent call /ˈɜː.dʒənt kɔːl/ call requiring
from her supervisor.” cuộc gọi phrase
immediate attention
quan trọng

a level of familiarity
first-name /fɜːrst neɪm where people address “We’re on a first-name gọi tên; gọi noun
basis ˈbeɪ.sɪs/ each other by their basis with our colleagues.” tên thân mật phrase
first names

yêu cầu về
“Please inform the restaurant chế độ ăn
dietary /ˈdaɪəteri specific needs related noun
of any dietary uống; yêu
requirements rɪˈkwaɪrmənts/ to food and nutrition phrase
requirements you have.” cầu về thực

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Vietnamese Part of
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Example Sentence
Meaning Speech

the reception area in quầy tiếp

“The guest checked in at the noun
front desk /frʌnt desk/ a hotel, office, or tân; quầy lễ
hotel’s front desk.” phrase
other establishment tân

a self-service meal
where various
breakfast /ˈbrekfəst "The hotel offers a delicious
breakfast foods are
buffet ˈbʊfeɪ/ breakfast buffet.”
laid out for guests to
choose from

introductory statements at “The CEO delivered lời chào

opening /ˈoʊpənɪŋ noun
the beginning of a speech, opening remarks at mừng; lời
remarks ˈrɑːrkz/ phrase
event, or meeting the conference.” khai mạc

“Please dress in
following established trang trọng;
formal /ˈfɔːrməl/ formal attire for the adjective
conventions or rules; official chính thức

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

“It is customary to theo phong

usual; based on established
customary /ˈkʌs.tə.mer.i/ exchange gifts during tục; thông adjective
the Lunar New Year.” thường

“She will probably

likely; with a high degree of
probably /ˈprɒbəbli/ arrive late due to có lẽ; có thể adverb

an assessment to determine a “He took a placement bài kiểm tra

placement /ˈpleɪsmənt student’s level of proficiency test to determine xếp lớp; bài noun
test test/ or suitability for a particular which language class kiểm tra phrase
course or program to join.” định vị

“Please sign the

a formal or official list or danh sách; noun or
register /ˈredʒ.ɪs.tər/ register when you
record sổ đăng ký verb
arrive at the hotel.”


1. Match the words on the left with their corresponding meanings on the right.

Word Meaning

guideline a. quickly; without delay

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Word Meaning

culture b. distant; remote

promptly c. the customs and achievements of a group

casual d. a general rule or principle

tie e. relaxed; informal

jacket f. the organ of sight

denim g. a short coat

shorts h. stop oneself from doing something

refrain i. a strip worn around the neck with a suit

vibrate mode j. a setting on a phone to vibrate instead of ringing

2. Pay attention to context and choose the correct word for each blank:

1. The company has issued clear safety ________ for employees. It’s essential to follow them to ensure everyone’s well-being.

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

2. Learning about different ________ enriches our understanding of the world. Traveling and experiencing new traditions can be
3. Please submit your report ________ by the deadline. Late submissions won’t be accepted.
4. He prefers a ________ dress code at work. Jeans and a polo shirt are considered appropriate.
5. She adjusted her ________ before the important meeting. Looking professional is crucial.
6. His favorite ________ jeans were faded from years of wear. They were comfortable and stylish.
7. She put on her running ________ for the morning jog. Lightweight and breathable, they’re perfect for exercise.
8. He tried to ________ from making sarcastic comments during the meeting. It’s essential to maintain a positive atmosphere.
9. Please switch your phone to ________ during the conference. We don’t want disruptions.
10. We’re on a ________ with our colleagues. It creates a friendly and open work environment.


1. “The company has issued clear safety guidelines for employees. It’s essential to follow them to ensure everyone’s well-being.”
2. “Learning about different cultures enriches our understanding of the world. Traveling and experiencing new traditions can be eye-
3. “Please submit your report promptly by the deadline. Late submissions won’t be accepted.”
4. “He prefers a casual dress code at work. Jeans and a polo shirt are considered appropriate.”
5. “She adjusted her tie before the important meeting. Looking professional is crucial.”
6. “His favorite denim jeans were faded from years of wear. They were comfortable and stylish.”
7. “She put on her running shorts for the morning jog. Lightweight and breathable, they’re perfect for exercise.”
8. “He tried to refrain from making sarcastic comments during the meeting. It’s essential to maintain a positive atmosphere.”
9. “Please switch your phone to vibrate mode during the conference. We don’t want disruptions.”
10. “We’re on a first-name basis with our colleagues. It creates a friendly and open work environment.”


“Threads of Serendipity”
Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Newbridge, where customary rituals blended seamlessly with modern life, two strangers
found themselves at a crossroads.

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Chapter 1: The Guideline

Meet Evelyn, an art historian with a penchant for unraveling forgotten tales. She wore her casual attire—a denim jacket adorned with
patches from her travels. Evelyn had a knack for spotting hidden gems in the city’s nooks and crannies.

One sunny morning, she stood at the front desk of the Newbridge Museum, ready to give a lecture on ancient pottery. The curator
handed her a set of guidelines for the presentation. “Stick to the script,” he said, adjusting his tie.

Chapter 2: The Encounter

Across town, Liam, a software engineer, sat in a coffee shop. His phone buzzed in vibrate mode, signaling an urgent call from work.
He sighed, contemplating whether to answer. But fate had other plans.

As Liam stepped out, he bumped into Evelyn. Their eyes met, and in that probable moment, their worlds collided. “I’m Evelyn,” she
said, extending her hand. “Liam,” he replied, feeling oddly comfortable on a first-name basis.

Chapter 3: The Placement Test

Their conversations flowed like a gentle stream. Evelyn shared stories of ancient civilizations, while Liam spoke of algorithms and
code. They decided to explore the city together, guided by serendipity rather than maps.

At the local café, they sat on worn-out wooden chairs. “Tell me,” Evelyn asked, “what’s your favorite word?” Liam grinned. “It’s
‘serendipity’—the magic of unexpected connections.” Evelyn nodded. “Mine is ‘pottery’—each piece holds a story.”

Chapter 4: The Breakfast Buffet

Days turned into weeks. Evelyn and Liam explored art galleries, attended opening remarks at bookstores, and danced under the
moonlight. Their love blossomed like a rare flower, defying customary norms.

One morning, they sat at a cozy café, sharing a breakfast buffet. Liam reached for a croissant. “You know,” he said, “our meeting
was like a placement test for destiny.” Evelyn laughed. “And we both scored an A+.”

Epilogue: Threads Unraveled

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

As seasons changed, Evelyn and Liam continued their journey. They collected fragments of love, like shards of ancient pottery. Their
lives intertwined, guided by invisible threads—the same ones that wove their stories together.

And so, in the heart of Newbridge, where culture met coincidence, Evelyn and Liam discovered that sometimes, the most beautiful
stories emerge from the unexpected.

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Example Sentence
Speech Meaning

the rules about how to “Knowing proper etiquette, she quy tắc ứng
etiquette /ˈɛtɪkɛt/ noun
be polite greeted the host with a smile.” xử; lễ phép

“His cultural literacy allowed him hiểu biết về

knowing about and
cultural /ˈkʌltʃərəl to engage in meaningful văn hóa; sự
noun respecting the culture
literacy ˈlɪtərəsi/ conversations with people from thông thạo văn
of others
diverse backgrounds.” hóa

rules for polite cách ứng xử

table “She learned proper table manners,
/ˈteɪbəl ˈmænərz/ noun behavior when eating khi ăn uống;
manners including using utensils correctly.”
with other people lối ăn nói

“His punctuality impressed the

punctualit /ˌpʌŋk(t)ʃuˈæləti the habit of being on tính đúng giờ;
noun team; he was always early for
y / time tính đúng hẹn

adjecti “Interrupting someone while they không lịch sự;

impolite /ɪmˈpoʊlaɪt/ not polite; rude
ve speak is considered impolite.” thô lỗ

adjecti extremely rude; “His comments were so offensive xúc phạm; thô
offensive /əˈfɛnsɪv/
ve impolite that they hurt everyone’s feelings.” tục

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Example Sentence
Speech Meaning

theo phong
adjecti usual or traditional in “Exchanging gifts during Lunar New
customary /ˈkʌstəˌmɛri/ tục; thông
ve a particular culture Year is a customary practice.”

not allowed because

adjecti “In some cultures, eating certain cấm kỵ; tránh
taboo /təˈbuː/ of very strong cultural
ve animals is considered taboo.” xa
or religious rules

a system of faith and “His religion taught compassion and

religion /rɪˈlɪdʒən/ noun tôn giáo; đạo
worship kindness.”

authorization to do “She asked for permission to leave sự cho phép;

permission /pərˈmɪʃən/ noun
something the meeting early.” sự đồng ý

to watch or notice “He liked to observe nature and quan sát; theo
observe /əbˈzɜrv/ verb
carefully learn from its patterns.” dõi

“His relatives traveled from

người thân; họ
relative /ˈrɛlətɪv/ noun a family member different countries to attend the

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Example Sentence
Speech Meaning

favoring traditional
conservati adjecti “His conservative views clashed bảo thủ; cẩn
/kənˈsɜrvətɪv/ values and cautious
ve ve with her progressive ideas.” trọng
about change

“Using foul language in a formal không thích

inappropri adjecti
/ˌɪnəˈproʊpriət/ not suitable or proper setting is considered hợp; không
ate ve
inappropriate.” phù hợp

Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Example Sentence
Speech Meaning

a drink, especially one “She ordered a refreshing beverage đồ uống; thức

beverage /ˈbɛvərɪdʒ/ noun
other than water at the café.” uống

a particular part or “The technological aspect of the

aspect /ˈæspɛkt/ noun khía cạnh; mặt
feature of something project requires careful planning.”

all the people working “The company invests in training lực lượng lao
workforce /ˈwɜrkfɔrs/ noun
or available to work programs for its workforce.” động; nhân lực

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Example Sentence
Speech Meaning

in a particular
organization or

showing admiration
“He always speaks in a respectful tôn trọng; lễ
respectful /rɪˈspɛktfəl/ adjective and consideration for
tone to his elders.” phép

the joint between the khuỷu tay;

“She accidentally bumped her
elbow /ˈɛlboʊ/ noun forearm and the upper khớp khuỷu
elbow on the doorframe.”
arm tay

a regulation requiring
people to remain “The city imposed a strict curfew giới nghiêm;
curfew /ˈkɜrfjuː/ noun
indoors during during the lockdown.” giới giờ
specified hours

to assume or believe “I suppose we’ll need an umbrella giả sử; cho

suppose /səˈpoʊz/ verb
something to be true if it rains.” rằng

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list:

1. Knowing proper ________, she greeted the host with a smile.

2. His ________ ________ allowed him to engage in meaningful conversations with people from diverse backgrounds.
3. She learned proper ________ ________, including using utensils correctly.
4. His ________ impressed the team; he was always early for meetings.
5. Interrupting someone while they speak is considered ________.
6. His comments were so ________ that they hurt everyone’s feelings.
7. Exchanging gifts during Lunar New Year is a ________ practice.
8. In some cultures, eating certain animals is considered ________.
9. His ________ traveled from different countries to attend the reunion.
10. Using foul language in a formal setting is considered ________.

Exercise 2: True or False?

Decide whether the following statements are true or false based on the meanings of the words:

1. Beverage refers to a type of food.

o True / False
2. Aspect means a particular part or feature of something.
o True / False
3. Workforce includes all the people working in a specific organization.
o True / False
4. Being respectful means showing admiration and consideration for others.
o True / False
5. The elbow is the joint between the thigh and the lower leg.
o True / False
6. A curfew is a regulation requiring people to remain indoors during specified hours.

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

oTrue / False
7. Suppose means to assume or believe something to be true.
o True / False


Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

1. “Knowing proper etiquette, she greeted the host with a smile.”
2. “His cultural literacy allowed him to engage in meaningful conversations with people from diverse backgrounds.”
3. “She learned proper table manners, including using utensils correctly.”
4. “His punctuality impressed the team; he was always early for meetings.”
5. “Interrupting someone while they speak is considered impolite.”
6. “His comments were so offensive that they hurt everyone’s feelings.”
7. “Exchanging gifts during Lunar New Year is a customary practice.”
8. “In some cultures, eating certain animals is considered taboo.”
9. “His relatives traveled from different countries to attend the reunion.”
10. “Using foul language in a formal setting is considered inappropriate.”

Exercise 2: True or False?

1. Beverage refers to a type of food.
o True / False
2. Aspect means a particular part or feature of something.
o True / False
3. Workforce includes all the people working in a specific organization.
o True / False
4. Being respectful means showing admiration and consideration for others.
o True / False
5. The elbow is the joint between the thigh and the lower leg.

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

o True / False
6. A curfew is a regulation requiring people to remain indoors during specified hours.
o True / False
7. Suppose means to assume or believe something to be true.
o True / False

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4


LESSON 1 + 2

Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Example Sentence
Speech Meaning

Relating to the teeth or “Regular dental

dentistry; pronounced check-ups are
Răng, liên quan
Dental /ˈdɛnt(ə)l/ Adjective with the tip of the tongue essential for
đến răng
against the upper front maintaining oral
teeth. health.”

A serious, unexpected
situation requiring “The hospital Tình trạng
immediate action; a treated two hundred khẩn cấp, tình
Emergency /ɪˈməːdʒ(ə)nsi/ Noun
medical condition emergencies last huống khẩn
needing urgent month.” cấp

A plan for events and “I have a busy

/ˈʃɛdjuːl, Noun, Lịch trình, sắp
Schedule times; arrange or plan schedule next
ˈskɛdjuːl/ Verb xếp thời gian
for a particular time. week.”

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Example Sentence
Speech Meaning

An arrangement to meet
someone at a specific “She made an Cuộc hẹn, bổ
Appointment /əˈpɔɪntm(ə)nt/ Noun time; assigning a job or appointment with nhiệm, người
position; a person my receptionist.” được bổ nhiệm
appointed to a job.

Viscous secretion from

trees; the flesh around “Chewing gum Nhựa cây,
Gum /ɡʌm/ teeth roots; to cover with helps freshen your nướu, dán, nhai
glue; to chew with breath.” bằng nướu
toothless gums.

“I recommend this
To suggest or endorse
book to anyone Khuyên, gợi ý,
Recommend /ˌrɛkəˈmɛnd/ Verb something as suitable or
interested in đề xuất

“Due to bad
The act of canceling or
weather, the flight Hủy bỏ, sự hủy
Cancellation /ˌkænsəˈleɪʃən/ Noun calling off an event or
experienced a bỏ

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Example Sentence
Speech Meaning

To trouble or annoy Quấy rầy,

Verb, “Don’t bother him
Bother /ˈbɒðə/ someone; a cause of phiền hà, sự
Noun while he’s working.”
annoyance or concern. phiền hà

Feeling lightheaded or “After the roller Chói mặt, chói

Dizzy /ˈdɪzi/ Adjective unsteady; causing a coaster ride, I felt lọi, cảm giác
sensation of spinning. dizzy.” xoay tròn

Feeling sick or queasy; “The smell of rotten

Buồn nôn, cảm
Nauseous /ˈnɔːzɪəs/ Adjective causing a feeling of eggs made me feel
giác buồn nôn
sickness. nauseous.”

To eject stomach
Verb, contents through the “She felt so ill that Nôn mửa, sự
Vomit /ˈvɒmɪt/
Noun mouth; the act of she had to vomit.” nôn mửa

To expel air suddenly

Verb, through the nose and
Sneeze /sniːz/
Noun mouth; the act of

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Part of Example Vietnamese

Word Pronunciation English Meaning
Speech Sentence Meaning

A wheezing sound; to
breathe with a whistling “The illness often
Noun, Tiếng thở rít, thở
Wheeze /wiːz/ or rattling sound in the leaves her
Verb rít, thở rít
chest due to airway wheezing.”

The front surface of the

“She crossed her
Noun, upper trunk between the Hông, thời trang,
Hip /hɪp/ arms across her
Adjective neck and the stomach; đang thịnh hành
very fashionable.

Each of a series of slender Xương sườn, đánh

Noun, curved bones protecting “He had several dấu bằng rãnh,
Rib /rɪb/
Verb the thoracic cavity; to broken ribs.” đánh dấu bằng
mark with ridges. rãnh

The front surface of the

“She crossed her
Noun, body between the neck Ngực, hòm, ngăn
Chest /tʃest/ arms across her
Verb and the stomach; a large chứa, ngăn chứa
strong box for storage.

“Virginia had a Dạ dày, tiêu hóa,

Noun, The internal organ where
Stomach /ˈstʌmək/ sick feeling in her cảm giác buồn nôn,
Verb digestion occurs; to
stomach.” chịu đựng

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Part of Example Vietnamese

Word Pronunciation English Meaning
Speech Sentence Meaning

consume without feeling


A medical examination “I have a check-up

Kiểm tra sức khỏe,
Check-up /ˈʧɛk ʌp/ Noun to assess health; a regular scheduled next
kiểm tra định kỳ
health assessment. month.”

The act of introducing a “The nurse

substance into the body administered an Tiêm, mũi tiêm,
Injection /ɪnˈʤɛkʃən/ Noun
using a needle; a medical injection to relieve đau, đau
shot. pain.”

A laboratory analysis of “The doctor Xét nghiệm máu,

Blood a blood sample to assess ordered a blood xét nghiệm máu,
/blʌd tɛst/ Noun
Test health or diagnose test to check for kiểm tra sức khỏe,
conditions. anemia.” chuẩn đoán

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

1. After the roller coaster ride, I felt [word].

2. Regular [word] check-ups are essential for maintaining oral health.
3. The hospital treated two hundred [word] last month.
4. She made an [word] with my receptionist.
5. Don’t [word] him while he’s working.

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

6. The smell of rotten eggs made me feel [word].

7. Virginia had a sick feeling in her [word].
8. He had several broken [word].
9. Chewing gum helps freshen your breath and is good for your [word].
10. The nurse administered an [word] to relieve pain.

Exercise 2: Match the Definitions

1. A serious, unexpected situation requiring immediate action.

2. The internal organ where digestion occurs.
3. To introduce a substance into the body using a needle.
4. The front surface of the body between the neck and the stomach.
5. Feeling sick or queasy.
6. A large strong box for storage.
7. The act of vomiting.
8. The act of breathing with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest.
9. A medical examination to assess health.
10. A laboratory analysis of a blood sample to diagnose conditions.


Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

1. After the roller coaster ride, I felt dizzy.

2. Regular dental check-ups are essential for maintaining oral health.
3. The hospital treated two hundred emergencies last month.
4. She made an appointment with my receptionist.
5. Don’t bother him while he’s working.
6. The smell of rotten eggs made me feel nauseous.
7. Virginia had a sick feeling in her stomach.
8. He had several broken ribs.
9. Chewing gum helps freshen your breath and is good for your gums.
10. The nurse administered an injection to relieve pain.

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Exercise 2: Match the Definitions

1. A serious, unexpected situation requiring immediate action. → Emergency

2. The internal organ where digestion occurs. → Stomach
3. To introduce a substance into the body using a needle. → Injection
4. The front surface of the body between the neck and the stomach. → Chest
5. Feeling sick or queasy. → Nauseous
6. A large strong box for storage. → Chest
7. The act of vomiting. → Vomit
8. The act of breathing with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest. → Wheeze
9. A medical examination to assess health. → Check-up
10. A laboratory analysis of a blood sample to diagnose conditions. → Blood Test

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LESSON 3 + 4

Part of Example Vietnamese

Word Pronunciation English Meaning
Speech Sentence Meaning

Based on or in
“Regular dental
accordance with what
check-ups are
is generally done or Răng, liên quan
Conventional /kənˈvɛnʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ Adjective essential for
believed; following đến răng
maintaining oral
traditional forms and

Medical care given to

“I’m receiving Điều trị, chăm
a patient for an illness
Treatment /ˈtriːtm(ə)nt/ Noun treatment for an sóc, phương
or injury; a session of
injured shoulder.” pháp điều trị
beauty or healthcare.

A form of
Dược liệu,
“Herbal remedies phương pháp
medicine using minute
Homeopathy /ˌhəʊ.miˈɒpəθi/ Noun for aches and điều trị bằng
doses of natural
pains.” dược liệu tự
substances to treat

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Part of Example Vietnamese

Word Pronunciation English Meaning
Speech Sentence Meaning

A physical or mental
feature indicating a “Dental problems
Triệu chứng,
condition of disease; may be a
Symptom /ˈsɪm(p)təm/ Noun dấu hiệu, biểu
an indication of the symptom of other
existence of illness.”

A medicine or Biện pháp điều

treatment for a disease trị, phương
Noun, became a remedy
Remedy /ˈrɛmɪdi/ or injury; a means of pháp khắc phục,
Verb for personal
counteracting phương pháp
something undesirable. giải quyết

To make a liquid
thinner or weaker by
“Dilute the juice Pha loãng, làm
Verb, adding water or
Dilute /daɪˈluːt/ with water before mỏng, làm yếu
Adjective another solvent;
drinking.” đi
having been made
thinner or weaker.

Relating to or made “She prefers Thảo dược, liên

Herbal /ˈhɜːb(ə)l/ Adjective from herbs; natural herbal teas for quan đến thảo
and plant-based. relaxation.” dược

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Part of Example Vietnamese

Word Pronunciation English Meaning
Speech Sentence Meaning

A complementary
medical practice “Acupuncture is
Châm cứu,
involving the insertion used to relieve
Acupuncture /ˈækjʊˌpʌŋktʃər/ Noun phương pháp
of thin needles into pain and promote
châm cứu
specific points on the healing.”

“She seeks Tâm linh, liên

Relating to the spirit or
spiritual guidance quan đến tâm
Spiritual /ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl/ Adjective soul; not material or
through hồn, không vật
meditation.” chất

“He took a Thuốc giảm

A drug or medicine
Painkiller /ˈpeɪnˌkɪlər/ Noun painkiller for his đau, thuốc giảm
used to relieve pain.
headache.” đau

“She used a
A substance that Thuốc giảm tắc
Decongestant /ˌdiːkənˈdʒɛst(ə)nt/ Noun relieves nasal nghẽn, **thuốc
spray to clear her
congestion. giảm
stuffy nose.”

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Part of Example Vietnamese

Word Pronunciation English Meaning
Speech Sentence Meaning

A medicine that inhibits the “She was

growth of or destroys prescribed a course Kháng sinh,
Antibiotics /ˌæntɪbaɪˈɒtɪk/ Noun microorganisms, used of antibiotics for thuốc kháng
especially in the treatment her sinus sinh
of infections. infection.”

A smooth oily substance

“He rubbed some Thuốc mỡ,
that is rubbed on the skin
Ointment /ˈɔɪntmənt/ Noun ointment on his leg kem bôi, dầu
for medicinal purposes or
to soothe the rash.” bôi
as a cosmetic.

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Part of Example Vietnamese

Word Pronunciation English Meaning
Speech Sentence Meaning

A drug or other compound

“She took an Thuốc chống dị
that inhibits the
antihistamine to ứng, thuốc
Antihistamine /ˌæntɪˈhɪstəmɪn/ Noun physiological effects of
relieve her allergy chống
histamine, used especially
symptoms.” histamine
in the treatment of allergies.

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the list:

1. She was prescribed a course of [word] for her sinus infection.

2. He rubbed some [word] on his leg to soothe the rash.
3. Regular [word] check-ups are essential for maintaining oral health.
4. The smell of rotten eggs made me feel [word].
5. Chewing gum helps freshen your breath and is good for your [word].
6. After the roller coaster ride, I felt [word].
7. She seeks [word] guidance through meditation.
8. The hospital treated two hundred [word] last month.
9. A drug or medicine used to relieve pain.
10. A complementary medical practice involving the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body.

Exercise 2: Match the Definitions Match each definition with the correct word from the list:

1. A medicine that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms, used especially in the treatment of infections.
2. A smooth oily substance that is rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes or as a cosmetic.
3. The act of vomiting.
4. The internal organ where digestion occurs.
5. Feeling sick or queasy.
6. A form of complementary medicine using minute doses of natural substances to treat ailments.

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7. A drug or other compound that inhibits the physiological effects of histamine, used especially in the treatment of allergies.
8. A session of beauty or healthcare.
9. A substance that relieves nasal congestion.
10. Relating to the spirit or soul; not material or physical.


Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

1. She was prescribed a course of antibiotics for her sinus infection.

2. He rubbed some ointment on his leg to soothe the rash.
3. Regular dental check-ups are essential for maintaining oral health.
4. The smell of rotten eggs made me feel nauseous.
5. Chewing gum helps freshen your breath and is good for your gums.
6. After the roller coaster ride, I felt dizzy.
7. She seeks spiritual guidance through meditation.
8. The hospital treated two hundred emergencies last month.
9. A drug or medicine used to relieve pain: painkiller.
10. A complementary medical practice involving the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body: acupuncture.

Exercise 2: Match the Definitions

1. A medicine that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms, used especially in the treatment of infections: Antibiotics
2. A smooth oily substance that is rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes or as a cosmetic: Ointment
3. The act of vomiting: Vomit
4. The internal organ where digestion occurs: Stomach
5. Feeling sick or queasy: Nauseous
6. A form of complementary medicine using minute doses of natural substances to treat ailments: Homeopathy
7. A drug or other compound that inhibits the physiological effects of histamine, used especially in the treatment of allergies:
8. A session of beauty or healthcare: Treatment
9. A substance that relieves nasal congestion: Decongestant
10. Relating to the spirit or soul; not material or physical: Spiritual

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Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Sentence Example
Speech Meaning

To delay doing
I know I’ve got to deal
something that you
with the problem at
Procrastinate /prəˈkræs.tɪ.neɪt/ Verb should do, usually Trì hoãn
some point - I’m just
because you do not
want to do it

A person who delays He is a chronic Người hay trì

Procrastinator /prəˈkræs.tɪ.neɪtər/ Noun
doing things procrastinator2. hoãn

To take goods, letters,

parcels, etc. to The postman delivers
Deliver /dɪˈlɪv.ər/ Verb Giao hàng
people’s houses or the letters once a day.
places of work

The act of taking

The furniture store is
goods, letters, parcels,
Delivery /dɪˈlɪv.ər.i/ Noun delivering our new bed Sự giao hàng
etc. to people’s houses
on Thursday.
or places of work

To make something
I’ll have to lengthen
Lengthen /ˈleŋ.θən/ Verb longer, or to become Làm dài ra
this skirt.

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Word Pronunciation English Meaning Sentence Example
Speech Meaning

To become shorter or
You’ll need to shorten
Shorten /ˈʃɔːr.tən/ Verb to make something Làm ngắn lại
the essay by 200 words.

Things wrapped up
He packaged (up) the
Package /ˈpæk.ɪdʒ/ Noun and tied (for posting Gói hàng
etc); a parcel

Achieving maximum The city’s transport

productivity with system is one of the
Efficient /ɪˈfɪʃ.ənt/ Adjective Hiệu quả
minimum wasted most efficient in
effort or expense Europe7.

One of a group of We’re entertaining

Colleague /ˈkɒl.iːɡ/ Noun people who work some colleagues of Đồng nghiệp
together Carol’s tonight.

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Word Pronunciation English Meaning Sentence Example
Speech Meaning

The workmanship that

The skill with which
went into some of these Sự khéo léo,
Workmanship /ˈwɜːk.mən.ʃɪp/ Noun something was made
pieces of furniture was tay nghề
or done
truly remarkable

Based on or using
We have a strong team
/ˈriː.z ə n.ə.b ə good judgment and
Reasonable Adjective and a reasonable chance Hợp lý
l/ therefore fair and
of winning the game

The act of directing

the mind to listen,
Attention /əˈten.ʃən/ Noun His attention wanders Sự chú ý
see, or understand;

The government made a

A public or formal
public announcement
Announcement /əˈnaʊns.mənt/ Noun notice announcing Thông báo
about the changes in the

Can you help me set up

Set up To install or prepare Lắp đặt máy
Phrase the projector for the
projector a projector for use chiếu

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Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Sentence Example
Speech Meaning

The act of projecting

The projection of the film Sự chiếu
Projection /prəˈdʒek.ʃən/ Noun or the condition of
will start at 7 p.m (phim)
being projected

Phrasal To distribute to a She was in the street, Phát, phân

Hand out /ˈhænd aʊt/
Verb group handing out leaflets phát

A small platform that

The speaker returned to Bục giảng, bục
Podium /ˈpoʊ.di.əm/ Noun a person can stand on
his podium diễn thuyết
when giving a speech

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the vocabulary list.

1. The ________ for the new policy will be made tomorrow.

2. The speaker stood on the ________ to address the audience.
3. The ________ of the dress was excellent, showing the tailor’s skill.
4. Please ________ the handouts to the attendees.
5. The ________ of the new product line was very efficient.
6. The ________ of the film will start at 7 p.m.
7. Can you help me ________ the projector for the presentation?
8. The ________ of the meeting was reasonable and well-planned.
9. The ________ of the team worked together to achieve the goal.
10. The ________ to detail in the project was impressive.

Exercise 2: True or False State whether the following statements are true or false based on the meanings of the words.

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

1. A procrastinator is someone who does things promptly. (True/False)

2. If something is reasonable, it is based on or using good judgment and therefore fair and practical. (True/False)
3. Attention refers to the act of ignoring or not noticing something. (True/False)
4. Workmanship refers to the skill with which something was made or done. (True/False)
5. To lengthen something means to make it shorter. (True/False)
6. An announcement is a private or informal notice announcing something. (True/False)
7. A podium is a small platform that a person can stand on when giving a speech. (True/False)
8. To hand out means to collect something from a group. (True/False)
9. A package refers to things wrapped up and tied for posting or delivery. (True/False)
10. To set up a projector means to dismantle or take apart a projector. (True/False)


Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

1. The announcement for the new policy will be made tomorrow.

2. The speaker stood on the podium to address the audience.
3. The workmanship of the dress was excellent, showing the tailor’s skill.
4. Please hand out the handouts to the attendees.
5. The delivery of the new product line was very efficient.
6. The projection of the film will start at 7 p.m.
7. Can you help me set up projector for the presentation?
8. The attention of the meeting was reasonable and well-planned.
9. The colleague of the team worked together to achieve the goal.
10. The reasonable to detail in the project was impressive.

Exercise 2: True or False

1. A procrastinator is someone who does things promptly. (False)

2. If something is reasonable, it is based on or using good judgment and therefore fair and practical. (True)
3. Attention refers to the act of ignoring or not noticing something. (False)
4. Workmanship refers to the skill with which something was made or done. (True)
5. To lengthen something means to make it shorter. (False)

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

6. An announcement is a private or informal notice announcing something. (False)

7. A podium is a small platform that a person can stand on when giving a speech. (True)
8. To hand out means to collect something from a group. (False)
9. A package refers to things wrapped up and tied for posting or delivery. (True)
10. To set up a projector means to dismantle or take apart a projector. (False)

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Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Sentence Sample
Speech Meaning

A fictitious prose narrative of

book length, typically The novels of
Novel /ˈnɒv(ə)l/ Noun Tiểu thuyết
representing character and action Jane Austen
with some degree of realism

His biography is
An account of someone’s life
Biography /baiˈoɡrəfi/ Noun filled with stories Tiểu sử
written by someone else
of adventure

In his autobiography, he provides

A type of publication that includes one’s
Autobiography Noun Tự truyện a detailed account of his journey
life story
to success

A book or other piece of writing based on Her memoir vividly captures the
Biên bản
Memoir Noun the writer’s personal knowledge of famous struggles of growing up in a
people, places, or events war-torn country

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

A genre of books that are written with the

Tự giúp The self-help book provided
Self-help Noun intention to instruct its readers on solving
đỡ strategies for managing stress
personal problems

A genre of literature, film, and television

Truyện The thriller kept me on the edge
Thriller Noun programming that uses suspense, tension,
gay cấn of my seat until the very end
and excitement as its main elements

She likes to browse the shelves of

Browse Verb To look through or glance at casually Duyệt the bookstore for interesting

The mystery novel was such a

A book that is so engaging or exciting that Sách hấp
Page-turner Noun page-turner, I finished it in one
one is compelled to read it quickly dẫn

A story or situation that is exciting because The season finale ended on a

Tình tiết
Cliff-hanger Noun its outcome is uncertain until the last cliff-hanger, leaving fans eager
gay cấn
moment for the next season

Sách đọc The novella was a fast read,

Fast read Noun A book that is quick and easy to read
nhanh perfect for a short flight

Critics dismissed the novel as

Trash Noun Something worthless or of poor quality Rác trash, but it was popular with

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

He picked up the morning paper

A stall where newspapers and other
Newsstand Noun Quầy báo from the newsstand on his way to
periodicals are sold

To form into a curved shape or to cause to She used a curling iron to curl
Curl Verb Uốn cong
form into a curved shape her hair for the party

To read, study, or examine superficially and He was skimming through the

Skimming Verb Đọc lướt
rapidly newspaper while eating breakfast

She was scanning the crowd,

Scanning Verb To look over quickly and systematically Quét
looking for her friend

A game, toy, or problem designed to test Trò chơi He enjoys doing crossword
Puzzle Noun
ingenuity or knowledge giải đố puzzles in his spare time

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

1. I just finished reading a fascinating __________ about the life of Albert Einstein.
2. The __________ at the corner of the street always has the latest magazines.
3. She was __________ through the book to find the chapter she needed.
4. The book was such a __________ that I couldn’t put it down.
5. The suspenseful movie ended on a __________, making everyone eager for the sequel.
6. The __________ book provided strategies for managing stress.
7. He enjoys doing crossword __________ in his spare time.
8. The novella was a __________, perfect for a short flight.
9. Critics dismissed the novel as __________, but it was popular with readers.
10. She used a curling iron to __________ her hair for the party.

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Exercise 2: Match the Word with Its Definition

1. Autobiography (A) A book that is so engaging or exciting that one is compelled to read it quickly
2. Memoir (B) A game, toy, or problem designed to test ingenuity or knowledge
3. Self-help © A type of publication that includes one’s life story
4. Thriller (D) A book or other piece of writing based on the writer’s personal knowledge of famous people,
places, or events
5. Browse (E) To look through or glance at casually
6. Page-turner (F) A genre of books that are written with the intention to instruct its readers on solving personal
7. Cliff-hanger (G) A story or situation that is exciting because its outcome is uncertain until the last moment
8. Fast read (H) A book that is quick and easy to read
9. Trash (I) Something worthless or of poor quality
10. Puzzle (J) To form into a curved shape or to cause to form into a curved shape

Answer Key:

Exercise 1:

1. Biography
2. Newsstand
3. Skimming
4. Page-turner
5. Cliff-hanger
6. Self-help
7. Puzzle
8. Fast read
9. Trash
10. Curl

Exercise 2:

1. C

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

2. D
3. F
4. G
5. E
6. A
7. G
8. H
9. I
10. B

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Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Sentence Sample
Speech Meaning

He earns an enormous
Enormous /ɪˈnɔː.məs/ Adjective Extremely large Khổng lồ

Conditions in the
Extremely unpleasant or
Horrendous /həˈren.dəs/ Adjective refugee camps were Khủng khiếp

A person who is killed or Our primary objective

Casualty /ˈkæʒ.ju.əl.ti/ Noun injured in war or in an is reducing road Thương vong
accident casualties.

Something owned; a The house is private

Property /ˈprɒp.ə.ti/ Noun Tài sản
possession property.

To judge size, amount,

He estimated that the
value etc, especially
Estimate /ˈɛstɪmət/ Verb journey would take Ước tính
roughly or without
two hours.

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Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Sentence Sample
Speech Meaning

Newly received
information about an The breaking news
Breaking /ˈbreɪ.kɪŋ
Noun event that is currently today is about the Tin tức nóng
news ˈnjuːz/
occurring or just earthquake in Japan.

A violent windstorm
A tornado swept
consisting of a tall
through the town,
Tornado /tɔːˈneɪ.dəʊ/ Noun column of air which spins Lốc xoáy
causing widespread
around very fast and
causes damage

A violent storm with very

The hurricane caused
strong winds, especially
Hurricane /ˈhɜːrɪkən/ Noun significant damage to Bão lớn
in the western Atlantic
the coastal areas.

A mass of rock and earth The heavy rain

moving suddenly and triggered a landslide in
Landslide /ˈlændslaɪd/ Noun Sạt lở đất
quickly down a steep the mountainous
slope region.

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Word Pronunciation English Meaning Sentence Sample
Speech Meaning

A long period of time The drought has caused

Drought /draʊt/ Noun when there is little or no severe water shortages Hạn hán
rain in the region.

A sudden violent shaking

of the ground, often The earthquake
Earthquake /ˈɜːθ.kweɪk/ Noun caused by movement measured 6.8 on the Động đất
within the earth’s crust or Richter scale.
volcanic action

Extremely harmful or The oil spill had

Catastrophic /ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk/ Adjective causing financial or catastrophic effects on Thảm khốc
physical harm the local wildlife.

The magnitude of the

The great size or
Magnitude /ˈmæɡnɪtjuːd/ Noun problem was Mức độ
importance of something

This country will face

Causing very great pain,
severe weather
Severe /sɪˈvɪər/ Adjective difficulty, worry, damage, Nghiêm trọng
conditions and heavy
etc.; very serious

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Word Pronunciation English Meaning Sentence Sample
Speech Meaning

She has been a

Very great in amount or tremendous help to me
Tremendous /trɪˈmendəs/ Adjective To lớn
level, or extremely good over the last few

The new strain of

Not wanting to accept Có khả năng
Resistant /rɪˈzɪs.tənt/ Adjective bacteria is resistant to
something chống chịu
most antibiotics.

To move people from a The residents were

Evacuate /ɪˈvæk.ju.eɪt/ Verb place of danger to a safer evacuated due to the Sơ tán
place forest fire.

To protect yourself, or
another person or thing, They had to shelter in a
Shelter /ˈʃel.tər/ Verb Trú ẩn
from bad weather, cave during the storm.
danger, or attack

Likely to decay or go bad Milk, meat, and fish are

Perishable /ˈper.ɪ.ʃə.bəl/ Adjective Dễ hỏng
quickly all perishable items.

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

1. The ________ (a natural disaster involving a violent windstorm) caused significant damage to the coastal areas.
2. The ________ (a sudden violent shaking of the ground) measured 6.8 on the Richter scale.
3. The ________ (a mass of rock and earth moving suddenly and quickly down a steep slope) blocked the road, making it
4. The ________ (a long period of time when there is little or no rain) has caused severe water shortages in the region.
5. The ________ (extremely harmful or causing financial or physical harm) effects of the oil spill were felt by the local wildlife.
6. The ________ (very great in amount or level, or extremely good) help she provided was invaluable.
7. The ________ (likely to decay or go bad quickly) items should be stored in the refrigerator.
8. The ________ (not wanting to accept something) bacteria posed a challenge to the medical team.
9. The ________ (to protect yourself, or another person or thing, from bad weather, danger, or attack) provided by the cave was
much needed during the storm.
10. The ________ (to move people from a place of danger to a safer place) of residents was carried out due to the forest fire.

Exercise 2: Match the word with its meaning

Word Meaning

A. Breaking news 1. Extremely unpleasant or bad

B. Tornado 2. Newly received information about an event that is currently occurring or just happened

C. Hurricane 3. A violent windstorm consisting of a tall column of air which spins around very fast and causes damage

D. Landslide 4. A violent storm with very strong winds, especially in the western Atlantic Ocean

E. Drought 5. A mass of rock and earth moving suddenly and quickly down a steep slope

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Word Meaning

F. Earthquake 6. A long period of time when there is little or no rain

7. A sudden violent shaking of the ground, often caused by movement within the earth’s crust or volcanic
G. Catastrophic

H. Magnitude 8. The great size or importance of something

I. Severe 9. Causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc.; very serious

J. Tremendous 10. Very great in amount or level, or extremely good

Answer Key

Exercise 1:

1. Hurricane
2. Earthquake
3. Landslide
4. Drought
5. Catastrophic
6. Tremendous
7. Perishable
8. Resistant
9. Shelter
10. Evacuate

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Exercise 2: A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 6 F. 7 G. 1 H. 8 I. 9 J. 10

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