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Deryl VanNostrand

Dr. Tuthill
September 12, 2018

Is It The Corporation’s Fault for Obesity or Consumers Fault

Micheal Moss the author of “The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food” did an

extraordinary job of being able to obtain all the documents that support the entire story..” Moss

interviewed over 300 people who worked for the companies that make junk food. In the article

he shows examples of how different types of junk food were formulated to make products

irresistible to consumers. Such as Dr. Pepper the soft drink, Prego spaghetti sauce, Lunchables

with dessert, Frito-Lay and multiple other major processed foods. But Moss doesn’t show how

that there corporations using the scientific technology to make food healthy.

Moss is against the large processed food companies putting excess amounts of salt and

sugar, all the bliss point and stuff they do to make food unhealthy so the consumers “Us” buy

their product. He states “The public and the food companies have known for decades now— or

at the very least since this meeting— that sugary, salty, fatty foods are not good for us in the

quantities that we consume them.” Both producers and consumers are at fault because the

producers know what they are doing to the food and what it can do to us but they still send their

product out and the consumers know its bad for them but they still buy their products at an

alarming rate that just keeps going up.

We reward the junk-food industry buying $1 billion annually in Lunchables because

mothers want convenience not effort. Its as much our faults as it is the producer’s fault because

they make the foods and we buy them. The corporations have the most power because they are

the ones producing the goods and we are the one that buys so if all of the corporations produced

healthier food that still tasted good we would have no choice but to starve our selves or eat what

they put on the shelves. The article discusses how a former Frito Lay executive tried to address

the high salt, sugar, and fat in the products yet we still buy their product when they talk bad

about it their self. Part of this article also discusses how junk-food companies identify and target

“heavy users” of their product, because analysis shows that selling more to the existing customer

is easier than attracting new customers.

This article goes into much greater detail on the topic, and while the author neglects to

recognize the positive contributions of food science, It’s a great thing that can be used in good

ways but most corporations choose not to. It applies to all of us because we are all consumers,

and it gets us thinking about the products we eat and why. With all the fads flying around

everywhere, no one knows how to eat healthy anymore. It starts with parents and how they raise

their kids, kids grow up eating processed junk And they crave it. Just like most other Americans,

I did too. I will shamefully admit that I had such a horrible sugar addiction that I’ve eaten an

entire box of cookies or a whole box of large pizza in one sitting, I’ve made a batch of cookie

dough just to eat it myself and I’ve eaten lots of Sonic because my mom used to be a GM there

and would bring home lots of food and shakes. Looking back, I’m disgusted, but that’s exactly

what sugar does to you. We need those foods out of our homes and out of our bodies. I made the

switch 5 years ago and it was the best decision of my life, I feel so much better, I have more

energy i’m happy with my self. Its really hard to do ad it takes a lot of dedication but once you

make it, you’ll never look back.


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