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LST 101

Domain Essay

Deryl VanNostrand


Intellectual Domain Essay

Now that I have over half of a semester at Westminster under my belt, I feel as if I have

the basics down on what to do in order to get homework done in time and just how to be more

organized in general. All of my classes have been some what hard for me, the biggest thing I had

to adjust to was all the self reliance and responsibility that comes with each class. Coming from

high-school to college and seeing how different it is and adjusting to the speed at which

professors teach and the fact that most of my professors don’t tell me when homework is due. I

have experienced a lot of days where I’m super tired and don’t want to do anything and I just

push through the day and participate in class as much as possible. I am going to be honest there

has been a few days where I’ve fell asleep in class gotten on my phone or I was just totally out of

it that day, which I need to not do those things anymore.

As I move into challenging upper-level courses in future semesters, I plan to use

strategies such as having a paper organizer to keep all my papers for each class separated. Keep

my calendar up to date with the month, when homework assignments are due and when activities

are. Every semester set reminders 15 minutes before each of my classes that way I can leave and

get to my classes early. Another strategy I could use to make strong academic progress would be

keeping my room clean and organized that way I can do my homework in a clean room without

clutter. My last strategy would be, as soon as I find out that I have homework write it down on

my calendar and write down on my calendar study sessions that way I have a set routine time

where I can work on homework. I haven’t used any campus academic resources which could

help me do better in classes, I can start using the little study session that they have going on in

the library to help me to be more successful on my academic path.

I tend to do my homework last minute or close to last minute and it always leaves we

stressed out and more tired. I do my homework at night after my practices and sometimes early

in the morning before classes, I’ve noticed if get good sleep and wake up early before class I can

focus on my homework with little distractions because there is no one awake or any distractions.

I go to the library sometimes also with a friend to study for class or to work on a paper, most of

the time I do my homework in my dorm room. Theres a lot of things I could adjust to do better in

my classes or do better at studying for my classes. One major change that I need to do is

procrastinating doing my homework, once I do that my stress levels will go down and I can focus

on my homework and other things better. I feel like the time at which I do my homework are

good and work really well for me its just I need to do homework before the last minute. One

strategy I can employ to improve preparation for my classes going forward is making a notebook

where each page has a date and I have all the homework/activities listed on there that I have to

do that day and what time they are due.

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