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La Salle University

College of Teacher Education

Ozamiz City

Field Study 2 - Participating and Teaching Assistantship

A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and

principles in exercise program design to achieve personal fitness.

B. Performance Standard: The learner designs an individualized exercise program to

achieve personal fitness.

C. Learning Competency and Code: The learner undertakes physical activity and physical
fitness assessments (PE7PF-Ia-h23)

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the student must have:
A. Describe health-related components of physical fitness;
B. Explained the value of endurance.; and
C. Perform physical fitness to test the health-related components.

II. Subject Matter: Health-Related Components of Physical Fitness

A. Textbook: Physical Education and Health - Grade 7 First Edition, (2017) pages 7-
11. publisher: Department of Education
B. Other Source:
Rathod K. (2021) Your guide to understanding the different components of physical
fitness retrieved from
Lesson 6: Planning for physical fitness Pages 162-166. Retrieved from

C. Instructional Materials: PowerPoint presentation, pictures, video, digital tools

III. Procedure: 3Is’ Method

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Before we start our class this afternoon, let
us have our prayer first. Could you please
lead the prayer, _________ (Someone leads the prayer)

Good Afternoon class! Good Afternoon, Miss.

Once again, let me introduce myself, I am

Jenica Banaag, but you can call me Miss
Jen for your convenience. Am I clear? Yes, Miss Jen.

Is there any absent? None, Miss.

Okay, that’s good! But, don’t you worry

because I have recorded this session for
you to go over once you have difficulty in
accessing to our online class today. Before
we proceed, I want to remind you of the
rules in our virtual class, which are;

1. Always open your camera for me to see

2. Turn on your microphone whenever you
are called or you have something to say.
3. Participate actively in our class.
Are my rules clear, class? Yes, Miss Jen.


1.1 Review

Now! Last meeting we discussed about

Physical Fitness. Who among you here
remember what physical fitness is? Physical Fitness is the body’s ability to
function effectively and efficiently without
undue fatigue in work, leisure activities, to
meet emergency situations and to resist
diseases from sedentary lifestyle.

What are the three important aspects that an The three important aspects that an
individual should be able to meet in order individual should be able to meet in order
to be physically fit? to be physically fit are; ability to perform
one’s daily tasks without undue fatigue,
enjoy leisure through some re-creational
activities and be able to meet emergencies
such as accidents or calamities or
participate in community service.

Very good! Now to fully check that you

understood the last topic, let’s have an
activity. For those who can access the, you can open your browser
and answer it online. I have sent the link in
the chatbox (
%252FRWHpf7gGqruHmdq4L2pUhQVE Activity: Fit for Fab!
HY8PlAt%252Fz%252Bhonu0D3oD Directions: The following are pictures and
%252BrDY9SKw%253D%253D/start ) statements related to physical fitness. Write
Kindly read the activity directions. FIT, if the picture/statement relates to the
characteristics and indications of a
physically fit individual and UNFIT, if the
picture/statement is not.

In this activity, you will identify the

characteristics of people who are fit and
unfit based on the following variables.

1. Has toned muscles.


2. Easily gets tired.


3. Love to eat vegetables.


4. Love drinking soda.

5. Sleep 8 hours a day.

Alright! Very good!
Did you get a perfect score?
Let us all clap our hands for a very good
job! Now I know that you really
understood what physical fitness is.

1.2 Motivation

Are you ready for our next topic, but before

that let us watch a 1 minute Zumba warm-
up. (
474FCx4 )

Can you say that the person is physically fit

person? Why?
Yes, because I was able to perform the
How do you describe a physically fit dance exercise well.
A physically fit person must have the three
important aspects such as; ability to
perform one’s daily tasks without undue
fatigue, enjoy leisure through some re-
creational activities and be able to meet
emergencies such as accidents or calamities
or participate in community service.
In this video, you saw how a physically fit
person does well.
In order to understand more about physical
fitness, let us examine its components. Do
you want to know more about the
components of physical fitness?

In your earlier grades, you learned that Yes, Miss.

there are 2 categories of physical fitness
components. First, is the health-related
components and the second is the skill-
related components.

1.3 Statement of the subject matter and the


For this day, we will focus more on the

health-related fitness components. Are
you ready?

Before we will begin, let us read first the Yes, Miss.

objectives for the day.
A. Describe health-related components
of physical fitness;
B. Explain the value of endurance.; and
C. Perform physical fitness to test the
health-related components.

So, I want your active participation and Yes, Miss/ Okay, Miss.
cooperation. Am I understood?


Short Game: Now let us have a short game. ACTIVITY 1: UNSCRAMBLE ME!
I will present some series of jumbled letters
and you have to identify the hidden word in Mechanics:
it. Are you ready? Game ka na ba? What is 1. Unscramble the letters below.
the hidden word? 2. Do it in 3 minutes only.
Very good! The hidden words are: MUSLARCU DURAENCEN

Take note of the words that we had already

taken up regarding Physical Fitness.

Now, I will present several pictures of

some physical activities. I want you to
identify what physical activity is this, and
what health-related fitness components is
developed and describe the health- related
fitness component.
Yes, Miss.
Are you ready?

What physical activity is this?

3mins step

What health-related fitness component is

developed in this physical activity? Cardiovascular Endurance

What is Cardiovascular endurance?

Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of
the heart, lungs and blood vessel to deliver
adequate amount of oxygen to the cell to
meet the demand of prolonged activities.

What does cardiovascular endurance ( Possible answers )

depend on? Cardiovascular endurance depend on how
effectively your body can deliver oxygen to
your working muscles.
What parts of the body that are most used
up in this physical activity?
Heart, lungs, blood vessels
What is the intensity of cardiovascular
The intensity of cardiovascular endurance
Is there such a thing as too much exercise? is 60%-80% of the maximum heart rate.

Is cardiovascular endurance exercise safe Too much exercise can lead to injuries.
for people with heart problems? Why?
Yes, it is bad for those people who has a No, because people with heart problems
heart problem, but with a proper might collapse or have heart attack.
knowledge, people who has heart problem
can still do some cardiovascular endurance
exercises in a moderate and limited hours.
Also, these are the some benefits of
cardiovascular endurance.

Benefits of cardiovascular endurance:

Alright!  Lowered risk of disease.
Let’s have another picture.
 Better strength and stamina.
 More active immune system.
 Stronger bones.
 Better mood.

What physical activity is shown in this


What health-related fitness component is

developed in this physical activity?

What parts of your body did you feel go

through a full range of motion?
What is flexibility?

Why is flexibility important?

Why do athletes need flexibility?

Sit and reach


Does being flexible make you faster? Muscles and joints

Flexibility is the ability of the muscles and

joints to go through a full range of motion

How do we improve our flexibility? ( possible answers )

It improves mobility, posture, muscle
coordination reduces the risk of injuries
Yes, very good! We can improve flexibility and muscle soreness.
by stretching and properly applying some
techniques. Flexibility is important because Athletes need flexibility for it helps them in
it improves posture and it is an important their performance, posture, promotes
goal of any training program. efficient movement, prevents incorrect
body alignment, maintains appropriate
These are some benefits of flexibility. muscle length and balance and also
decrease injury risk.

Your flexibility can greatly impact your

running form and stride length, and
ultimately a higher degree of flexibility will
make you a smoother athlete.

Flexibility can be improve by doing


What physical activity is shown in this

What health-related fitness component is
developed in this physical activity?
Benefits of flexibility:
What part of your body exerts maximal  Decrease muscle stiffness and
effort in a brief duration? increases range of motion.
 Reduce injury.
 Helps relieve post-exercise aches
What is muscular strength? and pains.
 Improves posture.
 Helps reduce or manage stress.
Why is it important to have muscular
Yes, it helps build strong, healthier muscles
and bones. This helps to develop good
posture and relieve back pain. You’ll have
more stability, balance, and flexibility.
What causes muscular strength?
How do we improve muscular strength?


Muscular strength


What physical activity is shown in this

Muscular strength is the ability of the
muscles to exert maximal effort in a brief
What health-related fitness component is
developed in this physical activity?
( possible answers )
It helps build healthier muscles and bones.
What part of the body is used to sustain
repeated contractions or to continue
applying force against a fixed object?

What is muscular endurance?

Myofibrillar hypertrophy refers to when the
number of myofibrils increases.

We do lifting, climbing.
Is muscular endurance necessary?

How do you build muscular endurance?

What is the difference between muscular

strength and muscular endurance?


Muscular endurance

Value Integration

Speaking of gaining endurance through Muscles/Group of muscles

physical activity, what lessons can you gain
when you have endurance in life? How
does it help you as a student and as a
person? Muscular endurance is the ability of a
muscle, or a group of muscles, to sustain
Always remember endurance is not only repeated contractions or to continue
for physical fitness but also for your total applying force against a fixed object.
well-being as a person. With endurance you
can sustain a prolonged stressful effort no ( possible answers )
matter how difficult the situation is with Yes, because it helps in maintaining a
God’s help. Got it? steady state physical activity to minimize
risk of injury.

So, we will proceed with the last picture. By doing lower and upper body exercises.

The difference between muscular strength

and muscular endurance is that Muscular
strength is the amount of force you can put
out or the amount of weight you can lift.
While, Muscular endurance is how many
times you can move that weight without
getting exhausted (very tired).

What comes to your mind when you see

this picture?
Right! What does the BMI tell us?

I can withstand challenging events and can

That’s right! BMI tells us what our body is manage difficult situations for a long time.
made of.

What are needed in order to compute for

the BMI?

So, how do we compute for our BMI?

Or you can use the link I sent in the chat

box. (
al/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm )
So, BMI helps us determine our body

How do we apply our knowledge of our


Another importance of knowing our BMI?

The picture shows a person having

different weights.
Am I understood? It shows the persons’ Body Mass Index.

Are there questions about health-related BMI tells us what our body is made of.
fitness components?

How do you describe the health-related

fitness components?

We need to measure our height and weight

in order to compute the BMI.


Again, how many health-related fitness BMI Categories:

components are there? Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
What are they?
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
Give one.

( possible answers )
It is the bases of our nutrients requirements
considering age and activities taken.

It is a good way to gauge whether your

weight is in healthy proportion to your

Application Yes, Miss.

This time, we will have another activity.

You will do it individually but follow the None, Miss.
task assigned to your group. Last meeting, I
already group you into three with six to Health-related fitness involves exercise
seven members per group. I am going to activities that you do in order to try to
assign 1 health-related fitness component improve your physical health and stay
for each group and you are going to healthy, particularly in the categories of
perform a physical fitness test to improve cardiovascular endurance, muscular
health- related fitness component assigned strength, flexibility, muscular endurance
to your group. Choose your recorder to and body composition.
consolidate your results. I will give you
three minutes.
G1- Cardiovascular endurance w/ BMI
G2- Flexibility w/ BMI
G3- Muscular strength and endurance w/ Body composition
BMI Cardiovascular endurance
Write your results on the table provided in Muscular strength
the jamboard. The first group to complete Muscular endurance
their table and submit early will earn (Students do as told)
corresponding points.

First – 20
Second - 19
Third - 18

BUPa4/viewer?f=2 )

Okay, congratulations for a job well done!

The first group that submit the activity is
the group 3, you will receive 20 points, the
second group was the group 1, you will
receive 19 points and the last group to
submit is the group 2, you will receive 18
points. ACTIVITY 2: I AM FIT!

1. Perform the physical fitness test.
2. Record your results in the table

a. Body composition

 Get your Body Mass Index

 BMI= weight/height2

NAM Height Weight BMI Classif

ES (meter (kilogr ication
s) ams)

b. Cardiovascular endurance

 3-minute step test

 Heart rate per minute

Before the After the

activity activity

c. Strength / Endurance

1. Planking 2. Planking
Number of Time
push up
d. Flexibility

1. Zipper test

Overlap / Gap (centimeters)

2. Sit and reach

Score in centimeters
1st 2nd 3rd

IV. Evaluation


Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and if it is false change the underline
words to make it true.

1. Cardiovascular endurance ability of the muscles and joints to go through a full

range of motion.
2. Using BMI, help us determine our Body composition.
3. Doing physical activities like, curl-ups, push-ups will help us developed our
Muscular strength.
4. Cycling, swimming, running are the physical activities that help us to develop our
Muscular strength.
5. The ability of the muscles and joints to go through a full range of motion is called


Activity 4: YES I CAN!

Design an individualized exercise program good for one week to develop the health-
related fitness components. Follow the format given and submit it to me on the next
meeting or you can send it to me through g-mail ( ).
Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

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