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1. Which of the following is a characteristics of a well-designed class in oosd?

A) High cohesion and low coupling

B) Low cohesion and high coupling
C) Lack of encapsulation and abstraction
D) Inheritance and polymorphism
2. What is the purpose of the use case in oosd?
A) To model the interaction between system component
B) To represent the static structure of a system
C) To define the functional requirement of the system form the users perspective
D) To specify the operation performed by the system
3. What is the primary focus of the requirement analysis phase in oosd?
A) Identifying the systems user
B) Defining the functionality and constraints of the system
C) Creating detailed design specification
D) Implementation the systems features
4. What does the term abstraction mean in oosd?
A) Representing real-world entities as objects
B) Hiding implementation details from users
C) Defining hierarchical relationships between classes
D) Creating reusable software component
5. Which diagram is used to represent the dynamic behavior of the system including state
transitions and events
A) Use case diagram
B) Activity diagram
C) Sequence diagram
D) State diagram
6. Which is the purpose of dependency relationship oosd?
A) To represent a whole part relationship between classes
B) To define hierarchical relationship between classes
C) To specify the behavior of object
D) To indicate that one class depends on another class
7. Which of the following is a benefit of using object oriented analysis and design
A) Reduced development time and cost
B) Increased complexity and maintenance effort
C) Limited reusability of software component
D) Inflexibility in adapting to changing requirements
8. What is the role of a sequence diagram in oosd?
A) To model the interactions between system components
B) To visualize the structure of a software system
C) To represent the dynamic behavior of the system form the users perspective
D) To define the classes and relationship in the system
9. Omega notation is the formal way to express the lower bound of an algorithms running time
A) True B) false C) can be true or false D) can not say
10. The theta notation is the formal way to express----of an algorithms running time
A) Upper bound
B) Lower bound
C) Lower bound and upper bound
D) None of the above
11. Asymptotic analysis is-------bound
A) Output B) input C) outer D) inner
12. In android what method is typically used to create options menu items for an activity
A) On create options menu()
B) On options item selected()
C) On create options()
D) On options selected()
13. What is the primary purpose of a context menu in android?
A) To display options related to the overall application
B) To provide options based on the current context(such as a long press on a UI element
C) To manage background task in an activity
D) To handle navigation between different activities
14. Which method is used to handle the selection of an item form the options menu in android
A) On item selected()
B) Handle options menu selection()
C) On option item selected()
D) Menu item selected()
15. In android, which type of progress bar is best suited for indicating indeterminate progress
where the duration of the task is known as
A) Horizontal progress bar
B) Circular progress bar
C) Determine progress bar
D) Seek bar
16. In android, which method is commonly used to prepare and start a media player instance for
playing audio or video?
A) Initialized player()
B) Start player()
C) Prepare player()
D) Player media()
17. What is the primary purpose of the set on click listener method on a button in android
A) To define the appearance of the button
B) To handle click events when the button is pressed
C) To set the text displayed on the button
D) To enable/ disable the button
18. Which interface is commonly used to handle touch events in android
A) On click listener
B) On touch listener
C) On long click listener
D) On drag listener
19. What is the purpose of the on item click method in android event registration
A) To handle the event when an item in a list view is clicked
B) To handle the event when a long press is performed on an item in a list view
C) To handle the event when the list view is clicked
D) To handle the event when an item in a recycler view is clicked
20. What is the purpose of using the set on click listener method when registering event listeners
for buttons in android
A) To handle button presses and perform actions accordingly
B) To define the appearance of the button
C) To enable / disable the button
D) To set the text displayed on the button
21. Which method is commonly used to register an event listener for a check box in android
A) Set on checked change listener
B) Set on touch listener
C) Set on click listener
D) Set on long click listen
22. Which of the following is not a valid C++ identifier
A) My_variable
B) 123 variable
C) _my variable
D) My variable
23. What is the output of the following code snippet?
Int x=5;
Cout<<”the value of x is “x++;
A) The value of x is 5
B) The value of x is 6
C) The value of x is 7
D) The value of x is 4
24. Which keyword is used to define a class in C++
A) Class B) struct C) object D) type
25. What is the correct syntax for defining a function named “add” that takes two integers as
parameters and returns their sum in C++
A) Add(int x, int y) { return x+y;}
B) Int add(int x, int y) {return x+y;}
C) Add(int x, int y)=>x+y;
D) Int add(x,y) {return x+y;}

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