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1. According to rule 113 it is the taking of a person into custody in order that he may be bound to
answer for the commission of an offense.
A. Seizure C. Arrest
B. Search D. Interrogation
2. What is the continuing illegal activity of group of person which is primarily concerned with the
generation of profits, irrespective of national boundaries as a result of globalization?
A. Transnational Crime C. Complex Crime
B. Organized Crime D. All of these
3. What is the criminal group which is a structured group of three or more persons, existing for a
period of time and acting in concert with the aim of committing one or more serious crimes or
offences in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit?
A. Transnational Crime C. Complex Crime
B. Organized Crime D. All of these
4. The following are generic types of organized crimes, except?
A. Political Graft C. In-group oriented organized crimes
B. Syndicated crimes D. Theft and Fraud
5. Shall mean conduct constituting an offence punishable by maximum deprivation of liberty of at
least four years or a more serious penalty.
A. Serious Crimes C. Crimes against national security
B. Complex Crimes D. Crimes against person
6. Stated that there is two modes of arrest which are the arrest by virtue of warrant and Arrest
without a warrant under exceptional circumstances as may be provided by the statue.
A. Rule 113, sec. 3, Rules of Court C. Rule 113, sec. 5, Rules of Court
B. Rule 113, sec. 4, Rules of Court D. Rule 113, sec. 6, Rules of Court
7. What is the essential requisite of a valid warrant of Arrest?
A. Probable cause B. Reasonable suspicion C. Crime commission D. All of these
8. What is the questioning of a person who is believed to possess knowledge that is of official
interest to the investigator?
A. Interrogation B. Interview C. Investigation D. Q and A
9. The quality of a good investigator that refers to the steadfastness, persistence and resolution to
bring the desired conclusion in spite of obstacles connected with criminal investigation.
A. Endurance B. Perseverance C. Preservance D. Persistence
10. A method of search which is generally used for large search areas with very few individuals
involved in the search.
A. Zone method C. Strip search method
B. Wheel method D. Spiral search method
11. The following are the Types of Measurements in Crime Scene, except?
A. Triangulation method C. Grid method
B. Baseline method D. Corner method
12. Which one is the type of witness who is known to be reluctant?
A. Refusal to talk witness C. Know nothing type
B. Disinterested type D. Timid witness
13. The following are apparent signs of deception, except?
A. Excessive sweating C. Rolling of eyeballs
B. Dry mouth D. Excessive breathing
14. This is a technique whereby the investigator, combining the skills of an actor and a psychologist,
addresses the suspect with an emotional appeal to confess.
A. Emotional appeal C. Friendliness
B. Sympathetic approach D. Rationalization
15. What is an express or direct acknowledgement by the accused in a criminal prosecution of the
truth of his guilt as to the offence charge?
A. Admission C. Judicial Admission
B. Confession D. Judicial Confession
16. The following are important in order for organized group to work, except?
A. An initiator C. A corrupter
B. An enforcer D. A corryptee
17. Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of interview?
A. Inquisitorial approach
B. Does not require to read Miranda rights
C. Purpose is to obtain at least admission
D. Accusatorial approach
18. A process of eliciting information from witnesses and suspects.
A. Interrogation B. Interview C. Investigation D. Q and A
19. What law punishes piracy and highway robbery in the Philippines?
A. PD 534 B. PD 533 C. PD 532 PD 968
20. Refers to the statement of facts not directly constituting an acknowledgement of guilt.
A. Admission C. Judicial Admission
B. Confession D. Judicial Confession
21. He established the principle of exchange which happened to be the basis for the creation of the
different field of sciences.
A. Matthew Orfila B. Edmond Locard C. Paul Zacchias D. Ambroise Pare
22. What is the most influential organized Crime group in Japan?
A. Mafia B. Triad C. Yakuza D. Omerta
23. In his digest, he made mentioned that a physician is not an ordinary witness and that a physician
gives judgement rather than testimony. This led to the recognition of expert witness in court.
A. Hippocrates B. Pope Innocent III C. Antistius D. Justinian
24. Is the vigorous and confrontational questioning of a reluctant suspect about his participation in
a crime.
A. Interrogation B. Interview C. Investigation D. Q and A
25. It is a self-conscious emotion that involves negative evaluations of the self, feeling of distress,
and feelings of failure.
A. Guilt B. Opinion C. Alibi D. Deception
26. Good relationship between the interrogator and the subject must be well-established is known
A. Intimate relationship C. Identification
B. Recognition D. Rapport
27. the investigator in his/her preliminary or probing questions must dig deep into the past
troubles, plight an unfortunate events in the life of the suspects.3
A. Emotional appeal C. Friendliness
B. Sympathetic approach D. Rationalization
28. It refers to an uncooperative and indifferent subject.
A. Refusal to talk witness C. Know nothing type
B. Disinterested type D. Timid witness
29. Refers to the rapid development of the western culture that ultimately affects other cultures in
the world as brought by intellectual and technological advances, in which some crimes occurring
in other countries are attributed.
A. Modernization C. Globalization
B. Technological innovation D. Colonization
30. The arrested suspect has the right to have a competent and independent counsel of his own
choice referred to as?
A. Counsel de officio C. Council de parte
B. Counsel de parte D. Council de officio
Key Answer: CDI103

1. C 16. A

2. A 17. D

3. B 18. B

4. D 19. C

5. A 20. A

6. C 21. B

7. A 22. C

8. B 23. D

9. B 24. A

10. D 25. A

11. D 26. D

12. C 27. B

13. C 28. B

14. A 29. C

15. B 30. C

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