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Bugs’ Life

- Gardener= Narrator
- Ant 1: Celia Alejandra Tellez Ramirez
- Grasshopper 1: Iker Adolfo Rodriguez Hernandez
- Ladybug 1: Tania Ramirez Gomez
- Beetle 1: Fernando Leonel Arenas Mojica
- Beetle 2: Patricio Becerra Gloria
- Caterpillar 1: Diego Andres Rivas Rivero
- Spider: Greta Romero Munoz
- Ant queen: Sofia Hernandez Padilla
- Ant 2: Tania Lilian Cienega Contreras
- Ant 3: Emma Gavira Garate
- Group of ants: Regina Gonzalez Pineda , and Mila Valdes Tellez –Paloma
- ant worker 1: Luisa Elizabeth Valderrama Gonzalez
- Grasshopper 2: Natalia Sherwell Torres
- Group of grasshoppers: Mateo Corona Martinez , Pablo Galvan Candelas and
Roberto Carlos Garcia Galvan .
- Ant 4: Nataly Denis Salgado Rubio
- Grasshopper 3: Roberto

Narrator: Welcome, young friends, to our magical grass! Today, we have

some very special visitors joining us – ants, grasshoppers, ladybugs,
stick insects, and many more! I hope you enjoy the play!

Ant 1: (Stepping forward) Attention, everyone! Our colony is in need

of food. We must gather as much as we can to survive the winter.

Grasshopper 1: (Proudly) Not so fast, ants! We grasshoppers are

also hungry, and we deserve our share of the food!

Group of grasshoppers: Yeah! We deserve our share of food!

Ladybug 1: (Interjecting) Hold on, friends. There's a lot of food for

everyone if we work together.
Beetle1 : Ladybug is right. Let's find a way to share the food and
live in harmony.

Caterpillar 1: (Angrily) We caterpillars deserve more than just

scraps! We work hard to become beautiful butterflies!

Beetle 2: Butterflies? What are you talking about?

Spider: (Sneaking in) While you argue, I'll just help myself to some
delicious snacks.

[The insects start a fight over the food, chaos ensuing on stage.]

Ant queen: (Stepping forward) Stop! Stop, everyone! (The insects

freeze in surprise) Fighting will only lead to ruin. Look around you,
see how beautiful this garden is when you all work together.


[ The ants start carrying food and tending to their duties.]

[Ant 1 enters, carrying a large piece of fruit, but not paying attention
to where it's going.]

Ant 1: (Excitedly) Look at this amazing piece of fruit I found!

Ant 2: (Cautiously) Be careful, Ant 1. Don't trip over anything or

drop the food.

Ant 1: (Dismissively) Oh, don't worry. I've got this under control.

[Ant 1 continues to strut around, not watching where they're going.

Suddenly, they stumble over a rock and drop the fruit, causing it to
roll away.]

Ant 3: (Rushing over) Oh no, Ant 1! You dropped the food!

Group of ants: (pointing to ant 1) She dropped the food!

[The other ants gather around, including the Ant Queen, who
arrives with a stern expression.]

Ant Queen: (Firmly) What’s happening here?

Ant Worker 1: (Nervously) Ant 1 was carrying food but wasn't

paying attention. She dropped it, and now it's gone.

Ant Queen: (Disappointed) Ant 1, how could you be so careless?

Our food supply is precious, and every morsel counts. You put the
colony at risk!

Ant 1: (Sheepishly) I'm sorry, Your Majesty. It won't happen again.

Group of ants: (mocking) I’m sorry your majesty.

Ant Queen: (Sternly) It’s okay.Now, all of you, back to your work.

[The ants disperse, with Ant 1 hanging their head in shame. Ant 2
approaches them with a comforting pat on the back.]

Ant 2: (Sympathetically) Don't worry, Ant 1. We all make mistakes

sometimes. The important thing is to learn from them and be more
careful in the future.

Ant 1: (Nodding) You're right, Ant 2. I will pay more attention from
now on.

[The scene fades as the ants return to their tasks, with Ant 1
determined to be more careful in the future. Suddenly, a shadow
looms over the colony, and the ants freeze in fear as the
Grasshoppers arrive.]

Grasshopper 1: (Sinisterly) Well, well, well, what do we have here?

It's time for your tribute, ants. Hand over your food, or face the

Group of grasshoppers: Tribute! Tribute! Tribute! Tribute!

Grasshopper 1: Silence!

Ant Queen: (Trembling) We... we don't have enough food. We had a

trouble, and winter is approaching. Please, have mercy.

Grasshopper 2: (Mockingly) Mercy? Ha! We'll take what we want,

one way or another.

[The Grasshoppers descend upon the colony, taking what little food
remains. The Ant Queen watches helplessly as her worst fears
become reality.]

Ant Queen: (Regretfully) If only we had been more careful with our
resources. Now, we must face the consequences of our actions.


Ant 1: Did you hear the grasshoppers are coming soon for their

Ant 2:Yes, I heard. I'm so worried. We don’t have enough food for

Ant 3: I heard they're angry this year. What if they decide to take

Ant 3:Let's show those grasshoppers what ants are made of!
Ant 1, 2, 3: Yes! For the colony!

Ant 4: Hey friends! I had a dream so big and loud, I dreamt all these
was a bad dream and It was the best day of my life! (dance best
day of my life)


The Grasshoppers' Wrath

[The stage transitions to a clearing near the ant colony. The

grasshoppers are gathered, their leader Grasshopper 1 pacing back
and forth with a menacing look on his face. The grasshoppers are
grumbling among themselves.]

Grasshopper 1: (Furiously) Those wretched ants! How dare they

not provide us with our tribute! Winter is approaching, and we need
food to survive!

Grasshopper 2: (Agitated) They've grown too comfortable, thinking

they can ignore us! We must show them the consequences!

Grasshopper 3: (Eagerly) Let's raid their colony and take everything

they have! They'll learn not to mess with us!

[The grasshoppers nod in agreement, their anger fueling their


Grasshopper 1: (Grinning wickedly) Yes, we'll teach them a lesson

they won't soon forget. Gather your strongest warriors, my fellow
grasshoppers. We march on the ant colony at dawn!
[The grasshoppers disperse, their plan of retaliation set in motion.]


The Ant Colony Prepares

[The stage returns to the ant colony, where the ants are bustling
with activity. Ant Queen is addressing her subjects, a worried
expression on her face.]

Ant Queen: (Urgently). Ants, winter is coming, and we need more

food. The grasshoppers also want their share, and they are

Ant Worker 1: (Anxiously) What do we do, Your Majesty? We can't

afford to lose our food to the grasshoppers!

Ant Queen: (Resolutely) We must prepare for the worst. We will not
surrender without a fight!

The Grasshoppers' Attack

[The stage is set in the ant colony, with the ants on high alert. The
grasshoppers swarm in, led by Grasshopper 1, their eyes gleaming
with malice.]

Grasshopper 1: (Mockingly) Well, well, well, if it isn't the industrious

ants. You thought you could defy us and get away with it?

Ant Queen: (Defiantly) We will not surrender to your tyranny! This is

our home, and we will defend it with everything we have!

[The ants and grasshoppers clash in a fierce battle, with the ants
using their strength in numbers to fend off the grasshoppers'
attacks. Despite their best efforts, the grasshoppers manage to
overpower the ants, stealing a significant portion of their food
WAR EPIC MUSIC! Aggressive Military Orchestral Megamix "…

Grasshopper 2: (Triumphantly) Victory is ours! Let this be a lesson

to all who dare oppose the grasshopper tribe!

[The grasshoppers retreat, leaving the ant colony in disarray and


Scene 5: Learning from Adversity

[The stage returns to the ant colony, where the ants are surveying
the damage caused by the grasshoppers' attack. Ant Queen
addresses her subjects, her voice filled with determination.]

We will rock you (Dance Version for Basic Practice)​


A New Beginning

NARRATOR:Through hardship and struggle, the ants have shown

us the power of unity and resilience. They remind us that even in
the face of adversity, we can find strength in each other and
overcome any obstacle that stands in our way.

[The stage shifts to the outskirts of the ant colony, where Ladybug,
Caterpillar, and Spider approach cautiously, observing the aftermath
of the grasshoppers' attack.]
Ladybug: (Sympathetically) Oh dear, look at what the grasshoppers
have done. The ants must be devastated.

Caterpillar: (Determined) We need to help them.

Spider: (Nodding) Agreed. We may have our differences, but we're

all part of this garden.

Bettle 2
: Yeah! Let’s help!

Ant Queen: (Surprised) Ladybug, Caterpillar, Spider , beetle– what

brings you here?

Ladybug: (Resolutely) We've come to offer our assistance.

Spider: (Sincerely) We're all in this together.

Gardener: (Addressing the audience) Behold, the beauty of

cooperation and friendship! In the face of adversity, the ants and
their newfound allies have shown us the power of unity and

Paloma: As the garden gets ready for winter. let's remember the lessons
from the ants and our friends. That when we work together we can
overcome anything.

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