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ELT Material Development and Adaptation

Aye Gl CHAN 31862166856 Serap R 60631212944 Glcan NCE 23078635486

Submitted to; Okutman NESLHAN AYDEMR


THE PURPOSE OF THE UNIT Skills: Reading Writing Listening Speaking Teach the names of vegetables, fruits and junk foods Teach the phrases and structures related with countable and uncountable nouns

New Vocabulary: The names of fruits, vegetables and junk foods

Functions: Asking for and giving information Expressing needs

Structures: How many How much What would you like

The Order of The Activities: 1- cover page (add) 2- A.b (reorder) 3- A.a (no change) 4A.c(remove) 5-E (reorder) 6-A.d (Replace) 7-A.e (no change) 8-B.a (no change) 9-B.b (Add) 10- B.c (no change) 11-B.d (remove) 12-G.b (reorder) 13-B.e (remove) 14-C.a (no change) 15-C.b(no change) 16-C.c(remove) 17-C.d (Replace)18-D(No Change)19-F and G.a (homework) 20-puzzle 21-Task(remove)

Cover Page (Eating) (Add) We omitted questions and we changed the pictures with more clear ones. Rationale: Questions in the cover page are not suitable for the beginning of the lesson. Because students dont know the structures used in the questions, yet. A.b (Reorder) We changed the order of activities a and b. Rationale: We think that pronouncation should be emphasized before writing the words. After clarification of the meaning, students should learn how to pronounce the words. A.a (No change) It is a suitable and easy activity for students. Rationale: We think that there is no need for changing it. Students have already known most of the words, so we didnt change it. A.c (Remove) Rationale: We think it is not necessary. E.(Reorder) We changed the order of it. Rationale: It is an easy and good activity for students to practice the new structure. A.d (Replace) Rationale: Students have practiced on 20 food and drinks but in this activity they can only practice just few of them. It is not sufficient. So we can add more dishes. A.e (No change) Rationale: We think it is a good activity to make students more communicative. B.a (No change) Rationale: It is a good pre reading activity and questions are suitable for eliciting.

B.b (Add) We changed the instruction.

Rationale: The instruction lacks of purpose; therefore we added a new one containing purpose for reading. Also thanks to this reading text, we can emphasize the structures of how many/how much and quantifiers. Let s read the text and find out if our predictions are true or not.

B.c (No change) It doesnt need any change, it is suitable to reinforce the new structure.

B.d (Remove) We omitted this activity. Rationale: It is not related with the structures in the unit, it is related with the structure of imperatives. So it is unnecessary. G.b (Reorder) We changed the order of this activity. Rationale: It is suitable for students to reinforce the structures how many/how much and quantifiers. B.e (Remove) We omitted this activity. Rationale: We think it is unnecessary because a similar activity is made in A.e activity. C.a (No change) Rationale: We think it is suitable to lead in students for listening activity. C.b (No change) There is no need for changing it. Rationale: It is a good listening activity and also a new structure what would you like to.. can be taught thanks to this activity. C.c (Remove) We omitted this activity.

Rationale: It is not suitable for during listening activity because it is too mechanical and there is no students creativity and it is very similar to listening dialogue.

C.d (Replace) Rationale: We changed the activity as it is not focused on the vocabulary they have practiced it is more focused on the prices. This can be confusing and time consuming. So we deleted some of the dishes on the menu and want students to complete the menu with the dishes they see on the dialogue. (Dialogue includes about 10 dishes) and the instruction must be changed.There are some missing parts on the menu. Read the dialogue and complete the menu. D. (no change) Rationale: It is useful and communicative. It can be used as production activity because students use the information they have just been taught in their own ways. F and G.a We think these two activities are suitable as homework, so they can be given as homework. Puzzle: If the time is enough, it can be used for fun. Task (Remove) We think it is unnecessary because F and G.a activities are given as homework.

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