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A. Use the correct form of verbs in brackets.

1. In all the world, there (be) __________ only 14 mountains that (reach) __________above 8,000 meters.
2. He sometimes (come) __________ to see his parents.
3. Last night we (watch) __________TV when the power (fail) __________.
4. My grandfather never (fly) __________ in an airplane, and he has no intention of ever doing so.
5. We just (decide) __________ that we (undertake) the job.
6. He told me that he (take) __________ a trip to California the following week.
7. I knew that this road (be) __________ too narrow.
8. Right now I (attend) __________ class. Yesterday at this time I (attend) __________class.
9. Tomorrow I’m going to leave for home. When I (arrive) __________at the airport, Mary (wait) for me.
10. Margaret was born in 1950. By the year 2005, she (live) __________on this earth for 55 years .
11. The traffic was very heavy. By the time I (get) __________to Mary’s party, everyone already (arrive)
12. I will graduate in June. I (see) you in July. By the time I (see) __________ you , I (graduate) __________.
13. I (visit) __________ my uncle’s home many times when I (be) __________ a child.
14. That book (lie) __________ on the table for week. You (not read) __________ it yet ?
15. David (wash) __________ his hands. He just (repair) __________ the TV set.
16. You (be) __________here before? Yes, I (spend) __________ my holidays here last year.
17. We never (meet) __________ him. We don’t know what he (look) __________ like.
18. The car (be) __________ ready for him by the time he (come) __________tomorrow.


1. Định nghĩa:
- Câu phức là câu bao gồm 1 mệnh đề độc lập và ít nhất 1 mệnh đề phụ thuộc liên kết với nhau. Hai mệnh
đề thường được nối với nhau bới dấy phẩy hoặc các liên từ phụ thuộc.
- Ví dụ:
 He always takes time to play with his daughter even though he is extremely busy.
(mệnh đề độc lập) (mệnh đề phụ thuộc)
 Even though he is extremely busy, he always takes time to play with his daughter.
(mệnh đề phụ thuộc) (mệnh đề độc lập)
- Lưu ý:
 Mệnh đề đi liền với liên từ trong câu phức chính là mệnh đề phụ thuộc.
 Nếu mệnh đề phụ thuộc nằm phía trước mệnh đề độc lập thì giữa 2 mệnh đề phải có dấu phẩy, còn lại
thì không.
2. Một số liên từ phụ thuộc phổ biến
After/ Although/ Though/ As if/ Since/ In order to/
As soon as Even though As though Because/ As so that
(sau khi) (mặc dù) (như thế là) (bởi vì) (để mà)

Before Even if If Once/ When /As Whereas/ While

(trước đây) (dù là/ mặc dù) (nếu) (khi/ một khi) (trong khi đó)

As long as (miễn In case Unless Until

(trong trường hợp) (nếu không) (cho đến khi)

3. Các loại mệnh đề phụ thuộc thường gặp

Mệnh đề phụ thuộc Ví dụ

1. Mệnh đề phụ thuộc chỉ lí do:

I did it because there was no one
- Trả lời cho câu hỏi tại sao
else to do it.
- Thường bắt đầu với các liên từ: because, since, as, …

2. Mệnh đề phụ thuộc chỉ thời gian:

- Nói về thời gian hành động diễn ra khi nào As soon as you are ready, we shall
- Thường được bắt đầu với các liên từ: when, while, before, go.
after, as soon as, …
3. Mệnh đề phụ thuộc chỉ sự nhượng bộ:
- Diễn tả kết quả bất ngờ, ngoài sức mong đợi Although it rained, he went out all
- Thường được bắt đầu với các liên từ: although, even though, the same.
though, even if, ...
4. Mệnh đề phụ thuộc chỉ mục đích: He was speaking very quietly so
- Nói về mục đích của hành động trong mệnh đề độc lập that it was dificult to hear what he
- Thường được bắt đầu với các liên từ: so that/ in order that, said.


BT 1. Khoanh vào đáp án đúng
1. My mother used to tell me stories _________ I went to bed.
A. since B. until C. before
2. You’d beter take the keys _________ I’m out.
A. in case B. since C. after
3. My brother likes eating fried chicken _________ it’s very bad for his health.
A. because B. although C. when
4. Yesterday, Jim was playing the piano _________ his sister was playing the flute.
A. as B. although C. while
5. You shouldn't spend too much time on computer _________ it is harmful to your eyes.
A. as B. when C. although
6. I will phone you _________ I get there.
A. while B. as soon as C. until
7. The scientist usually works in his lab _________ the sun sets.
A. until B. as soon as C. although
8. _________ you promise not to tell lies again, I won't forgive you.
A. If B. Even if C. Unless
9. _________ her legs were hurt, she made attempt to finish the running track.
A. Even if B. As if C. Even though
10. She talked _________ she witnessed the accident. But in fact she knew nothing.
A. as if B. even though C. even if
11. I didn't finish my homework _________ I was seriously ill yesterday.
A. when B. though C. since
12. James decides to save money from now ______ he has enough money to travel this summer.
A. so that B. though C. when
13. _________ we have been friends for only one year, we deeply understand each other.
A. If B. Though C. Once
14. Mr. Smith doesn't like dogs, _________ his wife loves them.
A. when B. so that C. whereas
15. I was cycling home yesterday _________ I saw Jim standing near the fountain.
A. when B. while C. since
BT 2. Hoàn thành các câu sau bằng các liên từ cho sẵn
since although while unless before
as though when as long as because in case

1. _________ Jim came home, he realized that someone had broken into his house.
2. You’d better bring your raincoat _________ rain pour down.
3. They have been colleagues _________ they graduated.
4. _________ Jim puts more effort in his studying, he won't catch up with his classmates.
5. My mother always reminds me to wash my hands _________I have meals.
6. We will go picnicking _________ the weather is fine.
7. James behaved _________ nothing had happened.
8. I can't make it on Saturday _________ I will be fully occupied.
9. When I got home, my father was mowing the lawn _________ my mother was watering the flower.
10. _________ I don't get on well with Mary, I really admire her intelligence and beauty.
BT 3. Điền liên từ thích hợp và chỗ trống để hoàn thành những câu sau
1. ____________ it's pouring with rain, we are going for a walk in the park.
2. ____________ she hands in the assignment before Tuesday, she will get very bad mark.
3. He decided to trust Jim this time ____________ he was not an honest man.
4. Jennifer decided to break up with Peter ____________ he didn't spend much time with her.
5. Danny bought a new car ____________ his old car was still in good condition.
6. I will be in great trouble ____________ my mother knows my final test scores.
7. Janice will have finished the report ____________ the time you receive the letter.
8. The concert will be cancelled ____________ no more tickets are sold.
9. Children are not allowed to enter this place ____________ they are accompanied by adults.
10. You should bring your coats ____________ the temperature falls at night.
11. ____________ my sister doesn’t like eating salad, she eats it regularly to keep fit.
12. I won’t come to Jim’s party ____________ he invites me.
13. ____________ you tell me the truth, I can’t help you.
14. ____________ the firemen arrived, the fire had already been put out by the local residents.
15. You can leave early ____________ you want to.

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