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School of Information and Communication Technology

Laboratory Activity Form

Course: Advanced Database Systems

Topics Covered: Creating a system that uses a database using MySQL

 To create a database in MySQL

Objectives:  Add table in the database
 Perform simple query in the database using MySQL.


For this activity, use the previous database (Sales), tables (customer, employees, offices, orders,
order_details, payments, products, product_line) and the records given.

Extract the following:

Paste a screen shot of your query after the number. The screen shot will show that you were able to
extract the needed information correctly. Also Write your name after this line.

Name: ______________________________

Insert the following data items in orders table:

1. Write a query to retrieve orders from the month of August 1999. Display the result below.

Paste your answer here.

2. Write a query to get the total number of orders in the month of August. Display the result

Paste your answer here.

3. Insert the following data items in order_details table.

Write a query to extract the display below.

Paste your answer here.

4. Write a query to extract the display below.

5. Write a query to extract the display below.

6. Write a query to extract the display below.

7. Write a query to extract the display below.

8. Write a query to extract the display below.

9. Write a query to extract the display below.

10. Write a query to extract the display below.

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