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A dark horse

(A person whom no one really knows, but who later reveals himself to be different and more
interesting than first thought or a person who exceeds expectations in a competition or

• He comes over as a wimp, with no opinions, but take my word for it: once you draw him
out of his shell, you’ll see he’s quite a dark horse.

• John thinks Jim Taylor could prove to be a dark horse and win Wimbledon this year. I’m
rather sceptical and don’t envisage any surprises.

• Your example: _________________________________________________

To bow to pressure or someone’s wishes

(To change one’s actions, plans, or direction because of outside pressure)

• We’re not going to bow to such blatant pressure from a few disgruntled shareholders.

• I’m under no illusions: I know I’ll have to bow to her wishes eventually. Women always get
their own way in the end.

• Your example: _________________________________________________

To scrape the barrel

(To struggle to find a good solution, an answer, or the right person of quality)


• The police are playing down the fact that they are having to scrape the barrel as far as
obtaining any fresh evidence is concerned.They haven’t really got much to go on.

• It would be quite enlightening to see their selection procedure. They must be scraping the
barrel if they feel they need to take a fool like that on.

• Your example: _________________________________________________

Over one’s head

(Too complex, beyond someone’s comprehension—often used with “to go” where a remark,
comment or joke which has not registered with or been understood by someone is the subject
of the sentence. It is often used with “straight”)

• I’m sorry, but this is way over my head. Could I ask you to dumb it down a little so that
even a thicko like me can understand it?

• She made some witty reference to the fact that he had become the laughing stock of the
village, but it went straight over his head.

• Your example: _________________________________________________

To turn over a new leaf

(To change one’s character or behaviour for the better)

• I don’t want to sound sceptical, but I can’t envisage him turning over a new leaf; he’s
getting on for seventy.

• I think it’s time you turned over a new leaf and stuck up for yourself. Give him a taste of
his own medicine and get your own back.

• Your example: _________________________________________________

“ If you’ve got another think coming”

(“ if you can think again/you’re wrong!” ) Colloquial

• I f you think you can take the mickey out of me like that, you’ve got another think coming.

• A: If he thinks he’s going to be shortlisted for promotion, he’s got another think coming.
Why don’t you tell him?
B: I wouldn’t want to deprive you of that pleasure.

• Your example: _________________________________________________

To rub it in

(To make someone’s emotional suffering worse by reminding them of something



• He keeps reminding her that she’s no longer slim, and seems to get a kick out of rubbing it
in. Can’t he see how distraught she is?

• A: Is it true you got plastered on your wedding night?

B: O.K.! There’s no need to rub it in.

• Your example: _________________________________________________

To bang one’s head against a brick wall

(To get nowhere, to feel that you are being ignored/not being listened to—note this
expression is often preceded by ‘like’)


• Trying to get through to my husband that he must raise his fees if he wants to keep the
creditors at bay is like banging my head against a brick wall.

• I’ve told them that they will have to amend the contract if they want to avoid turmoil later
on, but I feel like I’m banging my head against a brick wall.

• Your example: _________________________________________________

To make a song and dance about something

(To complain / make a fuss about something)

• Margarita makes a song and dance about bolshy Rita causing a rift in the office, but it
goes over the boss’s head.

• Listen, I’m not exactly flourishing in this job either, but that doesn’t mean I have to go
around making a song and dance about it.

• Your example: Have / Give the floor

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