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SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Nucleic Acid Test Report
条码号 (Barcode ID):702003188628

姓名 (Name):WEN FENG 标本类型 (Specimen):口咽拭子 (Oropharyngeal swab)

性别 (Gender): (F) 标本状态 (Specimen Status):良好 (Good)
年龄 (Age):39 岁 (Y) 联系电话 (Tel):13853116686
证件号码 (ID/Passport NO.):PE3016084 检测类型 (Detection Type):单管
采样时间 (Date/Time Collected):2023-09-18 10:52 收样时间 (Date/Time Received):2023-09-19 11:19

检测内容/Detection Content:

定性检测新型冠状病毒肺炎(NCP)相关病原—新型冠状病毒(ORF1ab/N 基因)核酸。用于新型冠状病毒感染的辅

助诊断及流行病学监控。/ Qualitative detection of nucleic acid of novel coronavirus (ORF1ab/N Gene) associated with

COVID-19 pathogen. Diagnosis and epidemiological monitoring of novel coronavirus infection.

检测结果/Test Result:

检测项目/Tests 检测方法/Method

新型冠状病毒核酸检测/2019-nCoV-RNA 实时荧光 PCR 法/Real-time PCR

结果/Result 参考区间/Reference range 检测限/Detection limit

阳性(+)/Positive 阳性(+)/Positive 400copies/mL


1. 本检测结果可能受到采样时间,采样部位及方法学局限性等因素影响,结果需结合临床进行分析。/ The results

may be influenced by sampling time, sampling location and methodological limitations. The results should be analyzed

in combination with clinical practice.

2. 以上检验结果仅对本次检测的样本有效。/ This report is only valid for the tested sample.

报告日期 (Date/Time Reported):2023-09-19 11:53 检测者 (Performed By):

审核者 (Approved By):

网址: 地址:北京市丰台区开阳路北京南站立体停车场
客服邮箱 客服电话:400-869-3888 第 1/1 页

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