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Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 23, No.

1, February 2023, 01-14

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tanjungpura.
ISSN: 1412-1576 (Print), 2621-8428 (Online), Indonesia

Constructions of UNTAN
Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Journal homepage: https://jurnal.untan.ac.id/index.php/jtsuntan

Calculation of the Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Sabda Setia Kota

Pontianak Building's Structure
*Fiqih Rahmanto1, Elvira1, and Asep Supriyadi1
1Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tanjungpura
* fiqihrahmanto04@student.untan.ac.id

Abstract Article history:

Submitted 16-12-2022
The release of the new Indonesian seismic code SNI-
Revise on 26-12-2022
1729-2019 at the end of 2017 is one example of how
Published on 28-02-2023
laws governing building construction have been
updated to reflect current conditions. The updated Keyword:
Pusat Studi Gempa Nasional (PUSGEN) earth study Structural analysis, Irregularity, Special
includes a new earthquake source, new active faults, moment bearing Frame system, Building
a more precise topography map, and an earthquake structure.
catalog. Pontianak is one of the new seismic zones in
the SNI; therefore, when planning buildings in DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26418/jtsft
Pontianak, earthquake force parameters must be
calculated so that, in the event of an earthquake,
preventive measures can be taken to prevent
significant losses. This study plans the structure of the
Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Sabda Setia Kota
Pontianak based on the Indonesian seismic code SNI-
1729-2019. The structure is composed of reinforced
concrete and a moment-bearing frame. It is limited to
the planning of the upper construction of the building,
which consists of plates, beams, and columns, and the
lower structure of the building, which consists of
footings. The structural analysis is performed using
the ETABS software. It is adjusted to the planned
structural dimensions, which are 100 mm thick floor
plates, 350/700 mm primary beams, 300/600 mm
secondary beams, and 250/500 mm K1 D-800 mm
and K2 500/500 mm columns. From the results of
recalculation in this study, it can be seen that the
Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Sabda Setia is classified
as KDS D. Hence, its seismic force-bearing structural
system is the Special Moment Resisting Frame
System (SRPMK). This building's structure has
horizontal irregularity type 1a (torsional irregularity),
horizontal irregularity type 1b (extreme torsional
irregularity), irregularity type 3 (diaphragm
discontinuity irregularity), and vertical irregularity type
2 (weight (mass) irregularity). The calculations
conform to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), so
they meet the requirements. The structural analysis is
then adapted to the intended structural parameters
and cross-checked against the Indonesian National
Standard (SNI) to ensure that it satisfies the necessary
safety criteria.

Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 23, No.1, February 2023-ISSN: 1412-1576 (Print), 2621-8428 (Online) 2

1. Introduction 2. Materials and Methods

Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Sabda Setia is a 2.1 Theoretical Frame Work
university founded on November 11, 2021, by Pontianak is one of the new seismic zones in
Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and the SNI; therefore, when planning buildings in
Technology Decree Number 460/E/O/2021, Pontianak, earthquake force parameters must
which includes a License to Establish Sabda be calculated so that, in the event of an
Setia Institute of Technology and Business in earthquake, preventive measures can be taken
Pontianak City, West Kalimantan Province. The to prevent significant losses. This study plans
Yayasan Gereja Protestan Kampung Bali the structure of the Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis
established this university. The Institut Sabda Setia Kota Pontianak based on the
Teknologi dan Bisnis Sabda Setia is located at Indonesian seismic code SNI-1729-2019. The
Jalan Purnama 2, Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan structure is composed of reinforced concrete
Barat. This building has lecture classes, and a Moment Bearing Frame System. It is
integrated service units, lecturer rooms, limited to the planning of the upper construction
practical places, department-study programs, of the building, which consists of plates, beams,
laboratories, kitchens, multi-purpose halls, and columns in the form of foundations. The
libraries, mashallah, vehicle parking, and structural analysis is performed with the aid of
storage warehouses on six floors and one a program for structural analysis that has been
ground floor. calibrated to the planned structural dimensions.
In planning activities, a building must have 2.2 Research Location
strength and function, indicating that the The research object is Institut Teknologi dan
building must support dead, live, and Bisnis Sabda Setia Kota Pontianak, located at
earthquake loads. According to the 2017 Jalan Purnama 2.
Indonesian Earthquake Source and Hazard 2.3 Data
Map, Kota Pontianak is classified as a zone with
The data used for the calculation of the
moderate seismic activity. As a result, all
structure of the Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis
structures in Kota Pontianak must be planned
Sabda Setia Kota Pontianak building are as
and constructed with earthquake force
follows: (a) reinforced concrete structure with
parameters in anticipation of a seismic event to
(b) six levels; (c) building length 83.100 m, (d)
minimize significant losses. Buildings that have
building width 28.587 m; (e) ground floor height
a large number of floors will result in a large
3.50 m, (f) floor heights 1-4 are 3.74 m; (g) floor
number of horizontal loads when an earthquake
height 5 is 3.50 m, (h) floor height 6 is 4.70 m,
event occurs. This can happen because the
(i) total building height 26.66 m, (j) material
higher a building is, the heavier it will be, which
specifications: concrete quality (fc') of 30 MPa.
is one of the many factors that affect
In detail, the planned building conditions are as
earthquake-induced loads.
shown below:
This study is a form of evaluation by
recalculating the structure of buildings under
construction in Kota Pontianak, where the
earthquake force is included as one of the
parameters taken into account. Considering
that Kota Pontianak has now entered a mild
earthquake zone, the results of this study could
be used as a guide for future building plans in Fig. 1 Ground Floor Plan
Kota Pontianak.
The aims of this study are: (1) to understand the
basis and stages of calculating building
structures using the Indonesian National
Standard (SNI); (2) to analyze the structure of a
high building using the ETABS structural
analysis program; (3) to use the results of the Fig. 2 1St Floor Plan
structural analysis to calculate reinforced
concrete structures; and (4) to plan the
foundations of high buildings.

Fig. 3 2nd Floor Plan

Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 23, No.1, February 2023-ISSN: 1412-1576 (Print), 2621-8428 (Online) 3

Fig. 4 3rd Floor Plan Fig. 10 Right Side View

Fig.11 Left Side View

Fig. 5 4th Floor Plan 2.4 Analysis Method
This study includes a preliminary design, a
structure analysis, an inspection of how a
building structure works, planning for
reinforcements in building structures, and
planning for building systems footings.
Preliminary design is the initial stage in
Fig. 6 5th Floor Plan
determining the dimensions of the structure for
floor plates, beams, and columns that are
calculated manually and based on the
guidelines in SNI 2847-2019 concerning
Structural Concrete Requirements for Building
Buildings and Explanations. The dimensions of
the structure that meet the requirements can be
used in subsequent calculations. At this stage,
planning is also done for the supporting
facilities of the building, such as stairs and
Fig. 7 6th Floor Plan
Structural analysis is a stage for determining
the loading that works in the main structure of a
building, which consists of dead loads, live
loads, wind loads, and earthquake loads
regulated by SNI 1727-2020 concerning
Minimum Design Loads and Related Criteria for
Buildings and Other Structures and SNI 1726-
2019 concerning Earthquake Resistance
Planning Procedures for Non-Building
Structures. On the basis of the loads carried by
the structural elements on the floor plates,
beams, and columns, the forces in the
Fig. 8 Front View building's structure will be analyzed with the
ETABS (Extended Three-Dimensional Analysis
of Building Systems) software, which is one of
the programs used to analyze and design
building structures quickly and precisely. The
result of the analysis is the inner force acting on
the main structure of the building due to the
loading combination described in SNI 1727-
2020, Minimum Design Load and Related
Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures.
An inspection of how a building structure works
refers to SNI 1726-2019 on Earthquake
Resistance Planning Procedures for Building
Fig. 9 Back View and Non-Building Structures, which consists of
Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 23, No.1, February 2023-ISSN: 1412-1576 (Print), 2621-8428 (Online) 4

the mass modal participation ratio, earthquake 3. Result and Discussion

force scale factor, inter-level deviation, P-delta The following are the results of the recalculation
effect, horizontal irregularity in the structure, of the building structure of the Institut Teknologi
and vertical irregularity in the structure. dan Bisnis Sabda Setia Kota Pontianak.
Planning for reinforcements in building 3.1 Preliminary Design
structures is done according to the criteria of the In the preliminary design, analysis is carried out
moment-bearing frame system. Reinforcement for the initial planning of beam dimensions,
planning is done for each structural element initial planning of floor plates dimension, initial
and calculated manually by inputting the planning of column dimensions, stair planning,
internal forces obtained in the structural elevator planning, and the initial planning of
analysis stage. seismic force-bearing structural systems.
Planning for building systems Foundations will The initial planning of beam dimensions
be laid using suitable foundation types for the After analyzing the initial beam dimension
soil conditions and considering the axial forces planning, three types of beam dimensions were
acting. The things done in foundation planning obtained, namely, the primary beam which has
consist of the carrying capacity of the dimensions of 350/700 mm. The secondary
foundation, shear checks on the pile cap, and beam is 300/600 mm and 250/500 mm.
reinforcement planning on the pile cap. Complete results as presented in Table 1
In summary, this study was conducted as below;
described by the following flowchart: Table 1. Results of preliminary analysis of
Start beam dimensions
Beam Span Beam Beam
(mm) Dimension Code
Data collection Primary 2000 350/700 B1
(Drawing of Building Structure Planning, Primary 2500 350/700 B1
Primary 4200 350/700 B1
material specifications, soil data)
Primary 6000 350/700 B1
Primary 8000 350/700 B1
Primary 4000 350/700 B1
Preliminary Design Primary 1850 350/700 B1
Secondary 4200 300/600 B2
Secondary 1300 300/600 B2
Secondary 4000 300/600 B2
Secondary 900 300/600 B2
Secondary 1200 300/600 B2
Secondary 1850 300/600 B2
Secondary 8000 300/600 B2
Secondary 3000 300/600 B2
Secondary 2405 250/500 B3
Secondary 2100 250/500 B3
Secondary 3463 250/500 B3
Secondary 3114 250/500 B3
Structure Loading
Redesign Secondary 1900 250/500 B3
Secondary 3291 250/500 B3
Secondary 3285 250/500 B3
Secondary 3637 250/500 B3
An inspection of how a building
structure works

No The results of this analysis demonstrate that the

Control beam will support vertical loads that are dead
Yes and live loads in the longitudinal and transverse
Calculation of internal forces directions. In addition, the beam pedestal is
clamped to a pole or column (fixed support).
This support can provide a reaction to vertical
Planning for reinforcements in
building structures forces
and horizontal forces and is even able to give a
response to the turning moment.
Planning for building systems
The initial planning of floor plates
Foundations dimension
Since the floor plates will bear vertical loads in
The results of the recalculation of the the form of dead and live loads in the
Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Sabda longitudinal and transverse directions and the
Setia Kota Pontianak building
structure based on the Indonesian beam acting as a support for the floor plates is
seismic code SNI-1729-2019 considered to be pinned, in the initial planning
for the floor plates, the formula for the minimum
End thickness of the floor plates for one-way and
two-way plates is used. From the analysis, it
can be seen that the thickness of the floor
Fig. 12 Flow Chart of The Study
Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 23, No.1, February 2023-ISSN: 1412-1576 (Print), 2621-8428 (Online) 5

plates (t) used is 100 mm and meets the difference of 3.5 m and do not use treads. This
requirements where the value of t is more staircase is outside the building, on the 5th
significant than hmin which is 89.71 mm. floor, towards the rooftop deck. (g) Type 6 stairs
The initial planning of column dimensions are public stairs with an elevation difference of
3.74 m and a 2 m wide landing. This staircase
The total load acting on the column determines
is located in the main lobby as a link between
the initial column dimensions. Utilizing the
the 1st floor and the 2nd floor. (h) Type 7 stairs
Tributary Area method, the calculation is
are emergency stairs with an elevation
conducted. The requirement for column design
difference between floors of 3.74 m and are
strength is that the designed column must be
inside the building on the 1st floor, a link
capable of meeting one of the requirements,
between the 1st floor and the 5th floor. Table
which is that the nominal axial compressive
(2) following is a recapitulation of the analysis
strength Pn must not exceed Pn max (Pn >=
of the Institut Teknologi Sabda Setia Kota
Pu). For the Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Sabda
Pontianak building stairs.
Setia Kota Pontianak study, circular columns
are planned uniformly on each floor, so the Table 2. Recapitulation of the analysis of the
cross-sectional area analysis needs only be Institut Teknologi Sabda Setia Kota
performed on the first-floor columns, which will Pontianak building stairs
bear the most significant load from the floors Type of Stairs
above. The intended diameter of the column is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

800 mm. The analysis reveals that the total Elevation difference
H (mm)
3500 3740 3740 3500 3500 3740 3740

ultimate load (Pu) acting on the column on the Stair width Lt 2100 4000 3000 1200 1200 2000 2000
first floor is 5280.003 kN. The required cross- (mm)
Bord With, LB 4200 4000 3000 1200 1200 1200 2000
sectional area of the column is 324556.509 (mm) .
mm2, so Sneed is 642.707 mm. Since Splan > Number of steps,n 20 22 22 20 20 22 22
Sneed, the 800 mm spiral column dimension (pc)
Stair Step Height, O
175 170 170 175 175 170 170
can be used. Stair Step Width, A
(mm) 300 350 350 275 275 350 300
Stair planning
Stair angle, a (o) 30,256 25,907 25,907 32,471 32,471 25,907 29,539
Stairs are a part of construction planned as a
link between two vertical levels separated from Stair plate span, L
3473,110 4280,117 4280,117 3259,601 3259,601 4280,117 3448,188
each other. The stairs consist of steps and tmin (mm)
124,040 152,861 178,338 135817,000 135817,000 178,338 123,150
landings. Stairs are a place to stand when
tPlan (mm) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
climbing or descending stairs, including the
optrade and antrade). While the benches
themselves are part of the stairs, they function Elevator planning
as a place to rest before climbing or descending Elevators and stairs must be planned for this
the next step and as a change in the direction building. Elevator capacity determines the
of the stairs. The types of stairs planned in this number of elevators used, which affects
building are seven: (a) Type 1 stairs, in the form building services. Based on current and future
of emergency stairs with an elevation difference needs, elevator numbers should be realistic.
of 3.5 m between floors, are located inside the Due to the difficulty of elevator modification
building precisely on the ground floor, which after installation, this is considered. A sound
functions as a link between the ground floor and elevator system has a large vertical carrying
floor 1. (b) Inside the building, in the corridor capacity, minimal waiting time on each floor,
area of the first floor, is a type 2 staircase in the comfortable speed, and fast loading and
form of the building's main staircase, with a unloading.
landing difference in elevation between floors of Engine control and engine placement beams
3.74 m and a landing width of 8 m. (c) A type 3 are used in elevator planning. The engine
staircase is a public staircase with a floor control beam raises the elevator machine to the
elevation difference of 3.74 m and a landing 5th floor before placing it on the engine
width of 3 m that is located inside the building placement beam. This beam is on the roof and
directly in front of the rector. (d) Staircase Type has a pulley hook in the middle.
3 is a public staircase with an elevation
difference between floors of 3.74 m and a The engine control beam is designed to weigh
landing width of 3 m inside the building in front 13800 kg and measure 250/600 mm. The
of the rector. (e) The Type 4 staircase is located engine placement beam supports the elevator
inside Library I to connect it with Library II. The machine on the 6th floor with two shafts, front
elevation difference between floors is 3.5 m, and back, and a reaction load (R) according to
and the width of the corridors is 1.2 m. (f) Type Table (3) The front and back engine placement
5 stairs are public stairs with an elevation beams will be 250/600 mm.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 23, No.1, February 2023-ISSN: 1412-1576 (Print), 2621-8428 (Online) 6

Table 3. Specifications of the elevator from acceleration spectral response (MCER)

Handok Elevator Co., Ltd. parameters consist of the short-period
Type Passenger Elevator acceleration spectral response (SMS)
105 m/menit
20 person (1350 kg)
parameter, which is the product of the
Opening 1100 mm acceleration-related vibration amplification
Internal CA x CB 200 x 1500 mm. factor for short-period vibration (Fa) with the
External A x B 2060 x 1570 mm.
Hoistway (X3 x Y 8000 x 2657 mm. value of Ss, and the acceleration spectral
M/C Room (MX3 x MY x MH) 8000 x 3800 x 2657 mm response parameter for the 1-second period
R1 = 7800 kg.
M/C Room Reaction
R2 = 6000 kg. (SM1), which is the product of the
Overhead (OH) 4600 mm acceleration-related amplification factor
Pit (PD) 1800 mm
representing vibration at the 1-second
Based on the results of the analysis, 3 elevators period (Fv) with the value of SI. The values
are planned in this building of Fa and Fv for this study are 2.4 and 4.2,
respectively, obtained from the reference
table contained in SNI-1729-2019. From the
calculation results, the values of SMS =
0.328 g and SM1 = 0.205 g were obtained.
(e) Design spectral acceleration parameter
values for a short period (SDS) and 1-second
period (SD1) calculated with the equation
SDS = ⅔SMS = ⅔ x 0,328 = 0,219 g, SD1 =
⅔SM1 = ⅔ x 0,205 = 0,137 g.
Fig. 13 Plan and cutting plan of the elevator
(f) The design response spectrum value is
obtained from the curve of the design
Seismic force-bearing structural systems
response spectrum. This curve is made
In this study, the determination of the seismic under the following conditions:
force-bearing structural system is regulated 𝑇
explicitly in SNI 1726-2019, "Earthquake - T < To → Sa = SDS(0,4 + 0,6 )……….(1)
Resistance Planning Procedures for Building - To ≤T≤TS → Sa = SDS……………………(2)
and Non-Building Structures." The analysis for
determining the seismic force-bearing structural 𝑆𝐷1
- TS ≤ T ≤TL → Sa = …………………(3)
system is as follows: 𝑇
(a) Determining the earthquake primacy factor 𝑆𝐷1 𝑇𝐿
- T > TL → Sa = …………………..(4)
and risk category of building structures, This 𝑇2
study shows that this building falls into risk The values of T0, Ts, and TL are as follows
category IV (it has an earthquake primacy
factor (EPF) value of 1.5).
(b) Determining site classification, In this study,
the site classification of the object of
research, an Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis
Sabda Setia Kota Pontianak building
structure, can be determined by locating the
value of the average field standard
penetration resistance (N). The value that
Acceleration Response Spectra, Sa (g)

was obtained from the analysis, which was

5.345, can be found in the previous
(c) Mapped acceleration parameter values,
whose value is determined from SNI 1726-
2019. In SNI 1726-2019, the spectral
response parameter of the mapped MCER Period, T (Second)

earthquake acceleration for a short period Fig. 14 Design Response Spectrum Kota Pontianak
(Ss) and the spectral response parameter of
the mapped MCER earthquake acceleration The formula is used to figure out the initial scale factor
for the period of 1.0 second (S1) for the of the earthquake forces in the X-direction and Y-
Pontianak City area, for this study each direction.
value is Ss = 0,137 g dan SI = 0,049 g. 𝑔 𝑥 𝐼𝑒
Initial scale factor =
(d) Site coefficient values and maximum 𝑅
considered risk-targeted earthquake
Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 23, No.1, February 2023-ISSN: 1412-1576 (Print), 2621-8428 (Online) 7

g is the gravitational acceleration (mm/sec2), Ie 25742.960 MPa, poison number () 0,.2 and
is the Earthquake primacy factor and R is the shear modulus (G).
Response modification coefficient. With the (b) Reinforcing steel; (i) threaded
equation, the value of the initial scale factor of reinforcement; yield strength of reinforcing
the earthquake force in both the X direction and steel (y) 420 MPa, the tensile strength of
the Y direction is 1839.375 mm/sec2. the reinforcing steel (u) 525 MPa, the
(g) The seismic design category can be elastic modulus of steel 200000 MPa. (ii)
determined by adjusting the risk category of plain rebar; yield strength of reinforcing steel
the building and its design acceleration (y) 280 MPa, the tensile strength of the
spectral response parameters (SDS and reinforcing steel (u) 350 MPa, the elastic
SD1) from SNI 1726-2019. The study object modulus of steel 200000 MPa.
falls into seismic design category D. Furthermore, the beam is modeled into a frame
(h) Seismic force resisting structural system. element with both ends modeled as fixed-fixed,
The seismic force-bearing structural system and the beam dimensions are adjusted to the
for seismic design category D in SNI 1726- results of the preliminary design.
2019 is not permitted to use the ordinary In Article of SNI 2847-2019, the
moment-bearing frame system (SRPMB) moment of inertia of the beam is reduced to
and medium moment-bearing frame system 0.35Ig. The beam dimensions used in the
(SRPMM). Still, it is not restricted to using analysis of the Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis
the Special Moment-Bearing Frame System Sabda Setia Kota Pontianak Building structure
(SRPMK). So in this study, the seismic are as follows; (a) Primary Beam (B1) width 350
force-resisting structural system used is the mm, height 700 mm, 9b) secondary beam (B 2)
Special Moment Resisting Frame System width 300 mm, height 600 mm,and (c)
(SRPMK), using the data below: (a) secondary beam (B3) width 250 mm, height 500
Response modification coefficient (R) is 8, mm.
(b) Strong factors over the system (o) is
three and (c) Enlargement factor of lateral
deviation (Cd) is 5,5.
3.2 Structural analysis
The structural analysis is carried out by the
Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Sabda Setia
building structure model, which consists of the Fig. 16 Beam Modeling on the 1st floor of the Institut
upper structure and the structural loading Teknologi dan Bisnis Sabda Setia Kota
model, which includes calculating the loads that Pontianak building structure
will act on the structure as a whole. This loading The structural analysis modeled not only the
will be combined to obtain the internal forces beams but also the columns, floor plates, stairs,
working on the structural elements. Structural elevators, and loads in addition to the beams.
analysis is carried out with the help of ETABS In the case of the columns, modeling was
software. accomplished by modifying the column
dimensions according to the results of the
preliminary design. The columns were modeled
as frame elements, and both the beginning and
the end were made to be fixed. This building
has 800 mm (K1) circular and 500×500 mm
square columns (K2). SNI 2847-2019 Article reduces column moment of inertia to
0.70 Ig.

Fig. 15 Building structure Institut Teknologi dan

Bisnis Sabda Setia Kota Pontianak
Material specifications used to analyze the Fig. 17 Modeling of the 1st-floor column in the Institut
structure of Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Sabda Teknologi dan Bisnis Sabda Setia Kota
Setia Kota Pontianak are Pontianak building structure
(a) Concrete; concrete compressive strength Furthermore, the floor slab is modeled as a
(c') 30 MPa, concrete elastic modulus (Ec) shell-thin type slab, and according to the results
Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 23, No.1, February 2023-ISSN: 1412-1576 (Print), 2621-8428 (Online) 8

of the preliminary design, the thickness of the stair slab loads, and landing loads, whose
floor slab used for all floors in this building is calculations can be automatically done with the
100 mm. In Article of SNI 2847-2019, help of ETABS software. While included in the
the moment of inertia for the floor slab is additional dead load (SIDL) is the extra dead
reduced to 0.25 Ig. load of the beam due to the presence of walls
and the other dead load on the floor slab and
the stairs due to the addition of cement and
ceramic mortar.
The analysis shows that the additional dead
load on the beam due to the 3.5-m-high wall is
9.135 kN/m, the 3.74-m-high wall is 9.761
Fig. 18 Modeling of the 1st-floor slab on Institut kN/m, and the 4.7-m-high wall is 10.440 kN/m.
Teknologi dan Bisnis Sabda Setia Kota
Pontianak building structure
The stair and landing plates are modeled using
preliminary design results into a shell-thin slab.
The thickness of the stair and landing plates is
determined based on the results of the
preliminary design. As in Article of SNI
2847-2019, the moment of inertia for stair
plates is reduced to 0.25 Ig.
The centralized load will be modeled as a
centralized load acting on the engine control
beam and engine support beam, where the load
value is in accordance with the specifications of Fig. 21 Additional dead load on the beam for Portal
the elevator used. A centralized load of 13800 For the additional dead load on the floor, the
kg = 135331.77 N for the engine control beam results of the calculation are as follows: (a)
will be applied, and the engine support beam Ground floor slab, the total additional dead load
will receive a reaction load of R1 = 7800 kg = of 0.94 kN/m2, (b) Floors 1 to 6, the total
76491.87 and R2 = 6000 kg = 58839.9 N. additional dead load of 1.36 kN/m2, and (c) Roof
floor, the total additional dead load of 1.12

Fig. 19 Loading on engine pulley beam

Fig. 22 Additional dead load on the ground floor slab

Front engine Rear engine

positioning positioning
Fig. 20 Loadings on machine support beams for
elevators Fig. 23 Additional dead load on floor slabs (Floor 1
The loads acting on the structure are vertical to 6)
loads and horizontal loads. Vertical loads
consist of dead and live loads, while horizontal
loads are wind and earthquake loads. For this
study, the modeling of dead load, live load, and
wind load refer to SNI 1727-2020, while the
earthquake load refers to SNI 1726-2019. Dead Fig. 24 Additional dead load on roof floor
load is caused by own weight (DL) and
additional dead load (SIDL). In the ETABS
The additional dead load on the stairs consists
software analysis, these two loads will be of stair plate loads of types 1 and 4, totaling
combined with the defined load case D: Dead + 2.94 kN/m2, stair plate loads of types 3 and 6,
SIDL. totaling 3.00 kN/m2, and landing plate loads
The dead load caused by own weight (DL) are totaling 0.93 kN/m2.
beam loads, column loads, floor slab loads,
Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 23, No.1, February 2023-ISSN: 1412-1576 (Print), 2621-8428 (Online) 9

A dead load is followed by a live load. According determined from the examination. Since, in the
to SNI 1727-2020, the live load is adjusted by X direction, Tc < Ta (0.769 < 0.895), the value
floor and room function. The total live load for of T in the X direction is 0.895 seconds.
the Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Setia Sabda Similarly, for the Y direction, where Ta < Tc <
Kota Pontianak building structure is 196.52 CuTa (0.895 < 1.235 < 1.455), T in the Y
kN/m2, with a live bag on the ground floor of direction is 1.235 seconds.
37.87 kN/m2, 1st floor of 26.83, 2nd floor of From the calculation of the value of the seismic
20.13, 3rd floor of 22, 52, 4th floor at 36.19, 5th response coefficient (Cs), the magnitude of Cs
floor at 38.34, 6th floor at 13.18, roof floor at in the X direction is 0.029, and in the Y direction
0.96, and additional load from rainwater is 0.021. As a control, the Cs value should be
puddles (R) with a height of 5 cm or 50 mm, greater than 0.01 (0.044SDSIe ≥ 0.01).
which is 0.50 kN/m2.
Cs = 0,044SDSIe ≥ 0,01 ……………….(5)
In this study, the wind load calculation is based
on Article 27 Section 1 of SNI 1727-2020, which = 0,044 × 0,219 × 1,50 ≥ 0,01
says that the minimum design wind load for
enclosed buildings should not be less than 0.77 = 0,014 ≥ 0,01
kN/m2 multiplied by the building wall area Since Cs = 0.014 ≥ 0.01, the X direction Cs
projected in the vertical plane perpendicular to value is 0.029, and the Y direction Cs is 0.021.
the assumed wind. From the calculation results, By referring to Article 7.7.2 of SNI 1726-2019,
the wind pressure (p) value is less than the the effective seismic weight of the structure (W)
minimum design wind load, so the p-value used must include all dead loads due to its own
is 0.77 kN/m2 or 770 N/m2, which before being weight and additional dead loads, as well as a
input into the ETABS software is converted first minimum of 25% of the floor live load. These
into a line load acting on the column. provisions are inputted in the mass source in
the ETABS software so that the result of the
effective seismic weight of the structure (W) in
the X direction is 14810276,250 and in the Y
direction is 14810276,250. Thus, W is
14810276,250 kg = 145239,225 kN.
Using ETABS software, the earthquake force
Fig. 25 X-Direction Wind Load Modeling scale factor (V/Vt) was then analyzed. Suppose
the response combination for the base shear
force from the variety analysis (Vt) is less than
100% of the shear force (V) calculated through
the equivalent static method. The force must be
multiplied by V/Vt, where V is the equivalent
static base shear force. This is equal to Article of SNI 1726-2019.
Fig. 26 Y-Direction Wind Load Modeling
Table 4. Vt values were analyzed with ETABS
software using the response spectrum
3.3 An inspection of how a building method.
structure works Output Case Type Step FX FY
SNI 1726-2019 Article analyses the Case Type kN kN
variational response spectrum by counting Ex LinRespSpec Max 3454,67 140,36
variations. The analysis may include the Ey LinRespSpec Max 132,628 1911,63
minimum number of variances needed to
achieve at least 90% of the actual mass in each VX = Cs in X × W = 0,029 × 145239,225
orthogonal horizontal direction of the response
VX = 4168,169 kN
reviewed by the model.
VY = Cs in Y × W = 0,021 × 145239,225
The combined variety with 12 varieties meets
Article of SNI 1726-2019 with a mass of VY = 3019,523 kN. The preliminary design has
97.3% in the X direction, 96.6% in the Y obtained a scale factor of 1839.375 mm/sec2.
direction, and 96.7% in the Z direction. The The scale factor results in a Vt value that is less
structure's first variation motion is Y-direction than 100% of the V value, so based on article
translation, followed by x-direction translation of SNI 1726-2019, the value of the
and Z-direction rotation, according to inspection earthquake force scale factor must be changed
results. using the following calculation:
The earthquake force scale factor's V/Vt scale factor in the X direction =
fundamental period of the structure (T) can be
Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 23, No.1, February 2023-ISSN: 1412-1576 (Print), 2621-8428 (Online) 10

1839,375 𝑥 4168,169
= 2219,267 mm/sec2.
V/Vt scale factor in the Y direction =
1839,375 𝑥 3019,523
= 3183,902 mm/sec2.
After obtaining the new earthquake force scale
factor value, the analysis was carried out again
using ETABS software, and the following
results were obtained:
Fig. 27 Inter-level deviation checking
Table 5. Vt value with new Earthquake Force
Scale Factor (V/Vt) From the analysis, it can be seen that the
deviation between design levels is qualified
Output Case Type Step FX FY
based on the deviation between allowable
Case Type kN kN
Ex LinRespSpec Max 4168,17 169,349
Ey LinRespSpec Max 209,493 3019,52
The P-Delta effect is analyzed with reference to
Article 7.8.7 of SNI 1726-2019, which states
After that, an inter-level deviation check is that the P-Delta effect does not need to be
performed, which begins with the calculation of calculated if the stability coefficient ()is equal
the design inter-level deviation value (), to or less than 0.10. This information is used in
determined by finding the most significant the analysis of the P-Delta effect. Concerning
difference between the deviation of the level the stability coefficient (), it must not be more
above and below the review level. After that, an acidic than the maximum value (max). Since
inter-level deviation check is performed. In the results of the calculation show that the value
seismic force-resisting systems that only of the stability coefficient () is less than 0.10
consist of moment frames and are designed for and does not exceed the maximum, it isn’t
seismic categories D, E, or F, the design necessary to take into account the effect of the
∆𝑎 P-delta.
interlevel deviation () must not exceed for
the design level,  is the redundancy factor.
This rule applies to structures designed to
withstand earthquakes of these magnitudes.
The following are the findings from an
examination of the deviation between levels in
the X direction and the Y direction that was
conducted as part of the study for the building
structure of the Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis
Sabda Setia Kota Pontianak. The findings are
based on SNI 1726-2019 and correspond to Fig. 28 P-Delta Influence Check
risk category IV.
Table 6. X-Direction Interlevel Deviation Check The horizontal irregularity check was performed
Result by Table 13 of SNI 1726-2019 and was
d ex x a/
Story Output
Case Type Step
mm mm
mm mm
modified to account for applying the seismic
Roof Floor Ex LinRespSpec Max X 8,569 2,919 4700 36,154 Ok
design category to the performed structural
6th floor Ex LinRespSpec Max X 7,773 2,886 3500 26.923 Ok analysis. Prior to carrying out the horizontal
5th floor Ex LinRespSpec Max X 6,986 4,154 3740 28,769 Ok
4th floor Ex LinRespSpec Max X 5,833 5,247 3740 28,769 Ok
irregularity check
3rd floor Ex LinRespSpec Max X 4,422 6,094 3740 28,769 Ok
2nd floor Ex LinRespSpec Max X 2,760 6,248 3740 28,769 Ok
The results of the horizontal irregularity check
1st floor
Ex LinRespSpec Max X 1,056 3,872 3500 26,923 Ok on the building structure of Institut Teknologi
Ex LinRespSpec Max X 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 Ok
Floor dan Bisnis Sabda Setia Kota Pontianak indicate
Table 7. Y-Direction Interlevel Deviation Check that the building has torsion irregularity (1a),
Result which is torsion irregularity caused by the
deviation between maximum levels. Torsional
Story Output Case Type Step Direction d ex x hsx a/ Description
Case Type mm mm mm mm irregularities due to maximum inter-level
Roof Floor
6th floor
variation, excessive torsional irregularities (1b),
5th floor Ey LinRespSpec Max Y 19,027 11,444 3740 28,769 Ok and diaphragm discontinuity irregularities (type
4th floor
3rd floor
3). Extreme torsional irregularity (1b) occurs
2nd floor Ey LinRespSpec Max Y 6,849 16,617 3740 28,769 Ok when the calculated maximum inter-level
1st floor
deviation, including the unexpected torque Ax =
1.0, at one end of the structure transverse to an
Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 23, No.1, February 2023-ISSN: 1412-1576 (Print), 2621-8428 (Online) 11

axis is more than 1.4 times the average at both MR2 = M22 - |𝑀12| ≤ 0………………………(9)
ends. Since the building has a type 1b Uniform floor slab reinforcement simplifies
horizontal irregularity, it is necessary to check installation and reduces field errors. Thus, the
the design of the collector element. Collector floor slab elevation determines reinforcement
elements are tensile or compressive elements planning. Two-way and cantilever floor slabs
that collect shear forces from diaphragms and are planned. The analysis results show that in
transmit these forces to vertical elements. the 2-way floor slab, M8-100 wire mesh
Collector elements can be beams in building reinforcement can be used in the X and Y
structural components. As for checking the direction support areas, while M8-100 wire
collector element, P > 0.1 × Ag × fc' for beams mesh reinforcement is used in the X and Y
that become collector elements, while for P < direction field areas. The reinforcement plan for
0.1 × Ag × fc' then the beam is not included in the floor slab with a cantilever system is almost
the collector element. the same as the reinforcement plan for the two-
The reference articles only apply excessive way floor slab.
torsional irregularity to rigid or semi-rigid The floor slab with a cantilever system is
diaphragms. Diaphragm discontinuity planned as a one-way slab using the output or
irregularity (type 3) occurs when a diaphragm results of structural analysis using ETABS
has abrupt stiffness variations or a truncated or software in the form of forces in M22 and M12,
open area greater than 50% of its gross closed which will be used for manual reinforcement
area. For the inspection of vertical irregularities planning. The internal force generated on the
in the structure, it is carried out by referring to cantilevered floor slab cannot be directly used
Table 14 of SNI 1726-2019 and also adjusted in reinforcement planning but must be
to the application of the seismic design processed using equations (7) and (9). The
category in the analyzed structure. cantilever system's reinforcement of the floor
According to vertical irregularity inspection slab is also planned to be uniform to facilitate
results, the Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Sabda workmanship and reduce the risk of installation
Setia Kota Pontianak building structure only errors in the field. The analysis showed that
has weight (mass) irregularities. If any 13-150 mm reinforcement was used for the
influential group is more than 150% of the cantilevered slab for the support and field
effective mass of the adjacent level, this areas.
irregularity can occur. Lighter roofs don't need b. Planning the reinforcement of stairs and
review. landings
3.4 Planning for reinforcements in building The reinforcement planning of stair and landing
structures plates is essentially the same as that of two-way
floor plates. The stair and landing plates, on the
In reinforcement planning, this includes;
other hand, are intended to be one-way plates.
a. Planning the reinforcement of floor The results of structural analysis with ETABS
slabs, both two-way floor slabs and software in the form of forces in M22 and M12
cantilever floor slabs will be used as input data for manual
The floor slab reinforcement model assumes reinforcement planning. Internal forces
vertical and horizontal loads and uses an auto generated in the stair and landing plates cannot
mesh command with a maximum size of 1 m by be used directly in reinforcement planning;
1 m. The preliminary design specifies a 100- instead, they must be processed using
mm floor slab. The preliminary design specifies equations (7) and (9).
a 100-mm floor slab. ETABS software The reinforcement of stair and landing plates
generates internal force for manual will also be uniform to facilitate work and reduce
reinforcement planning. Internal force is M11, the risk of field installation errors. As a result,
M22, and M12. The results of the internal force the reinforcement planning of stair and landing
cannot be directly used in reinforcement plates is done based on the type of stairs.
planning but must be processed first using the According to the calculation results, 13-200
following equation: mm reinforcement is used for the support and
MR1 = M11 + |𝑀12| ≥ 0………….……………(6) field areas of the stairs and landing, and 10-
MR2 = M22 + |𝑀12| ≥ 0……………………….(7) 200 mm reinforcement is used for shrinkage
The two equations above resist the positive and temperature reinforcement.
moment used to plan the lower floor slab c. Planning the reinforcement of beams
reinforcement, so the plan moment (MR) must The name of the beam and its length are used
be greater than zero (>0). to plan beam reinforcement. Beams with the
MR1 = M11 - |𝑀12| ≤ 0 ………………………(8) same name and length will be planned to have
Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 23, No.1, February 2023-ISSN: 1412-1576 (Print), 2621-8428 (Online) 12

the same reinforcement, including flexural, d. Planning the reinforcement of columns

shear, and torsion reinforcement. This is done In this study, the input data for manual column
to facilitate workmanship and reduce the reinforcement planning uses structural analysis
possibility of field installation errors. results with ETABS software in the form of
When planning beam reinforcement, the length internal forces. This building uses round 800
of the beam must be taken into account. mm (K1) and square 500 × 500 mm columns
According to the Special Moment Bearing (K2). According to SNI 2847-2019 Article
Frame System (SRPMK), the beam's flexural, the moment on the sway frame must
and shear reinforcement are performed in two be increased to account for column
areas: the support area and the field area. Both slenderness for both the 800 mm diameter
areas are calculated using SNI 2847-2019 round column (K1) and the 500 × 500 mm
Article, which states that the support square column (K2). According to SNI 2847-
area is equal to 2h measured from the face of 2019 Article, the moment on the sway
the supporting column towards the center of the frame must be increased to account for column
span at both ends of the beam, where h is the slenderness for both the 800 mm diameter
height of the beam used. The internal force round column (K1) and the 500 × 500 mm
generated by the ETABS software analysis will square column (K2). From the results of the
be used for manual reinforcement planning. calculation analysis on the sway frame in the
M3, V2, and T are the resulting internal forces 800 mm diameter round column (K1), the most
on the beam. According to the calculations, the significant moment in the X direction occurs in
beam bending reinforcement used for the combination 6a, so the moment magnification is
pedestal area is 4-25 mm, the reinforcement carried out on the combination and direction.
under the pedestal area is 3-25 mm, the field The Swaying Frame Moment Magnification for
top reinforcement is 2-25 mm, and the field 800 mm Diameter Round Column (K1) occurs
bottom reinforcement is 3-25 mm. on the 4th floor, with moment Mu = 496.816 kN
m and load Pu = 2242.966 kN; these two values
Shear reinforcement on the beam employs an
are the reference for planning the longitudinal
internal force in the form of V2, with the value
reinforcement of 800 mm diameter round
taken in each region of both the pedestal area
column (K1) using column interaction diagram.
(left and right pedestal) and the field, namely
the most considerable absolute value of all
loading combinations used. Based on the
calculations, shear reinforcement 12-100 is
used for the support area and shear
reinforcement 12-150 is used for the field
Torsion reinforcement on the beam uses an
internal force of T, the most considerable
absolute value of all loading combinations, over
the beam's span. The results of the calculation
of bending, shear, and torsion reinforcement on
the beam can be shown based on the figure Fig. 30 Strain and stress diagram of a round column
below, and the beam used as a description in Total reinforcement area (As)
the calculation analysis is taken as beam B1d From the analysis of the calculation of the
350/700. moment magnification on the swaying frame in
the 500x500 mm square column (K2), it can be
seen that the largest moment in the Y direction
occurs in combination 6e so that the moment
magnification is carried out on the combination
and direction. The rocking frame moment
magnification for 500x500 mm square column
(K2) occurs on the 2nd floor, with moment Mu =
236.858 kN m and load Pu = 1308.476 kN;
these two values are the reference for planning
the longitudinal reinforcement of 500x500 mm
square column (K2) using column interaction
Fig. 29 The results of the calculation of bending,
shear, and torsion reinforcement on the
Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 23, No.1, February 2023-ISSN: 1412-1576 (Print), 2621-8428 (Online) 13

4. Conclusion
From a series of recalculations of the object of
research, namely the building structure of the
Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Sabda Setia,
which consists of preliminary design, structural
analysis, an inspection of how a building
structure works, planning for reinforcements in
building structures, and planning for building
system footings, it can be concluded that the
object of research is categorized into seismic
Fig. 31 Strain and stress diagram of a square column design category D so that in its planning it must
total reinforcement area (As) use a Special Moment Bearing Frame System
(SRPMK) as a seismic force-bearing structural
Furthermore, longitudinal and transverse system. SRPMK reduces earthquakes and
reinforcement calculations yield the following other unplanned energy damage. This building
results; frame system is fully ductile. Thus, the building
Table 8. Recapitulation of Column Reinforcement will be stronger than other framing systems.
Planning The framer must install all SRPMK components
Column Column Longitudinal Transverse according to SNI guidelines to give the building
Dimensions Reinforcement Reinforcement owner these benefits.
Round 10-55 Because the calculations in this study refer to
K1 800 mm 12-25
Column 10-150 the SPRMK and SNI, and Kota Pontianak is
Square 10-75 included in seismic zone D, what has been
K2 500x500 mm 12-25 done in this study can be used as a reference
Column 10-150
by the Kota Pontianak government or the
private sector in planning a 6-level building
According to the SRPMK (Special Moment
structure or more in Kota Pontianak.
Bearing Frame System) in Article 18.8 of SNI
2847-2019, installing D10-55 and D10-75 5. Acknowledgment
transverse reinforcement at the joint makes the First of all, I want to thank my parents and sister
column design safe, so the Institut Teknologi for always being there for me and making sure
dan Bisnis Sabda Setia building meets the I was able to finish this study successfully. I am
seismic category D building planning incredibly grateful to Mr. Ir. Elvira, M.T., Ph.D.,
requirements. IPM, Mr. Asep Supriyadi, S.T., M.T, Mr. M.
3.5 Planning for building systems Footings Yusuf, S.T., M.T., IPM, and Mr. Ir. Faisal, M.T.,
for providing some suggestions and knowledge
Footings system planning for the building
in the guidance process so that this study
structure of the Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis
produces a creation that can be useful as a
Sabda Setia Kota Pontianak uses a deep
reference in the calculation of the building
foundation or pile foundation. The type of pile
structures in Kota Pontianak, Indonesia. I would
used is spun pile with a diameter of 40 cm.
also like to thank my friends for trusting my
Footings-bearing capacity calculations use soil
process and encouraging me so that I could
investigation data from the Standard
successfully finish this work. Finally, I would
Penetration Test in planning (SPT).
also like to thank the Jurnal Teknik Sipil UNTAN
Calculations in footing planning include
(JTS) Team, who have agreed to publish the
calculations of pile group bearing capacity, pile
results of this study so that it can become a
block bearing capacity, pile cap shear check,
valuable reference for everyone, especially in
and reinforcement planning for pile cap. The
the planning of building structures in Kota
calculation of the bearing capacity of the footing
uses the unanchored load or service load,
which is the load resulting from the D + L 6. Author’s Note
combination. The footing's bearing capacity Everything written in this article is original
calculation uses an un-factored or service load, because it sums up my studies with Mr. Ir.
which is the load resulting from the combination Elvira, M.T., Ph.D., IPM, and Mr. Asep
of D + L. In contrast, the calculation of the Supriyadi, S.T., M.T. The contents of this article
footing structure itself uses a factored or have been reviewed in a thesis defense at the
ultimate load. Two footing types, type F1 with n Department of Civil Engineering, the University
= 4 spun piles and type F2 with n = 2, are of Tanjungpura, on 7 December 2022 by Mr.
calculated from footing system planning. Yusuf, S.T., M.T., IPM, and Mr. Ir. Faisal, M.T.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil: Vol 23, No.1, February 2023-ISSN: 1412-1576 (Print), 2621-8428 (Online) 14

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