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What is SST ?

SST stands for salt spray test

Standard Reference :- ASTM B 117

What Is the ASTM B117 Salt Fog/Salt Spray Test?

ASTM B117 Salt Fog and Salt Spray testing is relatively fast way to
analyze the corrosion caused by salt water and chlorides on coated metals
and alloys.
The ASTM B117 standard for operating a salt fog or salt spray cabinet, test,
is a widely used corrosion test required by many companies and
government agencies,
The purpose of salt fog testing is to collect corrosion resistance data from
coated and non-coated alloys

How is the salt fog/ salt spray test performed?

The samples, which varies in size and shape, are exposed to a 5% salt fog
or spray that is even distributed among the samples inside our B117 testing
chamber. The sample chambers are checked twice daily for collection rates,
water pH, and temperature throughout the test.

The salt fog testing conditions can vary depending on your

requirements, but the most common are:

35±2 degrees C
pH of 6.5 to 7.2
5 parts sodium chloride to 95 environment
30 days of testing (720 hours)
Common materials that can be tested using the salt spray test are:

1. Paints
2. Organic coatings
3. Phosphated surfaces
4. Zinc and Zinc-alloy platings
5. Electroplated chromium, tin, nickel, copper
6. Non-electrolytic coatings

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