Readinglist In3015 w2

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IN3015/4015, Module 2, Week 2-3

Wave physics and sensor apertures, scattering and imaging

• Syllabus from Cox/Treeby: Ultrasound in medicine.
– Bold items in Table of contents, Ch. 1 – 9.
• Jørgen Grythe, Beamforming algorithms - beamformers, Tech. Note, Norsonic AS.
– Two first pages, i.e. Section I & II.
• Hedrick & Hykes, Beam Steering and Focusing With Lenear Phased Arrays.

Table of contents, Cox & Treeby

• Ch 1: Introduction
– 1.1: History of Ultrasound in Medicine, pp. 1 – 3
– 1.2: Medical Applications of Ultrasound, pp. 3 – 5
• Ch 2: Acoustics Preliminaries
– 2.1: Waves, pp. 6 – 9
∗ 2.1.1: What is a wave?
∗ 2.1.2: What is a sound wave?
∗ 2.1.3: Wavelength, frequency and wave speed
– 2.2: Fundamental Assumptions, pp. 9 – 11
∗ 2.2.1: Is soft tissue solid or liquid?
∗ 2.2.2: Continuum approximation
– 2.3: Acoustic Variables, pp. 11 – 13
∗ 2.3.:1 Particle displacement, velocity, and pressure
∗ 2.3.2: Intensity, power, and energy
– 2.4: Decibels and Sound Levels, pp 13 – 15
• Ch 3: Mathematical Preliminaries (Mye av dette antas kjent!)
– 3.1: Derivatives, pp. 16 – 19
∗ 3.1.1: Gradient
∗ 3.1.2: Divergence
∗ 3.1.3: Material derivative
– 3.2: Integrals, pp. 19 – 21
∗ 3.2.1: Line integrals
∗ 3.2.2: Surface integrals
∗ 3.2.3 Volume integrals
– 3.3: Taylor Series, pp. 21-22
– 3.4: Complex Numbers, pp. 22 – 23
∗ 3.4.1: Using complex exponentials to represent waves
– 3.5: Fourier Analysis, pp. 23 – 26
∗ 3.5.1: Periodic signals: Fourier series
∗ 3.5.2: Non-periodic signals: Fourier transform
• Ch 4: Derivation of the Wave Equation
– Intro, pp 27
– 4.1: Conservation Equations, pp- 28 – 32

∗ 4.1.1: Conservation of mass
∗ 4.1.2: Conservation of momentum
∗ 4.1.3: Lagrangian approach
– 4.2: Equation of State, pp. 32 – 34
– 4.3: How is c a Thermodynamic Constant and a Speed? pp. 34 – 36
– 4.4: Linear Acoustic Wave Equation, pp. 36 – 37
– 4.5: How Does the Wave Equation Describe Propagating Waves? pp. 37
– 38
• Ch 5 Solutions to the Wave Equation
– 5.1 Analytical Solutions
∗ Intro, pp 39
∗ 5.1.1: Plane waves, pp. 40 – 43
∗ 5.1.2: Spherical, cylindrical and plane waves, pp 43 – 45
∗ 5.1.3: Green’s functions (Rayleigh integral) pp 47 – 48
– 5.2 Numerical Methods, pp 48 – 53
• Ch 6 Wave Phenomena,
– 6.1 Reflection, pp 54 – 58
– 6.2 Refraction, pp 58 – 59
– 6.3 Scattering and diffraction, 59 – 61
– 6.4 Speckle, 61 – 62
• Ch 7 Absorption and Attenuation
– 7.1 Acoustic Attenuation and Absorption 63
– 7.2 Plane Wave Absorption 63
– 7.3 Mechanisms of Absorption 64
– 7.4 Absorption in Tissue 67
• Ch 8 Piezoelectricity & Transducers
– 8.1 Direct and Inverse Piezoelectric Effects, pp 70
– 8.2 Piezoelectric, Pyroelectric & Ferroelectric, pp 70 -72
– 8.3 *Crystallographic Point Groups, pp 72 – 73
– 8.4 Poling, pp 73
– 8.5 Examples of Piezoelectric Materials, pp 73 – 75
– 8.6 Ultrasound Transducer Construction, pp 75
– 8.7 Ultrasound Transducers Frequency Responses, pp 75 – 86
• Ch 9 Ultrasound Fields
– 9.1 Single Element Circular Piston Transducers, pp 87 – 93
– 9.2 Single Element Focused Bowl Transducers, pp 93 – 95
– 9.3 Transducer Arrays, pp 95 – 97

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