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Chapter -3

Harmony in the Family and Society

Mr. C. P. Divate
Department of Computer Engineering
3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships
a. Family as the Basic Unit of Human Interaction
b. Harmony in the Family

Here is a set of proposals for you to verify:

1. Relationship IS and it exists between the Self (‘I’) and the other Self (‘I’).
2. The Self (‘I’) has feelings in a relationship. These feelings are between ‘I’ and ‘I’.
3. These feelings in the Self (‘I’) are definite. i.e. they can be identified with definiteness.
4. Recognizing and fulfilling these feelings leads to mutual happiness in relationship.
Now, we will explore into each of the above in detail
3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships
c. Justice ( Nyãya )

Here is a set of proposals for you to verify:

1. Relationship IS and it exists between
the Self (‘I’) and the other Self (‘I’).
2. The Self (‘I’) has feelings in a
relationship. These feelings are between
‘I’ and ‘I’.
3. These feelings in the Self (‘I’) are
definite. i.e. they can be identified with
4. Recognizing and fulfilling these
feelings leads to mutual happiness in
Now, we will explore into each of the
above in detail
Justice is the recognition of values (the definite feelings) in relationship, their fulfilment, the right evaluation of
the fulfilment resulting in mutual happiness (Ubhay-tripti).
3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships
d. What is the State Today?

 Recognizing Relationships with others based only on the Body

 Relationships largely based on the Exchange of Physical Goods
3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships
e. Values in Human Relationships

Let us list the salient values in relationships and try to verify the acceptance for them within us.
3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships
f. Trust (Visvãsa )

Def: To be assured that each human being inherently wants oneself and the other to be happy and prosperous.
3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships
f. Trust (Visvãsa )

Def: To be assured that each human being inherently wants oneself and the other to be happy and prosperous.
3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships
f. Trust (Visvãsa )

Def: To be assured that each human being inherently wants oneself and the other to be happy and prosperous.
3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships
f. Trust (Visvãsa )

Def: To be assured that each human being inherently wants oneself and the other to be happy and prosperous.
3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships
f. Trust (Visvãsa )

Def: To be assured that each human being inherently wants oneself and the other to be happy and prosperous.
3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships
f. Trust (Visvãsa )

Def: To be assured that each human being inherently wants oneself and the other to be happy and prosperous.
3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships
f. Trust (Visvãsa ) Summary

Trust is thus called the foundation value or ‘ãdhãra mülya’. Our natural acceptance is to live with a feeling of
relatedness to all and this means that we have the assurance in us at all times that each and every human being
wants my happiness, just like we want the happiness of other human beings. However, since we are not
competent and similarly the other is also not competent, we need to work towards improving our competence
and help the other improve theirs.
3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships

g. Respect ( Sammãna )
3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships

g. Respect ( Sammãna )
3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships

h. The Basis for Respect

3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships

h. The Basis for Respect

3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships

i. Assumed Bases for Respect Today

3.1 Harmony in the Family –Understanding Values in Human Relationships
3.1 Understanding Harmony in the Society - From Family Order to World Family Order

i. Extending Relationship from Family to Society

ii. Identification of the Comprehensive Human Goal

iii. Where are we Today?

3.1 Understanding Harmony in the Society - From Family Order to World Family Order

iv. Programs Needed to Achieve the Comprehensive Human Goal: The Five Dimensions of
Human Endeavour
3.1 Understanding Harmony in the Society - From Family Order to World Family Order

iv. Programs Needed to Achieve the Comprehensive Human Goal: The Five Dimensions of
Human Endeavour
a. Education-Right Living (Sikshã-Sanskãra)

b. Health-Self-regulation ( Svãsthya-Sanyama )
Sanyama : refers to a feeling of responsibility for nurturing, protecting and rightly utilizing the body.
Sanyama (or self-regulation) is the basis of Svãsthya.
c. Justice-Preservation ( Nyãya-Surakshã )
3.1 Understanding Harmony in the Society - From Family Order to World Family Order

iv. Programs Needed to Achieve the Comprehensive Human Goal: The Five Dimensions of
Human Endeavour
d. Preservation
3.1 Understanding Harmony in the Society - From Family Order to World Family Order

iv. Programs Needed to Achieve the Comprehensive Human Goal: The Five Dimensions of
Human Endeavour
e. Production-Work ( Utpãdana-Kãrya )
• Work refers to the physical efforts made by humans on the rest of nature,
• while production refers to the output/physical produce that is obtained through these efforts.
3.1 Understanding Harmony in the Society - From Family Order to World Family Order

v. Exchange-Storage ( Vinimaya-Kosa )
Exchange (vinimaya) refers to the exchange of physical facilities between the members of the society,
3.1 Understanding Harmony in the Society - From Family Order to World Family Order

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