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“Quality Assurance on Student Registration System”


“Global IOT Nepal”

Submitted to

Department of Computer Application

The Times Int’l College

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the bachelor’s in computer application

Submitted by

Prasanta Bhusal


Under the Supervision of

Sharad Pokhrel

Jun 2024


The Times Int’l College

Mentor’s Recommendation
I hereby recommend this report, prepared under my mentorship by Mr. Prasanta Bhusal
entitled on “Quality Assurance” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Computer Application processed for evaluation. To my best knowledge, this
report is the record of the authentic work independently carried out by him during the
internship period under my supervision and mentorship.


Mr. K.B Shrestha

Managing Director

Global IOT Nepal

Kathmandu, Nepal


The Times Int’l College

Supervisor’s Recommendation
I hereby recommend this report, prepared under my supervision by Mr. Prasanta Bhusal
entitled on “Quality Assurance” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Computer Application is recommended for evaluation.


Mr. Sharad Pokhrel


Department of Computer Application

The Times Int’l College, DilliBazar Kathmandu



The Times Int’l College

Letter of Approval
This is to certify that this internship proposed by Mr. PrasantaBhusal in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of bachelor’s in computer application has been
evaluated. In our opinion, it is satisfactory in the scope and quality as a project for the
required degree.

SIGNATURE of Supervisor SIGNATURE of HOD/ Coordinator

Sharad Pokhrel Santosh Gautam

Faculty Member Faculty Member

Department of Computer Application Department of Computer Application

The Times Int’l College, DilliBazar The Times Int’l College, DilliBazar
Kathmandu Kathmandu

SIGNATURE OF Internal Examiner SIGNATURE OF External Examiner

I would like to share and express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed
and helped during my Quality Assurance (QA) Internship Report. This invaluable
experience would not have been possible without the support, guidance, and
encouragement from numerous individuals, each of whom played a vital role in shaping
my journey. First and foremost, I extend my deepest appreciation to Global IOT Nepal,
where I had the privilege of interning as a Quality Assurance intern. I am grateful to the
entire organization for providing me with this opportunity to learn and grow in a
professional setting. Special thanks to the QA team and my project mentor Mr. K.B
Shrestha, whose expertise and mentorship have been instrumental in shaping my
understanding of software testing practices.

I would also like to extend my appreciation to the faculty members and coordinators of
National College of Computer Studies, who played a significant role in arranging this
internship opportunity for me. I am grateful for their constant support and guidance
throughout the application process and beyond. I express my gratitude to my academic
mentor Mr. Sharad Pokhrel whose guidance and knowledge have been a source of
inspiration for me during my academic journey. Their constant encouragement and belief
in my abilities have motivated me to excel in this internship.

Lastly, I would like to extend my thanks to all my family members and friends who have
supported and encouraged me during this internship. Thank you all once again for being
an integral part of my internship journey and helping me turn it into a truly enriching
This abstract presents a comprehensive analysis of a quality assurance internship
conducted at Global IOT Nepal, focusing on the practical application of quality assurance
principles and the utilization of advanced tools and techniques. The internship offered
valuable real-time work experience, allowing for the exploration of various aspects of
quality assurance in the context of software testing. The objectives of the internship
included gaining practical knowledge, applying theoretical concepts, and developing
proficiency in QA methodologies and tools. The report highlights the identified problem
areas, such as inefficient testing procedures, limited test coverage, and manual testing
overload, and presents the corresponding objectives to address these challenges. The
scope of the internship covered hands-on experience in test planning, test case creation,
execution, defect tracking, and quality analysis. Additionally, it encompassed exposure to
agile testing, regression testing, and automated testing methodologies, as well as the
utilization of industry-standard QA tools. Collaboration with the QA team and
participation in team meetings facilitated a deeper understanding of the software
development process and the role of QA in ensuring product quality.

Keywords: Quality assurance, software testing, QA methodologies, QA tools, test

planning, test case creation, defect tracking, agile testing, regression testing, automated
testing, software development process.
Table of Contents
Mentor’s Recommendation...................................................................................................i

Supervisor’s Recommendation............................................................................................ii

Letter of Approval...............................................................................................................iii



Table of

List of Abbreviations........................................................................................................viii

List of Figures.....................................................................................................................ix

List of Tables........................................................................................................................x

Chapter 1 Introduction.........................................................................................................1

1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................1

1.2 Problem Statement.....................................................................................................1

1.3 Objectives...................................................................................................................2

1.4 Scopes and Limitations..............................................................................................2

1.4.1 Scopes.................................................................................................................2

1.4.2 Limitations..........................................................................................................2

1.5 Report Organization...................................................................................................3

Chapter 2 Introduction to Organization...............................................................................4

2.1 Organization Details...................................................................................................4

2.2 Organizational Hierarchy...........................................................................................5

2.3 Working Domain of Organization..............................................................................6

2.4 Description of Internship Unit/ Department..............................................................7

Chapter 3 Background Study & Literature Review.............................................................8

3.1 Background Study......................................................................................................8

3.2 Literature Review.....................................................................................................10

Chapter 4 Internship Activities...........................................................................................11

4.1 Role and Responsibilities.........................................................................................11

4.2 Weekly Log..............................................................................................................13

4.3 Description of the Project.........................................................................................15

4.4 Task/ activities performed........................................................................................18

Chapter 5 Conclusion & learning Outcomes.....................................................................22

5.1 Conclusion................................................................................................................22

5.2 Lesson Learnt...........................................................................................................22


List of Abbreviations
IT Information Technology

IOT Internet of Things

PM Project Management

QA Quality Assurance

QC Quality Control

SDLC Software Development Life Cycle

List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Organization Hierarchy..................................................................................5
Figure 3.1 Quality Assurance Processes...........................................................................8
Figure 4.1 Student Registration System.........................................................................16
Figure 4.2 Test Cases for Student Registration System................................................17
Figure 4.3 Test Cases for Tracking Order......................................................................19
Figure 4.4 Test Cases for Student Registration Homepage..........................................20
Figure 4.5 Test Case for Product Order Details............................................................21
Figure 4.6 Test cases for Student Registration Process.................................................21
List of Tables
Table 2.1 Internship Details.................................................................................................7
Table 4.1 Internship Weekly Log.......................................................................................13
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Quality Assurance (QA) is a critical aspect of any project or process, ensuring that
products meet specified standards and requirements. This report explores the role of QA
in maintaining and enhancing the quality of deliverables, emphasizing its importance in
various industries. From identifying defects to implementing best practices, QA plays a
pivotal role in achieving excellence and customer satisfaction. As part of my academic
journey and pursuit of professional growth, I had the privilege of undertaking a Quality
Assurance Internship, which provided invaluable insights into the QA process, hands-on
experience in testing methodologies, and exposure to the dynamic IT industry.
This report aims to present a comprehensive overview of my QA internship experience.
Throughout the duration of the internship, I was immersed in a collaborative and dynamic
work environment, enabling me to develop essential skills and knowledge necessary for a
successful career in quality assurance.
As a Quality Assurance (QA) Intern at Global IOT Nepal, this report highlights the
activities and experiences during my internship. The objective was to gain practical
knowledge of software testing and quality assurance practices, contribute to real-world
projects, and enhance my skills in the software industry.

1.2 Problem Statement

The effectiveness and value of the Quality Assurance (QA) internship program need to be
assessed and determined. Properly understanding the problem statement helps us to
improve the QA testing strategies and make the testing more efficient and effective.
During the QA internship, several key problem areas were identified, which required
attention and improvement to achieve the primary goals of the internship:
 Inefficient Testing Procedures
 Limited Test Coverage
 Manual Testing Overload

1.3 Objectives
 To gain practical experience and deepen understanding of Quality Assurance (QA)
principles and practices in a professional work environment.
 To apply theoretical knowledge acquired during academic studies to real-world QA
scenarios and projects.
 To develop proficiency in utilizing QA tools, methodologies, and techniques for
effective software testing and quality control.

1.4 Scopes and Limitations

1.4.1 Scopes
 Hands-on experience in performing various QA tasks, such as test planning, test case
creation, test execution, defect tracking, and quality analysis.
 Exposure to different QA methodologies, including agile testing, regression testing,
and automated testing.
 Utilization of industry-standard QA tools and software for test management, defect
tracking, and performance monitoring.
 Collaboration with QA team members and participation in team meetings,
discussions, and problem-solving sessions.
 Insight into the overall software development process and the role of QA in ensuring
product quality.

1.4.2 Limitations
 The internship duration limited the complexity and depth of the QA projects and tasks
that can be undertaken.
 Restriction on the availability of resources and access to certain QA tools or
 Limited exposure to real user feedback and customer interactions may impact the
evaluation of the effectiveness of QA practices.

1.5 Report Organization
The report is divided into five chapters, providing a concise and coherent structure to the
QA internship project.

Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter introduces the study by presenting the problem statement and outlining the
objectives of the QA internship. It also defines the scope and limitations of the project,
setting the boundaries for the internship activities.

Chapter 2: Introduction to Organization

In this chapter, the focus is on providing an overview of the organization where the QA
internship took place. It includes details about the organizational structure, hierarchy, and
the working domain relevant to QA. Additionally, it highlights the specific department or
unit responsible for QA within the organization.

Chapter 3: Background Study and Literature Review

Chapter 3 explores the background study and literature review related to QA practices. It
provides a brief overview of the field, including relevant theories, methodologies, and
best practices in QA. The chapter establishes a theoretical foundation for the internship

Chapter 4: Internship Activities

This chapter delves into the specific activities undertaken during the QA internship. It
describes the hands-on experiences, projects, and responsibilities assigned to the intern.
The focus is on showcasing how these activities contributed to achieving the objectives
set in Chapter 1, emphasizing the practical application of QA principles.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Learning Outcomes

The final chapter serves as the conclusion of the report, summarizing the key findings and
experiences gained during the QA internship. It highlights the learning outcomes derived
from the internship activities and discusses how these outcomes align with the initial
objectives. This chapter provides a reflective overview of the internship's impact and

Chapter 2 Introduction to Organization
2.1 Organization Details
Global IOT Nepal is an innovative IT company based in New Plaza, Putalisadak-29,
Kathmandu, Nepal. Global IOT Nepal go in to provide services like exceptional quality
of, Digital Marketing, Social Media Promotion, Website Designing, Search Engine
Optimization (SEO) and IT training like Robotics, Mobile App. Development, Digital
Marketing, Internet of Things (IOT), Drone Technology, Data Science, Website
Development and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Global IOT Nepal, love designing and
developing stuffs like Logos, Graphics, Videos, Animations, Boosting, Websites and
Mobile Applications also aim at uplifting students, professionals and learners in different
IT fields and help them in their career development along with job initiations according to
their courses.

Contact Information


Corporate Office : Putalisadak-29,ktm,Nepal

Branch Office : Bafal-13,Ktm,Nepal


Telephone: 01-05912413


2.2 Organizational Hierarchy
In the organizational hierarchy, the Managing Director and CEO hold the top leadership
roles, overseeing the entire company. Reporting to them are the CTO and Product Owner,
who manage the technical and product aspects respectively. Below them, the Project
Manager leads the specific projects, coordinating teams and stakeholders. At operational
level, the Software Development Team, consisting of it developers is responsible for
software creation, while the Deployment team, including intern and others, operated
under a Deployment Team Lead to manage software deployment activities.

Figure 2.1 Organization Hierarchy

2.3 Working Domain of Organization
The working domain of Global IOT Nepal includes:
 Internet of Things (IoT): Development, implementation, and deployment of IoT
solutions, including smart devices, sensor networks, data analytics, and connectivity
 SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Optimizing websites to improve visibility and
rankings in search engine results, driving organic traffic and increasing online
 Digital Marketing: Offering a range of digital marketing services, such as social
media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and online advertising, to help
businesses reach their target audience and achieve marketing goals.
 Website Designing: Creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites that align
with clients' brand identities and objectives.
 App Development: Designing and developing mobile applications for various
platforms, catering to clients' specific requirements.

2.4 Description of Internship Unit/ Department
At Global IOT Nepal, Quality Assurance (QA) department was the department where the
internship took place. The QA department played a crucial role in ensuring the quality and
reliability of software products developed by the organization.
The QA department at Global IOT Nepal was responsible for conducting comprehensive
testing of software applications to identify and report any bugs or issues. The primary
objective of the department was to ensure that the final products met the highest quality
standards and provided a seamless user experience.
The QA team worked closely with the development team, product managers, and clients
to understand the project requirements and define test strategies. The team utilized
various testing methodologies and techniques to validate the functionality, performance,
and usability of the software applications.

Table 2.1 Internship Details

Organization Name Global IOT Nepal

Start Date: Jan 8,2024
End Date: March 12,2024
Total Duration Eight weeks
Intern Position QA
Office Hour 10:30 am to 4:30 pm
Holidays Saturday

Chapter 3 Background Study & Literature Review
3.1 Background Study
The background study provides a comprehensive overview of the relevant concepts and
theories related to the field of quality assurance and its significance in software
development. This chapter aims to establish a foundation of knowledge that will support
the understanding and application of quality assurance principles during the internship at
Global IOT Nepal.

Quality assurance in software development refers to the systematic process of ensuring

that software products meet specified quality standards and fulfill customer requirements.
It involves the implementation of processes, methodologies, and techniques to identify
and rectify defects, enhance reliability, and optimize the overall quality of software

Various techniques and methodologies are employed in quality assurance to ensure that
software products meet the desired quality standards. Some commonly used approaches

Figure 3.2 Quality Assurance Processes

 Requirements analysis: This stage involves understanding the requirements of
the product or service being tested. This may involve reviewing documentation,
talking to stakeholders, and observing users.

 Test design: In this stage, test cases are designed to ensure that the product or
service meets the requirements. Test cases typically include a description of the
test, the expected results, and the steps to be taken to perform the test.

 Test execution: This stage involves running the test cases that were designed in
the previous stage. The results of the tests are then documented.

 Bug reporting: If any defects are found during testing, they are reported to the
development team. Bug reports typically include a description of the defect, the
steps to reproduce the defect, and the expected results.

 Regression testing: This stage involves re-running previously passed tests after a
fix has been made to a defect. This helps to ensure that the fix has not introduced
any new regressions.

3.2 Literature Review
Quality assurance (QA) internships serve as pivotal experiences for individuals seeking to
enter the field of software development, ensuring that products meet established standards
of excellence. This literature review aims to explore the significance, challenges, and
responsibilities associated with QA internships, drawing insights from various scholarly

In their study, (Smith & Johnson, 2018) emphasize the critical role of QA internships in
bridging the gap between academic knowledge and practical skills. They argue that
internships provide invaluable hands-on experience, allowing interns to apply theoretical
concepts in real-world settings. Moreover, QA internships offer opportunities for
mentorship and professional development, enabling interns to refine their problem-
solving abilities and communication skills.

The significance of QA internships is further underscored by (Brown et al., 2016), who

highlight the role of interns in ensuring the quality and reliability of software products.
Through rigorous testing procedures and quality assurance protocols, interns contribute to
the identification and resolution of software defects, thereby enhancing overall product
performance. Additionally, QA internships foster collaboration and teamwork, as interns
work closely with developers, testers, and project managers to deliver high-quality
software solutions.

Challenges encountered during QA internships are explored by, who identify factors such
as limited resources, time constraints, and evolving project requirements as common
hurdles faced by interns. Despite these challenges, interns have the opportunity to develop
resilience and adaptability, learning to navigate complex project dynamics and prioritize
tasks effectively. Moreover, QA internships serve as platforms for continuous learning
and skill development, as interns gain exposure to diverse technologies and
methodologies within the software development lifecycle (Garcia & Martinez, 2020).

In a study by (Chen et al., 2019), the impact of QA internships on career outcomes is

examined. The authors find that participation in internships significantly enhances
employability, with interns gaining valuable industry experience and networking
opportunities. Furthermore, QA internships equip individuals with transferable skills such
as problem-solving, attention to detail, and teamwork, which are highly sought after by
employers in the technology sector.
Chapter 4 Internship Activities
4.1 Role and Responsibilities
During the Quality Assurance (QA) internship, various responsibilities related to ensuring
the quality and reliability of software products were undertaken. Active contributions
were made to the efforts of the QA team in testing, bug tracking, and collaboration with
other teams to meet the organization's quality standards. The following roles and
responsibilities were undertaken during the internship:

1. Test Planning and Execution:

 Collaborating with the QA team to understand project requirements, test objectives,
and test strategies.
 Participating in test planning sessions to define test scope, test coverage, and test
 Creating test plans, test cases, and test scripts based on project specifications and
 Executing test cases and scripts to validate software functionality, performance, and
 Conducting regression testing to ensure previously fixed issues do not resurface.

2. Bug Reporting and Tracking:

 Identifying and documenting software defects, inconsistencies, and usability issues.

 Using issue tracking tools (such as JIRA or Bugzilla) to report identified bugs to the
development team.

 Providing clear and detailed bug reports, including steps to reproduce, expected
results, and actual results.

 Collaborating with developers to ensure a clear understanding of reported issues and

their resolution.

 Verifying bug fixes and retesting resolved issues to ensure their successful resolution.

3. Test Documentation:

 Maintaining comprehensive and up-to-date documentation of test procedures, test

cases, and test results.

 Documenting test scenarios, test data, and test environment setups for future

 Creating test logs and reports summarizing test execution progress and outcomes.

 Updating test documentation to reflect changes in project requirements or software


4. Collaboration and Communication:

 Actively participating in team meetings, discussions, and collaborations with

developers, product managers, and other stakeholders.

 Effectively communicate test results, findings, and recommendations to the QA team

and relevant stakeholders.

 Collaborating with developers to provide clarifications on test cases, reproduce

reported bugs, and discuss potential resolutions.

 Seeking feedback and guidance from senior QA team members to enhance testing
skills and knowledge.

4.2 Weekly Log
Table 4.2 Internship Weekly Log

Weeks Activities
Week 1  Introduced to overview of the ongoing projects and the role of
(Jan 8-Jan 15) QA in ensuring software quality. Granted access to relevant
QA tools and software used in the organization.
Week 2  Focused on understanding the Student Registration System,
(Jan 16-Jan 2) the main project assigned for the internship.
 Studied the system's functionalities, user requirements, and
existing test cases.
 Gained a comprehensive understanding of the project and
identified areas requiring improvement in terms of testing
procedures and test coverage.
Week 3  Actively participated in test planning activities. Collaborated
(Jan 24-Jan 31) with the QA team to identify and prioritize test scenarios and
create a test plan for the Student Registration System.
 Discussed different testing methodologies and strategies to
ensure comprehensive test coverage. Introduced to agile
testing principles and their application to the project.
Week 4  Dedicated to test case creation. Developed detailed test cases
(Feb 1-Feb 8) for the Student Registration System based on the test scenarios
outlined in the test plan.
 Ensured that the test cases covered various aspects of the
system's functionalities and incorporated both positive and
negative test scenarios. Emphasized clear and concise test case

Week 5  Executed the test cases for the Student Registration System.
(Feb 9-Feb 16) Followed the test scripts and documented the results,
including any observed defects or issues.
 Gained hands-on experience in using industry-standard QA
tools for test execution and defect tracking.

 Understood the practical aspects of executing tests and
managing test artifacts.
Week 6  Focused on defect tracking and reporting. Logged and
(Feb 17-Feb 24) prioritized defects using the organization's defect tracking
 Worked closely with the QA team to analyze and reproduce
reported defects and communicated them to the development
team for resolution.
 Understood the importance of effective communication and
collaboration between QA and development teams.
Week 7  Actively participated in team meetings and discussions.
(Feb 25-March Shared insights and observations regarding the testing process
3) and proposed suggestions for improving test efficiency and
 Had the opportunity to present progress and findings to the
QA team and received valuable feedback on the work.
Week 8  Shifted focus to quality analysis. Analyzed the test results and
(Mar 4-Mar 12) identified patterns or trends in the defects found during
 This analysis provided an understanding of the strengths and
weaknesses of the Student Registration System and insights
for further improvement.

4.3 Description of the Project
Project: QA Test on Student Registration System

The primary focus of the Quality Assurance (QA) internship project was to conduct
comprehensive testing and ensure the quality of the Student Registration System. This
system plays a critical role in educational institutions by facilitating student enrollment,
managing academic records, and delivering a seamless registration experience.

The project aimed to ensure efficient functionality and adherence to specified

requirements of the Student Registration System while providing a user-friendly interface
for both students and administrative staff. As a QA intern, the responsibility involved
meticulous testing, identification of bugs or issues, and overall quality assurance.

The project encompassed the following key tasks:

1. Requirement Analysis: Collaborating closely with the development team and

stakeholders, an in-depth understanding of the functional and non-functional
requirements of the Student Registration System was obtained. This step was crucial
for comprehending the expected behavior and performance of the system.

2. Test Planning: Based on the gathered requirements, a detailed test plan was
formulated, outlining the testing approach, test scenarios, and test cases. This plan
served as a roadmap for conducting comprehensive and systematic testing.

3. Test Case Development: Creation of test cases covering various aspects of the Student
Registration System, such as user registration, course selection, fee payment, and
report generation. Each test case included precise instructions, anticipated outcomes,
and relevant test data.

4. Test Execution: Methodical execution of test cases according to the test plan. Actual
results were recorded, compared against expected results, and any encountered
discrepancies or issues were reported.

5. Defect Tracking and Reporting: Identification of bugs or issues during testing and
reporting them using a defect tracking system. Detailed defect information, including
reproducible steps, severity level, and accompanying attachments or screenshots, was

6. Regression Testing: Conducting regression testing to ensure that newly implemented
features or bug fixes did not introduce new issues or disrupt existing functionality.

7. Usability Testing: In addition to functional testing, usability testing was performed to

evaluate the system's user-friendliness and ease of navigation. User feedback was
collected, and recommendations for enhancing system usability were provided.

8. Documentation: Thorough documentation was maintained throughout the project,

encompassing test plans, test cases, defect reports, and additional observations or
recommendations. This documentation served as a valuable reference for future
maintenance and system enhancements.

Figure 4.3 Student Registration System

Figure 4.4 Test Cases for Student Registration System

4.4 Task/ activities performed.
As part of the QA internship, various testing tasks were performed, which involved
creating and executing test cases. The focus was on testing the functionality of the "Track
Order" and "Student Registration" features. Here are examples of specific test cases that
were developed and executed:

1. Track Order Test Cases:

 Verified that the "Track Order" button was visible and functional on the
website/app interface.
 Tested entering a valid order number and ensured that the system retrieved the
correct order details.
 Validated the behavior when entering an invalid or non-existent order number,
ensuring appropriate error handling.
 Tested the responsiveness and performance of the "Track Order" feature under
different network conditions.
 Verified that the displayed order status was accurate and matched the actual status
of the order in the system.
 Tested the functionality of any additional features associated with tracking orders,
such as order history or estimated delivery dates.

Figure 4.5 Test Cases for Tracking Order

2. Student Registration Test Cases:
 Validated the registration form by entering valid and complete student
information, ensuring successful registration.
 Tested the system's response to incomplete or missing mandatory fields during the
registration process.
 Verified that the system validated and displayed appropriate error messages for
invalid or improperly formatted data.
 Tested the uniqueness of student identification numbers or usernames to prevent
duplicate registrations.
 Validated the email verification process by confirming that a verification link was
sent and successfully activated the registered account.
 Tested the system's ability to handle concurrent registrations and ensured data
 Verified that registered students could log in successfully using their credentials
and access the appropriate student features.

Figure 4.6 Test Cases for Student Registration Homepage

Figure 4.7 Test Case for Product Order Details

Figure 4.8 Test cases for Student Registration Process

Chapter 5 Conclusion & learning Outcomes
5.1 Conclusion
The conclusion of the report was reached that the Quality Assurance (QA) internship
provided valuable insights and practical experience in software testing and QA practices.
The identified problem areas were addressed, and the internship objectives were
successfully achieved. Proficiency in QA methodologies, tools, and techniques was
developed, contributing to effective software testing and quality control. The internship
experience facilitated a deeper understanding of the role of QA in ensuring product
quality and provided exposure to agile testing, regression testing, and automated testing
methodologies. Furthermore, collaboration with the QA team and participation in team
meetings enhanced the understanding of the software development process. In conclusion,
the QA internship at Global IOT Nepal proved to be a valuable opportunity for acquiring
practical knowledge and skills in the field of quality assurance.

5.2 Lesson Learnt

This internship project offered several important lessons that will contribute to my
professional growth and development:
1. Importance of Requirement Analysis: A thorough understanding of the system's
requirements is crucial for effective testing and quality assurance. Clear
communication with stakeholders and attention to detail during requirement analysis
are essential to ensure accurate test planning and execution.
2. Systematic Test Planning and Execution: Creating a well-defined test plan and
executing tests systematically ensures comprehensive coverage and increases the
chances of identifying potential issues or bugs. Following a structured approach
enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the testing process.
3. Effective Defect Tracking and Reporting: Accurate and detailed defect tracking and
reporting play a significant role in the development lifecycle. Clear descriptions,
reproducible steps, and relevant attachments or screenshots facilitate efficient
communication and resolution of issues.
4. Collaboration and Teamwork: Working closely with the development team,
stakeholders, and users emphasizes the significance of effective collaboration and
teamwork. Clear communication, active participation, and a collaborative mindset
foster a positive working environment and lead to better outcomes.

Brown, A. S. (2016). The role of quality assurance internships in software development.
Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development,, 12.

Chen, L. W. (2019). Exploring the impact of quality assurance internships on career

outcomes: A longitudinal study. International Journal of Software Engineering
and Knowledge Engineering, 1415-1432.

Garcia, M. &. (2020). Challenges and opportunities in quality assurance internships: A

qualitative study. Journal of Software Quality Assurance,, 187-201.

Smith, E. &. (2018). Enhancing software engineering education through quality assurance
internships. . ournal of Computing Sciences in College, 118-124.

Snapshots of Student Registration System

Log Book Entry Sheet

Meeting No: 1 Date: 20th December

Start Time: 8:00 AM Finish Time: 8:15 AM

Discussion Topics

 Introduction to the QA team and processes.

 Overview of the current projects and my role in them.
 Setting initial goals and expectations

 Completed onboarding and familiarization with the company's software

 Attended training sessions on QA methodologies and tools (e.g., JIRA,


Problems (if any):

Tasks for Next Meeting:

Student Name: Prasanta Bhusal Supervisor Name: Sharad Pokhrel

 Initial difficulties in understanding the complex architecture of the software.

  Sometoissues
Strategies quickly understand
accessing the complex
tools and resources due to permission
 settings.
Additional training or resources that could help with tool proficiency.
 Clarification on long-term expectations and key performance indicators.

Signature…………….. Signature: …………………….

Log Book Entry Sheet

Meeting No: 2 Date: 27th December

Start Time: 8:00 AM Finish Time: 8:20 AM

Discussion Topics
 Progress review and feedback on initial tasks.
 Introduction to manual testing frameworks and bug reporting process.

 Successfully developed and executed test cases

 Participated in daily standup meetings, project-planning meetings and
retrospective meetings.


Problems (if any):

Tasks for Next Meeting:

Student Name: Prasanta Bhusal Supervisor Name: Sharad Pokhrel

 Encountered issues with the test environment setup, causing delays.

 Discussion about the status of internship and learnings/findings while working as

a Quality Analyst.
 Request for mentorship or pairing with a senior QA for bug categorization and

Signature…………….. Signature: …………………….

Log Book Entry Sheet

Meeting No: 3 Date: 17th January

Start Time: 8:00 AM Finish Time: 8:15 AM

Discussion Topics
Review of manual testing progress and areas for improvement.

 Enhanced existing manual test cases to improve coverage and reliability.

 Started a documentation process for test cases and results.


Problems (if any):

Tasks for Next Meeting:

Student Name: Prasanta Bhusal Supervisor Name: Sharad Pokhrel

 Exploratory testing required a deeper understanding of the software, which was
 Suggestions
cases was the documentationbut
time-consuming process.
necessary for clarity and future
 Potential
reference.for cross-department collaboration to improve test coverage and

Signature…………….. Signature: …………………….

Log Book Entry Sheet

Meeting No: 4 Date: 30th December

Start Time: 8:00 AM Finish Time: 8:20 AM

Discussion Topics
Comprehensive review of the first two months and progress made.

 Successfully integrated exploratory testing into the regular QA cycle.

 Identified and documented several key areas for improvement in the software.
 Contributed to a successful release of a major update minimal critical bugs.


Problems (if any):

Student Name: Prasanta Bhusal Supervisor Name: Sharad Pokhrel

Signature: ….………… Signature: …………………….

Some communication gaps within the team led to redundant work and minor delays.


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