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3.4.2 Advanced Application Builder / Inputs

Fig. 3-12: Inputs

T ool T ool S top T ool

Start in Final Start



I0. Application Select 0

I1. Application Select 1

I2. Application Select 2

I3. T ool Start

I4. R eject R elease

I5. T ool R everse

I6. T ool Enable

W ith Linking:
I7. R eset Linking /
Synchronization In

W ith Too l S ynch ronization :

I7. R eset Linking /
Synchronization In


Fig. 3-13: Input Timing Diagram

inputs.txtS, 11.03.2008 PL12EN-1300 2008-03 41

3 Programming

Eight optically isolated, +24 V inputs are available at the Phoenix input connector under the right
side door and are defined as follows:

PIN 1 +24 VDC

PIN 2 Input 0
PIN 3 Input 1
PIN 4 Input 2
PIN 5 Input 3
PIN 6 Input 4
PIN 7 Input 5
Pin 8 Input 6
PIN 9 Input 7
PIN 10 Input Common
Pin 11 Signal Ground
Pin 12 Spare

Each of the physical inputs 0 - 7 can be programmed to have one of the following definitions:

Not Used Unused

Tool Enable When active, allows the tool to run in conjunction with Tool Start
Tool Start Starts the tool. Works in parallel with the start switch on the tool.
Tool Reverse When active, causes the tool to run in the counter-clockwise direc-
tion using the Backoff strategy. Works in parallel with the reverse
actuator on the tool
Tool Ready Prepares the controller for a new rundown. When active, the previ-
ous outputs are cleared, and the yellow LEDs flash
Appl. Select 0 Application Selects 0-7 are used to select Applications 1-255
Appl. Select 1 using a binary count of 0-254 where Appl. Select 0 is the
least significant bit. This feature overrides application
Appl. Select 2 changes from the keypad. When Linking is activated, the
Appl. Select 3 Tightening Group is selected with these inputs.
Appl. Select 4
Appl. Select 5
Appl. Select 6
Appl. Select 7
Synchronization Input If enabled from Advanced / System Settings, the tool is prevented
from continuing to the next stage until this input is active
Reset Linking When active, Linking (batch counting) is reset to position one
Reject Release Used when Reject Release is enabled from System Settings, and
the Release Method is "Release Input Toggle". When the tool is
disabled due to the reject limit being reached, it is re-enabled after
this input is toggled

42 PL12EN-1300 2008-03, 11.03.2008


Socket Tray Enable Socket Tray Enable is used along with Socket Tray Sel 0-2 to indi-
Socket Tray Sel 0 cate to the worker which socket to use.

Socket Tray Sel 1

Socket Tray Sel 2
Acknowledge When this signal is ON, the "results" output signals should be
cleared and the tool cannot be started; however, the tool LEDs
should still indicate the status of the previous rundown until
cleared by another tool start or the tool ready signal.

All inputs are active high. They are referenced to an isolated Input Common (pin 10). When using
the internal +24 V (pin 1) to activate these inputs, you must connect Input Common (pin 10) and
GND (pin 11). For hardware pin location please see page 19.
When active, the Fieldbus has the priority. Refer to help page for Advanced / Fieldbus.

3.4.3 Advanced Application Builder / Outputs


Fig. 3-14: Outputs, 11.03.2008 PL12EN-1300 2008-03 43

3 Programming

T ool T ool Stop T ool

Start in F inal S tart
S tage
E nd Start
S tage1 Stage2

O utputs

O 0. C ycle O K As appropriate

O 1. C ycle N O K As appropriate

O 2. T orque H igh As appropriate

O 3. T orque Low As appropriate

O 4. Linking O K As appropriate

O 5. Linking N O K As appropriate

O 6. C ycle C om plete

W ith Linking:
O 7. Linking C om plete / As appropriate
S ynchronization O ut

W ith Tool S ynchronization :

O 7. Linking C om plete /
S ynchronization O ut


Fig. 3-15: Output Timing Diagram

Eight relay outputs are available at the Phoenix output connector under the right side door and
are defined as follows:

PIN 1 +24 VDC

PIN 2 Output Common
PIN 3 Output 0
PIN 4 Output 1
PIN 5 Output 2
PIN 6 Output 3
PIN 7 Output 4
PIN 8 Output 5
PIN 9 Output 6
PIN 10 Output 7
PIN 11 Signal Ground
PIN 12 Spare

Each of the physical outputs 0-7 can be programmed to have one of the following definitions:

Not Used Unused

OK Active if Torque / Angle / Yield are within programmed limits

44 PL12EN-1300 2008-03, 11.03.2008

NOK Active if Torque / Angle / Yield are outside limits or some
other error has occurred
Torque Low Active if Peak Torque < Torque Low Limit
Torque High Active of Peak Torque > Torque High Limit
Angle Low Active if Angle < Angle Low Limit
Angle High Active of Angle > Angle High Limit
Torque OK Active if Peak Torque is within limits
Angle OK Active if Angle is within limits
Tool Running Active when the tool is running
Cycle Complete Active when a rundown has ended in the last stage
Linking Complete Active when rundowns of all positions of the selected batch
group are complete
Linking OK Active if all positions of Linking were OK
Linking NOK Active if one or more positions of Linking were NOK
Confirm App. Sel 0 Confirm application Selects 0-7 are used to indicate the
Confirm App. Sel 1 currently selected applications 1-255 using a binary count
of 0-254 where Appl. Select 0 is the least significant bit
Confirm App. Sel 2
Confirm App. Sel 3
Confirm App. Sel 4
Confirm App. Sel 5
Confirm App. Sel 6
Confirm App. Sel 7
Sync Output If enabled from Advanced / System Settings it is active at
the end of each stage to allow for synchronization with
other controllers
Tool In Reverse Indicates that a tool reverse input or actuator is set

Socket Tray Enable Pass-through of Socket Tray Enable input signal

Socket Tray Sel 0 Pass-through of Socket Tray select 0-2 input signals
Socket Tray Sel 1
Socket Tray Sel 2
Fault (Active Low) Indicates the servo module has detected an error (trans-
ducer, resolver etc)

All relay outputs are active high. One side of all of the relay contacts is tied to a common point
called Output Common (pin 2). When using the internal +24 V (pin 1) as a source for these out-
puts, you must connect Output Common (pin 2) and +24 V (pin 1). The outputs will then be refer-
enced to GND (pin 11). For hardware pin location please see page 19.

Note: When active, the Fieldbus inputs have priority. Refer to help page for Advanced / Fieldbus.
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