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THE SOLID STATE sas ry ‘he sol d state chemistry coversthe latestadvancesin advanced inargaric: materials with applications ranging from energy storage systems, elec:ronic materials and sensors to the moze tadtional, but increasingly hi-tech macerials and industries that indudeg’ass, cementand ve‘ractories reer Rea era) on Crystal Lattice Crystalline Solids ‘Amorphous Solids ubstances which are weakly repelled by extemal maynetic Rel: eg, Ny + Tues, = Isotropic NaCl, Zn, TiO,,e. ++ Anisotropic. ° Fete solids or supercooled * Paramagnetic Substances : Substances which are nuts, ‘weakly attracted by extemal magnetic Field, .g, O s Haverdafinite:pattermof) |) 155 or waves Gilad palit al Gl healer = ene Saranipt ens OL alin, Sins saurengement + Ferromagnetic Substances : Substances which show ee }+ Short range order: permenen, magnetism even in the absence of + Huhibit plane, axis and centre | [+ Donor show any symmetry external magnetic field, eg, Ni Fe,Co,ete ofaynmanotty. FR _—Cdd’*-Aatierromagnets Substances : Substances which + Longrangeorder. © Constitsent particles are present have zero net dipole moment even though they have ‘= Are categorised according to only at the corners of the unit large nuraber ofunpairedclectrons, e.g. MnO. srterin tenia freasea all + Ferrimagnetic Substances: These arethe substances Molecdanionic snake ang| |* ComSLOLT pes arrangements whieh posses very small ct siggnctic moment even ’ ony sitincabicas mostgymmenic and though they have large number of anpairedelectrons epeileal sold tricimicas least symmetric e.g, FeO }>(Crystal Lattice and Unit Cells er ncas Constituent particles arepresentatthecomersandat. Type _| Simple cubic 4 thecentreofthe unit eel (bee) z # the contr ofeach faceoftheunitedll (ee) # the contre of any lwu opposite faves (Eadvenlied) aN Relation of] ‘Types of Defects Nonstoichiomeltic Detect Beare Arises due lo ike Role ae pretence of constivent | | |] Packing ma & Efficiency Scent ora enesare particles in non Does mot disturb the siehmstriente fo. stoichiometry of sali, Tyre Size No. of Voids Oetahedral ala x Suet eee Tewahedral 0235 8 2N SH Wahiemeimisingotions|) Pair fede team! 1G A ‘Metal Excess Defect : Arises due to anionic vacancies, eaving a {usually cations) from the] | catonsandanions missing) | | hole which s occupied by an electron thus, maintaining electrical allie sive and (hese) | fininlnuiceaes *| balance. The anionic sites, occupied by unpsired electrons, are occupy interstitial sites 2 Tt results in decrease in dalla rconreevantubioe Rapnet HloaE Hee 2 has no effect on the| | density ofcrystal density ofcrystal = This is found in the highly ‘Metal Deficiency Defect : Arises when metal shows variable 2 This is found ia cxystal| | ionic compounds having valency i, in transition metals, The defecLoceurs due .o missing of ‘with low coordination no, catian and anion of same| >] cation from its lattice site and the presence of the cation having] e.g Agh ZnSe. sine, e.g, NaClCsCietc higher chargein theadjacent lattice sit : MasterJEE

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