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Roll No.: _——— Total Pages: 2 Course No.: cs%-325 B.E. (Third Year) Third Year B. Tech. of the Four — Year Integrated Degree Course Examination, 2020-21 (Computer Science Engineering) SEMESTER: Il OPERATING SYSTEMS Time: Two Hours Maximum Marks: 50 ae act “Do not write anything on question paper except Roll Number otherwise it shall be deemed as an of indulging in use of Unfair-means and action taken as per rules”. (@) Attempt any FOUR questions. 5 (i) The question paper has four units. Each unit has two questions. (ii) Attempt one question from each unit. (iv) Answer should be to the point. (iv) All questions carry equal marks. () Assume suitable data, if necessary and indicate the same clearly. Unit 1. (a)_ Explain the following terms with respect to Operating System: i. Threads ii. Semaphores (b) Explain SUF Algorithm with an appropriate example. (6.25 + 6.25) 2 (a) Consider the set of S processes whose arrival time and burst time are given below | process ta Arrival time Burst time | PL 3 4 Pe 5 2 . 3 oO 2 I Pa 5 L 1 -—____* | | PS. 4 [eee ee ee |r 3 Ifthe CPU scheduling policy is FCFS, calculate turnaround time, ‘he average waiting tine and average (b) Defi = voit us Deadlock prevention techniques. (a) What is Deadlock? Also explain vario ; porate characteristics of Segmentation. (6.25 + 6.25) a a (b) Whatis Segmentation? Also el (a) _ Difference between Starvation and Deadlock he same type. These resources are sharey i in esources Of tl n (b) eee ne have peak demands of 3, 4 a & respecte a vy \ ‘ what value of m, deadlock will not occur? A system uses 3 page frames for storing process pages in main memory. It uses the First in First out (FIFO) page replacement policy. Assume that all the Page frames are initially empty. What is the total number of page faults that will occur while processing the page reference string given below- 4,7,6,1,7,6,1,2,7,2 Also calculate the hit ratio and miss ratio. (12.5) (2) Whatis Virtual Memory? Explain with a suitable example. (©) Consider a reference string: 4,7, 6, 1, 7, 6, 1, 2, 7, 2. the number of frames in the memory is 3. Find out the number of page faults respective to Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm, (6.25 + 6.25) (}) Write a brief note n Authentication for implementing security. (6.25 + 6.25) Consider a disk with 250 tracks and the queue has rai indom requests from different processes a 38, 30, 90, 180, 170, 18, 224 initia i "! 2m is at 100. Find the Average Seek length using FIFO, SSTF, SCAN and C-SCAN n,n) (CS) COMM NO, C95 EOE) Third Year B. Tech of the Four ~ Year Inter Course Examination (Computer Science Semester - I grated Degree 2021-2022 gineering) Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 50 “Do not write anything on question Paper except Roll Number otherwise it shall be doorrad of indulging in use of Unfair-means and action taken as por rulos" () Attempt any FIVE questions. (i) The question paper has four units. Each unit has two quastions, (ii) Attempt at least one question from each unit. (iv) Answer should be to the point. (iv) All. questions carry equal marks. () Assume suitable data, if necessary and indicate the sama claariy. (v) Parl of question must be attempted together. UNITI Q1 (2) _ Whatare the main functions of the operating system. Explain the types of onerating system in brief. (b) What is Process? What is the difference between program and process? using suitable example. a2 (a) Consi ler the following set of process with the arrival time and CPU burst tim milliseconds. Process AT Burst Time Pa o a P2 a 4 P3 2 2 Pa 3 5 What is an average waiting time for these process with pre: {b) What is the difference between user level threads and kernal level thre: what circumstances is one type is better than other. UNIT IL ‘ (a) What is dining philosophers problem? Explain the solution of thi, suitable algorithms 7 eal (bo) Whatare the different deadlock prevention schemes? Exptain (a) Write and explain Banker's algorithm for deadlock avoidance? (b) Write short notes on following: i) Critical Section ii) Race Condition UNIT IIL 2) Explain the difference between logical and physical address. What is swap Explain Swap in and Swap out operation. ' ® b) Write short notes on: i) Demand Paging ii) Internal and external fragmentation (2) Explain the difference between paging and segmentation with example. (b) Explain the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) page replacement algorithm using an example, UNIT Av (2) Explain the various file system features of windows operating system. (b) Suppose a disk drive has has 200 cylinders, numbers from 0 to 199. The dives initially at 53. The queue with request from I/O to blocks in cylinders: 98 183 37 122 14 124 64.67 Count the total head movements of cylinders in SCAN & C-SCAN scheduling. (2) Write short notes on: i) Attributes of File ii) Directory Structure (0) Explain the concept of spooling with allits types and its advantage and disadvan XxX Total Pagon: 2 Roll No: . Tech. (MY) Course to.: €5 -361 (Pee) THIRD YEAR B.TECH, OF Fi DEGREE COURSE EX, (COMPUTER SCIEN OUR-YEAR INTEGRATED ‘AMINATION, 2022-23 ICE ENGINEERING) SEMESTER. WW Operating Sys Time ~ 3 Hours Max. Marks - 50 UNIT-1 I. (a) What do you mean by Operating system? Explain all functionality of operating system, (5) (6) Discuss in detail about the operating system structure with suitable diagram, 65] 2. (@) Explain the basic of process control block and utility of threads, [3] (b) How do we select a CPU scheduling algorithm for a Particular system? Consider the FCFS, SJF, and RR (quantum = 10 milliseconds) scheduling algorithins for following set of processes. Which algorithm would give the minimum average waiting time? Process] Burst Time Pi 10 Pe DB Ps 3 Pa 7 12 Ps : UNIT-II . ieee 3. (@) Why dining-philosophers problem is considered as a classic synchronization problem? mon .@) Why dining, ‘ (b) How the system recovers from the deadlock automatically. 15} (@) Explain Bankers algorithm for deadlock avoidance. i (©) Describe the terms Critical Section and Race Conditions. ~ UNIT-HII (2)What is the purpose of paging in memory management? Explain with suitable example, jy (b) Explain the importance of segmentation in memory management. . ion, the page reference string isencount (a) Suppose that for a particular process under execution, t intered as; 13, 34,5, 3, 4 1, 6, 7,85 7,859 7 859,504 5,452, . How many page faults occur for “FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm” for the above given page reference string for four frames? 5 (b) What is the cause of thrashing? How does the system detect thrashing? Once it detects thrashing, yy. can the system do to eliminate this problem? fl UNIT-IV (@)How the data stored in the files can be organized using the directory structure. Explain. 9 (&) How care must be taken to ensure that system failure does not result in loss of data or in data inconsistency. Explain. { Discuss and compare FCFS and SSTF disk scheduling algorithm with example and suitable diagram of each. (10)

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