HEALTH 6 Workbook 16-17

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NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______



PERIOD #: ____________
NAME: _______________
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______


Every year there are millions of accidents. An accident is something that

happens without being planned or expected. It will often cause someone to be hurt
or seriously injured. When most of us think about accidents, we think cars, planes
and maybe even motorcycles. These represent very few of the serious accidents, in
fact, most serious accidents happen at home. Many people die from these home
accidents while others spend months in the hospital.
Most accidents don’t just “happen”, most are “caused” and can be
“prevented”. Some situations that cause accidents include:
1.Not being careful.
2.Not knowing about possible danger.
3.Immature behavior, showing off and fooling around.
4.Hurrying or rushing.
5.Using drugs or alcohol.
Careful planning and knowing about safety can help prevent accidents and make
our homes safer places to live.

Falls kill more people than any other accident in the home. Here are some ways to
prevent falls:

1. Keep your home neat. Don’t leave things on the floor, on stairs, or where a
person may trip.
2. Be sure that stairs and hallways have good bright lights.
3. Stairs should have a handrail (banister).
4. Put rubber under mats and rugs so they do not slide.
5. Fix torn rugs or carpets.
6. Use rubber mats in the bathtub and shower to prevent falls.
7. To reach high places, use a stepladder. Don’t climb on chairs.
8. Keep floors dry and wipe up spills quickly.
9. If you are doing an activity that requires a helmet remember to wear one.
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______


Many of the things we have and use in our homes are poisons. A poison is
anything that will make you sick or harm you if you eat it. Some chemicals can be
poisonous if they come in contact with your skin. Many of the products that we
use to clean the house, wash clothes and or take care of other household problems
are poisons. Medicines can be poisons if they are used incorrectly.

Children under the age of 5 are especially in danger of being poisoned.

They cannot read labels and are curious about things that smell good. Children
always put things in their mouths. Every home should be safeguarded to prevent
accidental poisoning. Here are some ways to prevent poisoning at home:

1. Keep all medicines and other poisonous substances out of the reach of
2. Do not take medicines while children are watching, they imitate adults
and other family members.
3. Never keep medicine in the bathroom medicine cabinet unless it is locked
or out of the reach of children.
4. Never keep cleaners and polishes under the kitchen or bathroom sink.
5. Make sure all poisons are clearly marked with the word “POISON”.
6. Use “MR. YUK” stickers to identify poisons and teach young children
what the stickers mean.

In case of an emergency you can always call the “Poison Help” nationwide
toll-free number (1-800-222-1222). It connects callers to the nearest Poison
Information Center. Poison information services are available through this number
24 hours, seven days a week.
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______


SAFETY AT HOME – HOMEWORK (2 points unless noted)
Directions: Use the reading to help answer the questions.

1.What is an accident? _______________________________________________

2. Where do most accidents happen? ____________________________________

3. List 4 things that cause accidents.
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________

4. Which type of accidents kill the most people at home? ____________________

5. List 4 things you can do in your home to prevent falls.

1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________

6. List 4 products you have in your homes that are usually poisonous.
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________

7. What age group is especially in danger of being poisoned? __________

8. List 3 reasons why children are often poisoned.

1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________

9. List 4 things you can do to safeguard your home from accidental poisoning.
(4 points)
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______

Directions: Read the vocabulary word than write a definition for the word in the space provided.
You may put the definition in your own words.

Violence- ____________________________________________________________________

Prevention- __________________________________________________________________

Injury- ______________________________________________________________________

Intentional Injury- ____________________________________________________________


Unintentional Injury- __________________________________________________________


Emergency- __________________________________________________________________

Peer Pressure- ________________________________________________________________


Conflict- _____________________________________________________________________

Abuse- ______________________________________________________________________

First Aid- ____________________________________________________________________

NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______

Injuries: Prepare and Prevent


How can you prepare for the How can you protect yourself
possibility of this injury? to reduce the seriousness of
this injury?
Example Example Example
(1 pt)

(3 pts)

(3 pts)

(3 pts)

Directions: Now that you have prepared your presentation plans, fill in the information others
share and record how to protect yourself from injuries in multiple settings.
(1 pt.)

(1 pt.)

(1 pt.)
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______
How and where was the How can you prepare for the How can you protect yourself
body hurt or damaged? possibility of this injury? to reduce the seriousness of
this injury?
(1 pt.)

(1 pt.)

(1 pt.)

(1 pt.)

(1 pt.)

(1 pt.)

(1 pt.)

(1 pt.)

(1 pt.)
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______

We have already learned about keeping our families and homes safe. Although
keeping your home and family safe can help you reduce the number of accidents
that happen, we still must know what to do in an emergency. An emergency is:


1. __________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________

These are only a few examples of emergencies. There are many other things that
are emergencies. All emergencies have one thing in common. They require quick,
careful, and thoughtful action. You will learn how to take care of many different
kinds of emergencies. Often in an emergency, you may have to give first aid.

Suppose you witnessed a car accident. Would you know what to do? Would
you know how to call for help?
A minute or two can mean life or death for a critically injured victim.
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______
In general, the best way to get help is to call _______. This is especially true if you
are calling from a home phone. On a cell phone, in New York State, you will get
the State Police if you dial 911. If you call from a cell phone,

When you call for help, on any kind of phone, be sure you give all the necessary
information so they can come as quickly as possible with the right equipment.
When calling for help be sure to include the following information:

1. ___________________________________________________________
2. Explain exactly what happened, _________________________________
____________________________ and what you think their injuries are.


3. When giving the location, _____________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________

Different emergency professionals may respond to a variety of emergency

conditions. Police, firemen and EMTs all are trained to deal with serious injuries
and accidents. Getting their assistance ________________ can mean saving a life.
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______
First Aid Questions (25 possible points)
1. What is an emergency? (4 points)

2. List 4 examples of situations that can be emergencies. (4 points)

1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________

3. What is first aid? (4 points)


4. What is the main number you call to get emergency help? (2 points) _________

5. What are 4 emergency professionals that are trained to give emergency

assistance? (4 points)
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________

6. You are coming home from school and two cars are involved in a collision on
your street. Write a script for what you need to tell the dispatcher/operator when
you call 911 and what they need to say back to you. (7 points)
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______


By the end of this section you should be able to:
• Tell how to phone your emergency response number (or 911)
• Tell how to answer a dispatcher’s questions

Access to Emergency Medical Service

At times you will need to phone your emergency response number (or 911) for
help. Make sure you know how to do this in the quickest way before the
emergency occurs. Do you need to dial 9 or another number before you call for
help? Do you have a two line phone? Do you need to put in the area code first?
These are all questions to ask yourself before the emergency actually happens.
Keep emergency numbers near or on the telephone(s) including your emergency
response number and poison control (800-222-1222).

When do I call for help?

As a general rule, you should phone your emergency response number (or 911) and
ask for help whenever:
• Someone is seriously ill or hurt
• You are not sure what to do in an emergency
It is better to phone for help even if you might not need it than not to phone when
someone does need help.
Answering Dispatcher Questions
When you phone your emergency response number (or 911), the dispatcher will
ask you some questions about the emergency, at this point it is your job to inform
the dispatcher. You need to stay on the phone until the dispatcher tells you to hang
up. The dispatcher can also tell you how to help the victim until trained help takes

You need to give your name, location, problem, details, and phone number
quickly. Remember to stay on the phone until the 911 dispatcher repeats back the
information and tells you that it is okay to hang up. Be as specific as possible and
try your best to stay relaxed your help may save a life.
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______


• Your name
• Your location or address
• Your problem or injury
• Any helpful details
• A phone number to reach you at


NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______
Peer Evaluation Form
Presenters Names: ___________________________________________
Did the student give her or his name? YES NO

Did the students explain the location of the problem? YES NO

Did the students explain what the problem was? YES NO

Did the students give details about the problem? YES NO

Did the students give a phone number? YES NO

Did the students get to the point quickly? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher repeat the information given? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher hang up first? YES NO

Peer Evaluation Form

Presenters Names: ___________________________________________
Did the student give her or his name? YES NO

Did the students explain the location of the problem? YES NO

Did the students explain what the problem was? YES NO

Did the students give details about the problem? YES NO

Did the students give a phone number? ________________ YES NO

Did the students get to the point quickly? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher repeat the information given? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher hang up first? YES NO

NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______
Peer Evaluation Form
Presenters Names: ___________________________________________
Did the student give her or his name? YES NO

Did the students explain the location of the problem? YES NO

Did the students explain what the problem was? YES NO

Did the students give details about the problem? YES NO

Did the students give a phone number? YES NO

Did the students get to the point quickly? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher repeat the information given? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher hang up first? YES NO

Peer Evaluation Form

Presenters Names: ___________________________________________
Did the student give her or his name? YES NO

Did the students explain the location of the problem? YES NO

Did the students explain what the problem was? YES NO

Did the students give details about the problem? YES NO

Did the students give a phone number? ________________ YES NO

Did the students get to the point quickly? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher repeat the information given? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher hang up first? YES NO

NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______
Peer Evaluation Form
Presenters Names: ___________________________________________
Did the student give her or his name? YES NO

Did the students explain the location of the problem? YES NO

Did the students explain what the problem was? YES NO

Did the students give details about the problem? YES NO

Did the students give a phone number? _______________ YES NO

Did the students get to the point quickly? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher repeat the information given? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher hang up first? YES NO

Peer Evaluation Form

Presenters Names: ___________________________________________
Did the student give her or his name? YES NO

Did the students explain the location of the problem? YES NO

Did the students explain what the problem was? YES NO

Did the students give details about the problem? YES NO

What? __________________________________________________________
Did the students give a phone number? YES NO

Did the students get to the point quickly? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher repeat the information given? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher hang up first? YES NO

NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______

Peer Evaluation Form

Presenters Names: ___________________________________________
Did the student give her or his name? YES NO

Did the students explain the location of the problem? YES NO

Did the students explain what the problem was? YES NO

Did the students give details about the problem? YES NO

Did the students give a phone number? ________________ YES NO

Did the students get to the point quickly? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher repeat the information given? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher hang up first? YES NO

Peer Evaluation Form

Presenters Names: ___________________________________________
Did the student give her or his name? YES NO

Did the students explain the location of the problem? YES NO

Did the students explain what the problem was? YES NO

Did the students give details about the problem? YES NO

What? __________________________________________________________
Did the students give a phone number? YES NO

Did the students get to the point quickly? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher repeat the information given? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher hang up first? YES NO

NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______
Peer Evaluation Form
Presenters Names: ___________________________________________

Did the student give her or his name? YES NO

Did the students explain the location of the problem? YES NO

Did the students explain what the problem was? YES NO

Did the students give details about the problem? YES NO

What? __________________________________________________________
Did the students give a phone number? ________________ YES NO

Did the students get to the point quickly? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher repeat the information given? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher hang up first? YES NO

Peer Evaluation Form

Presenters Names: ___________________________________________

Did the student give her or his name? __________________ YES NO

Did the students explain the location of the problem? YES NO

Did the students explain what the problem was? YES NO

Did the students give details about the problem? YES NO

What? __________________________________________________________
Did the students give a phone number? ________________ YES NO

Did the students get to the point quickly? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher repeat the information given? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher hang up first? YES NO

NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______

Peer Evaluation Form

Presenters Names: ___________________________________________

Did the student give her or his name? YES NO

Did the students explain the location of the problem? YES NO

Did the students explain what the problem was? YES NO

Did the students give details about the problem? YES NO

What? __________________________________________________________
Did the students give a phone number? ________________ YES NO

Did the students get to the point quickly? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher repeat the information given? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher hang up first? YES NO

Peer Evaluation Form

Presenters Names: ___________________________________________

Did the student give her or his name? __________________ YES NO

Did the students explain the location of the problem? YES NO

Did the students explain what the problem was? YES NO

Did the students give details about the problem? YES NO

What? __________________________________________________________
Did the students give a phone number? ________________ YES NO

Did the students get to the point quickly? YES NO

Did the 911 dispatcher repeat the information given? YES NO

NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______
Did the 911 dispatcher hang up first? YES NO

Jamal is waiting outside near the CVS for the 20 bus to come
in the freezing cold. It's snowing but he finally sees the bus.
Suddenly the bus skids on the icy road and heads straight
for Jamal. Just before the bus hits him he faints and the bus
stops. Jamal is bleeding from his head and is not
responding. The bus driver's radio is broken but you have a
cell phone and are the only other person there what should
you do?
Lisa and Travis are playing football outside near the city
center when Travis begins to have trouble breathing. He
usually uses an inhaler for his asthma when this happens,
but he doesn't have it on him. He falls down and is having an
asthma attack. Lisa doesn't have a phone but she knows
Travis has one in his backpack on the opposite side of the
field. What should she do?
Mr. Strigler was trying to ride a horse in Sand Point, Idaho,
near Cold Water Creek Photography Company, when his
horse got mad. It bit and kicked him repeatedly. Zach
arrived just as this was happening, hung up the phone call
he was on, and acted. With Mr. Strigler lying on the ground
bleeding and grabbing his side what should Zach do?
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______

Shaconda was babysitting her little sister, Tiffany. Her sister
was asleep in her crib so she figured she could relax. After
her favorite Youtube video a commercial came up and
instead of talking on her cell phone she decided to check on
her sister. Once she realized her sister wasn't in her crib she
got worried and finally found her downstairs. Tiffany had
crawled over the edge of the stairs and was unconscious.
What should Shaconda do?

Jim was riding his bike on the Somers High School football
field while Rachelle talked on her cell phone on the sideline.
After a couple laps around the field Jim noticed Rachelle
wasn't talking on the phone anymore but lying down. He
rode over to her and realized she was unconscious and not
responding to his voice. What should Jim do?

Joan finished all her homework and told her mom, who was
on the phone that she was going to climb the tree in her
backyard. As she slowly made her way to the top of the tree
she noticed a burning smell and some flames in the distance.
The fire was coming from her neighbor’s house and from her
height she could see someone waiving their hands out the
window in terror. What should Joan do?
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______


A burn occurs when a person is injured by something that is hot or by a
very strong chemical. A burn can be caused by fire, a very hot object
like an iron, hot liquid, or grease, steam, a strong chemical like acid or
from too much sun. There are different levels or degrees of burns. The
deeper the burn the more serious it is.
A slight burn is called a first degree burn. It is usually caused by
contact with something that is hot. The skin will be red and it will hurt.
Most sunburn is a first degree burn. The treatment for a first degree burn
is simply put the burned area in cold water for several minutes. You can
also use ice. If you have sunburn that covers a larger part of your body,
use cloths soaked in cool water or take a cool bath or shower.
A second degree burn will have a blister. For this kind of burn, use
cold water, ice or cold wet cloths. Gently blot the area dry with a loose
light bandage. NEVER use grease, butter, or Vaseline on a burn, it will
make it worse.
A third degree burn occurs when a person’s clothing has burned or if
they have come into contact with high voltage electricity. The skin may
be black or burned away. DO NOT use cold water on this kind of burn.
Cover the burned area with sterile bandages and cover the burn victim
with a clean sheet. This kind of burn requires immediate attention from
an emergency professional, so don’t forget to call 911.
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______

A chemical burn is caused form strong chemicals or acids that come in
contact with the skin. If a person is burned by a chemical, immediately
wash the skin with a lot of water. Use a hose or shower if you can. If the
chemical is on the victim’s clothing, move the cloths carefully. Victims
of chemical burns also need professional help, so call 911.
Anyone who is hurt or has been in an accident can go into shock. Shock
is the body’s reaction to serious injury. When a person is in shock the
flow of blood in their body slows down. This does not allow the cells of
the body to get enough oxygen. Shock can cause death. ALWAYS
treat for shock when a person is injured. Signs of shock include:
1. Feeling dizzy, weak, cold or faint.
2. Skin that is cold, damp and clammy.
3. The face becomes pale.
4. The victim may feel nauseous or may vomit.
5. The pupils of the eye may be dilated.
The first aid treatment for shock is as follows:
1. Have the person lie down.
2. Raise the victim’s feet. If there is a head injury, raise the head.
3. Keep the victim warm but not hot. Cover with a blanket or coat.
People in shock will usually feel cold.
4. Call for medical help as soon as you can.
5. NEVER give a person who is in shock anything to eat or drink.
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______
BURN QUESTIONS (40 points)
Directions: Use the information you read to answer the questions below.
1. What is a burn? ________________________________________________
2. List 4 things that can cause a burn.
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
3. What determines how serious a burn is? _____________________________
4. What are the three levels of burns? _________________________________
5. What color is the skin in a first degree burn? _________________________
6. What is the treatment for a first degree burn? _________________________
7. What should you never use on a burn? ______________________________
8. How do you treat bad sunburn? ____________________________________
9. How do you identify a second degree burn. __________________________
10.How do you treat a second degree burn? ____________________________
11.How does the skin look in a third degree burn? _______________________
12.What can cause a third degree burn? ________________________________
13.How do you treat a third degree burn? ______________________________
14. How do you treat a chemical burn? ________________________________
15.What two kinds of burns require medical attention? ____________________
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______

Directions: Use the information you read to answer the important
questions below.

1. What is shock?
2. How can a person die from shock?
3. List 4 signs of shock.

4. Put the steps for treating a shock victim in the correct order. (1-5)

_____ NEVER give a person who is in shock anything to eat or drink

_____ Raise the victim’s feet. If there is a head injury, raise the head.

_____ Have the person lie down.

_____ Call for medical help as soon as you can.

_____ Keep the victim warm but not hot. Cover with a blanket or coat.

5. What can you do to make a shock victim feel comfortable? ____________

NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______
Bad Bleeding
Bad bleeding occurs when a person has a serious cut that causes them to lose a lot
of blood quickly. It is possible to bleed to death in one minute so this can be very,
very serious. Always call for help when bleeding is serious.
To give first aid for bad bleeding until help arrives, follow these steps:
1. Use direct pressure. This means you press a clean cloth or bandage on the
cut or wound.
2. Lift the injured part of the body above the level of the heart. This will slow
the flow of blood. Continue using direct pressure while elevating the injured
part of the body.
3. If direct pressure does not stop the bleeding, you can stop bleeding by
pressing on the large arteries at the pressure points.
4. Continue to use direct pressure on the wound with one hand while using the
other hand to press on the pressure point.


NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______
Cuts & Wounds
Small cuts and scrapes can be taken care of yourself as long as bleeding is not too
bad. There are many ways to treat a small cut or scrape, but in general you want to
wash the cut with soap and water, pat it dry with a clean cloth or paper towel and
then cover it with a band-aid or gauze bandage. It is helpful to use some kind of
first aid cream or anti-biotic ointment before putting on the bandaging to prevent
infection. In our lab week activities we will follow 8 key steps in treating our
pretend wounds as listed in order below:
1. Put on your gloves to protect you from the germs and blood.
2. Use a gauze pad to clean off the excess blood.
3. Pour Hydrogen Peroxide on the cut to help prevent infection.
4. Pat it dry with a clean cloth or cotton square.
5. Apply first aid cream or antibiotic ointment like Neosporin.
6. Open a sterile bandage and put it on the wound over the antibiotic ointment
applying pressure.
7. Tape down the sterile bandage with first aid tape so the bandage stays in
8. Throw away your gloves and used materials in a safe area. Remember to
take off your gloves in a germ free way and then wash your hands
NAME: __________________________ PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______
Directions: Use the information you read to answer the important questions below.
(2 points each unless noted)

1. What is bad bleeding?

2. How fast can a person bleed to death? ______________________________
3. What do you do first for bad bleeding? ______________________________
4. What does direct pressure mean? __________________________________
5. Why do you elevate the injured part of the body? (4 points)
6. What is the general way to treat a minor cut or scrape? _________________
7. Explain in detail the 8 steps we will follow to fix a cut or wound in our Lab
Week activities. (16 points)
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________


Directions: Use the reading to help you answer the questions assigned by below. Please write
in complete sentences only and skip a line between answers.


• Main addictive agent in tobacco
• The most addictive drug
• It is a stimulant that turns into a depressant in the brain
• Poisonous
• Thick, sticky, dark fluid
• Produced when tobacco burns
• Cancer causing substance
• Disease affecting lungs
• Causes walls of air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs to weaken and break down
• Symptoms: shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing
• Fatty build up in the arteries
• Clogs blood vessels
• Causes heart attack and stroke
Mainstream smoke
• Smoke that a smoker exhales out of their mouth
Sidestream smoke
• Smoke that comes from the burning tip of a cigarette
Secondhand smoke
• Air contaminated by tobacco smoke
Passive smokers
• People who breathe secondhand smoke
Types of Smoking Tobacco: Types of Smokeless Tobacco
1. Cigarettes 1. Chewing Tobacco (chew)
2. Cigars 2. Snuff (snort)
3. Pipe Tobacco
Video Summary

A story about a woman's struggle with tobacco addiction and

the battle that she goes through to improve her life and the
lives’ of others.

"I can't breath - MTV True Life"


Finish your letter or add to it by reflecting on the video in a
letter format.


Dear Mr. Arnett,

What I learned from the video....

How I felt about the video....
What I wonder about Tobacco .....
Questions I have ???

MR. ARNETT PERIOD #: __________

NAME: ____________________________ DATE: _____________


Name: _______________________ Period: ______ Date: ______________

DEATH OF A LUNG (3 points)

Directions: Use the figures available at this station to answer the questions below.
Remember to read and look over the information carefully.

1. This is a normal lung. What are the holes in it called?

2. This is a lung with emphysema. Why is it black?
3. This is a cancerous lung. What is the “cheesy” white thing inside it?


Directions: Use the figures available at this station to answer the questions below.
Remember to read and look over the information carefully.

1. What is arteriosclerosis?
2. What parts of the body are these specimens of?
3. What are two risk factors that can cause heart attack and/or strokes?
Name: ______________________ Period: __________ Date: _______________

Directions: Use the Venn diagram below to list 3 similarities and 3 differences of
each lung specimen.

Directions: Read the warning labels. List 2 things that concern you about tobacco
and its effects on the body. List one thing that concerns you about marijuana.
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
Name: ______________________ Period: __________ Date: _______________


Directions: Analyze and interpret the mouth and the foot with gangrene. Look at
the information on mouth cancer and the effects of smokeless tobacco and answer
the questions below.
1.Explain 5 effects of smokeless tobacco on the mouth?
2.What is gangrene? How does someone who smokes develop it?
3.How would smokeless tobacco effect your daily life?


Directions: Look at the print advertisements and answer the following questions.

1.Do these advertisements show anything negative? Why or why not?

2.What would an honest advertisement look like?
3.Why do companies try to make tobacco and marijuana look fun and exciting and
why do they try to hide the problems associated with these drugs?
Name: ______________________ Period: __________ Date: _______________


Directions: Look at the figure and answer the following questions.

1. What does inflammation means?
2. What does constriction means?
3. Describe what happens to the nasal passages when someone smokes
cigarettes or marijuana?


Directions: Pinch your nose, breathe through a straw, and continue to do this for
30 seconds. After you are done throw away the straw in the garbage and answer
the questions below.

1.How was your breathing when you were using the straw?
2. How would your daily life be affected if this was how you always felt?
3.What would you tell someone thinking about trying a drug that causes
Name: ______________________ Period: __________ Date: _______________





A new baby is born. The doctor holds up the baby. The parents can see if the baby
is a girl or a boy. Then the doctor will weigh and measures the baby. When a
baby is born it weighs on the average 6-9 pounds. Usually boy babies weigh more
than girl babies. At birth an infant cries, sleeps, eats, and moves its arms and legs.
The parents must feed and care for the baby. Infancy is from birth to two years
old. By age two, a baby can usually walk, feed him or herself and say a few


Childhood is from age 2 to age 12. Children grow and go through many changes.
Children grow taller and weigh more. They learn to talk, run and play games.
Preschool age children, age 3 to 5, can wash and dress themselves. They usually
are toilet trained. They are less dependent than babies. Most children start school
at age 5. They learn to write, count and work with other children. Children also
learn how to make friends and behave properly under many different conditions.


Adolescence is the time a person is an adolescent. An adolescent is a child who is

in the process of growing toward adulthood. An adolescent is between age 13 and
18 years of age. During this time a child’s body starts to grow and change and
become an adult. This growth is called puberty. Puberty usually starts during or
just before adolescence.
Name: ______________________ Period: __________ Date: _______________


Adulthood is the time a person is an adult. Once an individual has reached

adulthood he or she has reached physical maturity, that is, the body has stopped
growing. As adults we tend to continue to grow emotionally and spiritually. We
have more obligations and responsibilities. Usually adulthood is the time to marry,
raise a family and face the challenges of life.


Puberty begins because of chemical changes that happen in the body. Special
organs known as glands make chemicals. These chemicals called hormones,
control growth and other body processes. The pituitary gland in the brain sends
out hormones that activate the sex glands. These sex glands, or gonads, secrete
hormones that cause the body to grow and change. The male sex glands are the
testes. The female sex glands are the ovaries. These glands make the hormones
that cause the body to change.

Changes in the Male

The male sex glands, the testes, produce a hormone called testosterone. This
hormone causes the males body to mature. The most important changes in the
male are the growth of the penis, testes and scrotum, and the development of the
sperm cells. Other changes in the male are the growth of bones, muscles and body
hair; thicker skin; a deeper voice; and an awareness of his sexuality.

Changes in the Female

The female sex glands are the ovaries. Ovaries produce two female hormones,
estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is the hormone that is responsible for
making the changes in the female body. The most important changes are the
growth of the uterus and vagina, the maturation of ova (eggs), and the start of
menstruation. Other changes in the female are growth of breasts, buttocks, thighs,
body hair, and bones; widening of the pelvis; and an awareness of her sexuality.
Progesterone, the second hormone is responsible for the changes that occur in a
woman’s body when she is pregnant.
Name: ______________________ Period: __________ Date: _______________



1. List the four stages of growth.

2. Why does puberty happen?
3. What do we call the chemicals that glands make? _____________________
4. What is the term used to describe the sex glands? _____________________
5. What is the name of the male sex glands? ___________________________
6. What is the name of the female sex glands? __________________________
7. What is the name of the male sex hormone? __________________________
8. List 4 changes that happen to a male during puberty.

9. What are the names of the two female hormones?

10. List 4 changes that happen to a female during puberty.
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
11.What are ova? _________________________________________________
12.When does progesterone take effect?
Name: ______________________ Period: __________ Date: _______________


An important change in the female reproductive system is the beginning of

menstruation. Menstruation is ___________________________________

A girl usually begins to menstruate between ages _____________. The first time a
girl menstruates is called ____________. After menarch a girl menstruates about
_______________. This is called the menstrual cycle or menstrual period. When
a girl is menstruating it is usually said that she has her ______________.


The menstrual cycle happens again and again during adolescence and into
adulthood about every 28 days. Often adolescent girls will have an irregular
menstrual cycle. A girl could wait 29 days, 34 days, or 25 days to get her next
period. Usually as a female matures, her cycle will become more regular. A
normal cycle is between _______________________ days.


During menstruation a woman does not need to change her daily habits. She may
feel tired or have cramps just before her period. Other changes that happen
include, sore breasts, back pain increased appetite and sometimes nausea. In truth,
however, a woman is not sick when she has her period. It is a


Eating right, getting enough sleep and exercise can help reduce some of the
discomfort associated with menstruation. Cleanliness is extremely important
during menstruation. It is critical that boys and girls shower or bathe ___________
Name: ______________________ Period: __________ Date: _______________


Other Physical Changes

An adolescent’s body is changing physically due to hormones. The hormones

cause oil glands in the skin to produce more oil. More skin oils often cause pimples
and blackheads on the face. Other trouble areas are _________________________
When a pore becomes blocked with dead skin cells and oil, it is called
a_____________________. Sometimes this can become infected, this is called a


Washing often removes dead skin cells and oil. Diet, stress, and daily habits can
also affect the health of an adolescent’s skin. When the skin becomes covered with
pimples, it is considered ____________________________. Acne should be
treated by a doctor. Another physical change that occurs during adolescence is that
the sweat glands produce more sweat. Bacteria on the skin combine with sweat
and produce body odor. This is another reason why it is important for adolescents
to ___________________________________________,
__________________________________ and wear ________________________
in order to stay odor free.
Name: ______________________ Period: __________ Date: _______________


1. What is the flow of blood and other tissue from the uterus?

2. What is the age range that a girl begins to menstruate?


3. What is menarch?

4. What is the time range for a normal menstrual cycle?


5. List 4 changes that could happen to a woman before menstruation.

1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________

6. What is the difference between a blackhead and a pimple?


7. To be odor free, adolescents must do what three things?

1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
Name: ______________________ Period: __________ Date: _______________



Puberty begins because of chemical changes that happen in the body. These
chemicals, called hormones control growth and other body processes. Many
changes occur in the male and in the female. Some of these changes are alike and
other changes differ from male to female.



GROWTH Weight increase, rapid Increase in height and weight,

increase in bone growth, shoulders widen, increase in muscle
pelvis widens mass. Larynx increases in size,
causing voice to deepen

GONADS Increase in ovary size, labia Testes increase in size, scrotum

growth, and beginning release darkens and enlarges. Penis is longer
of estrogen and progesterone and wider; sperm production begins.

BREASTS Increase in size and fat Slight increase in size, but then
distribution decrease

TISSUE Increase in body fat, Increase in percentage of muscle

CHANGE especially in hips, thighs, and tissue and decrease in fat

HAIR Increased growth of pubic Pubic hair appears around penis,

GROWTH hair, changing from light color increased hair on legs, chest, and
to dark. Underarm hair underarms. Facial hair begins.
growth and leg hair growth

REPRO- Menstruation begins but may Sperm begins to be produced.

DUCTION be irregular.
Name: ______________________ Period: __________ Date: _______________
Name: ______________________ Period: __________ Date: _______________



Stress is not always a bad thing. Stress is simply the body's response to changes
that create tough demands. There is a difference between eustress, which is a term
for positive stress, and distress, which refers to negative stress. In daily life, we
often use the term "stress" to describe negative situations. This leads many people
to believe that all stress is bad for you, which is not true.


Eustress, or positive stress, has the following characteristics:

•Motivates, focuses energy

•Is short-term
•Is thought of as something within our coping abilities
•Feels exciting
•Improves performance


Distress, or negative stress, has the following characteristics:

•Causes anxiety or concern

•Can be short- or long-term
•Is thought of as outside of our coping abilities
•Feels unpleasant
•Decreases performance
Can lead to mental and physical problems


Name: ______________________ Period: __________ Date: _______________

Directions: Please record valuable tips given to you by your counselor. You
must record at least 5 words of advice.






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