Thesis Template LCC

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A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty Of The
[School or Department]
La Consolacion College Isabela
Isabela, Negros Occidental

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Course in
BAC 7- Business Research / Research in Education (RES)

[Name of Students in Alphabetical Order]

[Course and Year]


Title Page

Panel’s Approval of the Research Proposal

Table of Contents

Chapter I - The Problem and Its Scope

Background of the Study (At least 15 Citations from 2019-2024, 1000-1,500 words)
Statement of the Problem
Hypothesis of the Study
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitations of the Study
Definition of Terms

Chapter II - Review of Related Literature

Review of Literature (At least 25 local and 25 foreign literature)
Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework (Withe Schematic Diagram)

Chapter III - Methodology

The Research Design
Variables of the Study
Locale of the Study or Research Environment
Respondents of the Study
Sampling Strategy and Procedure
The Research Instrument
Procedures for Data Collection and Analysis
Ethical Considerations


Sample Research Instrument
Validation Sheets
Letters to Validators
Sample Reference

Adams, M. (2019). Chief executive officers incentives, monitoring , and corporate risk

management: evidences from insurance use. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 78(3),


Kristof, N. (2017). How to win a war on drugs: decriminalizing illegal drugs in Portugal.

New York: American Public Health Association.

How to do:

[Last name of Author, Initial of First Name, (Year). Title of the Literature. Page Number.

Name of Publication House and Place]

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