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2011 DUA



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1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi empat -ahagian.
2. awa- semua -ahagian.
3. Soalan-soalan dalam -ahagian A mempunyai empat pilihan jawapan. awa-
setiap soalan dengan menghitamkan ruang yang -etul di kertas jawapan.


1. %his question paper consists oI Iour sections.
2. Answer all sections.
3. "uestions in Section A have Iour options. Answer each question -y -lackening the
correct space in the answer sheet.


%here will -e a contest at the largest man-made lake next month. Cash prizes will -e
given to successIul anglers. Please contact Mr. Lee at 05-1234567
-eIore 20 & 2011 Ior Iurther details.
Section A
15 marks]
Time suggested : 25 minutes]

Questions 1 - 8
For each of the questions, read the question first and then study the information given to
find the best answer. Then blacken the answer A, B, C or D on the answer sheet provided.

1. What is the purpose oI this sign?
A %o prevent people Irom smoking.
B %o express appreciation to people Ior smoking.
C %o tell people that they can smoke somewhere else.
D %o advise people that smoking is -ad Ior their health.

2. %he notice a-ove is meant Ior people who are interested in
A diving
B sailing
C Iishing
D snorkelling

Popular places for eating out among students


Fast-Iood outlets 36
Hawker centres 30
Roadside stalls 25
Restaurants 4
Clu-s 1
Others 4

3. Which oI the Iollowing statements is true a-out students eating out?
A ating at roadside stalls is the least popular choice among students.
B Most oI the students preIer eating at Iast-Iood outlets.
C %he majority oI students enjoy eating in restaurants.
D Many students have the privilege oI eating at clu-s.

MILLION THNKS for all the love and care,
especially to Doctor J.K., nurses and staff at Ward 4.
Read the Thank You card and answer the following question.

4. Imran is most pro-a-ly
A a nurse B a doctor C a patient D an attendant

Read the advertisement below and answer the following question.

5. %o o-tain more inIormation a-out the vehicle, you have to
A send a Iax.
B phone the owner.
C see the motorcycle.
D go to the owner`s house.

Read the notice below and answer the question that follows.

6. Which oI the Iollowing groups does not have to pay Ior the check-ups?
A Senior citizens
B Mem-ers oI the pu-lic
C StaII Irom %unas Hospital
D %he Caring Clu- mem-ers

6ooJ conJition
Coll personolly ofter S. p.m.
, }olon SB, Tomon Sentoso,


%he Caring Clu- oI %aman Sentosa is organising
a Health Screening event Ior senior citizens aged
55 and a-ove. %he programme is also open to the
pu-lic at a nominal sum oI RM5.00. Volunteer
medical staII Irom %unas Hospital will -e
attending to the medical check-ups.

Place : Sentosa Community Hall
%ime : 8.00 a.m. to 12 noon
Date : 10 uly 2011

The stuff heroes are made of
KAMPAR, Sat., - Rahim Salleh, 84, is a retired jungle guide and porter. In his youth, he used
to lead groups oI adventurers and villagers on the treacherous Batu Berangkai %rail.
'%he walk is only over a 20-km distance, he said with nonchalance, '-ut the o-stacles
are many and challenging. I call it the path oI the warrior and anyone who passes the test
undergoes a gruelling experience and is considered a hero.
dapted from Sunday Daily, 31 June 2011

7. Which ord in the a-ove news report means coolness`?
A nonchalance
B treacherous
C challenging
D gruelling

Stella : I think we are -eing Iollowed. Let's quicken our steps.
Henry: You're right. %he sound oI those Iootsteps -ehind us is making my flesh creep.

8. From the dialogue, explain how Henry Ieels when he said, '.making my flesh creep.
A Hot and sweaty
B Cold and sneaky
C Happy and careIree
D FearIul and nervous

Questions 9 - 15 are -ased on the Iollowing passage.

9 A is C was 13 A one C other
B are D were B same D another

10 A to C then 14 A include C included
B or D than B includes D including

11 A divide C divided 15 A -ig C giant
B divides D dividing B great D awesome

12 A clone C cloned
B clones D cloning

ver since scientists successIully cloned Dolly, the sheep, the de-ate on cloning has
not stopped. What is cloning? Cloning ... (9) ...a method oI making exact copies or
replicating a living animal.
Shoulu cloning be alloweu ..... () .. outlaweu. Public opinion is ... () ...
on this issue. 0n the one hanu, theie aie some people who think that the ... () ...
of animals shoulu be alloweu but not the cloning of human beings. 0n the ... () ...
hanu, theie aie those who feel that cloning shoulu be outlaweu completely. This
gioup ... () ... ieligious leaueis anu enviionmentalists. A thiiu gioup believes
that genetic engineeiing shoulu go on as it will be a ... () ... leap foi mankinu,
especially in the fielu of meuicine. Bowevei, we shoulu not thiow caution to the
winu when uealing with natuie.
10 marks]
|%ime suggested : 25 minutes|

Questions 16-25
Read the information on the natural benefits and curative properties of fruits. Then answer
the following questions.

Apple %he apple is considered as a protective Iood. It contains minerals and
vitamins in a-undance. Apart Irom its energy value, it plays an
important role in the normal development oI meta-olic Iunctions.
Apples are highly -eneIicial in the treatment oI all kinds oI headache.
Banana %he -anana is one oI the oldest and a very hygienic Iruit as it comes
in a 'germ-prooI package. Its thick covering provides an excellent
protection against -acteria and contamination. It contains a large
amount oI easily assimilated sugar. Bananas are oI great value -oth
in constipation and diarrhoea.
Grape %he grape is a highly valued Iruit mainly Ior its rich content oI sugar.
It is highly nutritious and easily digested. Grapes are highly
-eneIicial in the treatment oI heart disease. %hey tone up the heart
and are eIIective in relieving cardiac pain and palpitation oI the heart.
Papaya %he papaya has -een regarded as one oI the most valua-le tropical
Iruits. It is a rich source oI vitamin C. It is not only one oI the most
easily digested Iruits, -ut it also aids in the digestion oI other Ioods.
Fresh juice oI raw papaya mixed with honey can -e applied with
-eneIicial results over inIlamed tonsils Ior diphtheria and other throat
disorders. It dissolves the mem-rane and prevents inIection Irom
Orange %he orange is a rich source oI vitamin A, B, C and calcium. It is the
most popular citrus Iruit. Its vitamin C content helps the -ody tissues
to use the calcium contained in Iood. %his Iruit, -eing an excellent
source oI calcium and vitamin C, is important in the treatment oI
diseases oI the -one and teeth.

Questions 16 - 25
omplete the table below by filling in the appropriate answers

Name of Fruit Curative Property
Orange 16 ........................
17 ........
%reatment oI heart disease
18 ........
Good Ior throat disorders
Banana 19 ........................
20 ........
All types oI headache

Questions 21 - 25
omplete the sentences below using the given information.

21 Grapes are highly nutritious and a rich source .................


22 %he -anana is hygienic -ecause ......................


23 %he apple is rich in vitamins and .......................


24 People with poor digestion should eat papaya -ecause ................


25 Vitamin C in citrus Iruits helps the -ody tissues to utilise ............

|10 marks|

25 marks]
Time suggested : 50 minutes]

Questions 26-30
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.









A long time ago, a girl named Li-li got married and went to live with her
hus-and and her mother-in-law. In a very short time, Li-li Iound that she could
not get along with her mother-in-law at all. %heir personalities were very
diIIerent, and Li-li was angered -y many oI her mother-in-law`s ha-its. In
addition, her mother-in-law constantly criticised her.
Days passed days, and weeks passed weeks. Li-li and her mother-in-law
never stopped arguing and Iighting. But what made the situation even worse
was that, according to Chinese tradition, Li-li had to -ow to her mother-in-law
and o-ey her every wish. All the anger and unhappiness in the house were
causing the poor hus-and great distress. He did not know what to do; on the
one hand was his mother and on the other was his wiIe, -oth oI whom he loved
dearly. He could not tell his mother not to pick on his wiIe who was not Iilial.
Finally, Li-li could not stand her mother-in-law`s -ad temper and
dictatorship any longer, and she decided to do something a-out it. Li-li could
not turn to her hus-and Ior help, so she decided to seek help elsewhere. She
went to see her Iather`s good Iriend, Mr. Huang, who sold her-s. She told him
the situation and asked iI he would give her some poison so that she could solve
the pro-lem once and Ior all. Mr. Huang did not look surprised nor did he
scold Li-li. In Iact, he nodded in sympathy -ut did not say anything.
He went into the -ack room, and returned in a Iew minutes with a packet oI
her-s. He told Li-li, 'You can`t use a quick-acting poison to get rid oI your
mother-in-law -ecause that would cause people to -ecome suspicious.
%hereIore, I have given you a num-er oI her-s that will slowly poison her -ody.
very other day prepare some soup with meat and put a little oI these her-s in
her serving. ow, in order to make sure no-ody suspects you when she dies,
you must -e very careIul and act very Iriendly towards her. Don`t argue with
her, o-ey her every wish and treat her like a queen.
Li-li was -oth happy and relieved. Finally, there was going to -e a solution
to the pro-lem. She thanked Mr. Huang proIusely and hurried home to start her
plot oI murdering her mother-in-law. Weeks went -y, and months went -y, and
every other day, Li-li served the specially-treated Iood to her mother-in-law.
She remem-ered what Mr. Huang had said a-out avoiding suspicion, so she
controlled her temper, o-eyed her mother-in-law and treated her like her
AIter six months had passed, the whole household had changed. Li-li
practised controlling her temper so much that she Iound that she almost never
got mad or upset. She hadn`t had an argument in six months with her mother-
in-law, who now seemed much kinder and easier to get along with.
%he mother-in-law`s attitude toward Li-li changed and she -egan to love Li-
li like her own daughter. She kept telling Iriends and relatives that Li-li was the
-est daughter-in-law one could ever Iind. Li-li and her mother-in-law were
now treating each other like a real mother and daughter. Li-li`s hus-and was
very happy to see what was happening.
One day, a remorseIul Li-li came to see Mr. Huang and asked Ior his help
again. She said, 'Dear Mr. Huang, please help me to keep the poison Irom











killing my mother-in-law. She`s changed into such a nice woman, and I love
her like my own mother. I do not want her to die -ecause oI the poison I gave
Mr. Huang smiled and nodded his head. 'Li-li, there`s nothing to worry
a-out. I never gave you any poison. %he her-s I gave you were supplements to
improve her health. %he only poison was in your mind and your attitude
towards her, -ut that has -een all washed away -y the love you gave her.

Adapted Irom 'Outpourings of the Heart


Questions 26-30
nswer all questions. You are advised to answer them in the order set.

From paragraph 1,
26(a) who did Li-li live with when she got married?


.................................... |1 mark|

(-) what did Li-li`s mother-in-law do to her?


.................................... |1 mark|

27 (a) From paragraph 2, how did the hus-and Ieel when the two women quarrelled?


.................................... |1 mark|

(-) From paragraph 3, why did Li-li seek Mr. Huang Ior help?


.................................... |1 mark|

From paragraph 4,
28 (a) what are the to things that Li-li had to do so as not to arouse suspicion?

(i) ..................................

.................................... |1 mark|

(ii) ..................................

.................................. |1 mark|

(-) In paragraph 5, which word has the same meaning as anger`?

...................................|1 mark|
29. From paragraph 8, why did Li-li visit Mr. Huang the second time?


.................................. |1 mark|

30. From paragraph 9, explain what Mr. Huang meant -y 'the poison was in your


..................................|2 marks|

Question 31

Li-li had a diIIicult relationship with her mother-in-law.
Write a summary on:
O what Li-li did to her mother-in-law
O the changes in their relationship

Your summary must:
O -e in continuous writing Iorm (not in note Iorm)
O use material Irom lines 14 to 52
O not -e longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given -elow.

Begin your summary as Iollows:

Li-li had a difficult relationship with her mother-in-law and so .................


|15 marks|

20 marks]
Time suggest: 35 minutes]
32 Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

(a) In stanza 1, when did the personae return home?

................................. |1 mark|

(-) From stanza 2,
(i) why did they -rave the Ilood?

................................. |1 mark|

(ii) what did they Iind in the Iloodwater?

................................|1 mark|

(c) II you were one oI the personae, would you Ieel upset aIter the distressing experience?
Give a reason to support your answer.

.............................. |2 marks|

In the Midst of Hardship

At dawn they returned home
their soaky clothes on
and approached the stove
their lim-s marked -y the scratches
their legs Iull oI wounds
-ut on their -rows not a sign oI despair

%he whole day and night just passed
they had to -rave the horrendous Ilood
in the water all the time
-etween -loated carcasses
and tiny chips oI tree -arks
desperately looking Ior their son`s
al-ino -uIIalo that was never Iound

%hey were -orn amidst hardship
and grew up without a sigh or a complaint
now they are in the kitchen, making
jokes while rolling their cigarette leaves

33. %he Iollowing are the novels studied in the literature component in nglish Language.
Catch &s II You Can - Catherine MacPhail
Step By Wicked Step - Anne Fine
%he Curse - Lee Su Ann

One oI the themes in the novels a-ove is Family Love`. With close reIerence to the text,
descri-e how Iamily love is portrayed.
|15 marks|


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