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1. Gary's mom asked _______ to clean the garage.

a. he
b. him
2. Neither Mary nor _______ knew why the store was
a. I
b. me
3. After school, you and _______ must discuss a few
a. I
b. me
4. My nephew was crying and needed _______ diaper
a. their
b. his
5. Did she see _______?
a. us
b. we
6. I took the bag from _______.
a. him
b. they
7. My brother and _______ went to the park.
a. I
b. us
8. What did _______ do about the car?
a. them
b. they
9. What did _______ say about the work?
a. me
b. she
10. Where will _______ go from here?
a. you
b. us
1. b. Gary's mom asked him to clean the garage.

2. a. Neither Mary nor I knew why the store was closed.

3. a. After school, you and I must discuss a few things.

4. b. My nephew was crying and needed his diaper changed.

5. a. Did she see us?

6. a. I took the bag from him.

7. a. My brother and I went to the park?

8. b. What did they do about the car?

9. b. What did she say about the work?

10. a. Where will you go from here?

My son dropped his bottle on the ground.

2. The girls standing under the tree are
eating their lunch.
3. When I looked over at him, I noticed that he was
reading a book.
4. The guys ate all of their pizzas.
5. Grandma is waiting for her shawl.
C. Demonstrative
B. Possessive
A. Demonstrative
D. Indefinite
A. Indefinite
A. Interrogative
C. Possessive
A. Relative
C. Reciprocal
B. Reflexive
1. them
2. he
3. she
4. me
5. he
6. who
7. whose
8. whom
9. which
10. which
11. its
12. their
13. his
14. his
15. his
16. their
17. our
18. I
19. that
20. herself

You should have definitely got it all right. Check them out.

1. I bought a red dress for the wedding.

2. I have eight apples.

3. The food is delicious.

4. My brother is naughty.

5. The movie we watched last night was boring.

6. Pablo Picasso is a fine artist.

7. The weather in Chennai is sultry all round the year.

8. Now is a great time to visit the United States.

9. It was a fabulous drive.

10. The Marina Beach is the longest beach in India.


1. Underline The Adjective In The Following Sentences.

1. Lotus is a beautiful flower.

2. The teacher told us an interesting story.
3. Mumbai is a large city.
4. The elephant is the largest animal on land.
5. Ravi is an honest boy.
6. Raveena is a clever girl.
7. He does not have much patience.
8. I have bought some apples.
9. There has been sufficient rain this year.
10. There are several mistakes in this essay.
11. Mr. Ramesh is an old man.
12. You are wearing a beautiful dress.
13. The mangoes are sweet.
14. Sunil has a new pen.
15. I have two pencils.
16. You can wear a blue shirt.
17. The woodcutter was honest.
18. I had three apples yesterday.
19. January is the first month of the year.
20. Do you have any razors?
21. The big box is under the table.
22. She bought the pink ribbon from the shop.
23. The food was delicious.
24. The tall boy is Rohan.
25. Rohini was pretty.
26. Mohini is intelligent.
27. It is a rainy day.
28. The box is very heavy.
2. Read The Following Sentences And Underline The Adjective. Also,
State What Word Each Adjective Modifies.

1. Ramesh is the tallest boy in the class.

The adjective tallest modifies the noun boy.
2. Gold is a precious metal.
The adjective precious modifies the noun metal.
3. Alice is my best friend.
The adjective best modifies the noun friend.
4. She was wearing a blue shirt.
The adjective blue modifies the noun shirt.
5. I bought six eggs.
The adjective six modifies the noun eggs.
6. My brother has a cute daughter.
The adjective cute modifies the noun daughter.
7. I had a strange experience yesterday.
The adjective strange modifies the noun experience.
3. Underline The Adjective In The Following Sentences And Mention
Which Kind Of Adjective Each Of These Is.

1. Few men are free from faults.

Few – Numeral adjective.
2. Little hearing is a dangerous thing.
Little – Numeral indefinite adjective.
Dangerous – Quality adjective.
3. He was a man of few words and great deeds.
Few – Numeral Indefinite adjective.
Great – Quality adjective.

4. He is a stupid boy and has little sense.

Stupid – Quality adjective.
Little – Numeral Indefinite adjective.
5. The old man carries a heavy bag.
Old – Quality adjective.
Heavy – Quality adjective.

6. That young man died a glorious death.v

That – Demonstrative adjective.
Glorious – Quality adjective.
7. A living ass is better than a dead lion.
Living – Quality adjective.
Dead – Quality adjective.
8. Her brother failed the exam.
Her – Possessive adjective.
9. Who gave you this book?
This – Demonstrative adjective
10. Anita got five pencils.
Five – Adjective of number.
11. There was a mistake in your answer sheet.
Your – Possessive adjective.
12. A year has twelve months.
Twelve – Adjective of number.
13. Is there any milk in the jug?
Any – Adjective of quantity.
14. There is a very pretty girl.
Pretty – Adjective of quality.
15. That child is quite happy.
Happy – Adjective of quality.
16. Many students attended the fair.
Many – Adjective of number.

17. My mother is an excellent cook.

Excellent – Adjective of quality.
18. There is a lot of water in the river.
A lot of – Adjective of quantity.
4. Fill In The Blanks With Suitable Adjectives From Brackets.

1. Raj is an unusually good dancer. (a nice/ an unusually good)

2. My dad has a competent secretary. (good/ competent)
3. There is a well-kept lawn in front of the library. (nice/ well kept)
4. That was a difficult job. (an awful/ a difficult)
5. The ice cream was delicious. (grand/ delicious)
6. What an attractive child! (a perfectly adorable/ an attractive)
7. I had an exciting time at the dance. (a swell/ an exciting)
8. Meeta always wears unbecoming hats. ( unbecoming/ unfright)
9. That woman is a dangerous gossip. (dangerous/ terrible)
10. The speaker gave an inspiring talk. (a grand/ an inspiring)
11. That was an interesting book you sent me. (a fine/ an interesting)
12. Mrs. Sharma is a charming hostess. (perfectly lovely/ charming)
13. James thinks he’s clever. (clever/ cute)
14. That was a peculiar remark Rohan made. (funny/ peculiar)
15. The packet is very heavy. (heavy/young).
16. Delhi is a big city. (round/big).
17. Respecting elders is a good habit. (good/bad).
18. The giraffe has a long neck. (long/short).
19. When it rains, the road gets muddy. (dry/muddy).
20. The table is dirty. (dirty/muddy).


1. present simple

2. present continuous

3. present perfect

4. conditional

5. past continuous

6. past simple
7. past perfect

8. future perfect

9. future continuous

10. future simple

1. Wants
2. Tastes
3. Watches
4. Went
5. Went
6. Has been crying
7. Saw
8. Haven't seen
9. Appears
10. Was mending
11. Smell
12. Is rising
13. Has been
14. Rarely comes
15. Haven't seen
16. Finished
17. Had already started
18. Had been walking
19. Had seen
20. Has changed

He is living with his parents at the moment.

2. Some areas of Italy are becoming drier.
3. She works as a lab technician.
4. She is planning to study for a degree.
5. I have got two sisters.
6. In her job, she answers the phone.
7. People are living longer and longer.
8. This month they are working on a new project

Story 1
It was a hot day, so I decided to prepare salad for lunch. Outside, the children were
playing in the garden. Suddenly I heard a loud noise, followed by a scream.
I ran outside to see what was happening.
Story 2
On my first day at work I was a bit nervous. I got up early, had a shower,
and drank some coffee. I was too nervous to eat.
I thought I was looking / looked very smart. I was wearing a suit and my best
shoes. I walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus. While I was waiting,
I noticed that people were looking at me in a strange way. I tried to ignore them,
and when my bus arrived I got on and found a seat. 30 minutes later, I arrived at
my office. Just as I got off the bus, I looked down and realised that I was
wearing shoes of different colours…


1. Quickly
2. Out
3. Before
4. Pretty
5. Too
6. So
7. Often
8. Somewhat
9. Once
10. Forward
11. . He has warned you and me too.
12. 2. She is very busy.
13. 3. I searched my Bluetooth speaker everywhere in the
14. 4. Ganesh seldom talks to me.
15. 5. He said, “Don’t repeat it again.”
16. 6. This man had scolded me once.
17. 7. Please listen to him carefully.
18. 8. The bus has just arrived.
19. 9. Abhishek is not tall enough.
20. 10. Why does Kunal often yell at her?

at , in
2. beside , on
3. under , on
4. beside
5. front
6. on
7. in
8. under
9. over
10. over
11. in
12. into
13. beside
14. between
15. on ,in
16. in ,in
17. on, in
18. in , on , below.
19. on , at ,at
20. in ,in
I was amazed at her brilliant performance.

2. She is anxious to hear from her daughter.

3. I am anxious about his health.

4. He apologized to her for his rude behavior.

5. They appealed to us for help.

6. He appears to be rather opinionated.

7. We want the best candidate to be appointed to the post.

8. She has an aptitude for mathematics.

9. Avail yourself of this opportunity to visit Kashmir.

10. Are you aware of his plans?

She is backward in her studies.

12. I don’t think we can bank on him this time.

13. The task turned out to be more difficult than he had bargained for.

14. Please bear with me until I finish this job.

15. Do you believe in socialism?

They were deaf to my cries.

2. Physical activity is beneficial to health.
3. Are you aware of your responsibilities?
4. We cannot comply with your request.
5. The honor was conferred on him at the felicitation ceremony.
6. I complimented her on her new dress.
7. He is thoroughly conversant with the situation.
8. The management has called for an explanation from the labor union
9. I don’t care about your objections: I will do it no matter what.
10. A committee has been appointed to inquire into the accident.

2. to
3. of
4. in
5. of
6. to
7. with
8. with, into
9. with
10. of, between
11. against, with
12. after, in
13. for
14. to
15. to
16. of
17. of
18. to
19. with
20. off
21. within
22. with
23. towards
24. over
25. through
26. into, by

28. in
29. of
30. of
Answer [ Worksheet 5]

1. He deals in diamonds.
2. One must not deviate from the path of truth and virtue.
3. Eventually I persuaded her to comply with my requests.
4. There is no cure for AIDS yet.
5. She is keen on going abroad.
6. This article makes several allusions to the Vedas.
7. He was anxious to contact his wife.
8. She has no aptitude for music or dance.
9. She was an indulgent mother who always turned a blind eye to her
children’s faults.

10. He was brought up by his grandmother.

Answer [ Worksheet 6]

1. I don’t care about your objections. I will do what I want to do.

2. You should take care of your health.
3. He was charged with the murder of his landlady.
4. His house is close to the post office.
5. The railway station is close by.
6. The shop has been closed down.
7. We came across an old beggar on the way.
8. The teacher commented favourably on our work.
9. Nations are competing with one another for world domination.
10. He complained of toothache.
11. We complained against his high-handedness.
12. We regret that we cannot comply with your request.
13. The degree was conferred on him at the convocation.
14. I don’t think we can confide in him.
15. He is confident of his success.

Answer [ Worksheet 7]

1. Regular exercise is beneficial to health.

2. He is bent on mischief.
3. We must be grateful for the blessings God has bestowed on us.

4. He is a hypocrite. Beware of him.

5. She boasts of her achievements.

6. The indulgent mother is blind to her son’s faults.

7. He was born of/to poor parents.

8. The ship is bound for California.

The robbers broke into the shop at midnight and looted it.

10. Emperor Akbar brought about many social reforms.

11. They brought up the child tenderly.

12. Do not brood over past failures.

13. He is busy with his studies.

14. On the way, we called at a friend’s house.

15. This award calls for a celebration.

16. The headmaster has called for an explanation from the boy.

Answer [ Worksheet 8]

1. Vegetarians abstain from eating meat.

2. Good nutrition is absolutely essential for our health.

3. The jury absolved him of the crime.

4. I was so absorbed in this book that I didn’t hear you.

5. Our garden abounds with roses.

6. Tulips abound in the Netherlands.

7. He was arrested for his abusive treatment of the dog.

8. This belt makes a beautiful accessory to your dress.

9. My daughter accompanied me on the trip.

10. His words were accompanied with violent gestures.

Answer [ Worksheet 9]

at, from
2. by
3. at, in
4. since
5. besides
6. since
7. in
8. with
9. by, beside
10. but/except

Answer [ Worksheet 10]

1. As a girl she learned the graces required of a good hostess.

2. These pearls are of the highest grade.

3. My sister graduates from college this June.

4. Steps should be taken to abolish graft in the government.

5. The grain was separated from the stalks by beating.

The entrance to the vault was blocked by a grating.

7. How can I express my gratitude for your help?

8. We gravitate towards people who are kind to us.

9. The surgeon announced his decision with utmost sincerity.

10. The cows grazed in the pasture.

11. Put some grease on that squeaky door hinge.

12. He shook my hand with an iron grip.

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