5 Categories of Faith

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5 Categories of Faith Gug's a rational cynic (i'm fairly certain). i'm a spiritual fatalist he. My mother's a religious extremist.

i'm guessing most ppl would fall into the category: religious ambivalence he. Finally, i'm guessing a significant minority of us would really love to be absolutely ambivalent some of the time ;) ..The interesting thing is: we all have to live together and share resources of this planet.. My question for mom was: which perspective is best for humanity's future? Of course she answered based on her particular faith.. But can we really expect all generations of the future to be Catholic? It's unrealistic.. Just as it's unrealistic to expect everyone to share limited resources based on rational cynicism which essentially does not respect anyone but themselves! :( No, i believe the most respectful perspective is spiritual fatalism which alone can bridge the gaps between all perspectives :) ..i sorta hate to label myself a fatalist but.. It seems inescapable.. At least i firmly believe in a better tomorrow! :) rational cynicism 1. spiritual/religions ppl are essentially insane/delusional 2. there is no real thing resembling karma 3. there's no god / they don't care 4. everything is random 5. religions/spirituality are based on weakness/needs 6. morality is an artificial human construct 7. hope and expectation are the same 8. spirit/soul is a fantastical construct spiritual fatalism 1. spiritual/religious ppl sense a non-physical plane 2. thots/words/actions carry spiritual consequences, karma 3. God created and loves us 4. everything has a reason (such as species/individual challenges) 5. historically, agree w/ above; anecdotally, there's a spiritual plane 6. relative morality is based on value frame; absolute morality is based on God 7. hope is done w/out expectation 8. anecdotally, there's some evidence for spirit/soul religious extremism 1. a 'holy book' / set of books declares a set of spiritual precepts 2. most religions ascribe some value to the concept of karma 3. a god(s) is defined in item 1 4. most religions are at least somewhat fatalistic 5. most religions are in denial about what set of needs they satisfy 6. each religion defines morality based on some unique value frame 7. most religions discriminate between hope and expectation 8. most religions define an 'eternal' soul/spirit somehow attached to the human body religious ambivalence 1. there's a holy book around here, I think 2. remind me what karma is again, please? 3. yea, I remember god talked about in Sunday School! 4. everything is both random and purposeful! 5. I'm too busy on Saturday/Sunday to go to church/synagogue/temple/mosque/.. 6. morality is like, a really stupid person, right? 7. I hope and expect you to stop asking me stupid questions! 8. you know that movie 21 Grams? That's like totally real man!

absolute ambivalence 1. I don't care 2. I don't care 3. I don't care 4. I don't care 5. I don't care 6. I don't care 7. I don't care 8. I don't care For those interested in a technical approach toward God (a realistic physics based approach), plz consult the document called War for Meaning which illustrates how conventional physics has been perverted/twisted away from God..

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