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Nama:Ramadia Ibra Angga Jatmika


Prodi: IKOR

-The main topic of the text is the psychological and social benefits that children gain through
participating in organized sports

1. What are the benefits of organized sports for children?

answer:Sports help children learn to control their emotions and channel negative feelings in a healthy
way. It also helps children develop patience and understand that it takes a lot of practice to improve
their skills.

2.Why sport very important for childern?

answer:Sports help children develop better ways to deal with life's ups and downs. When they exercise,
sometimes they win, and sometimes they lose. Being a good loser takes maturity and practice.

3. where children can apply the results of the sport?

answer:Children can then apply skills such as perseverance and resilience in other areas of their lives,
including classes at school and other non-sports hobbies.

4.when do learn to manage with the highs and low of life through sports?

answer:childern learn to manage with the high and lows through sports when they encounter both
triumps and overcome,which instructs them versatility and passionate adminitration

5. why sport is important for developing children's mental health?

answer: Defeat teaches children to deal with disappointment, overcome unpleasant experiences and is
an important part of becoming resilient.Sports help children learn to control their emotions and channel
negative feelings in a healthy way

6:how do childern advantage for takong part in organized sports

answer:childern advantage mentality and socially,past far pshycal action,by creating critical life
aptitudes through organized sports

1.Organized sports (olahraga terogranisir

2.Copong (menghadapi)

3.Resillient (Tangguh)

4.pshycological benefits (manfaat psikologis)

5.Channel (menyalurkan)

6.Patience (kesabaran)

7.perseverance (ketekunan)

8.involvement (keterlibatan)

9.Practice (Latihan)

10.Disappointment (kekecewaan)

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