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4 SUNNYDALE Final Examination 2023 - 2024 Name: Muadh Chosdhury Subject Biology (Paper 1) pests vill = Teacher Zabir Ahmed Secti : SOLE TAT crac Full Marks: Ag RollNo: 4g score Obtained (22) Date f 2 12105124 i Duration: 60 minutes Question No. ‘Allotted Marks Marks Obtained (cq) 40 40 20 Total 40 I 20 READ THESE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS . Answer all the questions Use a sharp dark pencil for filling up the option in MCQ sheet. Calculators are allowed, you do not have to show any rough work Invigilator's Signature: Teacher's Signature: 2605 pl VG. Page 1 of 10 ‘Special Instruction: Attach the question paper to the MCQ sheet provided. Instruction: There are forty questions in Paper |. Answer all questions possible answers, A, 8, C and D. Choose the one you consi on the MCQ answer sheet. Any rough working should be done on the question paper. ts 1 mca ‘Answer all questions in this section. For each question, there are four ider correct and record your choice in soft pencil 0) tin ‘The small intestine of a person contains a lower concentration of glucose than is presen the blood. By which process is the glucose absorbed? A __ by active transport against the concentration gradient B by active transport down the concentration gradient © _ by diffusion against the concentration gradient D _ by diffusion down the concentration gradient ‘The diagram shows part of the alimentary canal and associated structures. What are organs P and Q? P P Q a | iteum gall ladder B ileum yancreas - B bile duct eed c ‘stomach gall bladder D stomach pancreas a Which process involves the use of nutrients inside cells? A absorption B assimilation © digestion D ingestion Bile has many roles, one of them is: A Breaking down lipids to fatty acids and glycerol B Neutralizing the acidic pH of chyme after it leaves the stomach. © Neutralizing the alkaline pH of chyme after it leaves the stomach. D —_Emulsification of proteins in the small intestine. Page 2.0f 10 8 The diagram shows part of the alimentary canal and associated organs. Which row correctly describes the functions of parts shown in the diagram? | funetion function A 7 digestion of protein a) ‘absorption of the products of digestion B| 2 emulsifying fats 3 absorption of amino acids and glucose c| 4 production of bile 5 making digestive enzymes D | 4 _ |storing digestive enzymes] 2 making digestive enzymes Each part of the alimentary canal has the optimum pH for the enzymes that digest food there. What is the optimum pH for an enzyme that works in the stomach? A 20 B 6575 C 7585 D120 The diagram shows two different human teeth, P and Q, drawn from the front. _— | (of What are the functions of these teeth? \ AL Q P Q P A cutting cutting B cutting grinding c grinding cutting D grinding grinding Page 3 of 10 10. nu. The table shows where different components of food are digested in the alimentary canal. Which option states where protein is digested? mouth: (buccal) | stomach [duodenum | jleum cavity _ A 4 x ¥ x key B x v v v = substance Is digested c x x v v Xx = substance is not digested D x 4 x y What are the substrate and end-products of digestion by the enzyme lipase? on > | substrate end-product carbohydrate glucose fat amino acids fat fatty acids and glycerol protein fally acids and glycerol The products of digested food are present in the lleum. Which substances enter a blood capillary and a lacteal in a villus? coo? blood capillary Tacteal ‘amino acids and glucose Tatty acids and giycerol amino acids and glycerol fatty acids andglucose fatty acids and glucose fatty acids and glycerol ‘amino acids and glycerol amino acids and glucose When a person eats some egg white, protein and water enter the stomach. Which substances are found leaving the stomach and leaving the small intestine? Teaving the stomach Teaving the small intestine com> ‘amino acids and water fatty acids, glycerol and water protein and water protein, amino acids and water amino acids and water fatty acids, glycerol and water fatty acids and glycerol water Page 4 0f 10 ee ag 12. 13. 14, 15, 16. The diagram shows a bolus of food moving along the oesophagus. Pa bolus of food ee —= = jection of ee — movement a =a sR Which row describes the condition of the muscles at P,Q, R and S? LT. Q R 8 A | contracted | relaxed | contracted | relaxed B contracted relaxed relaxed contracted c relaxed contracted contracied relaxed D felaxed contracted relaxed contracted In which regions of the alimentary canal does amylase act? A mouth cavity and pancreas B_—smouth cavity and ileum © stomach and pancreas D stomach and ileum Large, insoluble molecules have to be digested before they can be A absorbed B assimilated. © egested. D ingested. ‘The pH in the mouth decreases after eating. Which statement explains the decrease in pH? A Bacteria release acid when respiring food substances. B Enzymes in saliva release acids during digestion. © Food substances become alkaline when chewed. D Salivary glands release an alkaline solution. ‘The diagram shows arteries and veins in the human forearm. Which statements apply to a vein in the human forearm? carries, bloods | al ‘oxygenated | has valves | returning to | blood theheat | A v y x | key 8 Y x x | ve yes c x v v | X=n0 D x x 4} Page S of 10, 7. 18 19, 20. 21 Which statements about arteries are correct? All arteries carry oxygenated blood. Artenes carry blood at high pressure 1 2 3 Allarteries carry blood away from the heart. A 1and2only B 1and 3only © — 2and3only D 1,2and3 Inthe human circulatory system, what causes the transfer of materials from the capillaries to the tissue fluid? A active transport B blood pressure © capillarity D osmosis ‘Which chamber of the heart would be the first to receive nicotine absorbed into the blood in the lungs of a cigarette smoker? A leftatrium B left ventricle © right atrium D right ventricle Which sequence shows the shortest route taken by blood travelling from a leg to an arm in the human body? A leg~+heart — lungs — heart + arm B leg — heart — lungs — kidney — arm © leg—kidney — heart —+ lungs — arm DD —_feg—>lungs -+ heart ~ alimentary canal — arm After muscular exercise, which blood vessel carries the lowest concentration of carbon dioxide? ‘A hepatic vein B pulmonary artery © pulmonary vein D vena cava ‘Two hours after eating a meal, which vessel contains blood with the highest concentration of glucose? A aorta B hepatic portal vein © pulmonary vein D tenal vein Page 6 of 10 23. 23, The diagram represents the liver and some associated structures. from heart tohean, } \ What does the blood in blood vessel P transport? A bile to the ileum B glucoseto the liver © glycogen to the liver D urea tothe ileum 24. Which row shows the blood vessels carrying blood to and from the organs listed? blood vessel blood vessel carrying blood to. organ ‘carrying blood from the organ the oman a ona bean pulmonary ven, B | nepanc atery wer hepate portal vein © | pulmonary anery tung pulmonary ven D renal ver. husney renal artery 28. The diagram shows the direction of blood flow in the human body. capillanes in / the lungs \ right side let side of the heart of the heart \ wea? capillanes in the organs of the body Which numbered stages have blood containing the most oxygen? A 1and2 B 2and3 GC 3andd and Page 7 of 10 26 27. 28. 29, 30, Which Is a difference between plasma and tissue fluid? plasma tissue flu ‘A | less dissolved glucose | more dissolved glucose 8 dissolved glucose no dissolved glucose c | more protein molecules | fewer protein molecules ° no whute blood cells while blood cells Which blood vessel carries blood with the highest concentration of urea? ‘A hepatic artery B hepatic vein © renalartery Drenalvein ‘Where are most nitrogen compounds excreted from humans? A kidneys B iver © rectum D skin ‘The diagram represents a kidney machine. alysis fad in ‘blood " =! SS partially permeable a fu out membrane Which two substances are both present in the dialysis fluid entering the machine? A glucose and protein 8 glucose and salts © protein and urea D urea and salts Which process occurs in a kidney dialysis machine? ‘A Large protein molecules are removed from the blood plasma. B Materials pass out of the blood down a concentration gradient. © Oxygenis used up in removing materials from the blood. D Pressure forces dialysis fluid into the blood. Page B of 10 31, “31. Inakidney dialysis machine, which substance cannot diffuse through the dialysis membrane? dialysis Oud 1 alysis Mad Z topavent "| ayes membrane # blood trom + Patent” dass Mad A glucose €- 8B insulin. = GS sodum = Drea 32, What is not an excretory product of mammals? A carbon dioxide inexpired air 8 ~—_ undigested food in faeces © urea in sweat D urea in urine 33. The diagram shows the structures associated with a human kidney. , I © ala Se What are the relative concentrations of urea in X, Y and Z? ‘A Xis sometimes higherthanY B —_Yis always higher than Z © Yis always lower than Z D_ —_Zis sometimes lower than X 34. Ureais produced in one organ, filtered from the blood by a second organ and stored inside a third organ before being expelled from the body. Which organs carry out these functions? production | _flraton storage A| bene bladder wer B | kedney liver bladder c} wer bladder doe o| ter hudney badger Page 9 of 10 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. What passes through the membranes of a dialysis machine? ‘A proteinandred bloodcells «Butea and red blood cells © water and protein D water and urea ‘Amino Acids are broken down In which organ of the body? A Stomach B Kidney C Pancreas DsLWer Which statement about chemical digestion in the human alimentary canal is correct? A Digestion of carbohydrates is completed in the colon. B Enzymes are secreted to break down cellulose in the duodenum. © Protein digestion is completed in the ileum, D The stomach secretes enzymes to break down starch. Which digestive processes take place In the mouth (buccal) cavity? chemical | mechaneal | dissolving digestion digestion | of nutronts A v v v 8 v v x c v x v 2 x 4 v Which features make a villus well adapted for absorbing amino acids from the lleurn? ‘A large surface area, thin walls, lacteal B large surface area: volume ratlo, good blood supply, thin walls © small surface area, good blood supply, lacteal D__small surface area: volume ratio, good blood supply, thin walls Ina systolic state, what would the ventricles of a heart look like? A Expanded B Relaxed © Contracted D — Shriveled Page 10 01 10 SUNNYDALE Multiple Choice Answer Sheet Candidate Name Mads Cinnod)s “4 Class Vill __ Subject: Biology = 3 Examination Title ioc) Pxanieofian | paeer abel Aniems _ Date Wies/ag Score Obtained >>| |>f> A 10 rr 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 VEAL) SS 9] Jo} |on| [eof co} [co] Joffe} Jon] Jo] {oo} |cn] |cof co} |on] Joo ffm] Joo} [co] |) ol Jo} fo} Jo] Jo} Jo} Jo] fo} JOPfo} Jo} JO] Jo} [O} JO} JO} J] Joo) jo} OH offolfo] fol fo} fo} foto} fol fo} fo fo} fo} fo} fo} fo} fo} |} JO} ee >| J] [>| |>] [> t> >| |>]|>]|>]y > i> tl >| |> p>] 20 instruction: There are forty questions in Section A] | ‘Answet all questions. For each question, there are Example ; four possible answers, A. 8, C and D. Choose the one | i you consider correct and record your choice in soft| | For question 1, penction the answer sheet if you think B is the right answer, | fillin your answer sheet like this. not be deducted for 2 wrong answer. Any rough Each Correct answer will score one mark. A mark will cn ‘working should be done on the question paper. |

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