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INDIAN HIGHWAYS A REVIEW OF ROAD AND ROAD TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT L TONER G TORE CONTENTS: TSN TET BE ee Thoma List OF ADVERTISERS t Leechers aeiocSn) NY tony ey fine es 0 ES Es Ewan acs Pes eee ae a is eee a ee a ‘se Cope Coan gS "Spat of Cnt eRe asi Roy "2 se Mae ire 1B thats Ln ta Dene Pn 30 "41s. Mentor Sa Sain a Bacon Ie Gtmetaymernote ime Bert mat a 2 Neetu ns ps desea et Ae ee Sh Gratin it. )° Beit dar Ra a & Nemthennehiohe at >My rane oro» Sal G9 hfe Sng pt ‘cont Sa en cco MS OyanunePena hc Me tyr ne ho aptly fee eg See eetinetrat hemor hn ome Spi tn i, je SS Natasa The Tadtan Roads Congress Founded December 1934 cml: ycrearygeu@ire org indee@ircongin IRC Website: wrwireorgin pssnnear Hos, Sinn Rosa, ‘Kaa Ke Marg, Sasa 6, Por ow Debi -s10011 Nev babi- 110022 Le Tl: Secstary General 291 (1) 2398 6 “Te Scns General 491 (11) 26185303 Beet: 283 39s 2338 7140, 2538450, 20386014 | Soul) ZNR S973. 2617 1888, 2671 GTR, Fax 991 (1) 2338 1619 26185318 26185319 . S Fou 191 (11) 6182669 ato iain ny reticle wot Wain prin re Soe) Gen Beatuacon Sa Fe EH a ER AH advertising: A tied coespondc sentencing no i Bupa eas nd os Se "pio eats ae ery General nin Rants Congr. Hob Shaan Rl New Dom “TH Pre Rep en, ong ‘Ami Sib: 130A Sib Fog) Pan From the Editor’s Desk eS TOWARDS REDUCING NOISE POLLUTION ON THE HIGHWAYS Jn recent years, the unpleasant, unwanted sounds generated on the roads and highways has been of increasing concer both to the travellers and inhabitants in theadjoining localities. In fact, trasie noise impacts the people, more than any other environmental noise source. The effets ‘of noise pollution ae varied and mostly depend fon the noise intensity, frequency and the petiod of time it manifests. Poor hearing, dizziness, stress, loss of concentration, dificulty to work, Team, rest relax, sleep etc. ae the most common, symptoms of noise pollution on human beings. ‘The noite pollution is. characteristic problem ‘of contemporary urhan settlements, whici comprise a large number of noise-generating sources such as road, rail or ar trafic, industries, ‘marketplaces etc. The level of traffic noise on roads mainly depends on the volume of trafic, speed of the trafic, type of surfacing and type of vehicles plying on roads. Vehicle noise is a combination ofthe noises producedby theengine, ‘exhaust, and tyres, The loudness of affienoiseis also increased by defective or old vehicles. Any condition such asa steep gredient which causes heavy labouring of vehicles’ engine increases traffic noise levels ‘The eacophony of noise in the modern world ‘may be annoying to many and literally enough to make some people sick. Fortunately, new technologies are emerging worldwide to combat noise pollution. Some noise reduction measures include creating buffer zones, constructing barriers, planting tees and vegetation, managing, traffic, ete. Attenuation requirements may vary ‘withthe time of occurrence of the noise and the charateristcs and level of the nose Buffer zones are undeveloped open spaces which border a highsvay. Buffer zones should be created when a highway agency acquires land, in addition to the normal right of way so that future dwellings are not constructed close to the highway. This precludes the possibility of constructing dwellings that would otherwise experience an excessive noise level from nearby highway traffic, Noise generated at night would normally require a larger separation distance. {An additional benefit of buffer zones may be that they ean improve the roadside appearance. However, because of the tremendous amount of land which must be acquired and because jn many cases dwellings may already border existing roads, creating buffer zones may not be possible always. Noise barriers can be formed by earth berms along the roads, But creating earth berms may require quitea lot of land, if they are very high, as also earth fom borrow areas. Alternatively, noise barriers ean also be made of wood, concrete, masonry, metal and other materials. Noise barriers should be such that they are visually pleasing and blend well with their suroundings. ‘Noise barriers, however, do have limitations Studies by Federal Highway Administration have revealed that a noise barrier can achieve & =e z TRDIAN HIGHWAYS, TUNE 2009, "5B noise level reduetion vhen itis tall enough 4 to break the line-of-sight from the highway to the receiver and it ean achieve an approximate 1.3 dB addtional noise level reduction for each ‘etre of height after it breaks the line-ofsight. may not always be possible to construct noise barriers if they conflict with the safety, aesthetics ‘oF local community's requirements, Rondside trees and vegetation can be planted for lessening the trafic noise levels. The planting ‘of trees and shrubs may, however, provide only psychological benefits or aesthetic treatment and ‘may not necessarily help in noise abatement ‘eaetation, if itis high and dense enough not to be seen through, may help in decreasing traffic noise levels. However, it may usually not be Possible to plant enough vegetation along the highway to achieve such reductions Studies in Europe have shown that one of the promising approaches to reduce road noise involves the use of rubberized asphalt pavement. } Surfacing with Asphalt Rubber Friction Course (ARC) can achieve considerable noise level Reductions of 3-5 dB when compared to traditional asphalt dense-graded surfeces. and 6-12 dB compared to concrete surfaces. As the {te passes over the pavement, iteauses a change inairpressure between the tyre and the pavement, Which generates sound. ARFC has many ait Pockets which démpen the air pressure gradient and thus reduce sound. In addition, the ARFC surface provides a smoother riding surface than conerete surface because its laid in continuous ‘manner with minimal joints and contains smaller aggregates, Sometimes, noise reductions may also be ‘obtained by shifting the horizontal alignment, Aspressing the carriageway, enforcing operation controls on vehicle types, hours of operation, et. ‘There are constraints, however, on using these solutions, Usually horizontal alignment cannot be shifted, particularly on roads that are to be improved. In other cases, important natural or ‘man-made features gover the vertical alignment and prevent depression of the carriageway. Controlling traffic could sometimes. reduce roise problems, if trucks could be prohibited from certain strets and roads ot if they could be restricted to use certain streets and roads only ‘during some fixed hours ofthe day. Highway trafic noise could be reduced through a program of shared responsibilty. Central and State governments should plan to include noise abatement measures in planning and design of roads, State governments should use their power to regulate land development in such a way that projects of new roads, widening ‘oF improvements fo existing roads should go through the Envitonmental Impact Assessment (GIA) process to assess and evaluate their impact onboth the existingand planned sensitiveusesand to propose and implement practicable mitigation measures to be applied to abst the traffic noise impacts. Public consultstions and involvement is also important in noise reduction on highways. Unless improvements are made in nose source control and land use control, noise abatement efforts by highway agencies will produce meagre resultsat great public cos. This doesnot mean that highway planners and designers should abandon their noise abatement efforts in the development of highway projects, woale RPE (P.tndoria) Secretary General INDIAN HIGHWAYS, TUNESIOD 3 BRIAN HOHIAYS JUNE 2009 REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON “QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL IN ROAD AND BRIDGE PROJECTS” TO BE HELD AT CHANDIGARH ON 25 & 26 JUNE 2009 ‘On the invitation of Govt, of Punjab, IRC will be organizing, a Regional Workshop at Chandigarh on 25 & 26 tune 2009 for | YJ Northern region in Which engineers fom the States of Punjab, : Haryana, Delhi, Rejesthan, UT Chandigarh, Uttar Pradesh, | wmmessmne Urtorakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Border Roads | *yiimetatase™™™ Organisation, DDA, CPWD, MCD, NDMC, NRRDA, CRI, MOSRT&H and NHAT including Costroctors” representatives will We paricipate, This Workshop is designed fr practicing Highway and | ==" 7 Bridge Engineers and wll includ the following Themes: 8) Quality Assurance System (QAS) and ‘Total Quality ‘Management (TQM) in Road and Bridge Projects 1) Quality Conirol in Flexible Pavement ©) Quality Control in Rigid Pavement 4) Quality Control in Bridges and other Structures (Flyovers etc) ©) Quality Audits by Third Parties or Centralised System at State Level 4) Equipment Selection, Operation and Management The venue of the Workshop is at the Confederation of Indian Industries (CID), Seetor 314, Chandigarh. “The registration fee for the Workshop is Rs 2000 per delegate. The Information Guide contzining other details of the Workshop has already been sent to the concemed States for nomination of delegates and is also available in IRC website (http:/hwww.ire.orgin) or contact say be made with IRC Secretariat at Tel. Nos: (011) 2618 5303, 2617 1548, 2338 4543, “The Local Organising Secretary is Shri M.S. Nijjar, Joint Secretary, Puijab Roads & Bridges Development Board (PRBDB), SCO 61-62, Phase-II, Mohali, Te. (0172) 662 6666, Fax: (0172) {662 6640, Mobile (+91) 98880 04055, e-mail: Delegates requiring accommodation may contact Shri Arvinder Singh, Superintending Engineer Consntion Cirle, Chanigat, Tel (0172) 2702985, Fax: (0172)2702458, Mobil: (£51) 98150 00555, email irworkshop@punjabpd by 15 June 2008. Members of IRC from the concemed States may pursue with their authorities for nomination for participating inthis Workshop. es z TNDIAN HIGHWAYS, JUNE 2005 IRC SEMINAR-CALL FOR PAPERS AND INVITATION ‘The Indian Roads Congres is gazing « Seminar on “Public Private Partnership in Highway Socor"at India Habitat Centre, New Dehi on 28" & 29" Aust 2009 jn co-operation wit he Union Minty of Sipping, Road Transport & Highways, other CentalStste Govt, Departments, National Highvays Auosty of Ie State PWDs, leing Public and Private Sector Oraniaston, Manufacturers, Consulants an Conteciors, The Seminar wil cover the fllowing Themes end Sb themes: ‘Theme! : Packaging and Financing of PPP projects Conceptual Framework for PPPS = BOT (Toll), BOT (Annuity), BOT (OMT): Financiat Incentives including Viability Gap Funding (VGF:Fasbliy Stasis or DPR; Workaiity of DBFO Concspt—allerativeinovatve designs, technology and material: Financial Modeling se Studies ‘Theme? : Procurement of PPP projects Bidding Process and Procedures including RFP, RFQ and e-procurement; Relevane of Standards ‘and Speifations in context of PPP Models; Risk Alloetion end Mitigation inconext of MCA Cae Stier ‘Theme3 : Legal and Regulatory Framework & Dispute resolution Land Acquistion and R&R policies & Challenges; Regultory regime in PPP projects: State ‘Support Agreement and other Agreements (sbarsholdrs, consiniction,cperton, substation tte); Disp revolution mechanism ‘Themes : Project Management & Toling Systems Role of Independent Engineer during constuction and operation; ORM obligations. end ‘nforesment Globe Tolling Systems end interoperabliy: Case Studies, ‘Technical Papers under various Themes and subbemes as above, ae invited for inlsion fn the Sominar Pblication. The Paper should not exceed 10 pages on A size paper in 12 pin font sles of Times New Rom Authors are requested to send a brief abstract of the Paper by 31 Mi, 2000. our copies of fe Paper ae to be ‘scat long with CD to the Secreiery General, Indian Reads Congress. Kama Koti Meg, Sector 6 RK. Purim, New Dethi-10 022, Last dae for receipt of Papers Is 15th Sly, 2009, altematvly the Papers may bs sont ‘through e-mail at ndinhighvays@ieorgsn ‘Memibers ar ls invited to stead this Seminar Detils of registration fess are given below Delegates from tia = R63,000 pee patcpant Foreign Delegates = USS 100 per paisipan Sponsrships(Cosponsorhi/Donatons ae also invited. The Fees areas under ‘Sponsorship Fee (with Seven fee delegates) = Rs2.00000 Co-sponsorship Feo (with ve fie delegates) Rs 1.00000 Donors Foo (wih twa fie delegates) = Rso000 ‘The compet dls about th Seminar may be seen on IRC Website voewireongin. Fr say daicato, please ‘ont The Sorary General, Indian Roads Congress, Kina Kot Mir, Soto 6, RK Param, New Dl 110023 3 INDIAN HIGHWAYS, JUNE 7009 SNOTAN HIGHWAYS, ONE 2009 APPEAL INVITATION OF COMMENTS ON THE PROPOSED REVISION OF MINISTRY'S SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE ~ ‘WORKS, 2001 (FOURTH REVISION) ‘Concems have been expressed from several quarters, including pens CConsultants/Contractors and user agencies regerding number of anomalies/diserepancies which exist, at present, between the provisions specified in some Clauses of Ministry's Specifications for Road and Bridge works, 2001 (Orange Book) and those provided in the corresponding IRC Codes as also within various Chapters ofthe orange book. Concems have also been received by IRC, that some ofthe provisions, both in the Specifications as well as in different IRC Codes, have outlived their relevance and thus require necessary amendments/modifications. MOSRT&H has entrusted the work of Revision of the Orange Book to IRC in the light of international practices, as relevant to Indian conditions. This sto incorporate the changes in Project size, use of latest international machinery and equipment, encouragement of qualified supervision Consultants ete [Al the readers ae, therefore, requested to kindly send their sugestionsviews for the propose revision, bse onthe experiences in thei respective professional ratcs, comectly eoning the Seavon No., Clause No, the existing provision andthe proposed revision, at thelr cutis possible convenience by e-mail Seretarygen@ire orn) or FAX (011-2618 3669) ry speed post to Secretary Genera Indian Roads Congress, Sector 6, Kama Koti Marg, RK Puram, New Delhi ~ 110.022. Secretary General ee z TNDIAN HIGHWAYS, JUNE 2005 me ‘FORTHCOMING EVENTS OF THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS 188" MID-TERM COUNCIL MEETING ue 1 020 tr 2009 (Than Sty) Pte Kedar ae Rs) SED Boon Acsmodtonistn, 2009 (Only er Count Mantas nd nen Fr hom von il i sn pty) "REGIONAL WORKSHOP ae eee ayant Bae BE E2200 There Fide) me Soman mer nyo fom Nahe ie iD Ur Pd Ute ana, Piha a Kua we uote slat ‘ict teWorshoadi wie Seewary Cones RC edslcerg ensen sea Foro Suts aa wl priate Sa Xe renin x pepremempaemces “Tech Papen rnc te Semi Pblion. Ferri pe ef pge Sofie 70° ANNUALSESSION aie et Novenber 200 Saud eTudy) Pass Pana Bia evan bale oti heconpedai lbh Mein ue ‘SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS OF THE TECHNICAL. COMMITTEES OF IRC 2 Aer isnot 3} Enbuntment Ground ingreementen range Commie) 3 Se ceteeennemmas 3; Seuss 5 Eee tn anes Mana ecroit "REQUEST FOR FURNISHING DETAILS OF TESTING FACILITIES AVAILABLE WITH | fi ROAD RESEARCH ORGANISATIONS £ ‘A directory of Resarch Organisations ofeing testing felts in th fel of Read/Bridge construction and ‘eansportation isting designed to nsw the neods of professionals who may make use oF these testing alii, {0 improve ond enhance ther present working methods It would allo the 1 easily locate the Organsstions offering such testing faite that can met thse needs. ts three, requested to kindly sen a brit of your Organisation alongwith the fits available to Indian ‘Rods Congress (IRC) by eal seretar genio in and hb og in) orby post (Indian Roads Congres, ‘Kama Koti Mar, Sector6, RX. Purtn, New Delt ~ 110022) which maybe useful tothe professionel so sto rovide platform for Fate Research & Development programe inthe Roads seo, INDIAN HIGHWAYS, JONE2009 SOLES HIGHWAYS, UNG 209 PRN NUNCA e MUI Occitan Foy IE Wi ue crenr sexo sLCeuNv au aCOIneltS ‘The adn Roads Congress maintains a pane (valid fo thee yeas) of Aritaors for nomination as abitators {br highway projects The interested members of IRC may submit thelr appistions for empassinent inthe formas (Fam No, A to AS along wih # demand daf of Rs. 000/ payable to Seorctary Genera, Inion Roads Congres so a6 10 reseh [RC aie lest by the 3st July 2009. The Guidelines for empanelment are valle onthe website wnwireoxpin andthe Appcaion Forms ean be downlosde from there, Members ‘impanelod in June 2006 ae requested 0 apply aes, if they desire, o be enpaelled agin. Those members wv were empanslied in Ostber 2007, and July, 2008 are not requ to aply aes For any clacton, plate contact the Seretary General, IRC at Kama Koti Marg, RK. Puram, Secir-6 (Near Mohan Singh Marka), New Deli-t 10022, Phones: 91-11-26 85303, 26185273, 26185318: Fax: 9-t1- 26183669 mal in or ssertaryasn@ireorgin Mimo een emenicen ita ‘Member of the Indian Reads Congrest ar requested to remit their Membership Subserption if due) before 30th Jane, 2009 to aval the eat as pe details given below 1 Member S00 per year (Rebate of Re. 100 paid bore 30.06.2008) Foreign countries other than SAARC counties = US$80 per year 2 Assodate Member = R&IT,000! per year (Rebate of Rs. 000i pid before 30.05.2008) vidual Associate Member = R52,800/ per year (Rebate of R200 if paid before 30.06.2009) Life Membership Subscription: Mary Members il nsrears because of ther pre-occupaton withthe rsult the contnuly in theie Menbershp isnt aintived, It's, therefore, suggested tat Members may kindly choose to bocome Life Member, Members who ae ot in aears may compound thei utare annual subscriptions by & Single payment depending upon thei age athe time in accordance withthe Age Table at Page No.72of indian Highways Vol.37 Nod. “== z TNDIAN HIGHWAYS, JUNE 2005, INDIAN HIGHWAYS, TUNE 0 §.P. SINGLA CONSTRUCTIONS PVT. LTD. #47, Sector-®, Panchisula - 134 113 Haryana Phone Nos. : (0172) - 2571595, 2570440 Fax No, (0172) - 4620941 Evmail : spscon / PIONEER IN CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGES, FLYOVERS, ROB, AQUEDUCT & ALL TYPES OF INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS \Wth best compliments from: Regd. Ofle : Is 8.P. Single Constructions Pvt. Led. Fiat No. 22, Block D/10, ‘Sacior - 7, Rohini, New Delhi - 110.085 Phone No: 011-27062768 The creation of great race tracks nan asd arrest bal auat peat on tp ae petomancs ana ‘Oras ptt ur tne a ary at eget oh faremorca ad cintuston nutes eens aren nan ‘Sra Od crseten mast byl weer end coos (meters Wey spo ou aon, ving Seto as fs eam mere totour rote road ensastn ridin 2 wire son INDIAN TIGHWAYS, TUNE TIOo eet Dee el CL Ae) the way bitumen is. aes TRDIAN HIGHWAYS, UNE 2009 Lt RE ee Ultra Technologies cece ea a INDIAN HIGHWAYS, JUNE 700 B MACGAEERRI [Orricive MACOAFERR GROUP Reinforced Earth Wall Maccaterrl Environmental Solutions Put Ulagaeset) ls'2 100% subecary of Oficine Maceafor (OM) tly, who have emaroed as looters, over he lest 130 yoor, in proving aa cana wovon noxagoralceute fet wie products, geosynhais 8 associated products ing TeutSTnin hs Cet Emronmental Emineecng dona its 2 par of he Maceaert industi\ Gre, SRGinana presents amore han wO0eoumlos mn awedauidetnoverefover 8 Billon Eur. Cheer §aroecre eeaaalioae ee 1 Eitveouctenteteenanaton > Tramean 8 Gna eran = Wendin con 1 Sipuromar eae + Sec eng i ts HEA Sicarat on Seemaee 2 Seer + seme 8 1 Rintudegerctosanalreon | Stpeschoaer + Vide Prost Peto pat ie: 2-29 Mea we 50 Wh PaO geil Ts ona fsb se COO, Cire oy een Pre G98 EOE. 32 ee @ INDIAN HIGHWAYS, TUNE 2000 INDIAN HIGHWAYS, TUNE D005 & bs The feats e superior quality and performance for Highways and Airfields. i a yo rot, eget ‘Great nd ng eanoner spar Soma Internation aaing br, The Netter bbe 8, is wholly owed sabi, Ooms yn Modal tamen fv a ‘oma Aveta lng ae Seen Vetere ‘role pven patience pe) ‘gee end Cocape posers enn gee Aare [Arse sein th nd, Cas hae ‘anyon jemi. ‘Toscan epcattenotd wih entation Apa & Manan partic Seba Ba anes eles lds Modified bites Palyer Modified Dien 88) ant Crumb fer Model Sumen for bay ay patel ‘ended premene used on “Gon ooelogy i colome t teats Fpetanint and. proves tnprered ‘Bey Sng teatro tan tpl chlegtproon Encteddutotistorseand ign. Forisortaton on ar product an sic plese contac ura he aes given belo ae eave 2 2s TNDIAN HIGHWAYS, JUNE 2009, 1 HISTORY OF ROAD DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA, 1A Introdueton Although the reads have bes in existence in ne for the aeient days of Aryans, the worsening conto of ‘he roads strated the atetion of Government nds, forthe fist ime whea Government of India sppoinied 4 Committee in 1977, called the Road Development Cormmitee~pepolry know asthe Jikar Commitee, “The Constitution ofthe Commitoe i major landmark inte history of toads in india. This Commitee showed concen about the inadequacy of the India. Roads System and ged tht fer development of this ‘stem was desrable fr general welfare ofthe county sa whole, andin paral (forthe beter mareting ‘of agricultural predue, (6 for he socal aed politcal roses ofthe rural population, which willbe advanced by the increased use of motor transport and (c) a8 3 complement 10 Railway development 12 The Nagpur Plan ‘The Second Wirld War saw a rapid growth in road efi, which caused serious deterioration ia the conditions of rads, The experiance ofthe World Wat ‘conclusively indisted that road commonication was shsolately eset both fr fighting the war s well a for preserving peace It wos against this background, ‘hat the Government of Inti convened a conference of Chief Engineers of provinces at Nagpur in 1983. This CConferese prepared « Road Development Pl forthe first time, on a uniform pater, forthe entire county {oa petiod of nex 20 years. This is populciy known the Nagpur Plan. The objectives of the Naghur Plan were follows (0) Inahighly developed agricultural are, no village ‘vill be more than 8.05 ka (5 miles) from a "in road” andthe average distance wil be lee than D.B. ‘Prse RC) Seon Gor ofan 3.22 km (2 mile) in most cases conversion | rile= I 6083 kx). ¥) Ina nonagsicuhura ara, no village wll Be more than 2.19 hn) 2 les fom “main rsd” and the average ditance willbe 9.6610 11.27 am (6-7 le) os cae, ‘tvasundeth Nagpur Plan tht the roads inthe sounty ere forthe fat tne clase into dstint categories such a6 National Highways, State Highways, Major Dist Roads, Or Distt Roads and Vilage Roads. ‘The fst thee catagories were considered to form the “Min Roads Sytem” andthe other to eatgores the “Other Roads System”. The Nagpur Plan envisaged planed development ofall types of roads in sich 4 manner So a8 1 increase the roed milage of main ‘ads from 141,618 km to 197944 km (88,000 mile © 1.23000 miles) and of eer rods fram 334737 ke to 212428 (1.32000 miles to 2,8,000 mils). Tis gave ‘target of 26 miles of roads per 100, miles of aren. In fixing the objectives ofthis Nagpur Pan, the road lengths unde the varios etegoies were determined ‘by the 140 "id & Sta” femue 13 The Bombay Pas Since the Inching of the First Five-Year Plan in 1951, the Road Development Scheme received Impetus, The targets ofthe Negpur Plan were aost schived by 196) The changed economic, gicltural ‘and industial conditions in the whole of the county demanéed a review of the rod requirements for the next 20 years beyond 1961. The second attempt for Peparng a Rood Development Plan on an al India ‘uss as stared in 1958 andthe Chet Eaginoes of the Various states afoted the 20 year Raed Development Plan forthe period 1961-81, popularly known se the Bombay Pla, The overall objective ofthis plan was to rise the density of road mileage fom 26 fo $2 miles per 100 5g les ofthe are, This ago was oo ting INDIANTIGHWAYS TONE D000 a into account te level of expected development an the oed ofthe rural a¢ well the urban ares. Modified “gid and str” formulae were proposed for diferent clases of ond, For obtaining te overall roa ile (of S2 miles per 100sq miles of ae and consider the ‘hen existing disbibution of eat agricul, semi- ‘evelopment se, undeveloped area, te objectives in regerdtn distance of anyplace fem emerald oad and from any road were kept a under ‘asin doce es Description of any place lores ofare [Roma [roman | oe sMetidoxd| "vod Badd | TS 7 sed agra flares Semidever | © 30 cy pede Undevel 30 o peda wealiable “The 1961-81 plans also lid down certain standards and _jeiiations forthe varios extegoros of rads 14 The Reorganization of States “Tae organization of statas took place on | Novernber 1956. The Vidarbha Region (a part of then Madhya, Pradesh) andthe Maratada Region (apart of ex Hyderabad Ste) were merged inthe tate of Bombay to form the bisingusl State. Later, on 1 Nay 1960, Maharashtra Sate was earved out fom the bilingual Sate of Bombay. Thus a the beginning ofthe 1961- 81 Road Development Plan the rod system inthe state Inherited the status positon as it existe in the od state 2. MAHARASHTRA STATE ROAD DEVELOPMENT PLANS 2A The need for revising. the 1961-61. Roud Development Pla for Maharshira Site was fk way ‘ck in 1969-70 in view ofthe changed tac pater ‘ve to completion of medium and major iigaion projets and the requirements of new instil centers oming vp. The road wansprt ad by then inereased due to the rapid growth nthe agieultral sector including ‘evelopment of new sugar factories. The Distt Level CCommitoss under te Chairmanship of Collectors ‘were, therefor, appointed in 1969-70 to consider the ‘hanges in the development pattern ofthe distict, (© ‘const the people's representatives and to suggest a Sulable revised read network forthe district. In the {ears 1972-73 many daviets in Meharasir, suffered ‘severe famine. During the sary period, a number frei werks were required tobe taken, a majority of them being road works. In 1972, the Mabarshra State Ina laoInunehe the Employment Guarante Scheme for the rial unempioyed, Road works of various ctogories wore also taken up under this scheme, In 1976-7, the conceptof Tribel Sub Plan was iatoduced. In ode to do fl justice to the requirements of traffic in the tibal areas, it as thought necessary to revise 1961-81 plan, Road Development Plan was finalized forthe tribal areas of 13 dicts of Maharashtra in July 1976 and forthe rensining dite in November 1976, The revised 1961-81 Road Development Plan cnvinged an neease inthe total length in tba areas to the extent of 33 percent and inte ober seas othe extent of 16 perceu This revised 1961-1 Plan for Maharshi contemplated onky en vad ovsion in ‘herond lng ofthe various egies of roads in the ‘State: the standards and specifications for such roads were kept unchanged fom the concepts enunciated in the 1961-81 Pan 22 Road Development Plan 1981-2001 Since the eaiee road development plans, were not Tinted by the concept of svalabiity of funds for rod development works but were Based on requirements of od development it was desided atthe national level to prepare a rond development plan for 1981-2001, notwihstandingthelimtationsoffnances, batrelatingto theconsept of master plant full the ever-increasing spiations ofthe eoramon mani ual areas. The main ‘goal while formulating the rad development pan for 1981-2001, ist preserve the rua oriented eonomy ofthe coun filiatng te pattern of development of villages nd mall ows which wl ensure aresting the ‘migration of population totes and larger tows which ‘will uimatlyconstbute to the general upifiment of living condions ofthe villages. In order to achieve INDIAN HIGHWAYS, RINE DOOD iis objective it was contemplated that all villages or ‘groups of villages with population of $00 and above (1981 Census) will be connected by all-veather reads by the year 200. For small villages of lee than 500 opulioe, the road aerwork was 9 planned a result in ao all-weather oud being avalable at distance of 2 km n pain reas and en nly arse, ‘Tecotherimporant cbjetivet ofthe Road Development lan 1981-2001 were: 8) The Netiosl Highway network should be ‘expanded soa to foem square grid of 100 km side and above which ae nat connected diretly by ‘National Highvays or State Highways. They should also provide interconnections between ‘owas wherever necessary, Other Distt Roads should serve and connect villages with population of 10001500 Pedestrian fotrdges (Sakav) be constructed in hilly area to sere the villages in remote areas by giving them accesstily to their famsloter social amenities lying across rive/cesks, which ‘separate the wo. 23° Mid Term Review 9 5 9) Exgesnvayn sold be contacted on mor _tnvewroservete eniulppuatio ihm term tefic crn opoviepeedyiwtel— rehewof 981-201 RoeeDevlopmentgtnacura ‘i th yor 197, Fors igen of ©) SateHighnayeshouldbeerenedtsev dict, yew beadgunrters,sub-dvsional head-quarters, major PePuntion) ae well as wadi bol “anda pada having indus center ples of corel inten, Pt oe Ban 100 were ned ob connect Pines of tour ‘utacion rue agrcunaal by tlt on all wero. After hugh vie eos the tage tol lengths irae Noon 207348 tant 2.79010 kn The portion of extgorywie road 48) Major Disrct Roads should serve and connect jength as on 31 March 2001 is given in Tale ‘1 wo illo th ppiton of 500 “Tobe Roa Length as 31 March 1981 (Pewesin ty [Rams Raion | Sue] see ‘iio | Vite | oar] oar se ier | fig | Daw Dori | Mande | Omer wir |_| “te ons owt i z EO 1 | Ronse [v5 | a8 [ipa [ som [amr [are a6 Nati [st] ais | seo an [ asnt_| anes apne 3 a 7a ese | ize fon | nsw Poa | as | 60 | aoe | sare atria = [aweeees [| as | sap [iam [Som [apes inpes | a Tanwowes [sar | ase | sam | ams [aan [ares | sas [iso Co vedotts [7a [ asm | sana] toa [aass [anor] 900 | om aaron | 2065 [ras | asa [ear | asae | aan0e | an | nena ‘sme INDIAN TIGHWAYS, TONE 2009 3s 2 24.1 The actual progress achieved up to 31 Mach 2001 vies the targets of revised 1981-2001 Road Development Pan is given in Table 2. Although on fan average the achieverent 8 Tar ag fond length is ‘oncemed about 8D pereeat of the revised rze 1 totupthesemning20percentageod read eng ‘oirement of abut Rs. 4245 core was exentialDesod ‘onthe 2001-02 schedsledrates, Thetotl element for fschievement of total ages ith eategry wise norms (ih of sure) was about Rs 20,00 crore 2142 The fatal dstitwise detals about the Main Roads Systm, Other Roads System and Total Roads ‘System agperthe poston axon | Apr 1981 and 1 Apel 2001 are given in Tables 34st. Similrl position of surfaced oads ely is piven in Table 6. 243 Theexpeniturecarond development works since fiom sith five-year pln ir urmarized in Table No. tis tobe reogniod th insite ofthis invesoment he targets inthe ea sense (hts inching the concept of standards and specifications of rads) ofthe 1981-2001 oud Development Plan have not been fully achieved “Table 2 Targets of Revised 1981-2001 Plan and Achievements Under Various Categrles of Roads as on ‘31 March 2001 pac Taos [Sn [Nara | Omer Dat | Vinge Rana] Toa ova Leng] lesion |e _|_ghraps_| tans aude % | chs | Tr [Ace Trg ce Tage [ Acie | Target [tee | Tare [Acie fioomr fer | we [ase | ase [esas asic | se | sons Lisson] ono [snap | 2190 [7 bre [aes | 777 [eae | sans [ise] te7 ee] ness [oases [aon | ss | ave [a we [spe [ 7] ats [apes [eame | acse [ oem | once [asia [anoee [9007 | as [om ee [ame 20 [rar] tis sae] nos ass [czar Ps [rans] ane Iueaivese |_| ms _[ wae | Toe [reel aime [os | wae [ms | a | ae [ioe |e Pamvat_[ ase | sss ast se | sai9 [ane oom | rs [saan | as [me ign [ast | se7_[apie fasor [sen [sso [ou69'| rae0 [asa [iaao0 | ares | mas | ome [atetin | ee | roan] 950 [re@l osm [isso fis [ass [pone | wo [aan [om sess ie [Ba [aso aa | [sta [sr] [ans [asus “Table Details about Main Roads Syste — National Cnohuding Unsurfaced Roads) Highways State Highways + Major District Roads eatin 3 Reon “Farge [Torgetinite | Postion [Action ] Cok @as | Col as ™ in Original | ised 941i | ssoniet | aren tet | percentage | percentage sear flan |” Plan | Apeiti981 | aptior | of CoL(@) | afcot n z z ~ 5 6 7 5 [wens Sas sams [ast = Ea 2 Nas 15396 90 [157 | ot o781 3 Pane 17388 tio [am [38 3106 TeicfNatensin [#2017 asani [aia | 5 mz, 7 [aera oar vos [st 9150 [Repu 1. oar [8 3678 iar aa) anes_| 33.1 Tonagated [3a asst Toto Manaeashen | P97 ‘aaa 95.0 w INDIAN HIGHWAYS, JONE 2009 ‘Tale 4 Detats about the Other Roads System — Other District Roads + Village Roads (Including ‘Unsurfaced Reads) (Cena aan) St | Region Tere | Targain ‘Aciiewement] CoL@)as | Cal Gas Na. ‘in Original | ina 198101 ‘sonst | percentage | percentage swotatris |" an apet2001 | st cat) | tcoLes) n z 3 4 é 7 n [ta Tiss | 2as0e Tas Ea aise 2 [ie a6 sa 30.018 a am 3 [Pave 2a sso72 Touts a sa ‘Restofaie | 7024 31.29% 7428 36 BIT = [Amacva uae _| 26m | sams] ase Ey aT 5 [Neaour 330 | 3502 | 350] 20360 1. SEs | Mii 3661 aire | 430 | _ sam is 5296 7 | Aarnpsted [24108 3si00 | gu | 2646 3 7506 Manarairs | 127996 | 1877 | _sisw | ianaee | a8 Tse ‘Table Details about All Roads ~ National Highways + State Highways + Major District Roads + Other District Roads + Village Roads (nchiding Unsurfaced Roads) (Leng nk) [Reon “Targt_| Togetin | Potion a ‘Cauca | Catton ig Im Oviginat | Revied. | ist Ape parentage | percentage waa’ | asso | "et ot CaL@) | OFcaL r z 3 a 5 7 7 eo zen | ass | ae a Tat 2 [asic yen | wat | 21506 @ was 3 [Pane ame _| ssane_| 20a * are Rewofitiwndin | inst] 196.78 | sane © ee [Anant 25a | 350m | 1503 ET Bs 3 eener zea | sete | 4377 i 598 6 _| vicar sane | moo | 19980 24 ea 7 [Aang 438 | sae | m6 « as.a2 ‘Maarshirs aanaas_| 2r5m03 | 100652 % Rat |RDIAN TOR WAYS,TONB9009 ee ET} “Table 6 Poston of Surfuced Ronds ws on 1 Apel 2001 Region eed HOT] Tota amath f [ Length of oreo Reads (tan) | Popuiston | Surfed Reads" | Pertbo une of | — Perak of ay) “Aten (km)—_| Poplin Ce) 7 z 3 7 s 6 Konlan (eet GB)_| sous | Tossa _| sare ae 105% Wenern Mabesiee | 1471s | 35734502 | 73.026 8. 236 Marsa eaais | 162020 [e208 ast 262 arbi visa seen03 | 46957 = waa ma ahaa Sate Zonsr | 9s9oas | isi6is 39.05 19.35 Matos Sat Speo | 8392988 [181570 5a 26M (exc GB) “sin Rade > Other Ron ‘by 31 March 2001 tis also tobe appreciate that there |san ever-increasing demand from the people not oly {or mare rods but for oaés of improved categoriss, ‘The people inthe ral areas are not satisfied with ‘aly meted roads but they demand for blaktopped roads filly bridged, The indusraliston, increased ost of living bas mide abigaory the road of higher specification to meet the hetvyTosds as well 8 the sped of vehicles The golden mean, therefore, neds to be srk batween the requirements and avaiabiliy of resoures, Ite therefore poessary to take these factors ‘while framing vp te road ‘development plan 2001- 21 and also developmental scivites under private Parcipation, considring the feasibility. The total frpenditie incured fr total development since from (tafe yes plan is given in TableNo. 7 ‘Table Outlay and expenditure for Road and Bridge Works She Fee Yor Fis Outay Proposed 1 3 2 1 |e Five Year Fan 75000 2 __ [Tene Year Pan ws 3 [2 Yeniy Pin (93051, 9152) 20490 [wine Yer Ps ers | sive Year Pian 2272.0 6 [tom Five ver Pe 268075 7 [aom-2005 Pan 79132 [2003-2004 Pin ou [2008-2005 Pi 73.60 10 [205.2006 Ps 118423 120062007 Pan 146620 1220072008 1.70499 WAS, TONE BOO 3. MAHARASHTRA ROAD DEVELOPMENT. PLAN 2001-2021, 3.4 _ Continuing the ideals of the Nagpur Plan and the Bombay Plan, as well a the two 20 year Road Development Plan vz. 1961-81 and 1981-2001, Indian ‘Road Congress under the dreton of Ministry of Road ‘Transport and Highways approved the “Approach Plan” for Road. Development Plan 2001-2021, ‘Angus 1999 whieh was subsequently sanctioned by ‘Minisuy. Also in view a save the time period, the TRC ‘nas farmulated the "VISION 2021” the stategies for ‘capacity augmentation and preservation of asus have been brought out tgeter wih measures to mobilise ditional esoucesandcepecitybuidingingovernment conpmniston, consuteney seetor and contacting indus to meet challenges feng the highway sectors. ‘This drat “VISION: 2021” was approved by IRC in it's meeting held at Caleta on 4 November 2000 The ‘ad development plan for Maharashtra fe the period 2001-21 hat bean Sized taking into consieration ‘hese commendations 32 Objectives of 2001-2021 Road Development Plan of Maharashtra tis recognised that modemizason ofthe infasrucre transport, power ad telecommunication holds the key to ttinmeat of high growth rate of GDP. The Nagpur Plan, Bombay Plan #0 20 years Road Development ‘Plan viz. 1961-1981 and 1981-2001 have achieved good ron in lat ty years although the progress could have been much better if more recourses were made salable, Maharashtra State have Railay neswork of ‘5459 km (87 poreant to the National network), road ‘network of 2.16 lakh km (65 percent to the National ‘etwork) which includes 3688 km National Highways, 33012 lam State Highways, 46751 kam Major Distt ‘Road which caries bul of fod rate ‘Considering that India hos ambitions plan for GDP growth of 6 oS percent anmualy in th coming years it ‘sesential thatthe transport infastuctris improved sn expanded in tune witn economic growth and kept in ‘serviceable condition trough proper maintenance Tes also essential to review the pricing policy in tansport fector The prices should bars eltionshi to the cost ‘of proving the sevice, Its also essential to ull INDIAN HIGHWAYS JUNE 3005 the ever increasing aspirations of common man in rural areas In view of this the sal villages ( Wades! Pada Tande ) ving the population of 100 or more are necessarily tbs connected by ll weather ads so that the people for such smal villages wil gt conngcted inthe main strexmne ofthe cites, ‘The other imporant objectives of Road Development psn 2001-21 ae 28) To provide adequate wanpor cepacty to match ‘he pinjested demand ei oonteplated tht the [atonal Highways baving very heavy wate intensity will get improved es four-lane and Express Way by 2020 1) The Industrial sector, Prim esters and the tout centers to be connocted by the state Highvoy, The Disvict Head Quarter to be connected by atleast 2ane Stato Highway and also the Taluka H.Q. to gt connected by a eat two-lane with paved shoulders of one metre vat ©) The village having populton above 1500, would be blacktopped. Market centers would be connected by Major Distict Road. It is contemplated that considering the tai intensity atleast 40 percent MDR tbe 2Lane. 4) Tnview to dive the heavy tal in cy sea itis propose to const ring oad forall the district HQ. & byepass forthe tka HQ. ©) Othe dist oad to serve and comet al town villages with population of 1000 to 1300 & ‘which ate not conneced by National Highays, lo highway or major dst road 1) All the villages or clusters of villages with ‘population above 100 obo connected by at east, ‘nell weather ros, 33 Approach to Road Development Plan 2001-2021 33.41 In view ofthe objectives of 2001-2021 Road Development Plan, the acts road length require for the ttl road system can be calculated in @ number of way, such an extrapolation ofthe growth of oad length adopting common geometric pattem of road a, using repression equations, adopting time-travel ‘alysis, choosing transportation model ec. Infact, B an atempt was made to esublish the slaonship bewees the population, areas and actus road length it dierent dries ofthe sate ae existing in 1961; but otal sigifieant equation could be obtained. A similar afept as, made with reference t these ‘oad length son 1st April 1981 and te equation den to find out the reqemens of road length inthe year 2001 by considering the projected population figure. Jn Mabarsshra State, however, a iotilly diferent spproach in developing the network wo achieve desired bjectves of comectvity has been fllowed while formulating the 2001-2021, Road Development Plan In this appreach, the aspetions ofthe commen mn Inve been ken int coasdeation at the rad length hasbeen defined in teams of certain fixed and tangibie bjectves having due regard to popular demands for better typeof roads as explained horeunder = 2) The length ofthe Nasional highways should be calculated on the bass of site Government's demands for declaring new national highways routes, subject 10 the consideration thatthe ‘National Highways may not be very close each ther, except in areas where no other conveniont ‘ranspor lity exits (©) The length of the sae highways should be aleulated in such a way thatthe state highways connect major industrial centers, dsc place lalla eadsuarters, places of commer ‘interes, tourist enters Pots, major agricul produce markets and also major growth enters in tbl aes, ©) _Allvitages withthe population 1500 and above (2001 census) should leat east os Major District. Roads {© Allvillages inthe population group of 1,000 tp 1,300 shoul lie at leat on oer Disict Roads ©) AllViagsocctustersof villages inthe population shove 50 shouldbe connected atest by village oad oa pio. 1) Distance of any village or chasers of villages ‘with a population above 100 fom any nearby road shall not be more tha 1K, ‘The actual length ofthototal ead network canbe worked ‘out on @ map on the bass ofthe above extra. Tis cece has bean done a the taluka, district and state levels toarveat the comect oad length estimates 33.2 The IRC thought VISION 2021 has emphasized ‘on te development of Expressway network for rapid ‘unhindered andsafe movement of fast moving vehicles. ‘Considering the recommendation of IRC the State Govt ‘ns proposed 6 roads with toil 758m o becoaveried imExpressway es shown in Table 8 “Table § List of Proposed Expressway in the State Tene Tapresoray Tena an) 1 __[ Raa Pane GAR Tanabe Wash Panel Lana For) 10920 2 [tari Nie Tae 3 | Mini Severed 374A [tars Tae T0423 3 [ste Eepesway (Sian Golden yes Thane Fyre) Bs 6 | Weer Expressway (abn o Oar Check Nak) Be Tear T3835 While fraiaing the 1981-2001 Road development Plan the sine Bighivays having very hemwy tae and eligible tobe converted into National Highways were Assignated as Majoe State Highways. The IRC through ‘VISION; 2021 hasemphasizedtheneedofeansolidating z ‘be existing NH network IRC peopose about BI roads forth conversion into National ighays, of which § roads pass hough Maharastra Stat, While finalizing ‘he 2001-2021 Plan coniering the connectivity a wel asthe traf intensity above 10,000 Vay these oad are TNDIAN HIGHWAYS, JUNE 2009 cxtngorised as Major State Highoays IRC trough VISION 2021 ha recommended thet the toa length of Sate Highways to be twice the length of "National Highyays and Major Disrit road to be twice Uhelength of State Highways. inc, the existing length of State Highways in. Maharshi s much mare twas Sede not to limit he length of State Highvays and Major District Road, ‘The dst maps were discussed fest in a mestng of Gov ofc the distri evel and then inthe metings ofthe Distt Plnning and Development Courel in der wsolctsuggstionsandrescton emthe ficils 6 well as noe-offcial. The entire rad acter was, ‘eral, alized aking into consideration he vais suggestions recived fom the Districts and taking eae {0 ayoid rosts ofthe same category runing pall 0 cach other ata sor distance. 333 As frat he Village rods are concemed taluka level maps wer pepared to show Vilages of different opelaton groups, (2001 Census) the existing roads (ineluding the nels roads as per 1981-0 pn), the roads contracted under the various schemes such 1 Famine Relief, Employment Guarentee Scheme ot ‘The toa oad Length oF wile oad wa hen worked ‘ut aking nto consideration the penepls tha he oxd network around villages wit a population of 100 and shove shouldbe worked oui sucha fishion tha thee villages apart from having a dies allveater acces, ‘may have connections with each oer so as to form 2 sefl roae-grd, However, villages with population between $00 and 1,000 may not have mare than 2 reed consocons,vllager with populstion 1,000 to 1,500 may not have more than 3 road connsstions and ila villagés wih popaltion above 100 may not have mare than 4 road cometons 334 In case of Hilly Areas in the State where ‘aif s heavy, peculiar situation exit in varo pockets inthe iteror, where a ivelereaks separates the Village fom its socio-economic amenities each fields, schoo, dispensary ec. Tying across the rivet! eek, Consrieton of ridges acoss such rivesereeks for the isolated population of the vilage becomes uneconomic. A scheme of construction of pedestrian bridges (Sakavs) has bon in operation inthe Stat a @ plan shee manly fr the hilly area of Maharastra, 4 ThePhan size ‘A comparison of the tyes of the various road ‘development ples is given i Table 9. A dao wise ictare of the ugets as per 2001-2021 Plan and the ets of road length a it exists as on April 2007 | given in Table 10. The road development plan now reared has a ttl target of 330,400 km, This plan may be reviewed around the year 2011 in the light of ‘various development taking pace. ‘Table 9 Comparison ofthe Targets of Various Road Development Plans (Length in) ‘Category ofroad | 1981-2001 Orignal Road | 10812001 Revied Road] 2001-2021 Rona Development Man Develepment Pan Development Pa i 2 3 « alongs me ENT a8 presi : - 758 Major Sut tga 3 ro) we Sie Highways 2a 30.584 366 Major Dist Rade 007 on Ober Distt Rous Sn 31396 507) ‘Vilage Rods 76602 131306 1.68955 out 27348 270010 aaa INDIAN TIGWAYS, TONE 2007 3 35. Mobilization of Resources 351 Thete i a wide gp between the funds curently ‘madeavailabefortheroaddevelopmentandmalttenance ad that oquiredtomectthe increased demand fr soca tnd economic growth ofthe state. It wil therefore, be necessary to collect ditional sources for fnocing the ‘ad development. Te existing sources ae= 8) Government Budget incieding sovereign borrowing 1b) Fes! tolon brides ©) Cental Road Fund. 8) Other levies! surcharges Funds for road development are provided basically trough te Goverment budget. Presents ofthe cotder oF Rs. 1500 crore pr year for Sate roads. ‘Theatealo gets asistance i the tune of R.20 crore ‘every year rom Cental Rosds Fund. The lan fom Insts ke HUDCO and NABARD are also made soallble ‘Table 10 Distrctwise Target as per 2001-21 352. Government of Maharashe has formulated ite policy n 196 to Sance road development projects through private sect parsiption. It includes Improvement to the existing roads and consintion of reads, bridges, ROB, tunnels, cavers ee Inorderto complet the oad network as per 1981-2001 Road. Developmeat Plan, approximately Rs.26,000 core are required. Road improvements, constretion of bridges and construction of new expressvays, bypass ee, cannot be aceleratad due to paucity of finds with the Site Goverment, The Government of Maharshir. has therefore, decided to implement me ofthe important road projects through private ‘Sector Parciption, The Government of Maharasira ‘is ialisd its policy and procedures for taking up the rad projects through eva sector participation snd Tas suocesflly completed many projects the State on PPP. 6 Cont Estimates “The dist wise dis of targets set for 2001-2021, Road Development Plan ar ndested in Table 10. This Plan and setual Road length as on 1 April 2007 engine) ‘SoRe_ [Name of ie Dae ‘toad Lang a om FBT 1 [Geese Bombsy aot 2 [Thee Toss esi 3 frst 738.68 Sats 67 1 Rseseit Tis.08 3980 | Snare 756 69965 6 fPme Ta6658 1435217 7 [Se 13.0659 9.8507 [stop 18.873, 16484 9 [ota Ba ‘66148 io lL Tost721 1048975 ti Wasi 165670 1533522 Ta [anes Bigs 1a 64 13 [he aSk06 353.63 1g | Nardaior 7073.9 4703.20 15 [ialgson insta 3555.95 16 [aura O49 01110 1 [a 78a S390 INDIAN HIGHWAYS, JONE 2005 [ra Sa 39810 19 [Ringo 5x81 10 3460 2 [Wada 10994.57 1,533.40 re 12403. 92600, ma losnaaiad ron 350873 Beate 739.54 37619 2am 3H ami 3 [Atos 6600 2 2s Wei 511602 28.61 at [lear ses 48130 25 [Yeon 1.6907 Pagar 13.485.10 5056 30 [atande 500436 601596 3 | ona 7550 e130 sr [Wah 5393.76 3 [Oasdepar 40630, [Gade T9186 FrOTAL Sanam table also indicates he position eeguding physical ‘achievement in terms ofroed length aso {Apt 2007, ‘Thus the balance work required tobe done afer 1 April 2007 isknown, The roads of verons categories they feds an 1 April 2007, donot conform to the standarés tnd spciieatins, Thee are many daficincies mich at Inadequate carageay wit, ingfRicient road er, missing bridges and CD. Works ete. Thus. wil soon ‘thatmuch werk stequredobe donot ring he exiting road lng fully tothe desied standards. The overall ‘budget egurement wil be about Re 000 crore, The ‘aagoryvise requirements are as per Table 1. ‘Table 1 Requirements of Funds for Road Development Plan 2001-2021 ‘SeNe.[Gtegoryof Road | Fonds regarement (Goucrors) 7 [Eeaway is 2 [sor Ste Figo 2st 3 [Se Higa 1397 [Major Divi Rod a6 5. [omer Diss Rost Tous [Vilas oa BATE “Toa 008 INDIAN HIGHWAYS, JUNE DOO 4 CONCLUSIONS India has history ofits own in Road Development The Rosd Development Plane evalved fom tie to time Alepct sound logic and principles based on the socio ‘conomie requirements of the nation a well as people's Sspirations, Mabireshire State has emphasized more importance on aration of citizens and people's "epresetarive i formulating 200-2021 Pan. The road evelopment nets to keep the required pace so a5 to be the prime mover inte economic growth ofthe nation. ‘The new concep and lasrament wil, hereto, bo necesury fo sugant ancl resource required forroad evelopment in err f achieve ebjectives completly. “The concerted efforts ae also required to sangthen the PWD coasulaney and constructing organizations inching the insituions for development of ursiled and skilled aboar required fr road industry. Maarasiea ond Development Pan 2001-2021 isto achieve the ese objectives witha paradigm shit fom mere user ‘station fo wer delight Neel Construction Links Pvt. Ltd. ec ety totter sc ha shang ena Tt ti tn sig ty ar ‘hg ex seeded lea ‘pan usin ti, ir if I a ¥ So —_ : SS 12 Prmettagtes ane ogi cps ‘ig a peg oan oe Se. oo | euonneeers rome 5 eeeg ecm : Bie | |e eeete io Conan ese eave eu ie ena Se aS feewcoees eco + Sevan potah mt rh on g payrey CHE/xomnen ore cia tbat pence cyl pee pag of yr pi en pec ‘Sars “total Support for your Project” some ttt Svea Sta 20 Suh De CU cuz US, Ph} eabone 0} 20 OB Fax HOD}2S97o4 ices won nanonchrsom Eatsetneusgtcm BRN WAS, NETO EL Nason ‘SM. Sans ‘Prt ‘un gig Ds ira SiteRol__ht ges ish St Raa ‘See Gov fates ‘Sven Cane a, mt Dns opr ea RAD. Maton ABSTRACT ‘Bana Woe Sea Linkis a mega pojectlaunched bythe Government of Maharastra and connects th suburbs ‘of Bandra end Wort in Mumbai bya about 56m ong Tink and involves the construction ofa bridge about ‘mn long inthe ope se onthe west coast of Mamta ‘The pocat segmental bride neues two cable stayed ‘ridges. The lager ofthe cable stayed bridge is held ‘on cotta pylon that support span of S00 m This Tyidge surely canbe rogarded st the est of is Kind in this country ffom the perspective of the sale of the technology used. Th present aticle aims at king ‘ie overview ofthis ambitious project hat promises to change tbe skyline of Mambai, while relieving trafic ‘eanpestion on the were coma of the city 1 INTRODUCTION ‘Mun with population ofove 11. milion habitants {sth seond largest ty of India and is considered ‘he financial capital of Toda. I is Inia’ Laget 258 por and has one ofthe busiest sports of he eau. ‘Owing to historical reasons, economic activites have suggested to properly anchor the gabion facia to The RE slope TECHNICAL PAPERS 5S FAILUREOF SEGMENTED BLOCK REWALL This case study was brought to the ntie of CRRI after the RE wall which bad been constructed t eve ae approach embankment 0 Mover fled and ‘requenty » retaining wall had alg been constructed shutng the RE wall bythe concomed agency twos ‘observed that diriag coastctin of this RE wall, ‘adequate aeation was not pid to detailing and storm runoff had been diverted 1 a pipe drain which was buried in the RE wall ling andthe outlet for his pipe drain was provided ouside the RE wal. However, afer opening oti, the dn pipe got choked by debris! foil Consequently, the rao water entered int the filing and scoured the backfill materia. The RE wall facia filled and many segmented blocs fll down, ‘This epproach was on very Duty and highly wafiked road andthe recension Work of RE wal ould not Inve been taken up without seriously interupting the ‘afc flow- Hence to minimise inconvenience traf, immediate temporary support in the form of RCC panels was provided to hold the segmented block facia nd backs materi Since reconstuction of RE wall by relaying the einfreamant and rcompestion ofthe All wa not possible witout closing the rnd to tale, RCC retaining wall constriction was taken up by the concerned agency a8 « permanent measure 10 suppor theese ice of RE wal (Pho 3nd) ‘Phot 4 Constration of Resinag Wale Suport Fed REWal e 6 FAILURE OF GROTEXTILE FILTER J EROSION CONTROL LAYER ‘This case sted peta to use of on woven synthetic gevtetle for erosion contel of wad sections ‘Sconstted st Rana of Kh, Rana of Kutch sa salty ‘desert type land sited in wostem part of Gujarat. In Reon of Kutch, Ambian Sea vater tansresses and rogrsses frequently leaving inland marshy and ‘swampy, dtted ih sll to very large salt water bodies On account of lack of vegetation and nature of soi ty typeof oi), erosion of embankoents is a ‘vero probiem being faced ia the Ran sea. The road bankinest height is generally nominal, about 1-5 {020 mr Ata pilot study, some sections of the road ‘were constricted using non woven geotextileby project uortes tetas filter /eresion conto layer. During ‘the monsoon of 2006, unprecedented rainfall occured inthe Ran of Kutch. The otal quantty of rainfall in 2006 wa ecard considering Ist 100 yeas of rainfall, inthis een. As orl, age areas were inundated and flood waters overtopped the roads at many locations ‘using heavy damage tothe pavement, shoulders and. temibankanent slopes. Some sections of the plot project foad constucted using gootxtile witnessed heavy $ooding but no overtopping wile some otber sections fof getextle tested rosie were overapped by ood wate, At Toetions where food waters overtopped the pilot project road the shoulder material got eroded by "he lod waters lowing over the road top and geotetile layer as ripped open sine th getexte layer had not ben snchored properly a the top edge in the shoulder region. Heavy scouring of the shoulders and side slope Doocured at ch locations However at locations where food water di nt overtop the road suface, eotextile layer funtionsd admimbly snd sie slope eosin was prevented (Photo 5 and 6. ‘Photo § Prtestion of Emburkmentby Geotextle Layer (Non Overopped Seton) TRDIAN THOHWAYS, JUNE 2009

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