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Keys to Elevator 1 (Unit 09-10/ Review 05)

Unit 09 Hanging out

1st floor They always eat breakfast together! (page 68)
1 Are there any differences between the daily lives of ordinary people and famous people?

Yes, there are. I think, typically they do the same activities, yet at different time.

2 Match the activities with the pictures.

1 a 2 c 3 d 4 j 5 h

6 b 7 e 8 g 9 f 10 i

3 Listen and number the activities in 2 in the order you hear them.

1 a 2 f 3 c 4 j 5 h

6 g 7 b 8 e 9 i 10 d

4 Listen again and write what they do at each time.

a 8:40 A.M. They take the children to school.

b 9 A.M. Kevin gets up.

c 10:30 A.M. Kevin leaves home.

d 6:00 P.M. They get home.

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5 Answer the questions.

a Yes, it is.

b No, I don’t. For example, I wake up at 6 A.M.

(page 69)
6 Write the words in bold in the correct place on the line.

a never b sometimes c often d usually e always

7 Look at the examples and circle the correct words to complete the rules.

a The adverb comes before / after most verbs.

b The adverb comes before / after the verb to be.

c We use when / how often to make the question.

9 Choose a famous person and create a daily routine.

Justin Timberlake

7:30 – wakes up

8: 00 – takes a shower

8:30 – gets dressed

9:00 – eats breakfast

10:45 – leaves home Etc.

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10 Ask and answer questions about the famous person’s routine.

Student A: What time does Justin get up?

Student B: He gets up at 7:30 A.M.

Student A: What do you do then?

Student B: First, he takes a shower. Next, at around eight thirty, he gets dressed.

2nd floor I like eating out! (page 70)

1 What do you do in your free time?

I usually go to the movies.

2 Read the extracts from the magazine and say which countries the people are from.

- Luis is from Spain.

- Yukiko is from Japan.
- Sergio is from Brazil.
- Jane and Anita are from Canada.

3 Match the people from the extracts with the activities in the photos.

1 Jane and Anita

2 Luis

3 Sergio

4 Yukiko

5 Jane and Anita

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6 Jane and Anita

7 Luis

8 Jane and Anita

4 Match and make phrases.

a listening to ----- music

b eating out ----- at restaurants

c hanging out ----- with friends

d going ----- in-line skating

e watching ----- TV

f having fun on ----- the beach

5 Make a list of the top five free-time activities in your country.

In my opinion, top five free-time activities in Thailand are:

1 Going to movies

2 Eating out at restaurants

3 Hanging out with friends

4 Listening to music

5 Having fun on the beach

(page 71)
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6 Write the verbs under the pictures.

a hate b don’t like c like d love

7 Look at the examples and complete the rule.

After love, like, and hate, we use a noun or the –ing form of the verb.

8 Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs.

a What do you like doing/ like going on the weekend?

I like going/ like clubbing.

b Does your best friend like going to the movies?

No, she doesn’t like going to the movies.

c Do you like hanging out with friends at home?

Yes, I love hanging out with my friends at home.

d Do your parents like watching TV?

No, they like listening to music.

9 Write about what you like doing. Use the pictures below to help you.

I love getting up late on weekends.

I hate getting up early on weekends.

I like watching movies at home.

I don’t like going to the movies.

I don’t like doing homework on Saturdays.

I like hanging out with friends on Saturdays.

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I love playing soccer with my friends.

I hate playing soccer with my brother.

I like eating out at restaurants.

I don’t like eating at home.

3rd floor Task: Conduct a free-time survey (page 72)

1 What are the people on the top-right of the picture doing?

They are doing a survey.

2 Listen and write the survey questions you hear.

1 Do you have a moment?

2 Could I ask you a couple of questions about your weekend?

3 First, do you like eating out on the weekend?

4 How often do you eat out?

5 Next, do you like playing sports on the weekend?

6 How often do you play: always, often, sometimes or never?

3 Listen again and underline the correct answers.

a He loves eating out on Saturday / Sunday night.

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b He sometimes / often eats out on the weekend.

c He likes / loves playing soccer on the weekend.

d He always / sometimes plays soccer on Sundays.

4 Use the pictures to prepare questions for the survey.

Do you like going shopping? How often do you go shopping?
Do you like playing sports? How often do you play sports?
Do you like going to the movies? How often do you go to the movies?
Do you like going shopping? How often do you go shopping?
Do you like working for a project? How often do you work for a project?
Do you like watching TV? How often do you watch TV?

5 Take the survey. Then ask your partner the survey questions.

Student A: Do you like eating out?

Student B: Yes, I do.

Student A: How often do you eat out?

Student B: I always eat out on Sundays.

Student A: Do you like going to the movies?

Student B: No, I don’t.

Student A: How often do you go to the movies?

Student B: Once a year, as I prefer watching DVD movies at home.

6 Tell another student about your partner.

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Nida didn’t like going to the movies. She goes to the movies only once in a year, as she
prefers watching DVD movies at home.

3rd floor Writing: A letter to a magazine (page 73)

1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

a What do the people like doing?

They are clubbing and watching TV.

b Are you a party animal or a couch potato?

I am a couch potato.

2 Read the survey report and decide if the participants are party animals or couch potatoes.

Most of the participants in Daniells’s survey are party animals.

3 Write the paragraph headings in the report.

1 Clubbing 2 Hanging out with friends

3 Listening to music 4 Going to the movies

5 Write a letter to the magazine reporting the survey results.

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(Student’s name)______________

(Student’s address)_____________


Lifestyle Magazine

25 Upper East Side Street

New York

NY 10001

Dear Lifestyle Magazine,

These are the results of my competition survey. There were 50 participants in my survey, aged
16-17. They are all live in Bangkok.

________: Everybody likes surfing the net on the weekend. Most people like listening to pop
music. Some people listen to rap music. Nobody listens to country music.

________: Most people always go to the movies; all of them like watching action movies. Some
people like watching DVDs at home.

________: Everybody often hangs out with friends on the weekend. Some people usually hang
out with friends at the mall.

_______: Nobody likes going clubbing.



Unit 10 Party time

1st floor They dress up in costumes (page 74)
P a g e | 10

1 What are your favorite festivals? When are they?

My favorite festivals are Valentine’s Day and New Year’s Day. They are on February 14 th
and January 1st.

2 Match the activities with the pictures.

1 d 2 e 3 c 4 h

5 f 6 a 7 g 8 b

3 Read the webpage and underline the words from 2.

What is it?

It’s in Venice, one of the world’s most beautiful cities. Venice is on the northeast coast
of Italy.

When is the festival?

The people of Venice celebrate Carnevale in February or March for about ten days. The
exact dates depend on Easter, so they change each year.

Why is it popular?

The festival is Venice’s answer to New Orleans’ Mardi Gras. The main attractions are the
masked balls (dance). At the balls people dress up in colorful costumes, wear masks and dance
all night. Remember to bring your credit card, because the balls cost around $400.

What other events are there?

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There is a lot of free entertainment, such as classical music, poetry readings and street
theater. Also, the locals have parties all over the city. Most events take place in Piazza San

Who dresses up?

Most of the local people dress up and take part in the parades and balls. Not all
Carnevale visitors wear costumes, but you feel more part of the carnival when you do.

How do you get tickets?

You can buy tickets when you arrive in Venice. Contact the Venice tourist office
( for more details.

(page 75)
4 Mark the statements T(true) or F(false).

a The street theater is free. T

b The festival takes place in Venice. T

c It is in the summer. F (It takes place in February or March.)

d There are daytime dances. F (People dance all night.)

e The balls cost around $400. T

f The festival lasts for a week. F (It lasts for about ten days.)

5 What do you like about the festival? What don’t you like?

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I like joyful activities that people do at the festival such as dressing up in costumes and
dance to music. On the contrary, I don’t like being amidst a big crowded of people. It is too risky
to me and even makes me feel so uncomfortable.

6 Complete the rules with the question words.

a Who asks about a person.

b Where asks about a place.

c What asks about a thing.

d When asks about a time.

e How asks about the way you do something.

f Why asks about the reason you do something.

7 Complete the questions with the words in 6 and answer them.

a When is Thanksgiving?

b Where is Lake Titicaca?

c How do you spell the capital of Scotland?

d What do people celebrate on October 31?

e What do people celebrate on December 25?

8 Write a quiz. Then swap with another pair and answer.

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a When is Christmas Eve?

b What do Americans celebrate on July 4th?

c Who is the prime minister of England?

d How do you say the word “แต่งตัว” in English?

e Where is Amazon river?

9 Answer the questions.

a Is there a spring festival where you live?

No, there isn’t.

b What other festivals are there? What do people do at the festivals?

Songkran Day. People visit their relatives and splash water over each other.

2nd floor What’s the weather like? (page 76)

1 Answer the questions about where you live.

a Is the weather the same as in the pictures?

No, it isn’t. Only summer is the same./ Mostly not, only summer is the same.

b What is your favorite season? Why?

My favorite season is winter because I really like cold climate.

2 Match the words with the pictures.

1 b 2 j 3 a 4 d 5 g
P a g e | 14

6 h 7 g 8 i 9 e 10 f

3 Listen and complete the first column of the table.

City Season Month Weather Temperature

1 Rio

2 New York

4 Listen again and complete the rest of the table.

City Season Month Weather Temperature

1 Rio summer February sunny and hot, 33 degrees
sometimes Celsius
2 New York winter January very cold and 3 degrees
windy; often Celsius

5 Do you want to go to New York or Rio on vacation? Why?

Yes, I do. I want to go there because they have a lot of popular festivals.

(page 77)
6 Complete the answers with the words in the box.
P a g e | 15

a It’s really hot.

b It’s very hot.

c It’s pretty hot.

d It’s not very hot.

7 Look at the examples and circle the correct options.

a To ask about the weather, we use How + adjective / verb.

b In the answer, the modifier comes before / after the adjective.

8 Ask and answer about the weather in the pictures.

Picture 1: How cold is it in the spring?

It’s pretty cold.

Picture 2: What’s the weather like in summer?

It’s pretty hot. Shall we go to the beach?

Picture 3: Is it windy?

Yes, it is.

Picture 4: Is it rainy in winter?

No, it isn’t.

9 Work in pairs and discuss whether your town is more similar to Chicago or London.

Student A
P a g e | 16

1 Complete the table with your own ideas.


London Spring Summer Fall Winter

Average 8 pretty cold 16 not very cold 11 very cold 4 really cold
temperature (°C)
Average rain 55 pretty rainy 50 pretty rainy 70 really rainy 70 really rainy
per month (mm)
Average hours of 5 not very cloudy 7 not very sunny 3 pretty cloudy 1 very cloudy
sun per day

Student A + Student B

2 Student B: Ask A about the weather in London and complete the table.

Student A: Answer B’s questions about London’s weather.

Student B: What’s the weather like in summer?

Student A: It’s pretty rainy but it’s not very cold.

Student B: What’s the weather like in fall?

Student A: It’s very cold and it’s pretty cloudy.

London Spring Summer Fall Winter

Average 8 pretty cold 16 not very cold 11 very cold 4 really cold
temperature (°C)
Average rain 55 pretty rainy 50 pretty rainy 70 really rainy 70 really rainy
per month (mm)
Average hours of 5 not very cloudy 7 not very sunny 3 pretty cloudy 1 very cloudy
sun per day

Student B

1 Complete the table with your own ideas.

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Chicago Spring Summer Fall Winter

Average 9 pretty cold 22 pretty hot 12 not very hot -4 really cold
temperature (°C)
Average rain 80 pretty rainy 96 very rainy 75 not very 45 pretty dry
per month (mm) rainy
Average hours of 8 pretty sunny 10 very sunny 7 not very sunny 4 pretty cloudy
sun per day

Student A + Student B

2 Student A: Ask B about the weather in Chicago and complete the table.

Student B: Answer A’s questions about Chicago’s weather.

Student A: What’s the weather like in spring??

Student B: It’s pretty cold it’s pretty rainy.

Student A: Is it very rainy in winter?

Student B: Not at all. In fact, it’s pretty dry.

Student A: How cold is it in winter?

Student B: It’s really cold, with -4 °C!

3rd floor Task: Describe an international festival (page 78)

1 Look at the picture. Who are the people? Where are they?

Dancers, musicians, and people are taking part in parades. Also someone is interviewing
someone else. They are in Rio.

2 Listen and mark the correct answers.

a Rui is: ___ a dancer.  the festival organizer.

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b Rui thinks the festival is: ___ safe.  dangerous.

3 Listen again and answer the reporter’s questions.

1 When? Usually in February.

2 How long? Five days.

3 Where? In downtown Rio, near Copacabana Beach.

4 What happens? The samba schools compete for the title of Carnival Champions.

Everyone dresses up in colorful costumes and take parts in the


5 What season? February is summer in Brazil.

6 What/weather? Really hot.

7 Who? Millions of visitors from all over the world.

8 How/get there? There are lots of direct flights from many countries to Rio.

5 You are going to describe an international festival.

(Student A asks Student B for information)

Student A: What’s the name of the festival?

Student B: Summer Solstice Festival.

Student A: Where does it take place?

Student B: At Fairbanks, Alaska, USA.

Student A: When is the festival?

Student B: On June 21.

Student A: What’s the weather like?

Student B: It’s pretty hot. June is summer in USA.

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Student A: How long does it last?

Student B: 24 hours.

Student A: Who goes to the festival?

Student B: Thousands of people from the USA and Canada.

Student A: How do you get there?

Student B: There’s a lot of direct flights from USA, Asia or Europe to Anchorage
and Fairbanks.

Student A: What happens during the festival?

Student B: There’s a midnight baseball game where you can see locals dress up in
traditional costumes. Further, there are traditional food and drink, also big parties for all

(Student B asks Student A for information)

Student B: What’s the name of the festival?

Student A: Moon festival.

Student B: Where does it take place?

Student A: Hong Kong.

Student B: When is the festival?

Student A: Fifteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar-- usually

Student B: How long does it last?

Student A: Three days --- 14-16 of the month.

Student B: What’s the weather like?

Student A: It’s very hot. September is fall in Hong Kong.

Student B: Who goes to the festival?

Student A: Thousands of people --- more locals than tourists.

Student B: How do you get there?

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Student A: There’s a lot of direct flights from USA, Asia or Europe.

Student B: What happens during the festivals?

Student A: On 14: “Moon Welcoming” having people walk on the streets and

welcome the moon.

On 15: People visit their family and give presents. Everyone eats


6 Which festival do you want to go to? Why?

I want to go to Summer Solstice Festival because it has more activities to do and the
weather is not too hot.

3rd floor Writing: An e-mail from a tourist office (page 79)

1 Is there a tourist information office in your town or city?

Yes, there is.

2 Read an e-mail and answer the questions.

a She is from Costa Rica.

b She wants to travel between August and October.

3 Make notes about festivals in your country.

P a g e | 21


Songkran Day (Thai Traditional New Year’s Day which falls on April 13th – 15th)


Hot and sunny (April is in summer and considered the hottest month

in the year)

Food and drink:

Khao-Chae (cold boiled-rice served with sweet pork etc.)


Colorful shirts/ National costumes


In the morning; Go to the temple to offer food to monks and listen to

Dhamma preach.

In the afternoon; a) The young ask blessings from the elders by pouring scented
water over their elders’ hands, while the elders, in returns,
wish the young good health, happiness and prosperity.

b) Splash water over each other


Lots of direct flights from many countries to Thailand

4 Write a reply to Janice from the tourist office, answering her questions.

P a g e | 22

Dear Janice,

Thank you for your inquiries. Here are our answers to your questions.

I’d like to recommend you “Naga Fireball Festival” which will take place at Nong Khai
province, Thailand. This year, the festival falls on 1st-7th September which, according to Buddhist
calendar, is during the period of Buddhist Lent. It lasts a week in such a hot and rainy climate. A
lot of activities are about to happen in the festival, for example; Theworohana alms offering
ceremony, light and sound presentation “Opening the legend of the Naga Rockets”, the float to
worship the Naga, giant Krathong contest and traditional long boat races.

200,000 people are heading to the festival. They are Thai tourists as well as tourists
from all over the world who want to witness this amazing natural phenomenon. Don’t worry
about the transportation. It’s very easy to get to Thailand as there’s a lot of direct flights from
your country to Korat Airport, a center airport of Southeastern Thailand. Then you can take the
bus running to your destination: Mueang Dirtrict, Nong Khai. Come join the festival in the land
of smile. You won’t be disappointed!! For further information, please feel free to contact us at
number 089-2556-0012.


Chief of Tourist office staffs

Review 05
1 Write the verbs in the table.
P a g e | 23

Routine 1 wake up 2 take a 3 have 4 leave 5 arrive at 6 get

shower breakfast home work home
Time 6:30 A.M. around - around before after 7:00
7:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M./ 10:00 A.M. A.M.
9:00 A.M.
always usually never sometimes always often

3 Complete the sentences about your daily routine.

a I usually take a shower at 6:30 A.M.

b I always get up at 6:00 A.M.

c I never leave home at 7:00 A.M.

d I sometimes get home at 8:00 P.M.

e I often have breakfast at 6:45 A.M.

5 Complete the sentences with like, love, don’t like, or hate.

a I like hanging out with friends.

b I love eating out in restaurants.

c I like having fun on the beach.

d I love watching TV.

e I don’t like dancing at clubs.

f I hate going to the movies.

(page 81)
7 Complete the general knowledge quiz with the words in the box and circle the correct
answers. Then listen and check.
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1 Who, b 2 When, c 3 Where, a

4 How, b 5 What, a 6 What, b

8 Work in pairs. Write six quiz questions and give them to another pair to answer.

What music does Taylor Swift make?

(Country pop music)

9 Look at the pictures and complete the weather descriptions with the words in the box.

a It’s hot and dry. b It’s windy and rainy.

c It’s cold and snowy. d It’s warm and cloudy.

10 Unscramble the questions about the weather in New York. Then ask and answer the
questions with a partner.

a What is the weather like in winter?

b Is it cold in winter?

c What is the weather like in summer?

d Is it dry in winter?

e How hot is it in summer?

f How snowy is it in winter?


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