Editorial Guidelines and Stylesheet

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Guidelines for Editors

Dear Editors,

As we embark on compiling the volumes on the various sub-themes of “Human Development”,

we would like to provide you with guidelines to ensure a smooth and structured process.

Word Count: Aim for an overall volume length between 80,000 to 100,000 words.
Timeline for Article/Chapter Submission:
a) Draft Paper Submission and Presentation: Post-conference authors’ workshop by the
end of March.
b) Reviewers' Reports: Expected by the end of April.
c) Final Paper Submission after incorporating review comments: By mid-June.
Support to the Editors: Throughout the process, the Bharti Institute of Public Policy (BIPP)
is committed to providing support to the editors:

a) Secretariat support: Coordination support for organising the management of authors,

including organising meetings, tracking the status of draft completion, etc, will be
provided by Ms Padma Priya (padma_priya@isb.edu).
b) Research support, including support in paper formatting and citation to ensure
adherence to academic standards, will be provided by the researcher assigned to each
c) Data support will also be provided for compiling data from public sources or
accessible publications on the internet. This encompasses assistance with exploratory
data analysis but does not extend to modelling and statistical inference. Editors can
reach out to the researcher with data support requirements.
d) Copy-editing support: Following the completion of draft submissions, meticulous
copy-editing support will be provided to enhance the academic rigour and clarity of the
submissions. The copy-editing team can be reached via Ms Padma Priya.

Style Guide: Please ensure that all the articles/chapters in the volume adhere to the style guide
from Routledge.
Author Selection: Editors are granted the autonomy to choose authors they believe are well-
suited for contributing articles/chapters in this volume, ensuring a diverse representation from
policymakers, academicians, and practitioners. Kindly access the master sheet containing the
list of authors (in editable format) and submitted abstracts via the link shared in the email.

Your commitment to this project is pivotal, and we are here to support you throughout the
process. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or require further clarification.
Routledge Stylesheet



The presentation of your typescript is the critical first stage for the successful production of your
book. Most production problems are caused by messy, badly prepared typescripts, incomplete
notes and references, poorly presented artwork and missing permissions. A typescript that is not
adequately prepared may be returned to you for attention.

Manuscripts (including prelims, notes and references) should be prepared in Microsoft Word,
Times New Roman font, 12 point size, and should be sent to us electronically.

How to supply files to Taylor & Francis

• We do not need hardcopy printouts of electronic files.
• Files can be supplied via ZendTo, email, or on USB flash drives. Please contact your Editorial
Assistant if you need further information.
• Zipping (compressing) files may be the best option if you are submitting large files. Please
note, however, that we cannot accept self-extracting compressed files (.exe files).
• Each chapter in your book should be supplied as a separate file.
• Please supply artwork and tables separately; you only need to indicate their position within
the relevant chapter. Please refer to our detailed Author’s Guidelines for How to Supply
• Please provide a word count by chapter of all files.
• If you are submitting pre-published material that was written by someone else, please discuss
this with your Editorial Assistant in advance, as there are more specific guides available for
this type of material.

Each chapter should be saved as a SEPARATE file, with files marked as Ch 1, Ch 2 and so on.
Do not put all the text into one large file.

The text should be submitted only when it is complete in all respects, including all relevant
preliminary matter, all documents provided by the publisher (illustrations and copyright
permissions, Contract, Author’s Checklist, and, in the case of contributed books, the Author
Approval Form. Please note that editing of your book will not begin until all this material is

Preliminary matter should include any or all of the following and in this order:

• The title page with the title and subtitle and your name as author or editor
• The contents page, which must correspond exactly with the chapters, and should not
include any level heading.
• List of abbreviations, plates, figures, maps and tables.
• Foreword (always written by someone other than you).
• Preface
• Acknowledgements
• Detailed biographical note on you as Author/Editor. In edited volumes, please provide
60–80 word biographical notes on each contributor and their postal, e‐mail and phone

If you are the editor of a book, we expect to receive the complete manuscript from you and not
from the contributors individually.

When editing your book, the assigned copyeditor will be in touch with you regularly along the
way, clarifying any queries that may arise in the process.

Once your book is edited and typeset, a set of formatted page proofs will be sent to you. It is not
possible to make corrections other than the typesetter’s errors, or essential updating. If you do,
we will unfortunately ask you to bear the additional cost. Further, we reserve the right not to
implement any further editorial interventions that should have been made at the typescript stage.
Therefore it is important for you to confirm that the manuscript supplied to the publisher is the
last and FINAL version.

QUOTATION MARKS: Always use single quotation marks for dialogue and quoted material in the
text. Reserve the use of double quotation marks for quotes within quotes.

SPELLINGS: Use British spellings. ‘Colour’ not ‘color’, ‘labour’ not ‘labor’. Use ‘-ise’ spellings
instead of ‘-ize’; so ‘specialise’ not ‘specialize’, ‘finalise’ not ‘finalize’.

DATES: Use ‘19th century’ not ‘nineteenth century’. Decades should be cited as 1980s, 1860s and
so on. Specific dates should be written as 12 August 1978.

NUMBERS: Numbers 0 to 9 should be spelt out. Numbers 10 and above should be written in
numerals. For exact measurements, numerals alone should be used; for instance, 12 km, 36 ml.
Use thousands and millions, not lakh. For inclusive numbers follow these examples: 5–12, 64–67,
83–110, 100–7, 108–9, 153–97, 425–657, 1001–5, 1100–1145, 1224–26, 1634–714. Please
bridge inclusive numbers with an ‘n’-dash (–) rather than a hyphen (-).

(NOTE: To insert an ‘n’-dash, open MS WORD 2003 (in WORD 2007 and onwards, click on the
‘Insert’ tab), go to ‘Symbols’, click on the ‘Special Characters’ tab, and ‘n’-dash is the second one
from the top.) Shortcut keys: m-dash (Ctrl+Alt+minus symbol); n-dash (Ctrl+minus symbol)

REFERENCES: The body text will follow the standard Author-Date style of in-text referencing, to
be placed before the punctuation mark. Therefore

(Organski 1980: 32).

In case of more than one reference, it should be arranged either chronologically (Organski 1980;
Maoz 1983; Collier 1991) or alphabetically (Collier 1991; Maoz 1983; Organski 1980); inter-
reference separations should be marked by a semi-colon as shown in the bracketed examples
An exception should be made only where the argument is built in a particular order in the text,
and the author is keen to cite the references in the same order. Thus, one could have a scenario
of (Maoz 1983; Collier 1991; Organski 1980) which is neither chronological nor alphabetical.

If there is more than one work by the same author in the same year, then use ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, and so on
to differentiate them. For instance, Collier 1991a, Collier 1991b, Collier 1991c, and so on both in
the text and in the references.

If there are two authors with same surname publishing in the same year, use their initials to
differentiate between the two. For instance, G. S. Sharma 1974; R. Sharma 1974 should be used
in-text and in the references.

In co/multi-authored books: for co-authored books (up to and including 3 authors), write
Sharma, Bhatia and Kumar 2001. For more than 3 authors, write Sharma et al. 2001.

All Reference citations must be listed at the end of the chapter under the title ‘References’ (in
edited volumes) and at the end of the book under the title ‘Bibliography’ (in monographs). They
must include complete publication details including place and year of publication, publisher’s
name in the case of books and volume, issue and page numbers in the case of journal articles. The
following style of citation & punctuation is to be followed for citations in the

Organski, A. F. K. and Jacek Kugler. 1980. The War Ledger. Chicago: University of Chicago

Article in Edited Volume

Collier, David. 1991. ‘The Comparative Method: Two Decades of Change’, in Dankwart A.
Rustow and Kenneth Paul Erickson (eds), Comparative Political Dynamics: Global Research
Perspectives, pp. 7–31. New York: Harper Collins.


Aspin, David. 1997. ‘Autonomy and Education: An Integrated Approach to Knowledge,

Curriculum and Learning in the Democratic School’, in David Bridges (ed.), Education,
Autonomy and Democratic Citizenship, pp. 248–60, New York: Routledge.

Article in Journal
Maoz, Zeev. 1983. ‘Resolve, Capabilities, and the Outcome of Interstate Disputes, 1816–
1976’, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 27(2): 195–229.

Unpublished Dissertation, etc.

Kier, Elizabeth. 1992. ‘Changes in Conventional Military Doctrines: The Cultural Roots of
Doctrinal Change’. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University.

Unpublished Paper
Kumar, Avinash. 2003. ‘Defining the Disciplines: Hindi History versus Hindi Literature,
1900–1940’. Paper presented at the Department of History, School of Oriental and African
Studies, London, 11 March.

Nass, C. 2000. ‘Why Researchers Treat On‐Line Journals like Real People’. Paper presented
at the conference ‘Future Books and the World Today’, Rome, 25–26 November.

Archival Reference
Bengal Political and Secret Department Files: various years beginning 1816. Asian and
African Collections (formerly Oriental & India Office Collections), the British Library,

Assam Secretariat Files: Revenue A and B, Confidential and Education, 1890–1938. Assam
State Archives, Guwahati.

Census & Reports

Census of India. Vol. 3: Madras and Coorg. Part 1: Report. 1951. (ed.) S. Venkateshwaran.
Madras: Government of India Press.

Hunter, W. W. 1885. Imperial Gazetteer of India. Vol. IV: Cochin to Ganuria. London:
Trubner & Co.

Book Review/Review Essay

Wirtz, James. 1989. ‘Counterinsurgency Paradigms’, review of Deadly Paradigms: The
Failure of U. S. Counterinsurgency Policy, by Michael Shafer, International Security, 14(1):

Article in Newspaper/Magazine
‘Aborting a Take-Off’. 1992. Sunday, July 19–25, pp. 14–15. (Add correspondent’s or
writer’s name if available.)

Reference to/from a Website

Asad, Talal. 2000. ‘What Do Human Rights Do? An Anthropological Enquiry’, Theory and
Event 4(4),
(accessed on 13 October 2011).

(NOTE: It is essential to mention the date of access of all websites and URLs because
several websites become redundant over time, and cannot be referred to later on. In case
of article references from websites, follow the reference style of printed texts above,
followed by the name of the website and date on which it was accessed. Please also
remove the hyperlink.)
NOTES: In the manuscript, they should be listed at the end of the chapter/article, and set in the
same point-size as text matter (11 or 12 points) for copyediting purposes, although they will be
eventually be set as endnotes.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: In edited volumes, ‘Acknowledgements’ should be marked by an

asterisk against the author’s name. Please do not add a superscript number to the chapter/article
title under any circumstances.

ABBREVIATIONS: The abbreviation for a term must be given in parentheses after the term at
first mention only. Thereafter the abbreviation may be used. Acronyms will not have periods, so
NATO, UNESCO, LTTE, IPKF. Abbreviations of English words, however, like ‘Prof.’, ‘ed.’ and
‘approx.’ will have a period at the end. Contracted words will not have a period. For example, ‘eds’,
‘Mr’ and ‘Dr’.

If there are 10 or more Abbreviations used, then a separate list of Abbreviations should be
provided by the author. List all entries alphabetically, and give the full form of the abbreviation
beside them.

ITALICS: Italics should be used for non-English words. For such words that occur frequently in
the text, italics should only be used the first time the word is mentioned and not thereafter. Do
not use italics for foreign terms that are now accepted words in the English language, and appear
in The Chambers English Dictionary (pundit, guru, per se); but italicise ibid. Use italics for
emphasis sparingly.

DIACRITICS: Diacritical marks for non-English words should be used sparingly. For words
reproduced from European languages, standard marks available on the computer (grave/acute
accent; circumflex; cedilla; umlaut; etc.) may be used for accuracy, if the author is inclined so. For
transliterated words – from Indic/other languages – use diacritics where it is essential to make
an argument. However, for precision, authors may choose to prepare a Glossary with diacritical
marks which the reader may refer to, and avoid using diacritical marks in the body text. While
using diacritics in the body text, try to judge if the target reader of the volume is aware of the
word or not; if yes, avoid using diacritics (e.g., ‘Shiva’ not ‘Śiva’, ‘bagh’ not bāgh’, ‘fatwa’ not

Authors may choose not to use diacritics at all. If diacritical marks are retained, then these should
be embedded in the text; alternatively, a pdf needs to be provided for reference.

CAPITALISATION: Do not use capitals for denoting emphasis. Follow the Chicago Manual of Style,
16th edition guidelines for capitalisation of titles and offices. Generally, civil, military, professional
and religious titles are only capitalised when they appear along with the name of a person. For
example, Prime Minister Nehru, President Kennedy, but the president of India, the commander-
in-chief of the army.

PUNCTUATION: Use a comma before ‘and’ when there are 4 or more variables. Hence, ‘a, b and
c’, but ‘a, b, c, and d’. Use double quote marks within single quote marks for quotations. The
positioning of periods, commas, exclamation points and question marks should be within quote
marks only in cases where they are part of the quoted material. No quote marks should be used
in quotations that are more than 40 words. Instead, these should be separated from the text with
space above and below and indented.
GLOSSARY: If there are 10 or more non-English words in the text, then a separate Glossary should
be provided by the author. Entries should be listed alphabetically, with short, crisp and clear
explanations of the terms in English.

SUPERSCRIPTS: Place superscripts for endnote references after the punctuation mark. Please
link these with the text of the notes.

Figures/Pie-Charts/Graphs etc.: Please indicate their positions in the manuscript by placing

them in the text but please also send all these graphs as separate Excel files.

This is absolutely essential for production purposes. These should be drawn in B/W in Excel
format. If in case you do not have Excel files for something, please send those figures etc. in
editable format in MS Word, or hi-res JPEG or TIFF files (300 dpi; around 5 in x 7 in).

All Tables too should be open/editable. As in, they should not be images.

If there are any photographs or images, please ensure you send us high-resolution files (300
dpi, in Tiff or JPEG format) separately, along with the written permission from the copyright
owners (if applicable) for their reuse.

Maps cannot be used as downloaded from the Internet. Proper permission has to be taken to
reproduce them. It is best to have these redrawn in B/W.

Figures, tables and boxes

• Figures, tables and ‘floating’ boxed text should not be supplied embedded into the manuscript
itself but rather supplied as separate files.
• Save each figure/table/box in a separate file and name them by chapter – i.e., Figure 1.1, 1.2;
Table 2.1, 2.2, etc.
• Ensure that you place a call-out in the manuscript to indicate where each figure/table/box
should be placed, e.g.


• Note that figures, tables and boxes cannot necessarily be placed in the exact location
indicated, but rather will be placed as close as possible to that point.
• Ensure that the numbering of your call-outs matches exactly the file numbering of your
figures/tables/boxes so that there is no confusion about what is being referred to.
• If you wish to include a list of figures, tables or boxes in the front matter, include this
separately in the front matter file that you supply.


• DO NOT embed figures into the manuscript as this can lead to problems with the quality with
which they can be reproduced.
• Supply figures in the format in which they were created and at as high a resolution as possible.
• If you have drawn figures within a separate package provide them in separate files – do not
insert them into the Word manuscript.
• Full details on the supply of images, which file types to use, and other useful information can
be found in How to supply artwork below.
• Supply captions, notes and source information for figures as a separate file – avoid making
them part of the image itself. Source lines should either be included with the caption or
separately in an Acknowledgements or Credits page in the front matter.


• Supply tables separately rather than embedded into the manuscript file. However, it is
perfectly acceptable (and often easier) to supply the tables grouped together in one file per
• It is best to format tables as true tables (e.g., using Microsoft Word’s ‘Insert Table’ function)
rather than using another method. Avoid the following, as they can make processing
problematic and subject to error:
o the use of tabs to create pseudo-columns;
o the use of a proper table, but rows created using returns or line breaks rather than
inserting a new row in the table;
o a table supplied as an image;
o tables with so many columns that it cannot fit on a page.

• Include the caption with the table and list any source line beneath the table.

If your book contains boxed text, then the type of boxed text it is affects how it should be supplied.
There are two main types of boxes: in-line and floating.

In-line boxes flow on from the main text in a fixed position because they have to appear in a
certain place (say, between two particular paragraphs of the main text). This type of box should
be presented in the main manuscript file in its desired location, but styled in such a way as to
make it clear that it is boxed text, e.g. with labels like <box begins> and <box ends>, or using the
‘Outside Borders’ option in Word. Indicate on submission if boxes must appear exactly where they
are placed in the manuscript. For typesetting reasons it is often preferable to avoid in-line boxes
unless absolutely necessary, as they affect text flow and make a large impact if changed or moved.

Floating boxes have no fixed position, but rather are positioned in much the same way as a figure
or table – usually as close as possible to a citation in the main text or a paragraph that pertains to
it. For example, floating boxes are often used for case studies as these should be separate from
the main body of the text. This type of box is usually numbered (e.g. Box 1.1, Box 1.2, etc. or Case
study 2.1, etc.) and is best supplied in a separate file or files with a call-out in the main manuscript.
If boxes are captioned, include the caption with the box and list any source line at the end of the
boxed text.

Please indicate any material reproduced in the book which might require permission for

All copyrighted material — photographs, extracts, and articles (even if they are by the author)
published elsewhere earlier — require clearance from original copyright holders in writing, and
it is the author’s responsibility to ensure that all copyrighted material is cleared for publication
prior to the handing over of the manuscript to us. The author should provide all necessary
documentation (letters of permissions: printed copies or e-mails) to the publisher. Text extracts
over 400 words; ALL photographs, maps and illustrative material will need copyright permission.
Attribution to the original source may not suffice.

You need permission to reproduce:

• Extracted quotations of more than 400 words; in poetry, 40 lines or more.

Illustrations that are not original to you, and/or are taken from existing publications,
museums, agencies or private individuals such as photographs, line drawings, tables,
maps, graphs, screen shots, web pages, cartoons and advertisements.
• Material displayed on the Internet — check the copyright notice on the web page. It is
worth noting that computer programs are considered ‘literary works’.
• Acknowledgement of all permissions granted should be included as part of preliminary
matter. All sources must be given even if permission is not needed. Permissions will have
to be acquired and paid for, if necessary, by you.

VISUALS: All visual material to be used must have copyright clearance, and the complete
reference will appear in a separate line below the caption. Visuals should be sent separately (not
embedded in the text) high-resolution files (300 dpi, in Tiff or JPEG format) and measure at least
around 5 in x 7 in/1500 to 2000 pixels, with captions listed in one separate document. (If it is
easier, then authors may create a separate ‘Visuals’ WORD document with the visuals embedded
in it, along with the respective captions and copyright information.) Their placement in the text
should be marked clearly in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS in the following way: ‘Place Plate 3.2 about
here’. Instructions for placements of visuals should ideally be at the end of a paragraph.

All visuals should be numbered by the author/editor according to the chapter number. So, the
first visual in Chapter 4 will be 4.1, and thereafter 4.2, 4.3 and so on.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR/EDITOR: The last page – before the Index – of all books will carry a bio-
note of the author and contributors, not exceeding 130 words per entry.


A copy of the final version of the manuscript should be supplied electronically. Each chapter
should be stored in a separate folder (labelled clearly e.g. Ch_1, Ch_2 etc) and a separate text
Each illustration must be supplied as a separate file, e.g. fig 1.1, and table 1.1. The files should be
placed in the appropriate chapter folder.

Please use Microsoft Word for the text. Illustrations should be supplied in TIFF or JPEG format at
300 dpi with a minimum proportional width of 4 inches (100mm). We occasionally accept images
in other file formats, however, other formats may incur extra production costs and we reserve
the right to reject them should they not be suitable. If in doubt, please ask your Editor to contact

Permission needs to be sought and gained for the use of material from third-party sources, and
all related correspondence needs to be supplied with the manuscript (unless an agreement to the
contrary has been made with the editor). Please ensure you obtain permission to use third-party
material in both the electronic and print versions of your book as we publish most of our books
simultaneously in print and eBook formats.

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