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E:stablishment -. Tamil f\JaduP~b1ic Health.

Subordinate Services ~ FilliA~Upof

vacancie~ofVU1~ge ti~lth Ni,lfSe I AU)(iU~ty NUrI$ Mldwlfein tha jPubliclieaUh·
Department through the Tamil Nadu Medical R~oruitmentBoard - Permissiongt'al1ted ­
Orders - Issued.


.J":""'~'O:( :No.204e~t$d:12 ..Q8.~()~t .
, •'Jt;\'I/.., ' .~ 1BlCW6U61r~QlIr 46'liuf(bl- 2014·7
.~. ./ (,y'. ~(!pem,4."':~

~ 16
~ 1,. (\~
.. ', . .
s) No.1507., Healthilr'tdian Mediolne. Homoeopathy
.. a"ad:.
Fam.i1y ~
~. ' ¢!'ti:. reDepartment,datecj1.6.08.1989.., ' '. '. . , '
~at.(Ms)No.1199, ·Hea,lth and FamilYWelfar~ (N1) Departme~t; .d,.~t~d
3. .:G.Q(Ms) No.171, Health and Family Welfare (Nt) Department. dated
15,:06.2009. . ' . . . , .
4. From the Director of Pub1ic Health and Preventive, Medicine ' letter
R:No.28723fMP3IS2I2011, dated 27.4.2016.
5. From the Director ofPublic Health and Preventive . MedIcine, letter
R.Nq.~87231MP3I$2f2011.dated 14.6.2016.

, -- ...... ~--

·In the Government Order first read abov~;ad:"hoc rules were issued 'for the post
'of Village Health Nurse I Auxiliary Nurse Midwife in the Tamil Nadu PUblic ,Health
Subordinate Service prescribing the Educational Qualification
as follows»
" , ' " ,

. "

b) Other Qualifications:' .
. . . ", " . . " " ,

-. -' . "', . . , . " , .' . . ..' '. "

No person shall be eligiblefor appointment to the postunless she possesses the

following qualifications, namely- ..... .
~. . .

i) Musthave passed 8.S.L.C and '..:

ii) ACertiftcate for having under~JOne the' long term Multipurpose Health ~orkElts
.Training Course' awarded by' the Director of PUblic Health and Preve'ntt~e'·
. Medicine; " .
iii) A Diple>rna in MidwIfery or I1l
11l} in Auxiliary f\Junull~ Midwife or H(~£~ItI,
VIsItors Coursebr NUI'ses by an in~tltl1tibl' reoognlzed I~y ttitlll
State; Gov~r~m~nt; .· .El.~~
b) A.. Q.ertlfipate.fqr.h~ylt)Q;' Un~tllll'gOlie the ·$hortt~rt,,·· cour~a ··ulider··Ml~ltl
purpose Hel1llth Workers Scl,eme prespribed by the GovernmeT1,t; and
c) Mw~tacgu!rel~r)~ t~rm. training under Multi Purpose Health Workam~
~gh~rnevvithln~ve y~~r$ from the d.ate ofappointmant'and

tv) A9.~~ift9~te of r~gi$traJtlon issued by the TarnllNaeu Nurses and M\dwI\l~$

CouDC~Il; .and '

(v) Mustpcssess Physical fitness for Camp life.

. . , .. ,

, 2., As on date theprQvlsjon LInder rule 5(b)(I) of ad-hoc ru1e$ alone is ~~lpg
for f1Hingup ofthevaO~riclss
' '; ,;'
" , "'.
of Village Health NUrse/Auxiliary Nurse Mldwif~A
-. - . ,

-t 'i. ',', " >, '" r" _,,::'1. -. .".'..' i' ... " ';'.. . .', .,,', ',_ (,_, _,;. _. . ' ",': . '

", " 3~ In Goy~rnrnent Order. s,8concl,rea.d .above, ordersArvere Issueo'fQrlncreaslng ,

"(he duratlon of the MUltipurpose He~lth Workers (r;em~le)i~~:~~.ining from 1~li1onthsrtb.
24 rnonthe and educational qualifloation has also beanflxed' HSC insteadofSSLC. as
, . ,

4. Inthe Government Order third read above, orders were i~$ued .aooording
permission to the Director of Public Health and PrevE;lntiveMedlcine to fill .up the
vacanclesin Village Health Nurse/Auxill~rY, Nurse Midwife posts ,with the candldates
qualified from the 'Government approvedlnstifutlonsas onetime measure. , ' , ' , .

, -5. Inth~-l~ttersfourth and'fifthread~bbve, t~~Di(~~t~r,()r~~6li~'Health ,tal1d

PreventiveMedlolne has stated that some of the candidates who have completed
Auxiliary Nurse Midwife training in private Auxiliary Nurse Midwife Schools which are
approved by the Government and recoqnlzed by the Indian Nursing CouncHare now
placing requests for appointmentto the Post9fViIlage Health Nurae/Auxlllary Nurse
Midwife.·' , ' ,

'6. The Direotor of Public Health and Preventive Medicine has also stated that
, the total numberof vacancies has increased to 2200 due to certain reasons .such as ,
creation of new Primary Health Centres, promotions, retirements, etc., whichhave to ~e
filled .up immediately to cater the needs of public in implementationotall theschemes '
, effectively andthat as against 2200 vacancies in thelevel.of Village Health Nurse,
.'about 500 candidates who have studied 'in Government / aided I approved lnsntutlori are'
said tobe 'available now. He has furtherstated that tho~gh several institutions have
, , been-approved by the Government of Tamil Nadu. their candidature are ineligible for'
Government employment andthat.? new Government Auxiliary Nurse Midwife Schools
, have now been established and it will take-at least two years to employ the candidates
trained from these institutions. Hence, there happens to be an urgent need for relaxing
a provision for appointnientof candidates who have studied in the privateInstltutions
approved by th(~ Government trall"led candidates througll
the Governrnent of Public Health
a nd Preventive 0 ooord necesfialY
permission Nurse/Auxiliary Nurse Midwife posts by the
candidates studied in the private Auxiliary Nurse Midwife Sohools which
are recognized by the Govemment, Jndlen N Council, Tamil Nadu Nurses and,
Midwives oouncil.

7. AfterQet$'I,~~xami~~~~()f the proposal of theOi~rofPublic Hulin and

prevent!y~ icin'r,'~J,~Govemm~~t ,ha¥8. tQacooptthe ~me, ,AccordlnSiJlVi
theGove ','" taooordpermission to the DirJltof P9bUc He~tth~nQ Pravenq~e
Medicine to fillupthe post~$>f Village Health. Nurse/Au~ni~ry ~urse,Mi~Wifein Tamil
Nadu Public Health SUbotdlnateServlce,throuih ttle,;f~amtf NaQ~tiMe~i~tS,..,rviQe~
Recruitment Board, as follows;" '' ,\ ". " , ' '

(1 ) "to, recr~it the oandldJ~testhose ~ho baye~diedtn tile·,p"M~~eAu~iIIIW

Nurse';~ldWite 'srmools ,which \b"lbe'GQ~«Ame~t{;ln~ha",
,Nursing 'ColJnoil and registered in Tatrlif' Nadu, Nurs~s 'and Midwives '~l4rtqll
as a one time measure;
. . i
, " ,
• '1
" ,', " , . : ' ,,' " , ,, ' , ,.J , " "",, '
, ' . (~)to trea!:;'fl:l~ ,candidates whoare,(\ativ~~,of.oth~r states and,OG,wj;V~t~d
Au)(iUary"~urse Midwife training, as Otl1erCategory Candidates' (OO)\Ml1,i1e
recr\4iting to the, post of, Village, Health Nurse/Auxiliary Nurse Midwife U1,det '
" Communal Rotation; " ,

(3) to consider the candidates mentioned at (1) and,(2)above, as" eligible ,f'Or
, 'applyingto the fJostofVillage Health NurselAuxifiarxNurseMldwifeWith tt1e'
" follQ~i,ng/, ~qualification: ,in
oonseAaneewH.h.~e 'o~~~;;,i$$ued in"
, G.O:(O)}~o.11~9 Health' and Family' Welfar«A~~Y Department, .dated
, 15.11.2012:- ' "

, ,(i) ANM qualification from Govemmentor Government 'approved

. private Au>dliary' Nurse Midwife school. which IS recQgnised ,by
Indian Nursing Counci/;namely :
, ,

, (a) " For those who have acquired Auxiliary Nurse, Midwife I Multi­
" purpose' Health Workers, (Female) ,qaalificafion '.prior 'to
. 15.11.2012 - SSLC with 18'months Auxiliary Nurse
Midwife I Multi-purpose Health Workers (Fem~/e)course. .
~,. " . .'. ". , .

(b) .. For to.Qsewho have acquiredAuxiliary Nurse Midwifel Multi­

purpose Health Workers·. (Female)qualifioation . after
!.1, 15. 11.'2012 -,. +2vJith 2 years Auxiliary Nurse Midwife I
Multi-purpose Health Workef$ (Feh1aJe)course~
(if) FI6Ivlng a of IY£19lslrallon 1;;)C>i:.II;l'V L>y the TfYlrnil N@C7U
N(,J(~;E)!,5 fmci MklwlvG1S CcwnciJ,' fi;~nrj

Thi$,ord~r .issues with the .concurrencs of,thePer~onnel and Administrative

~eforrl1a Departmentvlde Its U.O.No.26056/C1/2016, dated 26.07 .,20,16,

,(By Order of the Governor)

" J . RA.DH~l<~J$HNAN
Irsdtt;>rof:Pub!loHealth and'Preventlve Medicina, Chenpai~6.
, Chairman, Medioal RecruitrnentBoard, Chermsi - 6' ", , I

9912),~Q, ,' ,', '. " . , , . .'

T~e R~~$onn~I~~~Administrative, Reforms, Department, Chennai..g..,,'
ThEIl S~,Mlor Perstmal Assistant to rlon~ble;Miriister (Health' ~hdParnilYWelfare), ,
ChennaJi~9. ' '
SF/SC,s/Data o~11
, '

" I/Porwarded Byorder// '

. . , ,


' .. ' ''''',,' ,11\:>
":,, ,',' :":", .
1~.No.69466/Plan-II/S2/20 13 Office of the Director of Public
Health and Preventive Medicine,
Chennai - 6.

Date: 20.01.2017.

Sub: Public Health and Preventive Medicine·­

Scoping .study for Universal Health Care ­
Pilot Project in Veppur Block, Perambalur
HUD - Appointment of 2nd VHN in the HSCs ­
Instructions issued - Regarding.

Ref: 1. G.O.(D) No.625/H&FW (P2) Department,

2.G.O.(D) No.675/H&FW (P2) Department,
Dated.30.06.20 14.
3. This office R.NO.82833/MCH3j A2j2014,
Dated. 10.06.2016.
4. R.NO.8330jP5/SHSI 16,
Dated.18.01.2017 ofMD, SHS, Chennai-6.
In anticipation of the Government order, the DDHS Perambalur is
permitted to outsource ANMs for Universal Health Care Pilot Project at the rate
of one VHN per HSC (No. of HSC 21) in Veppur Block at the consolidated pay of
Rs.8000 I-per month as per G.O.(Ms)No.130 Health and Family Welfare (EAP­
II-2) Department dated. 12.04.2012. .
The action taken report should be sent to this office immediately.

Director of Public Health and
Preventive Medicine, Chennai-6.

The Deputy Director of Health Services, Perambalur.

Copy to
The Mission Director,
State Health Society,

j I True Copyl I Forwardedj jBy orderl!

R.No.69466jPlan-IIjS2/20 13 Office of the Director of Public
Health and Preventive Medicine,
Chennai - 6.
Date: 20.01.2017.

Public .Health and Preventive Medicine ­

Sub: Scoping study for Universal Health Care ­
Pilot Project in Viralimalai Block, Pudukottai
HUD ~ Appointment of 2nd VHN in the
HSCs- Instructions issued - Regarding.

Ref: 1. G.O.(D) No.625jH&FW (P2) Department,

2.G.O.(D) No.675jH&FW (P2) Department,
Dated.30.06.20 14.
3. This office R.NO.82833/MCH31 A2/201,4,
4. R.NO.8330jP5/SHSI 16,
Dated.18.01.2017 ofMD, SHS, Chennai-6.

In anticipation of the Government order, the DDHS Pudukottai is

permitted to outsource ANMs for Universal Health Care Pilot Project at the rate
of one VHN per HSC (No. of HSCs 21) in Viralimalai Block at the consolidated
pay of Rs.8000 I-per month as per G.O.(Ms)No.130 Health and Family Welfare
(EAP-II-2) Department dated. 12.04.20 12.
The action taken report should be sent to this office immediately.

Director of Public Health and
Preventive Medicine, Chennai-6.

The Deputy Director of Health Services, Pudukottai.
Copy to .
The Mission Director,
State Health Society,
Chennai - 06.

I jTrue Copy/ I Forwarded I IBy order I /

I~.No.69466/Plan-II/S2!20 13 Office of the Director of Public
Health and Preventive Medicine,
Chennai - 6.
Date: 20.01.2017.

Public .Health and Preventive Medicine ­

Sub: Scoping study for Universal Health Care ­
Pilot Project in Viralimalai Block, Pudukottai
HUD -:- Appointment of 2nd VHN in the
HSCs- Instructions issued - Regarding.

Ref: 1. G.O.(D) No.625/H&FW (P2) Department,

Dated. 14.06.2013.
2.G.O.(D) No.675/H&FW (P2) Department,
Dated.30.06.20 14.
3. This office R.NO.828'33/MCH3/ A2/2014,
Dated.10.06.2016. '
4. R.NO.8330/P5/SHS/ 16,
Dated.18~01.2017ofMD, SHS, Chennai-6.

In anticipation of the Government order, the DDHS Pudukottai is

permitted to outsource ANMs for Universal Health Care Pilot Project at the rate
of one VHN per HSC (No. of HSCs 21) in Viralimalai Block at the consolidated
pay of Rs.8000 / - per month as per G.O.(Ms)No.130 Health and Family Welfare
(EAP-II-2) Department dated.12.04.2012.
The action taken report should be sent to this office immediately.

Director of Public Health and
Preventive Medicine, Chennai-6.

The Deputy Director of Health Services, Pudukottai.
Copy to
The Mission Director,
State Health Society,
Chennai - 06.

/ /True Copyj /Forwardedj jBy order/ j

911 bC> / P[n n T/82 j 2013
) Office of the Director of Public
Health and Preventive Medicine,
Chennai - 6.

Date: 20.01.2017

Public Health and Preventive Medicine ­

Sub: .Scoping study for Universal Health Care ­
Pilot Project in Shoolagiri Block, Krishnagiri
HUD - Appointment of 2nd VHN in the
HSCs- Instructions issued - Regarding.

Ref: 1. G.O.(D) No.625jH&FW (P2) Department,

Dated. 14.06.2013.
2.G.O.(D) No.675jH&FW (P2) Department,
Dated.30.06.20 14.
3. This office R.NO.82833jMCH3/A2j2014,
Dated. 10.06.20 16.
4. R.NO.8330jP5jSHSj 16,
Dated. 18.01.2017 of MD, SHS, Chennai-6.
In anticipation of the Government order, the DDHS Krishnagiri is
permitted to outsource 20 ANMs for Universal Health Care Pilot Project at one
per HSC for 20 HSCs in Shoolagiri Block at the consolidated pay of Rs.8000 [:
per month as per G.O.(Ms)No.130 Health and Family Welfare (EAP-II-2)
Department dated. 12.04.2012.

The action taken report should be sent to this

"'r "'-'•.

Director of Public Health and
Preventive Medicine, Chennai-6.


The Deputy Director of Health Services, Krishnagiri.

Copy to
The Mission Director,
State Health Society,
Chennai - 06.

j jTrue Copyl I Forwarded I I Byorderf I


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