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Identify the option which is a components of remuneration - Frances benifit

2.Name the wags concept higher than fair ways - living wags

3.Select the option that suggest why Compensation is given to the employees- contribution to the

4. Select which one is mone cornsartn with career growth - development

5.Choose the process that evaluation an employees performance of a job in terms of requirements-
performance appraisal

6. Select which of the following is not an external source of requirements- internal add

7.Identify the option which is not a managerial function of hrm - compensation

8. Identify the function of the management process which include selecting employees - staffing h and development different

2. Explain the uses of job analysis information

Job analysis refers to a systematic process of collecting all information about a

specific job, including skill requirements, roles, responsibilities and processes in
order to create a valid job description. Job analysis also gives an overview of the
physical, emotional & related human qualities required to execute the job

3. Write explain human resources accounting

human resource accounting is the process of assigning budgeting and reporting the cost of human
resource in an organisation including wages and salaries and trading expenses.

It is the accounting methods, systems, and techniques, which

coupled with special knowledge and ability, assist personnel
management in the valuation of personnel in their knowledge, ability
and motivation in the same organization as well as from
organization to organization.

4. Define compensation

Compensation is paying people for work it is about what an employee received from an employer
against his or her services . Compensation include salary wages free medical facility free kids
education free transport facility etc .

5. Describe Potential appraisal

Potential means the ability of an employee which are required for meeting the challenge of future
assignments while appraisal means the evolution of the abilities in present status off an employee .

It is the future oriented appraiser whose main object if is to identify and evolute the protential of
the employees two Assume higher positions and responsibilities in the organisation hierarchy

6. Appraisal interview describe

The employee appraisal interview is a planned, systematic and personal interview between an
employee and a manager. It is an important tool to develop a good working environment and to
develop each individual at work. It is a supplement to the daily and regular dialogue between
employee and manager

7. Do you agree that evaluation of training effectiveness is necessary justify?

As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference or bias. However, I can provide an
answer based on research and expert opinions.

Evaluation of training effectiveness is essential as it helps to ensure that the training has provided
the intended outcomes.

1. Confirmation of Learning: Evaluation of training effectiveness confirms that the learning

objectives have been achieved. It helps to determine whether the training has improved the skills,
knowledge, and attitude of the participants.

2. Success of Training Program: Evaluation of training effectiveness provides feedback on the success
of the training program. It helps to identify strengths and weaknesses in the training and determine
areas that need improvement.

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