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LHR-Gi—Jo- 0S Roll No. (To be filled in by the candidate) (Academic Sessions 2015-2017 to 2017-2019 ) ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) 019-(10™ CLASS) Time Allowed ; 20 Minutes \. PAPER ~ II ( Objective Type ) GROUP -I Maximum Marks : I) PAPER CODE 01S Note : Four possible answers A, B,C and D to each question are given. The choice which you think is correct, fill that circle in front of that question with Marker or Pen ink in the answer-book. Cutting or filling ‘wo of more circles will result in zero mark in that question. Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles sheet _: T-1_ | My mother -- to me for ten years. (A) was not writing _(B)_has not been writing __(C)_not write _(D)_do not write 2 | He — twenty minutes ago. (A) leaves (B)_will leave (C)_will be leaving __(D)_left 3 | The meeting -- by the time we gather. (A) ended (B)_had ended (C)_will ended (D)_will have ended F_ | They always — back home late. (A)_come (B)_comes (©) iscame (D)_will come 5 ‘The sun --- in the east. (A) tise (B)_is rose (©) _tises (D)_was rise Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles sheet : 6 |(A) Proficient {B) Proficent (©) Proficiant (D)_Praficiant 7_|(A)_Judjment —(B)_Jugement (©) Jujment (D)_Judgement 8 |(A) Jentleman — (B) Gentlman (C) Gentleman (D) Gentalman 9 |(A) Excellence” (B}.Excelent (C)_ Excelence (D)_Axcellent Choose the corre fl TO | The synonym bE *evkirit Ay : (A)_innocent (B)_Bgnest (@) clear iT |The mm OF ghiffering ” i (A)_pleasure “~~(B)_distres (D) doubt 12 |“ Reinvigorate ~ means Sa (A) strengthen (B)_weaken (D) improving 13 [The word * incessant * means : . (A) continuous __(B)_rapid (C)_ slow" = (D)_unknown 14 [The word * commandment” means : (A)_proctamation (B)_order (C)_merey (D)_ blessing Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles sheet _: 15 | This treatment is really great. It makes me feel so relaxed. The underlined part of the sentence is : (A)_present participle (B)_pastparticiple _(C)_conerete noun _(D)_ collective noun. 16 | You may go home as soon as your work is done. This is a ---- sentence. (A)_simple (B)_compound (©) complex __(D) compound complex 17 [I saw myself'in the mirror. The underlined word is a/an --- pronoun. (A) possessive _(B) relative (©) indefinite (D) reflexive 18 | If you had not been late, we would have not missed the bus. This sentence is = (A) third conditional __(B)_second conditional _(C)_first conditional__(D)_simple 19 | The students gathered signatures for increasing the hours of the library. The underlined part of the sentence is a/an : (A) infinitive phrase (B) gerund phrase (C)_2 conditional sentence __(D)_first conditional sentence 204-019-1-(Objective Type)- 35000 (7015) Roll No, (To be filled in by y the candidate) (Academic Sessions 2015-2017 to 2017-2019 ) + ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) 019-( 10" CLASs) Time Allowed : 2.10 hours PAPER ~ Il (Essay Type) GRoUP-1 Maximum Marks : 56 SECTION -1 2. Answer any FIVE of the following questions. + LHEG)- 1o-/3 1 - (i) Why did the non-Muslims trust the Rasool sJf;_b.inh’ Gi) Why does the dinner consist of eight or nine dishes? How is a newspaper more convenient medium of news? (iv) What were some famous careers for the young people in the past? ¥) What role does a library play to promote the habit of book reading? (vi)_On what condition was the criminal allowed to leave? (vii) Why did the prisoner support Pip? (viii) How is fossil SECTION - 1 3. Translate into Urdu OR Re-write into simple English the following paragraph 8 ‘pli s a traditional practice for adults to give children red envelopes filled with money in order to symbolize wealth and prosperity for the coming year. It is also commnon for elders to present red packets to unmarried members ofthe family. Envelopes are not to be opened until the recipient has left the home of the giver.” Write down the summary of the poem “ The Rain ” written by WH. Davies, 5 OR Paraphrase the following lines into simple English with reference to the context : Ifwe strive, 'tis no disgrace ‘Though we did not win the race -- ‘What should you do in that case? Try again, energy a finite source? (Tum Over) @ LEC) Io 14 is 5. Write an essay of 150-200 words on any ONE of the following topics J (a) My Hobby. (b) A Hockey Match. (©) Boy Scouts, . OR Write a paragraph of 100-150 words on any ONE of the following topics : (a) Girl Guides. (b) Allama Iqbal. (c) A Road Accident. - 6. Change any FIVE of the following sentences into indirect form }) The teacher said 10 Mueen, “ | have taught you and your sister.” (ii) He said to me, * You are not running very fast.” (iii) The teacher said, “ Did you do your home task yesterday?” (iv) Rehana said, “ Will you stop interfering in my work?” (v)_ She said to me, “ Please lend me your camera for a day.” (vi) The judge said, “ Call the next witness.” (vii) She said, “ May you prosper!” (viii) ‘The teacher will say, * You have done your work very well.” 7. Use any FIVE of the following pair of words in your own sentences : (i) Alter, Altar (ji) Bare, Bear ii) Device, Devise (iv) Loose, Lose (¥) Flour, Floor (vi) Populous, Popular (vii) Way, Weigh (viii) Sole, Soul 8. Translate the following paragraph into English : we tng eiigherlas 2g SE Mikey Un eee LIE i ey Beslan MI BE bin he Sa W a Lb onl ot b Fitness ie Lol ttt ox wc tnadlr 8esSuId 1 -eten Exclusively for candidates whose Medium of Examination is English (Question ~ 8 Alternative to Urdu Translation) 8, Write Ten sentences about * My School ”. 204-019-1-(Essay Type)-140000 8 Rall No, (To be filled in by the candidate) (Academic Sessions 2015-2017 to 2017-2019 ) ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) 019-(10™ CLASS) Time Allowed : 20 Minutes Q PAPER =I ( Objective Type ) GROUP -II ‘Maximum Marks : 19 PAPER CODE = 7016 Note : Four possible answers A, B, C and D to each question are given. The choice which you think is correct, fill that circle in front of that question with Marker or Pen ink in the answer-book. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles sheet_: 1-1 [She -- French at present. (A)_is learning (B)_ learnt (©)_wasleaming _(D) team 2_| She — in this office for seven years. (A)_had worked (B)_worked (©)_is working (D)_has been working | 3_| After you -- T went to sleep. (A)_has left (B)_had left (©) leaves (D)_will leave [1 tea when the door bell rang. (A)_made (B)_making (C)_was making _(D)_make 5 | t—~to rain an hour ago. (A) begins (B)_began (©)_begin (D)_will begin Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubbles sheet : 6_[(A) Customary (B)_Cusstomary (©) Costomary _ (D)_Custommary 7_|(A) Intersede (B)_Entercede (© Entersede _(D)_Intercede 8 | (A) Leisur (B) Leisure (© Laisure (D) Lisure 9 [(A) Sequance (B)_Saquence (©) Seequence _(D)_ Sequence Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles sheet : 10 | The synonym of “current” is = (A) dated (B)_up-to-date (©)_new @) old TT | The antonym of “consume” is : (A) utilize (B) use (©) save (D)_expel 12 [Last summer, we -- many places. (A) visited (B)_haye visited (©) visit (D)_visits 13 [* The most vulnerable will be population in developing countries". The underlined word means (A)_secure (B)_in danger (©) still (D) old 14 | She was angry — my behaviour. (A)_with, (B) to (©) from (D) at Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles sheet _: 15” | * Flying above the lake at this time of night seems a fittle dangerous’. The underlined phrase isa/an: (A) infinitive phrase (B) prepositional phrase | (C)_appositive phrase__(D)_gerund phrase 16 | Tam afraid T cannot afford to spend too much money. The underlined part of sentence Is a/an (A)_gerund (B)_participle (©) infinitive (D)_ preposition 17 |The watchman blew his whistle. The underlined word is a/ an — verb. (A)_transitive (B)_ intransitive (C)_regular (D) auxiliary 18 | Because he was late, he missed the first period, The underlined part of the seutence is wan > (A) dependent clause (B) independent clause (©)_telative clause (D) _adjective clause 19 | Maria fell over the cat. Identify the phrase. (A) infinitive phrase _(B) prepositional phrase _(C) gerund phrase _(D) absolute phrase 205-019-I1-(Objective Type) 32250 ( 7016) (To be filled in by the candidate) (Academie Sessions 2015-2017 to 2017-2019 ) all No, £NGLISH (COMPULSORY) 019-( 10" CLASS) Time Allowed : 2.10 hours PAPER - II ( Essay Type) GROUP- IL Maximum Marks : 56 SECTION -1 2. Answer any FIVE of the following questions : (i) How can people achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life? (ii) Why is the Chinese New Year never on the same day each year? (iii) Is there any need of proper career counselling department? Why? (iv) How does a book connect the reader and the writer? (v) What can we learn from failure? (vi). When do you need to see a doctor? (vii) How does television make us lazy? (viii) Who was Joe? How did he treat Pip? SECTION - II 3. Translate into Urdu OR Re-write into simple English the following paragraph : 8 Tam glad that [ have got a taste of what the real world has to offer. 1 have learned many lessons from my Public High School, boarding school, and work experiences. I am now ready to lean many more lessons through my college experience. Although it has been tough, I have succeeded so far. 1 ‘am prepared to excel and make it much further in the years to come with my college education, 4, Write down the summary of the poem “ Try Again” written by W.E. Hickson. OR Paraphrase the following lines into simple English with reference to the context : And when the sun comes out, ‘After this rain shall stop, A wondrous light will fill Each dark, round drop; (Turn Over) 10 Q) 5. Write an essay of 150-200 words on any ONE of the following topics : Ss (@) Life inaBigCity. (6) Boy Scouts. (© Sports and Games. OR Write a paragraph of 100-150 words on any ONE of the following topics : (@) My School. (b) ARiverin Flood, (¢) Pakistani Women. 6. Change any FIVE of the following sentences into indirect form : 3 (i) She said, “1 am working hard.” i) He said, “ She will go there.” (iii) She said to me, “ Tell the truth.” (iv) He said, “ May Allah help me do my duty.” (v) You will say, " She is cranky.” (vi) He said, “ How well she sings!” (vii) He says, “ I want to speak to you.” (viii) He said, “ Alas! I am ruined.” 7. Use any FIVE of the following pair of words in your own sentences 3 (i) Die, Dye (ii) Feet, Feat (ii) Meet, Meat_—_(iv) Principal, Principle (v) Stationary, Stationery (vi) Team, Teem (vii) Waste, Waist (viii) Affect, Effect 8 8. Translate the following paragraph into English : wisp Les Leta Pint tential pda Shey Bar tinureit VP ggienicss LrAlge Sis iniserlopon te Exclusively for candidates whose Medium of Examination is English (Question — 8 Alternative to Urdu Translation) 8. Write Ten sentences about “ A Street Quarrel ”. 8 205-019-II-(Essay Type)-129000

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