Micro-Compression Study of Ni-Fe (Co) - Ga Magnetic Shape Memory Alloy For MEMS Sensors

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Micro-Compression Study of Ni-Fe(Co)-Ga Magnetic

Shape Memory Alloy for MEMS Sensors

Kengo Igawa1,2,3, Tso-Fu Mark Chang1,2,3, Chun-Yi Chen1,2,3, Akira Umise2,4, Takashi Nagoshi 5, Masaki Tahara1,2,
Tomonari Inamura1,2, Hideki Hosoda1,2, Volodymyr A. Chernenko1,6,7, Masato Sone1,2,3
Laboratory for Materials and Structures, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan
Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology,
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan
CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan
Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo 101-0062, Japan
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Ibaraki 305-8564 Japan
BCMaterials & University of Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Bilbao 48080, Spain
Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science, Bilbao 48013, Spain
E-mail: sone.m.aa@m.titech.ac.jp

Abstract—Magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs) are induced strain with a relatively high frequency. Hence, these
expected to be implemented into micro actuators and sensors materials are very attractive for applications in the rapid micro-
because they have a large magnetic field induced strain combined actuators and sensors.
and high response frequency. On the other hand, when dimensions Heusler type Ni50Fe19Co4Ga27 (at.%) alloy is one of the
of metallic materials are reduced from a bulk size to the MSMAs which exhibits a reduced hysteresis in the superelastic
micrometer scale, the mechanical response would vary along with regime [4]. MSMAs showing small hysteresis possess the high
the dimension change. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the stability to fatigue [5]. The A for the Ni50Fe19Co4Ga27 alloy is
mechanical properties of microscale specimens of shape memory about 270 K [4]. Therefore, this MSMA is appropriate to study
alloys to be implemented in miniaturized devices. In the present
a superelastic behavior in the compression mode at the room
work, the superelastic properties of the single crystal of
Ni50Fe19Co4Ga27 (at.%) MSMA have been studied by a micro-
temperature and above it.
compression testing. The specimens were micropillars, fabricated When SMAs are examined on the microscale, the
by a focus ion beam technique. The compression stress-strain mechanical response and its temperature dependence can be
hysteretic dependences show typical superelastic behavior in a significantly different than those in the bulk alloy [6,7]. It is also
wide temperature range alongside a tendency to disappearance of typical for SMAs that MT temperatures change as a function of
hysteresis near the critical point at about 373K. The temperature the specimen size. For instance, in the Cu-Al-Ni microwire the
shifts the martensitic transformation start stress with a rate of ~1.1 MT temperatures increase when diameter of the wire decreases
MPa/K, which is similar in value to the bulk alloy. Thus, the [7].
studied alloy could retain the superelastic properties, including in In this study, superelastic properties of the Ni50Fe19Co4Ga27
a postcritical region, down to microscale. micropillars have been disclosed by the micro-compression tests
at various temperatures and “stress – temperature” phase
Keywords—Ni-Fe(Co)-Ga Shape memory alloy; Superelasticity; diagram is obtained.
Micro-compression test
A. Fabrication of micro-pillars
Shape memory alloys (SMAs) exhibit a shape memory effect
(SME), when they recover, during heating across the reverse Crystallographic grains situated at the edge of a thin plate,
martensitic transformation (MT), a large deformation induced in cut from the Ni50Fe19Co4Ga27 polycrystalline alloy prepared in
martensite; and superlasticity effect (SE), when they are heavily this work, were used to fabricate the micropillars. Non-tapered
deformed and unloaded in austenite owing to reversible stress- pillar fabrication was conducted by a focused ion beam (FIB)
induced MT. SMAs exhibit SE in the temperature range between (FB2001, Hitachi) with ion irradiation parallel to the pillar axis.
the austenite transformation finish temperature ( ) and a The pillar fabrication steps are illustrated in Fig. 1. At first, two
maximum temperature (Md) where the conventional plastic squared areas were milled away from the plate leaving a
deformation of martensite occurs. SME and SE make SMAs rectangular pillar at its edge. Then, all corners of the pillar were
promising materials for the applications as actuators and/or further milled away by FIB at 45 deg. with the plate. Each face
sensors in the micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) [1, of the pillar was then polished with a low current beam to
2]. remove damaged surface and make it smooth. Final dimensions
The thermal actuation due to the SME is too slow, so the of the pillars were 10 × 10 × 20μm . The crystallographic
conventional nonmagnetic SMAs are not suitable for the orientation of each pillar was determined using scanning
applications requiring a high frequency response. To solve this electron microscope (SEM, S-4300SE, Hitachi) equipped with
problem, magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs) have been the electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) detector (e-Flash,
developed [3]. MSMAs can generate a large magnetic field Bruker AXS).

978-1-5090-1012-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

B. Micro-compression test III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
The micro-compression tests were conducted with an in- Images of the selected micro-pillar before and after full set
house made test machine [8]. The general view of machine and of the micro-compression tests are shown in Fig. 4. The as-
its components are shown in Fig. 2. Specimen holder attached to fabricated pillar was not tapered and had a smooth surface. The
the X-Y-Z stage was carefully manipulated to align the pillar crystal orientation along the compression axis was identified by
with a flat-ended indenter. The compression was controlled by a EBSD to be [436]. By comparing the pillar before and after the
test, shape and size of the pillar turned out not changed. In other
words, the pillar exhibited a perfect superelasticity effect.

Fig.1 Schematic showing flow of the pillar fabrication steps. Fig.4 SEM images of the micropillar before and after compressions
under different constant temperatures.

Fig.2 General view of machine designed for the mechanical testing of

micro-sized specimens and its schematic Fig.5 Stress-strain curves during compressive loading and unloading
of micropillar at different temperatures. Arrow indicate the MT start
stress at each temperature.

The engineering stress-strain curves at different

temperatures are shown in Fig. 5. The initial part of the curve at
room temperature (298K) is linear reflecting an elastic
deformation of austenite. When the stress reaches about 110
MPa, the stress-induced MT starts and during further loading the
preferentially oriented martensite variants are formed giving rise
to an accumulation of the significant deformation (about 3%).
After a plateau-like part of the curve corresponding to MT is
ended, the second linear part appears due to the elastic behavior
of martensitic phase. During unloading, the strain recovery
occurs due to the reverse MT with a stress hysteresis originated
Fig.3 The view of the temperature stage variable test. from the MT first-order character. The hysteretic stress-strain
piezoelectric actuator at a rate of 0.01 μm/s. The displacement loop, like the one obtained at room temperature, is a signature of
and the force applied were recorded by an AC/DC converter. the conventional superelastic effect. Fig. 5 shows evolution of
The in-situ optical images were obtained with a CCD camera. the superelastic curves with the temperature elevation. The
The temperature control during mechanical tests was realized by results confirm that the superelastic behavior occurs in the
placing the sample holder between two heaters, as shown in Fig. micropillars at all the test temperatures, also meaning that the
3. The thermocouple was in a contact with sample holder. Each temperature of this alloy is not achieved, i.e., it is higher than
“loading/unloading” cycle was performed at fixed temperatures 393K. The turning points on the stress-strain curves in Fig. 5
which was step-wise increased by 15~20 K. The temperature marked by arrows correspond to the MT start stress, σs. Two
was 298 K in the first cycle, and 393 K in the last cycle. main important features of the temperature evolution of
superelastic loops in Fig. 5 can be outlined: (i) increasing of
critical stress; and (ii) tendency to the disappearance of stress
Concerning evolution (i), despite large scatter of results, directly the pillar temperature, was approximated by straight
the plot depicted in Fig. 6 can be roughly approximated by a line according to Clausius-Capeyron relationship with a
straight line described by Clausius-Clapeyron equation: slope of ⁄ = 1.1 MPa/K which is similar to that in
/ =− / (1) the bulk alloy. It is speculated that (T) phase diagram is
where , Δ and is test temperature, transformation entropy terminated at a critical point. In a postcritical region, above
and transformation strain, respectively. Stress and directions 373 K, the micropillar should exhibit still large nonlinear
have the same sign and correspond to the same crystal anhysteretic strain behavior.
orientation. Since Δ is always negative, the derivative in Eq.(1) • The results imply that the pillars of Ni50Fe19Co4Ga27 MSMA
is always positive. The slope of line shown in Fig. 6 is equal to can retain the superelastic behavior in a wide range of
1.1 MPa/K. This value is similar to 0.95 MPa/K obtained for the temperatures similar to the bulk, which is advantageous for
bulk single crystal Ni49Fe18Ga27Co6 studied in the tensile mode applications in the microscale actuators and sensors.
and in different crystal direction [9]. Thus, Ni-Fe(Co)-Ga
micropillars retain superelastic properties observed in the bulk. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
This work has been supported by the Grant-in-Aid for
200 Scientific Research (S) (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number
26220907), Wakate B (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number
160 26870194) and CREST Project (#14531864) operated by the
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), as well as by the

120 project MAT2014-56116-C4-3-4-R by Spanish Ministry of

Economy and Competitiveness.
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