Harshraj Solanki Summer Internship Interim Report

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“The Contribution of Sustainable Operations Management Practices &
1. Details of the Student Intern

a) Name : Harshraj Solanki

b) Enrollment Number : 20220201478

c) Mobile : 8849334105
d) Email : 20220201478@karnavatiuniversity.edu.in

e) Reporting Time(in and out) : 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM

f) Category : Marketing

2. Details of the Organization

a) Name : Amul (GCMNF)

b) Branch/Unit : GCMNF KAKARIYA

c) Address : Kankaria's Football Ground, Bhakt Vallabh Dhola Marg, Dutt
Society, Kankaria, Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380002

3. Details of the Industry Guide

a) Name : Ms. Shikha Sinha Mam

b) Designation: Senior TSI

c) Email Id : shikha.sinha@amul.coop
d) Contact Number : 7878968150

4. Details of the Faculty Guide

a) Name : Tanmaya Mishra Sir

b) Email Id : tanmaya@karnavatiuniversity.edu.in
c) Title of Project : “The Contribution of Sustainable Operations Management
Practices & Benefits”

d) Contact Number : 9879353901

“ The Contribution of Sustainable Operations Management Practices &
Benefits ”

Introduction to AMUL(GCMNF) :
Amul, a renowned dairy cooperative managed by the Gujarat Cooperative
Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), is a beacon of innovative
management practices in India's agro-industry. GCMMF has cultivated a
workplace culture that prioritizes employees' work-life balance, recognizing
that a satisfied workforce is instrumental to sustained success. Through
flexible working hours, comprehensive wellness programs, and
opportunities for professional development, Amul ensures that its
employees are motivated and productive. This commitment to employee
well-being not only enhances job satisfaction but also fosters a culture of
loyalty and efficiency, crucial for maintaining Amul's competitive edge in
the market.
In addition to nurturing a supportive work environment, Amul employs a
robust target and reward system to drive performance. By aligning
individual and team goals with the organization's strategic objectives, Amul
ensures a cohesive and focused approach to achieving excellence.
Performance-based incentives, recognition programs, and career
advancement opportunities are integral to this system, motivating
employees to exceed expectations. Complementing this is Amul's dynamic
marketing management strategy, which leverages innovative campaigns and
a strong brand presence to capture and retain market share. By continually
adapting to consumer needs and market trends, Amul maintains its position
as a leader in the dairy industry, exemplifying a holistic approach to
corporate success.

Objective of SIP
The primary objective of my SIP at Amul GCMMF is to gain practical
experience and comprehensive knowledge in marketing and sales within the
dairy industry. This will be achieved by actively participating in and
contributing to various marketing and sales activities, campaigns, and strategies
implemented by Amul.
Learning Goals:
1. Understanding Marketing Strategies:
Learn about Amul’s marketing strategies, including product positioning,
market segmentation, and consumer targeting.
Gain insights into the creation and execution of marketing campaigns,
both digital and traditional, and measure their effectiveness.
2. Sales Techniques and Processes:
Acquire hands-on experience in sales operations, including customer
relationship management, sales forecasting, and performance analysis.
Understand the dynamics of the sales process, from lead generation to
closing deals, and learn how to use sales tools and software.
3. Market Research and Analysis:
Conduct market research to understand consumer behavior,
market trends, and competitive landscape.
Learn to analyze data to derive actionable insights that can inform
marketing and sales strategies.
4. Product Knowledge and Brand Management:
Deepen understanding of Amul’s product portfolio and its positioning in
the market.
Learn how to manage and enhance brand equity through consistent
messaging and customer engagement.

Relevance to my Current BBA Studies:

The learning from this SIP will significantly enhance my understanding of
marketing and sales concepts covered in my Bachelor’s in Business
Administration (BBA) program. The practical exposure will complement
theoretical knowledge, providing a real-world context to subjects such as
marketing management, consumer behavior, and sales techniques. This hands-
on experience will also improve my analytical skills, critical thinking, and
decision-making abilities, making me better prepared for academic projects
and examinations.
Future Career Benefits:
The skills and knowledge gained during this internship will be invaluable in my
future career. Understanding effective marketing and sales strategies will
position me well for roles in marketing, sales, and business development. The
ability to conduct market research and analyze data will be beneficial for
strategic planning roles. Furthermore, the experience of working with a leading
brand like Amul will enhance my resume and provide a competitive edge in the
job market, paving the way for a successful career in the business world.

Weekly Sales and Marketing Targets:

1. Sales Target for Amul Ice-Cream:

Achieve a sales increase of 10% each week for Amul ice-cream in the
designated areas (Chandkheda, Motera, and Gandhinagar).
Ensure placement of Amul ice-cream in at least 5 new retail outlets each
Conduct at least 3 in-store sampling events per week to boost product
visibility and sales.
2. Marketing Initiatives:
Design and execute at least one localized marketing campaign per week
aimed at increasing brand awareness and customer engagement for Amul
Utilize social media platforms to promote Amul ice-cream, aiming for a
15% increase in online engagement (likes, shares, comments) each week.
Gather customer feedback through surveys and interactions during
promotional events to understand consumer preferences and areas for
Market Research Task at Reliance Mart:
1. Competitor Analysis:
Conduct thorough research on how competitors like Vadilal, Hocco, and
Baskin Robbins place their products in Reliance Mart in the areas of
Chandkheda, Motera, and Gandhinagar.
Observe and document the SKU of other competitor brand, shelf
placement, packaging, and point-of-sale displays used by competitors.
Analyze pricing strategies, including any discounts, bundle offers, or
loyalty programs that competitors are employing.
2. Promotional Strategies:
Identify and record the various promotional strategies used by
competitors, such as in-store promotions, advertising materials, and
digital marketing efforts.
Evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies by assessing customer
response and sales volume, if accessible.
3. Product Placement and Visibility:
Map out the product placement strategies of Vadilal, Hocco, and Baskin
Robbins, noting the visibility and accessibility of their ice-cream
Compare these strategies with those of Amul to identify potential areas
for improvement in product placement and visibility.

Strategy to Complete the task :

So basically to effectively complete the tasks assigned by Amul, I adopted a
multi-faceted strategy which combines direct market engagement, competitive
analysis, and data-driven decision-making. The key components of this strategy

(A) Direct Market Engagement:

So i personally visited all the Reliance Mart stores in Chandkheda, Motera to
observe firsthand the product placement, promotional strategies, and customer
interactions with competitor products like Vadilal, Hocco, and Baskin Robbins.
During these visits, I engaged with store managers and staff to gather insights
into consumer preferences and sales trends.
(B) Competitor Analysis:
I conducted a thorough analysis of how competitors placed their products, the
types of promotional offers they used, and the effectiveness of their marketing
I documented the shelf placement, packaging, and point-of-sale displays to
compare them with Amul’s current strategies.
(C) Data Collection and Analysis:
I collected data on sales performance, customer feedback, and promotional
effectiveness from various sources, including store visits and internal reports
provided by Ms. Shikha Sinha, our industry guide.
I analyzed this data to identify trends, strengths, and weaknesses in Amul’s
current approach compared to competitors.

~ One specific strategy I Observed was the implementation of Choice

Architecture which influence consumer behavior in favor of Amul ice-cream.
This involved:

(A) Product Placement Optimization:

Based on my observations, I recommended strategic adjustments to the

placement of Amul ice-cream in Reliance Mart stores to enhance visibility and
accessibility. This included positioning products at eye level and near high-
traffic areas like store entrances and checkout counters.

(B) Promotional Offer Design:

So from my observations i can suggest to AMUL is to do promotional offers

that leveraged the principles of choice architecture, such as “Buy One Get One
Free” (BOGO) and bundled deals, which were prominently displayed to
encourage impulse purchases.
(C) Enhanced In-Store Experience:

As per my opinion i suggest to creating attractive and informative in-store

displays that highlighted the unique selling points of Amul ice-cream, such as
its rich taste and variety of flavors, to differentiate it from competitors.

Our industry guide Ms. Shikha Sinha Mam, had played a crucial role in the
development and refinement of these strategies by Providing Key Information,
they provided valuable insights into Amul’s sales targets, marketing goals, and
historical performance data, which helped me align my strategies with the
company’s objectives.


(on the basis of my task “Visiting all the Relaince mart”)
(1) Strengths :
(A) Brand Value :- Amul is a well-established and highly recognized brand
in India, synonymous with quality dairy products, which provides a
competitive edge in the market.

(B) Consumer Trust :- Amul has cultivated a deep level of trust among
consumers due to its consistent delivery of high-quality and safe products over
the years, resulting in strong customer loyalty.
(C) Experience :- With decades of experience in the dairy industry, Amul
has honed its production, distribution, and marketing processes. This
extensive experience allows for efficient operations and quick adaptation to
market changes.
(D) Affordable Pricing :- Amul offers competitively priced products,
making high-quality ice-cream accessible to a large segment of the
population, which boosts sales and market presence.
(2) Weaknesses :
(A) Neglect of Customer Reviews and Complaints :- Amul tends to
overlook customer feedback and complaints, which can lead to
dissatisfaction and a negative perception of the brand over time.
(B) Lack of Communication with Retail Shop Owners :- There is insufficient
communication and engagement with retail shop owners, which can hinder the
effectiveness of product placement, promotions, and overall sales efforts.
(C) Supply Chain Challenges :- Amul faces issues in its supply chain
management, which can result in inconsistent product availability and
potentially affect customer satisfaction and loyalty.
(D) Slow Response to Market Trends :- Amul sometimes shows a slower
response to emerging market trends and consumer preferences, which can
result in missed opportunities and reduced competitiveness.

(3) Opportunities
(A) Market Share Expansion :- Despite the competition, Amul has the
potential to significantly increase its market share through strategic market
penetration, leveraging its strong brand and trust among consumers.

(B) Product Diversification :- Introducing new and innovative ice-cream flavors,

including premium and health-conscious options, can attract a broader
customer base and tap into emerging consumer trends.
(C) Enhanced Market Penetration :- Expanding into untapped rural and
semi- urban markets with targeted marketing strategies can drive growth and
increase Amul’s presence in less saturated areas.
(D) Health-Conscious Product Lines :- Developing low-fat, low-sugar, and
organic ice-cream options can cater to health-conscious consumers, expanding
Amul’s market appeal and addressing growing health trends.

(4) Threats
(A) Intense Market Competition :- The ice-cream market is highly competitive,
with strong players like Vadilal, Hocco, and Baskin Robbins, posing a threat
to Amul’s market share through aggressive marketing and innovative product

(B) Entry of Hocco into the Ice-Cream Market :- Hocco's entry into the ice-
cream market brings new competition, potentially drawing customers away
from Amul with its fresh and appealing offerings.
(C) Hocco’s Investment in Marketing and Product Packaging :- Hocco’s
significant investment in marketing and attractive product packaging can
attract a large customer base, challenging Amul’s market position.
(D) Changing Consumer Preferences :- Rapid shifts in consumer preferences
towards healthier or more exotic ice-cream options could impact Amul’s
traditional product lines.

The major issues identified in my work at Amul revolve around neglecting
customer feedback, insufficient communication with retail shop owners,
supply chain challenges, and a slow response to market trends. These issues
hinder Amul’s potential to fully capitalize on its strong brand presence and
consumer trust. The current approach to customer reviews and complaints
needs improvement to enhance consumer satisfaction and loyalty. Moreover,
better engagement with retail partners can lead to more effective product
placement and promotional activities. Addressing supply chain inefficiencies
and adopting a more agile response to market trends will enable Amul to stay
competitive and seize emerging opportunities in the ice-cream market.
To better achieve the tasks and targets, a more structured and systematic
approach could be employed. Enhanced communication channels with retail
partners would ensure optimal product placement and promotional execution.
Regular collection and analysis of customer feedback could inform adjustments
in product offerings and marketing strategies. Additionally, a proactive stance
in monitoring and responding to market trends can help Amul introduce
innovative products and maintain its market leadership. Overall, my experience
in this project has provided valuable insights into the importance of a holistic
and responsive strategy in marketing and sales. It highlighted the critical role of
data-driven decision-making, customer engagement, and agile management
practices in achieving corporate success and sustaining competitive advantage.

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