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Established in 2022, the Constitution Club serves as a platform dedicated to fostering

discussions that both align with and challenge prevailing narratives. With a mission to
promote diverse perspectives, it guides conversations on burning issues, aiming to contribute
to a strong and prosperous Bharat within a fair global context. Recognizing Bharat's
significance in the knowledge era, the club advocates for proactive engagement in global
dialogues, emphasizing sustainable growth and amplifying voices on global platforms.
Through impartial, thoroughly researched analyses, it provides insights to decision-makers
worldwide, while also nurturing emerging leaders and fostering inclusive platforms.

To facilitate these discussions, the club invites speakers or a moderator who can provide a
clear understanding of the topic at hand and answer any questions that may arise during the
discussion. The speakers are experts in their field and have a deep understanding of the
subject matter, which makes the discussions informative and engaging.

In addition to discussing current affairs, the Constitution Club also delves into legal topics.
This is particularly important as the youth need to have a good understanding of the laws that
govern their society. The club invites legal experts who can provide a clear understanding of
the legal framework and how it impacts society. This not only helps the youth gain knowledge
but also encourages them to be responsible citizens who are aware of their rights and duties.
Overall, the Constitution Club run provides a platform where an expert and enthusiasts come
together to dissect complex issues, exchange ideas, and brainstorm solutions. The club plays
a vital role in shaping the youth's opinions and encourages them to be responsible citizens of
our beloved Bharat.


To create awareness among people

To create a positive environment of discussion
To involve youth to discuss social and
national issues
To provide a platform to public, where they
can engage for such issues
To amplify Your Advocacy skill
To contribute in a positive Change
Event Highlights
Popular Front of India banned by the Government
Date: 1st November, 2022

On November 1, 2022, a significant event took place featuring a discussion on the Popular Front of India
(PFI). The event attracted a notable audience of 20 participants, eager to engage in a discourse led by Shri
Nilesh Tharwani, a distinguished Gold medalist in Constitutional Law. The topic under consideration
sparked intellectual curiosity among the attendees, paving the way for an insightful and thought-
provoking discussion.

Shri Nilesh Ji, with his profound expertise in Constitutional Law, took center stage as the key speaker. His
extensive knowledge on the subject brought a unique perspective to the discourse, shedding light on the
historical context, legal implications, and socio-political dimensions of the Popular Front of India.
Participants were treated to an in-depth analysis that not only delved into the organization's origins and
evolution but also critically examined its role within the broader societal framework. The event provided
an invaluable opportunity for attendees to gain a nuanced understanding of the Popular Front of India,
fostering a platform for informed dialogue and intellectual exchange. Shri Nilesh Tiwari's articulate
presentation and the subsequent interactive session left a lasting impact on the participants,
contributing to a heightened awareness of the complexities surrounding this significant socio-political

Sri Lanka Economic Crisis

Date: 19th November, 2022

On November 19, 2022, a significant and timely discussion unfolded on the Sri Lanka Economic Crisis,
bringing together 20 participants to delve into the multifaceted challenges faced by the island nation.
The event, marked by a sense of urgency and concern, sought to address the economic downturn that
had gripped Sri Lanka and prompted a thoughtful analysis of its root causes and potential solutions. The
speaker for the session, Shri Kushal Agrawal, a distinguished Research Analyst affiliated with the Indian
Pugwash Society.

During the discussion, Shri Kushal Agrawal presented a comprehensive overview of the economic
predicament in Sri Lanka, shedding light on key factors such as rising inflation, dwindling foreign reserves,
and mounting debt obligations. Participants actively engaged in the discourse, contributing insights on
the role of global economic dynamics, domestic policies, and the impact of external factors on Sri Lanka's
economic stability. The session not only served as a platform for information exchange but also fostered
a collaborative environment where potential strategies and interventions were explored to mitigate the
crisis. Shri Kushal Agrawal's expertise provided a valuable foundation for the dialogue, enabling
participants to gain a deeper understanding of the intricate economic challenges facing Sri Lanka.

The insights garnered during this session laid the groundwork for future collaborations, policy
considerations, and international engagements aimed at supporting Sri Lanka in navigating through these
challenging economic times. The exchange of ideas and perspectives showcased the significance of
collaborative efforts in addressing complex global issues and underscored the importance of continued
dialogue and research in finding sustainable solutions for nations facing economic crises.
Event Highlights

Disqualification of Rahul Gandhi from Lok Sabha

Date: 9th April, 2023

On April 9, 2023, a significant event unfolded as 30 participants gathered to discuss the contentious issue of
the disqualification of Rahul Gandhi from the Lok Sabha. The meeting, presided over by Advocate Gargi
Warunjikar, an esteemed advocate of the Bombay High Court, brought together legal minds, scholars, and
individuals interested in the intersection of politics and law. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation
as participants engaged in a robust exchange of perspectives, analyzing the legal intricacies and political
implications surrounding Rahul Gandhi's disqualification.
Advocate Warunjikar, navigated through the complex web of constitutional provisions and legal precedents
that shaped the discourse. The discussion delved into the allegations and legal grounds leading to Rahul
Gandhi's disqualification, exploring the broader implications for parliamentary representation and
democratic norms. Participants examined whether the decision aligned with the principles of justice and
fairness, and whether it set a precedent for future cases involving political leaders.
The event underscored the importance of open dialogue and informed debate in shaping public opinion on
issues of national significance, serving as a testament to the role of legal forums in promoting transparency
and accountability in the democratic process.

Same Sex Marriage

Date: 7th May, 2023

On the 7th of May 2023, a significant event unfolded, sparking intellectual conversations and fostering
awareness on the subject of same-sex marriage. The gathering brought together 30 participants eager to
engage in an enlightening discourse. The focal point of the event was the address delivered by Advocate Akash
Kotecha, a distinguished legal professional from the Bombay High Court. His expertise and experience lent
authority to the discussions, guiding participants through the complex legal, social, and cultural dimensions
surrounding the topic.
Advocate Akash Kotecha's discourse delved into the legal intricacies surrounding same-sex marriage, exploring
the challenges and advancements within the legal landscape. The participants actively participated in the
dialogue, sharing diverse perspectives that reflected the evolving societal attitudes towards this fundamental
human right. The event served as a platform for individuals to gain a deeper understanding of the legal
frameworks, precedents, and ongoing debates that shape the discourse on same-sex marriage. As the
discussion unfolded, it became evident that this event was a crucial milestone in promoting awareness,
fostering inclusivity, and encouraging open dialogue on a subject that holds significant implications for human
rights and social justice.

Forced Conversion and the Kerala Story

Date: 17th May, 2023

On May 17, 2023, a significant event unfolded in Kerala, where the pressing issue of forced conversions took
center stage. The symposium, attended by 40 participants, provided a platform for an in-depth discussion on
the matter. Advocate Naveen Chomal, a distinguished legal expert from the Bombay High Court, served as the
keynote speaker, shedding light on the legal implications and societal repercussions of forced conversions.

Advocate Chomal's presentation delved into the complex landscape of forced conversions, addressing the
legal frameworks in place to safeguard individuals' right to freedom of religion. The discussion also highlighted
specific cases and instances from Kerala, emphasizing the importance of upholding secular values and
protecting the autonomy of individuals in matters of faith. The event served as a catalyst for a broader
dialogue on the need for strengthened legislation and increased awareness to combat forced conversions. The
insightful discourse, led by Advocate Naveen Chomal, not only provided legal perspectives but also fostered a
shared understanding among participants, paving the way for collaborative efforts in addressing this pertinent
issue in Kerala and beyond.
Event Highlights
Need of Uniform Civil Code
Date: 17th July, 2023

On July 17, 2023, a significant event unfolded, focusing on the contentious topic of the Uniform Civil Code.
With a gathering of 50 participants, the discourse was led by Eshaan Ganpule, the Organizing Secretary of
ABVP Mumbai. The event provided a platform for a diverse group of individuals to engage in a
comprehensive discussion regarding the implementation and implications of a Uniform Civil Code in India.

Eshaan Ganpule, as the speaker, brought forth insights on the historical context, legal intricacies, and
societal impact of a Uniform Civil Code. The participants actively contributed to the discourse, sharing
varied perspectives on the challenges and benefits associated with such a code. The lively exchange of
ideas and opinions underscored the complexity of this issue, with considerations ranging from cultural
diversity to individual rights. The event served as a valuable opportunity for the attendees to gain a deeper
understanding of the Uniform Civil Code and its potential implications on the Indian legal and social

One Nation One Election

Date: 24th September, 2023

On September 24, 2023, a significant event unfolded with the discussion of the "One Nation One Election"
concept. This discourse brought together 180 participants to delve into the implications and feasibility of
synchronizing elections across the nation. The distinguished speaker for the occasion was Dr. Vinay
Saharshbuddhe, the President of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations. The event marked a crucial
platform for stakeholders to exchange ideas and perspectives on the potential advantages and challenges
associated with the idea of aligning electoral cycles in the country.

Dr. Vinay Saharshbuddhe's address provided a comprehensive insight into the political, logistical, and
constitutional aspects of implementing the One Nation One Election system. Participants engaged in
dynamic discussions, exploring the potential benefits such as increased administrative efficiency and
reduced election-related expenditures. Simultaneously, concerns were addressed regarding the need for
synchronized political calendars, maintaining federal integrity, and ensuring a fair representation of diverse
regional sentiments. The event played a pivotal role in fostering a nuanced understanding of the concept
among attendees, leaving them with valuable insights to contribute to the ongoing discourse surrounding
electoral reforms in the country.

Rise of Terrorism in Israel

Date: 7th November, 2023

On November 7, 2023, a significant event unfolded, bringing attention to the alarming rise of terrorism in
Israel. The forum gathered 150 participants, all keenly engaged in a discourse led by Shri Kobbi Shoshani,
the Counsel General of Israel for Midwest India. The gravity of the situation and the urgency of addressing
this issue were underscored during the session, as Shoshani, an authoritative figure, shed light on the
complexities surrounding the escalating acts of terrorism within the Israeli context.

Shri Kobbi Shoshani's comprehensive analysis delved into the root causes, historical backdrop, and
contemporary challenges posed by terrorism in Israel. The participants were provided with a nuanced
understanding of the socio-political dynamics contributing to the surge in extremist activities. The session
also explored potential strategies for mitigating the threats and fostering international cooperation to
counteract the growing menace. The report on this critical discussion would serve as a valuable resource in
comprehending the intricacies of the issue and formulating effective measures to address and curb the rise
of terrorism in Israel.
Event Highlights
Unmasking the Future: Exploring the threats and Concerns of
Deepfake in the Era of AI

Date: 9th December, 2023

Khushbu Jain, an expert in AI and emerging technologies, delivered a compelling lecture titled "Unmasking
the Future: Exploring the Threats and Concerns of Deepfake in the Era of AI" at G J Advani Law College on
December 9, 2023. The event aimed to spotlight the rising threat of deepfake technology and its potential
implications in today's world.

Jain delved into the concept of deepfake, which utilizes AI to create deceptive videos or images that closely
resemble real ones. She underscored the rapid AI advancements facilitating the creation of increasingly
convincing deepfakes, raising alarms about their misuse.

Several risks associated with deepfake technology were outlined. Primarily, Jain emphasized the danger of
misinformation and fake news dissemination, jeopardizing public trust and potentially impacting national
security. Additionally, she discussed the implications of deepfakes on privacy and consent, highlighting the
urgent need for legal and technological safeguards.

Furthermore, Jain addressed the potential for deepfakes to fuel cyberbullying, harassment, and blackmail,
underscoring the devastating consequences for victims. In conclusion, her lecture underscored the
imperative for awareness, regulation, and mitigation strategies to combat the challenges posed by deepfakes
in the contemporary landscape

Humanitarian crisis in Indian conflict prone zones

Date: 21st December, 2023

Shri Sanjay Kumar Ji, a distinguished Member of the Maharashtra State Human Rights Commission, delivered
a compelling keynote address at GLC, Churchgate, on December 21, 2023. The event drew the attendance of
60 eager students, comprising 34 males and 26 females, who sought to gain insights into the humanitarian
crises plaguing Indian conflict zones.

During his address, Shri Sanjay Kumar Ji illuminated the unique challenges confronting regions like the North
East, stressing the imperative of tailored humanitarian responses. He underscored the significance of
comprehending the diverse cultural dynamics while tackling issues such as displacement and ethnic
tensions. Additionally, he shed light on the overlooked humanitarian concerns in Kerala and the complex
situation in Jammu & Kashmir, advocating for holistic approaches that consider socio-political landscapes
and local aspirations.

His comprehensive overview prompted reflections on the humanitarian challenges pervading various
conflicted zones in India. The speech catalyzed a call to action, urging collective efforts towards sustainable
solutions and support for affected communities. The participation of 60 students, including 34 males and 26
females, underscores the burgeoning interest and commitment to addressing these pressing issues.

The keynote address served as a pivotal platform for raising awareness and fostering dialogue on Indian
conflict zones' humanitarian crises. Through collaborative endeavors and informed discussions, endeavors
to create a more inclusive and compassionate society can be realized.
Event Highlights
Analysis of Hit-and-Run Provisions in Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita
Date: January 13, 2024

Introduction: On January 13, 2023, at 10:00 AM, Nalanda Law College in Mumbai hosted a thought-provoking
discussion on the Hit-and-Run provisions within the Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita. The speaker for this event was
the esteemed Advocate Prakash Salsingikar.

Discussion Highlights:
dv. Salsingikar began by providing an overview of the relevant legal framework surrounding hit-and-run
cases in Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita. He delved into the statutes and regulations that address these incidents,
emphasizing their importance in ensuring justice and accountability. The discussion then shifted to the
challenges and potential loopholes within the existing legal provisions. Adv. Salsingikar highlighted instances
where ambiguity or gaps in the law might impede the effective prosecution of hit-and-run cases, leading to a
lack of justice for victims. A comparative analysis of hit-and-run provisions in other jurisdictions was
presented. This allowed the audience to gain insights into global best practices and identify potential areas
of improvement within the Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita.

Advocate Prakash Salsingikar concluded the discussion by proposing potential reforms to strengthen the hit-
and-run provisions. These suggestions aimed to address the identified challenges and enhance the overall
effectiveness of the legal framework.

Women Empowerment
Date: March 14, 2024

Dr. Swati Rautela, Head of the Department of Law at the University of Mumbai, graced the occasion as the
speaker and chief guest, delivering a thought-provoking discourse on the subject.

Throughout her address, Dr. Rautela shed light on various facets of women's empowerment, touching upon
historical contexts and contemporary challenges. She delved into the origins of societal perceptions towards
women, tracing back to the era of Mughal invasions and the subsequent influence of Persian and Islamic
cultures. Dr. Rautela aptly highlighted how these historical events shaped the narrative around women,
often relegating them to the status of protected entities rather than individuals with agency and autonomy.

One of the pivotal points discussed during the event was the assertion that women in our country are
inherently empowered, with a rich legacy of strong and influential figures. Dr. Rautel emphasized the
importance of extending support to women in their endeavors, enabling them to realize their potential and
contribute meaningfully to society. Drawing parallels to historical figures like Jhansi ki Rani, Kalpana Chawla,
Mary Kom, and Sudha Murthy, she illustrated the remarkable achievements of empowered women who have
left an indelible mark on Indian society.

The interactive session saw active participation from the audience, with attendees engaging in discussions
and posing insightful questions to Dr. Rautela. Her responses were both comprehensive and insightful,
addressing various concerns and providing valuable perspectives on the subject of women's empowerment.

Key Points Highlighted:

Historical Context: The influence of Mughal invasions and Persian culture on societal perceptions towards

Inherent Empowerment: Acknowledgment of the inherent empowerment of women in India and the
importance of providing support for their endeavors.

Role Models: Recognition of historical and contemporary figures as exemplars of empowered women,
including Jhansi ki Rani, Kalpana Chawla, Mary Kom, and Sudha Murthy.
Event Highlights
UCC: A missing link to our Constitution
Date: April 13, 2024

On April 13, 2024, GLC, Mumbai, hosted a significant event. The panel discussion titled "UCC: A Missing Link in Our
Constitution" began with the arrival and introduction of the chief guests. Ms. Khushi Bhadra welcomed everyone,
setting a tone of receptivity and engagement.
A symbolic Deep Prajwalan, conducted by the Chief Guests and Speakers, marked the inauguration, symbolizing
dispelling darkness and the pursuit of knowledge. Then Mr. Harprit Singh Kaurav introduced the Constitution Club,
emphasizing its pivotal role in fostering discussions on burning issues, aligning with the discussion's theme.
Dr. Asmita Vaidya, Principal, GLC, Mumbai, delivered the felicitation speech, providing an overview of the Uniform
Civil Code (UCC) and emphasizing its significance in harmonizing diverse cultures and ensuring gender justice. She
highlighted the international relevance of UCC and mentioned that Goa and Uttarakhand are the only states to have
implemented UCC.

Key Points from Panelists:

Adv. Smt. Monika Arora

Adv. Monika Arora discussed the importance of the preamble and the three golden principles of the Bharat
Constitution: Art.14, Art.19, and Art.21. She emphasized the absence of a uniform family law in Bharat, covering
aspects like marriage, divorce, and succession. Adv. Monika Arora pointed out the lack of political will as a hindrance
to the implementation of UCC. She elaborated on the historical context of UCC, mentioning various acts like the Sati
Abolition Act, Hindu Widow Remarriage Act 1856, and the Shariat Act 1937. Adv. Monika Arora also referred to
significant case laws, such as State of Bombay vs. Narasu Appa Mali and Sarla Mudgal vs. Union of Bharat, to support
her arguments.

Adv. Monika Arora's insightful discussion provided a deep dive into the complexities surrounding the Uniform Civil
Code (UCC) debate in Bharat. She highlighted the inherent contradictions in the existing legal framework, where
personal laws based on religious beliefs often clash with the principles of equality and justice enshrined in the
Constitution. Adv. Monika Arora stressed the urgent need for a unified legal framework to address the diverse cultural
and religious practices prevalent in the country.
Drawing parallels with international practices, she underscored the progressive nature of UCC in ensuring gender
equality and social justice. By referencing pivotal case laws, she illustrated the evolving judicial stance on personal
laws and emphasized the role of the judiciary in interpreting and implementing constitutional provisions effectively.
Adv. Monika Arora's comprehensive analysis illuminated the path towards a more inclusive and harmonized legal
system, advocating for the adoption of UCC as a catalyst for societal transformation and progress.

Hon'ble Justice G R Swaminathan:

Justice Swaminathan began by referencing works by authors like Ramanatha Iyer and highlighted the Shah Bano case
related to triple talaq. He cited Justice Chandrachud's statement that Art.44 has remained a "dead letter." Justice
Swaminathan discussed the partition of Bharat based on religion and emphasized the importance of unity and the
rights of minorities in the country. He referred to case laws like Shah Bano case, Jordan Diengdeh vs. SS Chopra, and
State of Bombay vs. Narasu Appa Mali to provide insights into the legal aspects of UCC.

Justice Swaminathan's discourse was a blend of historical context and legal interpretation, providing a nuanced
understanding of the challenges and nuances surrounding the Uniform Civil Code (UCC). He delved into the socio-
political backdrop of Bharat's partition and its implications on the country's legal landscape, emphasizing the need for
a unified approach to ensure communal harmony and protect minority rights.
Highlighting the Shah Bano case, he shed light on the complexities arising from personal laws and the quest for gender
justice. His reference to Justice Chandrachud's observation regarding Art.44 served as a poignant reminder of the gap
between constitutional ideals and their practical implementation. By citing significant case laws, Justice Swaminathan
offered a comprehensive analysis of the legal frameworks governing personal laws and underscored the evolving
nature of jurisprudence in Bharat
Event Highlights
Questions and Answers:

The Q&A session was moderated by Mr. Rohan Dua.

Legal Pluralism vs. Art.44:

A question was raised regarding the conflict between legal pluralism and Art.44. Justice Swaminathan clarified that
Art.25 and Art.26 cannot override Art.44. He explained that while religious appointments can be secular, so can
marriage and divorce, concluding that Art.44 cannot be preceded by Art.25 or Art.26.
UCC and Minorities:

Adv. Monika Arora addressed concerns about UCC's applicability to minorities. She cited the UCC Uttarakhand 2024,
which covers marriage, divorce, succession, live-in relations, and miscellaneous aspects. Adv. Monika Arora
highlighted that UCC is not specific to any community and is applicable universally.
Child Birth under UCC:

A query was raised about child birth under UCC. Adv. Monika Arora responded by emphasizing that every child is
legitimate, and UCC recognizes child birth as a secular law, aiming for harmony and inclusivity.


The panel discussion illuminated the significance, challenges, and implications of implementing a Uniform Civil Code
in Bharat. Panelists emphasized the need for political will, harmonization of diverse cultures, and ensuring gender
justice through UCC. The session concluded with the singing of Maharashtra Geet and Vande Mataram, symbolizing
unity and patriotism. Discussions also explored the international relevance of UCC, drawing comparisons with global
practices and emphasizing Bharat's position on the global stage. Emphasis on gender justice, social
acknowledgment, and the fortification of culture provided a holistic view of the multifaceted benefits of a UCC. The
panel discussion not only highlighted the challenges and complexities but also showcased the potential of a
Uniform Civil Code in fostering unity, promoting gender justice, and harmonizing diverse cultural practices.

The session's conclusion with the Maharashtra Geet and Vande Mataram resonated with the spirit of unity, diversity,
and patriotism, encapsulating the essence of the discussions and the aspirations for a harmonious and inclusive
Event Highlights
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam:
Bharat’s Vishwabandhu approach to Global Relations
Date: May 13, 2024

Speaker: Dr. S. Jaishankar (Minister of External Affairs)


On May 13, 2024, Constitutional Club hosted the The event titled Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: Bharat’s Vishwabandhu
approach to Global Relations began with the arrival and introduction of the chief guest. Ms. Richa Mishra welcomed
everyone, setting a tone of receptivity and engagement.

A symbolic Deep Prajwalan, conducted by the Chief Guest Dr. S. Jaishankar and Convener of Constitution Club Harprit
Singh Kaurav and Nidhi Gala, Secretary of ABVP, marked the inauguration, symbolizing dispelling darkness and the pursuit
of knowledge.

“Then Mr. Harprit Singh Kaurav introduced the Constitution Club, with the quote वृहद् वदेम विदथे सुविरा:” emphasizing the
importance of dialogues, debates and discourse.

Key Points from Speaker:

Dr. S. Jaishankar commenced with a speech on "Vishvabandhu Bharat," drawing inspiration from Lord Ram's teachings
and the Mahabharata. He discussed the relevance of Ramayana and why India matters in the global context, emphasizing
the values of righteousness and selflessness. The world is one family with an emphasis on India's global role and
contributions. Dr. S. Jaishankar reflected on the current global scenario, acknowledging and emphasizing India's growing
economy and potential to reach the 50 trillion mark.
He underscored the importance of resource management, citing examples such as India's procurement of oil from Russia
and its strategic position in controlling various resources. The Minister highlighted India's achievements in foreign
relations, including its response to events like Pulwama, Balakot, and the 26/11 attacks, Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Hamas,
demonstrating India's commitment to global security. Dr. S. Jaishankar emphasized India's acceptance of the concept of
"Vishvabandhu Bharat" by the international community and discussed India's leadership role in various global issues. He
addressed challenges posed by COVID-19, focusing on India's efforts in medicine production, vaccine distribution, and
global cooperation. The Minister discussed India's role in international crises, such as the October 7 incident, and
emphasized the importance of connectivity and cooperation. Dr. S. Jaishankar concluded by highlighting India's position
of leadership and the importance of engaging the youth in shaping India's future

Dr. S. Jaishankar addressed a gathering focused on 'Viswa Bandhu Bharat', highlighting India's potential for global
partnerships. He emphasized India's capacity to engage with a diverse range of nations including the U.S., Europe, Russia,
African nations, Israel, Gulf countries, and Arab nations. Despite conflicts elsewhere, Dr. S. Jaishankar stressed India's
ability to collaborate with all countries on various fronts to advance national interests, underlining the principle of "Sabka
Saath, Sabka Vikas".

He reiterated India's commitment to global cooperation, aiming to foster development while building trust and mutual
belief. Dr. S. Jaishankar projected a vision of a developed India over the next 25 years, supported by robust global
relationships, citing Prime Minister Narendra Modi's efforts in fostering international partnerships during his tenure.

Discussing government initiatives to enhance global connectivity, Dr. S. Jaishankar mentioned three pipeline projects:
linking India with Europe via the UAE, establishing the International North-South Corridor via Iran and Russia, and
connecting Vietnam and the Indo-Pacific through the Odisha coastline and Northeast region. He highlighted the interest
of countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, Singapore, and Vietnam in partnering with India, foreseeing benefits in terms
of increased investment, employment, and connectivity.

Dr. S. Jaishankar emphasized that the upcoming election is not merely a contest between leaders and voters, but a
mission for the nation. He stated that the election will determine the country's course of action for the next 25 years
towards achieving a developed India.

The session's conclusion with Vande Mataram resonated with the spirit of unity, diversity, and patriotism, encapsulating
the essence of the discussions and the aspirations for a harmonious and inclusive society.
A few Glimpses from the Past
A few Glimpses from the Past

Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister

Dr. S. Jaishankar is India’s External Affairs Minister since May 30th, 2019. Ex
member of the Rajya Sabha from the state of Gujarat. He was Foreign Secretary
from 2015-18, Ambassador to United States (2013-15), China (2009-2013),
Singapore (2007-2009) and Czech Republic (2000-2004). He has also served
in other diplomatic assignments in Embassies in Moscow, Colombo, Budapest
and Tokyo, as well in the Ministry of External Affairs and the President’s
Secretariat. He was also President – Global Corporate Affairs at Tata Sons
Private Limited from May 2018. Dr S. Jaishankar is a graduate of St. Stephen’s
College at the University of Delhi. He has a Masters in Political Science and an
M. Phil and Ph.D in International Relations from Jawaharlal Nehru University,

Adv. Monika Arora, Supreme Court of India

Advocate Monika Arora is a distinguished legal practitioner renowned for her
expertise in criminal, civil, and family law matters. With a career spanning over
a decade, Advocate Arora has exemplified a commitment to delivering results
with integrity and professionalism. Her comprehensive range of services
includes handling arbitration matters, matrimonial issues, and drafting legal
documents with meticulous attention to detail. As a member of the Delhi High
Court Bar Association since her enrollment with the Bar Council of Delhi in
2007, Advocate Arora stands as a beacon of excellence in the legal fraternity.

Justice. G.R. Swaminathan, Madras High Court

Justice G R SwaminathanJustice G R Swaminathan is a distinguished jurist and

a sitting judge of the Madras High Court. With a career spanning over three
decades, Justice Swaminathan ji has exemplified unwavering commitment to
the pursuit of justice and the upholding of constitutional principles. From his
early days as a diligent junior counsel under renowned legal luminaries to his
tenure as Assistant Solicitor General of India, Justice Swaminathan ji has
demonstrated unparalleled expertise across civil, criminal, and constitutional

Throughout his career, Justice Swaminathan jihas been entrusted with pivotal
roles, from standing counsel for public sector undertakings to defending
crucial government interests.

Adv. Prakash Salsingikar

Adv. Prakash Salsingikar, a distinguished criminal lawyer and legal luminary
with multifaceted expertise. As the Vice President at Adhivakta Parishad,
Konkan Prant, and President of Maharashtra State at Dard Se Hamdard Tak
Legal Aid Initiatives, he champions justice with compassion. With roles as a
SPECIAL PUBLIC PROSECUTOR and Advocate at Bombay High Court, his
dedication to the legal realm is exemplary. Previously serving as an Additional
Public Prosecutor for the Union of India, his track record speaks volumes about
his commitment to upholding the law.

Shri. Sanjay Kumar

Shri Sanjay Kumar, a distinguished individual with a multifaceted career
spanning various prestigious roles. He commenced his journey as a District
Planning Officer at Aurangabad (Bihar) in 1988-89, before venturing into the
esteemed Indian Police Service (IPS) in 1989. Throughout his illustrious career,
he has served in pivotal capacities including ASP (Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur),
AddI.SP (Nanded), SP (Aurangabad), DCP Zone I (Nagpur), Commandant SPF G.r
VI (Nagpur), SP (Kolhapur), Spl.IGP (Aurangabad Range), Commissioner of
Police (Aurangabad), J.CP (Pune), ADG CID Crime, MS (Pune), Commissioner of
Police (Navi Mumbai) from August 2018 to August 2020, and ADG/DGP
(Training), MS, Mumbai. Notably, he also served as a Personnel Officer at the
United Nations Mission of Bosnia & Herzegovina at Sarajevo from June 1997 to
July 1998. His contributions extend to the Ministry of Home Affairs
(Intelligence Bureau) from 2002-2010, along with roles at SBI Mumbai, SIB
Nagpur, and SIB Bhubaneswar. Currently, he holds the esteemed position of
Member of the Maharashtra State Human Rights Commission, appointed by
the honorable Governor of Maharashtra.

Adv. Khushboo Jain

Adv. Khushbu Jain is a practicing advocate before the Supreme Court of India,
and founding partner ARK Legal. She is executive board member of ACFCS
India Chapter Board. She has also contributed to Maharashtra Cyber and
Bombay Management Association in an advisory
role.She curated a talk series ‘Reboot’ - a unique initiative of Bombay Stock
Exchange (BSE) incollaboration with Ark Legal, envisioned to address the
burgeoning need to engage with theintersections of finance, technology and
law.She is a recognised name in the field of cyber security and financial crimes
involvingtechnologies and provides comprehensive advice on technology-
related legal matters,including data privacy compliance, cybersecurity
preparedness and financial crimes.

Dr. Swati Routela

Swati D.S. Rautela is Professor and Head, Department of Law and In-charge
Director, Law Academy, University of Mumbai. She has participated in several
national and international conferences and has published research articles in
various journals. She has delivered guest lectures in various institutions to create
an awareness in constitutional law, international treaties and their implications,
intellectual property rights, rights relating to women and children, social justice
and protection of traditional knowledge from bio-piracy.

Consul General- Shri Kobbi Shoshani:

Kobbi Shoshani currently serves as the Consul General of Israel to
the Mumbai. He is the official representative of the state of Israel
in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Goa. Mr. Shoshani
joined Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1991. He served as a
first Secretary and Consul in the Embassies of Israel in Bangkok
and Tokyo from 1997 to 2002. In 1992, he has sent for 6-month
period, right after the establishment of the full diplomatic
relations between India and took part in forming our embassy in
the in New Delhi.

Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe:

He was a Member of the Rajya Sabha from 2016-22. He has also
served as National Vice President of Bharatiya Janata Party from
August 2014 – September 2020. In 2018 has been appointed as
President of Indian Council for Cultural Relations. He is the Vice
Chairman of Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini, a research and training
academy for elected representatives & social activists. As
Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha), he has also served as the
Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on
Education, Women, Children and Youth & Sports. He is regarded
as one of the foremost intellectuals from the BJP and RSS.

Dr. Sahasrabuddhe authored many books called "The Innovation

Republic", outlining key Governance Innovations during the first
tenure of Prime Minister Modi, "Beyond A Billion Ballots" and
some books in marathi and written many columns in prestigious

Adv Naveen Chomal:

Adv Naveen Chomal is practicing as a Criminal Lawyer in the city
of Mumbai, handling mostly criminal & at times corporate and
property matters in the High Courts and Supreme Court. He is
also engaged in the patriotic - nationalist activities. He holds the
post of Legal Advisor for the Maharashtra State Election
Commission & also has been advising the Mumbai Police.

Shri Eshaan Ganpule :

Eshaan Ganpule, a Students Rights activist with ABVP since 2012,
has been engaged in youth advocacy throughout Maharashtra.
He's a lawyer, having graduated from Savitribai Phule Pune
University, He was national In-charge of Students for
Development and represented India at the 2021 G20 summit in

Adv. Akash Kotecha:

Adv. Akash Kotecha is practicing in Bombay High Court since
2016. He holds a bachelor's degree in Law from New Law College
and a Master's degree from Vishwakarma University. He is also the
Founder and Managing Partner at Law Supremus providing his
services in Family Law, Copyright Law, Consumer Law and many

Adv. Gargi Warunjikar:

Gargi Warunjikar is an advocate practicing in Bombay High Court.
She is a graduate from Adv. Balasaheb Apte College of Law and
holds a Master's degree in Constitutional and administrative law
from Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai.

Shri Nilesh Parmanand Tharwani:

He has completed BBALLB (Hons) from University of Mumbai Law
academy. He is Gold medalist in Constitution Law and Has opted
for double specialisation in Insolvency Bankruptcy and
Investment Law.

He have been working for ABVP since 2018 and held several
responsibilities like Co covenor of ABVP south Mumbai, Media
convenor of Mumbai Mahanagar and Office Secretary of Mumbai.
Currently he is Joint Incharge of PR for ABVP Mumbai.
Impact on Youth
Discussion on forced conversion and Kerala Story:

A discussion deep diving into the realities of forced conversion was showcased by the film Kerala Story. The
Constitution club in order to make citizens and students aware of the harsh realities, organized a discussion on
the topic. The discussion surrounded around the cause of forced conversion and effective measures which can
be taken at the grassroots level by the citizens as well as the government. Polarity in thoughts and views
should not lead to forceful conversions and such acts should not affect the unity of India was the primary
focus which encircled the discussion. Senior Advocate Naveen Chomal graced the event by sharing his views
on the aforesaid topic.

Same-Sex Marriage:

In the wake of the Same-Sex Marriage judgment by the Constitution Bench of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of
India, the Constitution Club organized a joint discussion to exchange views on the same. The discussion turned
quite insightful wherein the scope extended from the views in our scriptures to the modern-day ideology of
marriage as an institution. The view expressed by the Supreme Court was formed the premise of whether the
implementation is legally achievable. The discussion was moderated by Adv. Akash Kotecha, who provided
insights on the legal view of the topic. In a way the attendees were provided with varied aspects of the topic
and worthful knowledge.

Disqualification of Rahul Gandhi from Lok Sabha:

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was convicted in a defamation case by a Gujarat Court which culminated in the
debate about the disqualification of Rahul Gandhi from Lok Sabha in view of the conviction. Whether the act
was constitutionally correct in view of the precedents and deep dive into the social and political angle was
introspected by a discussion organized by the Constitution Club. A basic understanding of the subject was
achieved in the process and legal aspect related to the same was appreciated by the attendees. Adv Gargi
Warunjikar, a Special guest on this very occasion was present to provide valuable insights on the issue.

Sri Lanka Economic Crisis

A nation-state which found itself in a situation wherein blindsided loans by China turned out quite
cumbersome in terms of its returns. Chinese debt trap mechanism of expansion and Socio-political, instability
in the region paved the way for Srilanka to lose its ports to the Chinese and find itself in an economic crisis. The
overall aspect was discussed and views were conferred during a discussion organized by the Constitution Club.

Popular Front Of India:

A group describing itself as a non-governmental social organisation whose stated objective is to work for the
poor and disadvantaged people in the country and to oppose oppression and exploitation is found to have
links with terror organizations, in the wake of the same, the Indian Government came down heavily on the
organization by putting a ban on its operations on India. Whether such a crackdown was justified and what
active initiatives the Indian Government can introduce to curb such terror activities formed part of one of the
insightful discussions organized by Constitution Club.

Need of the Uniform Civil Code:

The phrase Uniform Civil is well known by most people across the nation. However, its true essence and the
need to bring the same into force is a concept alien to many. This session helped us gain perspective on the
Uniform Civil Code and the dire need to enforce it in India to bring the nation together and streamline personal
laws effectively.

Rise of Terrorism in Israel:

This session was extremely insightful and helped us realise the true reality and an even deeper-rooted concern
of terrorism in Israel. The forum was open to the participants to ask questions get a clear idea of the issue and
even suggest remedies that could be achieved globally. Moreover, the global political scenario and its role in
the issue were explained very well.
Impact on Youth
One Nation One Election:

This session was particularly very informative. It elucidated and shed much-needed light on the need to
have one election in India. It helped us understand how one election for the entire nation would help in the
development of the country, raise awareness of elections and have a more calculated and informed voter
count. The statistics discussed in the session were truly eye-opening.

Deepfake and misuse of AI:

This very enlightening session made us comprehend the pros and cons of AI. Although the invention of AI is
revolutionary, the downside to it is even vast. Deepfake AI misuse will always remain a contemporary issue.
Measures to protect oneself and beware of deepfake AI were discussed and awareness about this much
urgent issue was raised.

Women Empowerment:

Women empowerment is a very ambiguous topic to undertake in a discussion. This session beautifully
provided a layout and a streamlined discussion on the basics of Women's Empowerment. How an
appreciable amount of Women Empowerment can be achieved through mutual cooperation and
understanding and how it can help the nation grow.
Quotes by Speakers
1. "India delivered a 'clear message' against terrorism with the surgical strikes and airstrikes following the
terror attacks in Uri and Pulwama. He noted that while the world was sympathetic towards India after 26/11, it
also wanted New Delhi to avoid creating any 'tensions' with Islamabad. The EAM added that this was because
India had not yet worked to "delegitimize terrorism" and convince the world that it poses a global danger"
- Dr S. Jaishankar

2. "In embracing one nation, one election, we embrace a singular moment of democratic strength, that doesn't
mean that there will be only one election. Simultaneous elections weave a tapestry of unity, stitching together
the diverse threads of our nation into a seamless fabric of democracy, resilience, and hope"
- Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe

3. "Beyond our strategic cooperation, India and Israel share deeply rooted family values that strengthen our
bond. It's this shared foundation of respect, unity, and resilience that drives us to collaborate in safeguarding
our societies against the scourge of terrorism"
-Shri Kobbi Shoshani

4. "In the pursuit of justice and equality, the Uniform Civil Code stands as a beacon of progress, urging us to
reconcile the contradictions between personal beliefs and constitutional principles"
- Adv. Monika Arora

5. "Ensuring communal harmony necessitates safeguarding minority rights and adopting a nuanced approach
to personal laws, acknowledging the intricate dynamics within diverse religious contexts. The journey towards
gender justice within these frameworks underscores the imperative of bridging the gap between constitutional
ideals and their practical application, as articulated by Justice Chandrachud regarding Article 44"
- Justice GR Swaminathan

6. "Throughout history, women have been the silent architects of change, their empowerment rooted in a rich
legacy of resilience and determination. It is imperative that we acknowledge and celebrate the inherent
strength of women in India, supporting them in their pursuit of excellence and meaningful contributions to
society. By drawing inspiration from historical icons and contemporary role models, we pave the way for a
future where every woman's potential is realized and revered"
- Dr. Swati Rautela

7. "As we navigate the intricacies of hit-and-run provisions within the Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita, it becomes
evident that there are both challenges and opportunities for reform. By examining global best practices and
real-life case studies, we can identify areas for improvement and propose necessary reforms to strengthen
accountability and ensure justice for victims."
-Adv. Prakash Salsingika

8. "In the era of AI, the rise of deepfake technology poses significant threats to our society. From
misinformation and privacy breaches to cyberbullying and harassment, the implications are vast and
alarming. It is imperative for us to raise awareness, implement effective regulations, and develop mitigation
strategies to safeguard against the misuse of deepfakes in our rapidly evolving digital landscape"
- Adv. Khushbu Jai

9. "The symposium on forced conversions in Kerala brought to light the legal and societal complexities
surrounding this pressing issue. Upholding secular values and protecting individuals' autonomy in matters of
faith are paramount. It's imperative to strengthen legislation and increase awareness to combat forced
conversions effectively”
- Adv.Naveen Chomal

10. "The Indian government's ban on the Popular Front of India reflects decisive action against alleged terror
links, amidst nationwide raids and arrests. Despite denials from the PFI, the ban underscores a firm stance on
maintaining security and order"
- Nilesh Tharwani
Get Involved
Constitution Club is a platform similar to a discussion circle where experts and
knowledge-seekers come together to exchange ideas and information on issues
of national as well as international importance that the youth must be aware of.
The Constitution Club can be rightfully titled as a platform that has only
developed over time and the audience and experts we've reached to has only
improved, fulfilling our aim of reaching out to as much youth as possible, of the
contemporary society.

Points of contact for the Constitution Club includes various social media
handles such as Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter as well the WhatsApp group.
These pages and group are updated regularly with the upcoming discussions
and events, and the relevant notices and information.

The links for the social media handles are provided below:
Instagram YouTube

X (Twitter) LinkedIn

Contact Information

Harprit Singh Kaurav: 7828410609

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