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"He wanted to meet in the real world the unsubstantial image his son so constantly

beheld. He did not seek it or how! but a premonition. told him that this image
would... encounter him.
From an early age stephen
Dedales is shown to have a strong devotion to systems of orders that are imposed
from without such as the family, church, Country; and it remains so till he is able
to Ahed all such subjectining and embark on new life of the passionate artais this
calling fully dawn & upon him towards the end of the final chapter of the novel as
he birds in fligur
of pory
gazed at thee some evening
in the
cate warda and a

soft could floused over her memory and
in his heart he
a "soft peace?
suggesting the metamorphoses to bove doksal place prophesied in the promising
" And he applies his mind to obecare ай у
to have finally taken place.
The first chapter deals majory with Stephens consciousness of the world
his perception of senses,hes gradual enrolment in the world of language g his
introduction to binaries, and simultaneously therefore his realisation of the sef
and the other
every single fellow had a different way of walkings.. This process of gaining
knowledge nia language as stro is shown.
to have allo been tunneltuation betweeen! by suphen's poor urges to return to
young the pre-Dedipal, to his mother's - embrace of pleasure and his inevitable
Initiation into
the warm
the foundry of reaving principles.
fore fathers- pleasure prine ples transform into receing
in this
das sus the transformation the options are principles with Reeving Pointper that in
principles; and it is transformation.. in this controlling bir and regulating his senses
and sensations y in the renunciation of pleasure that wel but the birth sen Individual
journeying into te human subje becoming
Houcener, one belief that elephen harbours pareionately narrative is the thin
tharough out the king of thing, you could.
His mind is already in the process of nurturing the sensibilities of an The fiver chaper
entails cliphen the individeral's initiation into the empirical world. Yor, even in the
first chaplove of his initiations into the world of senses stephen inch achetersed
·Characionises an
innare desire to transcend beyond this wundane world of corporeality more much
like the grealy Like La heday
" the is
on his
leather orb (that) flew bird through the grey
e to transcend
beyoud empirical senses and into an artistie rensibility=
a Words. Was it their coloure?"
lúphen the individuath journey simultane
The second chapter still shronicles
the world of senses and
turly an attempt on grasp
part to try
the ve hastness and strange of life ~. This chapter in stephen's ife also marks his fiet
interactions. with the aesthetic world of theatre and liberature, One sould see the
taking shape to the "sensitive nature was however ex'll smarting under the lashes of
an undivined and squaled way of life. There is
immanent through our the chapter, an ultimate sense in which Ruphen press he is
himself original. In the
quors from an to Cork with his
father, he takes refuge from the parenti A grasp by 18cophen y repeating names.
и дам
To am walking
beside my father whose name is limon' * Dedalu...
Housenes, this chanting of names bung rather than sharpene his sense of sey. Later
in the pub, a conversation between his father and one of his former.
shad once on elephen
deane nem to his Leaker"!
The chapter traces then the influence of Stephen's father as well as his Grary
forefathell in his life. This chapter in Stephen's life shows himself as
tracing the world of tradition and & Ciphe the ashor is yet to arrive at his individual
Glent to mould from tradition his own mode of ges the line, white & Gephen the
individual is now in a chapter of his life where he is abeo. by the world of Realing
Prinesly. What i "I of importance ghoveder, in the albeit
wevertheless rebellion that
Dolan Stephen had committed against Fathe -perhape I fiver attemp "to secure her
individual identity. spaces a faint knocking of accumen of besthetics would enable
him to experience his and realise his Romantic epiphanie
in hem
Amidst the reality principles that have come to governo Ling 18 Ephen the
individual's life,
What is pernasive all through the narratine in Stephen the artist's almash the
occasions destver ardent desire rooled even in his unconscious as lf, to transcend
beyond the world empirical artifacts
and was too
Yourney from the word of phenomenon to that of agimenon. In the words of words
psychoanalizer, -
a structuralist. "I am where I think notauld towards the concluding pages. Chep the
second chapter elephens adind Dass dies in the antonstions of his also finds himself
in a "mare of harrow and dirty Ostreet", the landscape without serving as a
metaphor for the withing, wandering through which ensarticulat tries... (rush) forth
from was brain to force a parcage. •trand forming the brother experience into a
moment of pain and pleasure.
Stephen test to "build abt
breekwater of order against the tide.. of life without him and to dam up... the
powerful recurrences of the within continues. The struggle to bring and become
ato, in effect hild own rigin, is enabled by his adaptation of the Cathing doctrine. 8.
the Trinity, un which this miracle of rf whined. begetaring
ginen an formulation.
elabras and
The next chapter in Stephen's life, thin the novel deals -process of sophen. growing
and consequently
traces the individual State with
into in subject of the
in Coralisation
of religiong apparatus. This chapter shrowires around Catholiciem and stopher's
responsion and relationship
used as an idedogical state
with Er."
Religion as a state apparaters. bringe forth the concept of Crime, sin Punishment &
employing tome enjoying a better Christianing had some as a religion had
polities of tomorrow.
Ente some!
it I to dominate the spiritual sphere as an attempt to contain the excess of
Hedonicm g the excess of desire, and Gphen surrenders completly to this poneer **
The Chase in which his ardour
extinguished Pisey
was a cold
Jindifferent knowledge of himself? the end of the
and key.
Stephen fien
"sas be ha
into "another life".
himself to have transcended
In the chapter that
homenes, & Cophen realises that ketigion what he prayed was a transcendance
beyond the the top realm of corporeality
an artistic
Religion effered him reroute cations and a seclisation dawne upon him.
sonfleeted my confused self slowly is shown to slowly tome outline from steely In
the fourth Schapter of
1. he drew tese
。 from the
reflection of the growing sensible world. pried of
18 Lephen the
and 8Gphen the
Stephen now from world of
devines move
an inner
individual coalesce comfortably as
individual emotions"!
The narrative, in the ending pages. of the chapur features a girl & gasing Pont to the
sed. As Stephen the actor encounters this lonesome Detaleen the artist and artifact
is girl, a relation established and an aesthetic extasy fore the artist. and 2Gphen A,
now having tonto understood his calling, is now ready to realise it as well, a
Welcome, o life to go to encounter... the reaving of experience and to forge salthy
of uncreeted conscient
in the
low the
of my
Each of the chaplêre end in an
cone linesend in the
es concluding
Chapter on in Joyce remarke "Symbol of departure or What is essential to obleme
here is that the loom Súphen's conecinese is a to by the a Romancie artist. The
summ had always been toward
& Gephen's Journey
establishing his own destheries, and Romantie
artists are born in
isolation. Like the Romanties Suphen is also in search of pure aesthetic which
sannot be experienced through sensory perceptions. Joy. Stephen's Romandie
loneliness homcever takes. place in urban time and space unelke the traditio
Romancies of tradition condensed d
this polities to of Considers to redefine Joyce redefines the fati polities of I
lovelinese into the foil of modernism
of the $
The final chapter concludes the balling and marks the despinning journey of sliphen
arriving at his auling I life of the impassioned. "artist. The narrative entail almost in a
cinematic manner of relaying. featuring a musical ascendance and descendance.
Images are used nor subservient to the plot, "heap of broken images as if portowing
a nerved fetched out of memory, in Joyce's novel an essential characteristic of
Modernist 19Grature when whose pinital attempt was to move beyond of the!
immediate physical world and deme deeper into the comciousness. individual. Joyce
does away with the
a mennes
came ave
rather a
buorgeon concept of linearing of time, representing the naze of human mind is
captivating manner.
confused music within him as of
memories and names
the music
seemed to recede
0.0 and
receding trail of nebulous music there
long drawn selling

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