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Law of torts

10 marks ques.
1) Define tort. Explain injuria sine damno and damnum sine injuria
with the help of case law. X 3
2) Explain the basis of vicarious liability. When the master is liable
for the acts of the servant? X 2
3) Define defamation. What are the essentials of defamation? X 2
4) “True nervous shock is as much a physical injury as a broken
bone or a torn flesh wounds”. Explain.
5) Crit. Examine the rule laid down in Donoghue v. Stevenson. Is
the rule modified by recent cases?
6) What is conspiracy? What should a plaintiff prove in order to
succeed in an action for conspiracy? Refer to decided cases. X 2
7) Exp. The composition and jurisdiction of the state commission
under consumer law.
8) Discuss the liability the state for the torts committed by its
9) What are the gen. defences in tort.
10) Discuss the tort of conversion.
11) Discuss nuisance and explain esse. Elements of nuisance.
12) Exp the doctrine of contributory negligence and its appl.
In India.
13) Discuss the defi. Of consumer under the consumer
protection act 1986.
14) Explain the mental elements in torts.
15) Explain violenti non- fit injuria as a defence for tortious
liability with exceptions. X 2
16) Exp. Inevitable accident and self defence with apt cases.
17) Define negligence . exp the ess. Of negligence with apt
18) Exp the composition, power and jurisdiction of the state
commission under consumer protection act, 1986. X 2
19) Exp the salient feature of motor vehicle act, 1988.
20) Define tort. Define the essentials of tort.
21) Discuss the law relating to remoteness of damage.
22) Explain assault and battery with the help of decided cases.
23) Exp defamation with defences.
24) “every injury leads to damage but every damage is not an
injury” discuss the statement in the light of decided cases.
25) Exp meaning &scope of nuisance. What are the remedies
available for a pvt nuisance.
26) Expl the justification for torts.
27) Disc the ess elements of malicious prosecution by reff
decided cases.
28) Define libel & distinguish it from slander.
29) Exp the princ of strict liability laid down in rylands v.
fletcher along with the exceptions to this rule.
30) Exp the growth & devlp of consumer law in India.

6 marks ques.
31) Conversion
32) Mental elements in torts
33) Strict liability under motor vehicles act
34) Virat kohli hit the ball outside the boundary, which falls
on a spectator. Spectator was injured. He want to take action
against the authorities of the stadium(KSCA). Advice.
35) A driver of the D omnibus had printed instr not to race
with, or obstruct , other omnibuses. In disobedience to this
order he obstructed the P omnibus & a collison which damage
it. What is liability? Decide
36) A metropolitan bureau, in pursuance of a resolution of its
council, erected a stand on a highway which was a public
nuisance. What is its liability. Solve.
37) ‘X’ caused his servant, a girl of 13 years to be put in
possession of a gun. The girl in play pointed the gun at the P, a
boy of 9 years & pulled the trigger & injured him. Is ‘X’ liable ?
38) ‘A’ & ‘B’ are neighbours. ‘A’ constructed a well in his land.
Due to the same ‘B’ well drie up. ‘B’ wants to file a suit against
‘A’. Advise him.
39) ‘X’ is a manuf. Comp of beer. ‘Y’ consumed the beer
manuf. By ‘X’ comp & suffered health disorder due to
contaminated beer. Can ‘Y’ file a suit against ‘X’ . Advise him.
40) The defendant, a returning officer refused to register the
vote of the plaintiff, who was a qualified voter. Though the
candidate for whom the P wanted to vote wins, the P sues D for
compensation. Decide.
41) The P builds 16 shops on the old foundations of a building
without obtaining necessary permission from the municipality.
Munci. Officials demolishes the said building. The P claims
compensation. Decide.
42) A main pipe was laid down by the comp properly. But due
to severe frost, the pipe got burst & water escaped from the
pipe & caused damage to P property. Decide
43) The D left the car with leaving his dog inside, & went fot
shopping. When he came back, he was told that dog broke the
glass of the car & splinter of the glass fell in the P eye & blinded
him. Decide his liablity.
44) The D was the owner of a cinema house, adjo. a public
road. He had put up a hoarding with wooden frame from the
roof of his house projecting on the road. It fell upon P & injured
him. Decide
45) The husband of the appellant boarded a bus, he was just
in the foot board, the driver attempted to overtake another
stationary bus so closely that the husband got severe injuries &
died. The widow claims compensation.
46) The D wrote a letter to a virtuous woman using very
abusive words to her. He enclosed it in an envelope properly
fastened & posted it to her. Does it amount defamation.
47) Note on intimidation.
48) Restrictive trade practices
49) Deficiency in services
50) The rule of strict liability
51) Malicious prosecution
52) No fault liability under motor vehicles act, 1988
53) A cat strayed from its owner’s land into the land of a
neighbour & killed birds kept there. Is the owner of the cat
54) ‘A’ left his donkey on the roadside tying its front legs. The
donkey was run over a car negligently driver by ‘B’ & the
donkey was killed. ‘A’ brings an action aginst ‘B’ to recover
damages. Decide
55) ‘A’ patient died due to negligent treatment of govt hospt
doct. The legal repres of ‘A’ file a case against govt hospt. The
govt hospt that the service rendered with the free of cost is not
service under consumer protection act. Decide
56) Negligence
57) Kinds of damages
58) Remedies under motor vehicle act
59) The P was a Russian princess. The D produced a talking
film c/d “Rasputin the Mad Monk”. The P alleged that in the
film it was falsely imputed that she had been seduced by
Rasputin, a man of vile character. Advice the P.
60) The P & D dogs were fighting. The D was beating them in
order to separate them, & the P was looking. D accidently hit P
eye causing severe injury. Is D liable for damage? Solve.
61) ‘A’ a keeper of fair price shop. At the time of scarcity of
kerosene a long queue of customers is formed in front of his
shop. This disturbs the business of neighbouring shopkeepers.
Can they take legal action against ‘A’? Solve.

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