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Fundamentals of Emulsion Polymerization

Peter A. Lovell* and F. Joseph Schork*

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ABSTRACT: A comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of

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emulsion polymerization and related processes is presented with

the object of providing theoretical and practical understanding to
researchers considering use of these methods for synthesis of
polymer colloids across a wide range of applications. Hence, the
overview has been written for a general scientific audience with no
prior knowledge assumed. Succinct introductions are given to key
topics of background science to assist the reader. Importance is
placed on ensuring mechanistic understanding of these complex
polymerizations and how the processes can be used to create
polymer colloids that have particles with well-defined properties
and morphology. Mathematical equations and associated theory
are given where they enhance understanding and learning and
where they are particularly useful for practical application. Practical guidance also is given for new researchers so that they can begin
using the various processes effectively and in ways that avoid common mistakes.

1. INTRODUCTION and learning and where they are particularly useful for practical
Functional polymer colloids prepared by emulsion polymer- application. Indeed, at several points in the overview, practical
ization have been studied and used in biomedical applications at guidance is given that will help new researchers in this field begin
an increasing pace over the past several decades.1−3 This to use the various processes of particle synthesis effectively and
complex field of research is at the interface of science and in ways that avoid common mistakes.
We begin by giving brief accounts of the origins of emulsion
biochemistry, and the purpose of this paper is to provide a
polymerization and a very simple introduction to important
focused theoretical and practical understanding of the synthesis
features of the process.
of polymer colloids, where appropriate, highlighting features of
1.2. Origins of Emulsion Polymerization. The origins of
particular relevance for researchers in the biomedical field.
emulsion polymerization as a process for performing free-radical
1.1. Scope. This overview discusses the fundamentals of
polymerization reside in attempts by man to imitate the
emulsion polymerization and related processes with the object
production of natural rubber latex by the rubber tree (Hevea
of providing understanding to researchers considering use of
brasiliensis), a challenge that accelerated greatly during World
these methods as tools to create polymer colloids with well-
War II as a consequence of shortages in supply of natural rubber.
defined particle properties and morphology. Importance is
Natural rubber latex is an aqueous dispersion of polyisoprene
placed on ensuring mechanistic understanding of these complex
particles stabilized by proteinaceous surfactants. By analogy, a
polymerizations and how the processes can be controlled and
polymer latex produced by emulsion polymerization is an
used creatively. While the coverage of the fundamentals is
aqueous dispersion of polymer particles stabilized by a colloid
comprehensive and rigorous, the aim is for the overview to be
stabilizer, most commonly a surfactant. In the early days, the
suitable for a general scientific audience. No prior knowledge of
focus was on production of synthetic rubber latexes (e.g.,
this field is assumed and so succinct introductions are given to
styrene−butadiene rubber, SBR), but the versatility of emulsion
key topics of background science, sufficient to enable the reader
polymerization was quickly recognized and led to an extremely
to understand the important concepts of emulsion polymer-
ization and related processes without needing to be distracted by
having to read textbooks or reviews on those topics separately. Special Issue: Polymer Colloids: From Fundamentals
Where considered appropriate, this important background to Application
science is complemented in the main body of the overview by Received: May 19, 2020
more detailed explanations of phenomena that may not be Revised: June 9, 2020
familiar to a wider audience. Mathematical equations and Published: June 16, 2020
associated theory are given where they enhance understanding

© 2020 American Chemical Society

4396 Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
Biomacromolecules Review

wide range of polymers being produced in this way, including by increasing the surfactant concentration to increase the
synthetic elastomers, bulk plastics, and polymer latexes for use in number of particles); this is a very important feature in
a vast range of coating applications. Increasingly, emulsion comparison to other methods of performing free-radical
polymerization is being used to produce functional polymer polymerization.
colloids for more specialist applications, e.g., for use in the
electronics and biomedical fields. 2. FREE-RADICAL POLYMERIZATION
The extensive use of emulsion polymerization is a direct As indicated already, most emulsion polymerizations proceed
consequence of the ease of removing the heat of polymerization, via free-radical polymerization, though more controlled radical
the low viscosity of the latex at high polymer concentrations, the polymerization chemistry increasingly is being employed,
ability to control submicron particle size and morphology, and particularly for more specialist applications (see sections 5 and
the ease of separation of the polymer from the latex or, in the 6), and miniemulsion polymerization has opened up further
case of coatings applications, the convenience of using the latex opportunities, including use of polycondensation and poly-
directly. A further, less obvious, but nevertheless important addition (see section 4.6.2). In presenting the fundamentals,
feature of emulsion polymerization is the ability to achieve however, our focus is on free-radical emulsion polymerization
higher rates of polymerization and produce higher molecular since this provides the foundation for interpreting and
weight polymers in comparison to other methods of free-radical understanding most emulsion polymerizations. For this reason,
polymerization. Additionally, over the past several decades, we include an overview of the essential features of free-radical
growing environmental legislation on control of emission of polymerization.
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) has seen a massive growth 2.1. Chemistry of Free-Radical Polymerization. When
in use of emulsion polymerization to produce latexes for water- free radicals (R•) are generated from an initiator in the presence
borne coating applications as replacements for solvent-borne of an unsaturated monomer (generally of structure CH2
coatings. CXY), one of those radicals adds to the CC bond to generate a
1.3. Classical Emulsion Polymerization. In order to product radical (R−CH2−CXY•). This new radical is free to
understand the mechanisms by which emulsion polymerization react with another molecule of monomer via the same
produces a polymer latex, it is necessary to begin with knowledge mechanism, thereby increasing the chain length by one
of the most simple form of the process, which starts with monomer unit with the site of the radical moving to the new
emulsifying monomer (usually relatively insoluble in water) into chain end. The polymer chain grows rapidly by adding
an aqueous solution of a surfactant. By applying shear to the successive units of monomer in this way (each monomer
mixture, the monomer is dispersed into droplets of typically addition taking around a millisecond or less) while maintaining
about 10 μm diameter. The droplets are stabilized by adsorption the active radical site at the end of the live (growing) chain. A
of surfactant at the monomer−water interface. Additional chain radical continues to grow until it loses its active radical site
surfactant above the critical micelle concentration (CMC) is either by a termination reaction with another free radical
contained in micelles, which are spherical aggregates of typically (typically by a combination or disproportionation reaction with
50−100 surfactant molecules oriented so that their hydrophobic another chain radical) or by a chain transfer reaction with
parts are toward the center of the micelle while the hydrophilic another species present in the polymerization. Hence, this
parts make contact with, or extend into, the aqueous phase. The complex set of reactions is divided into initiation, propagation,
micelles become swollen by absorbing molecules of monomer termination, and chain transfer reactions, as shown in the simple
into their interior and have diameters of about 10 nm. outline in Scheme 1.
Polymerization is initiated by adding a water-soluble free-radical The initiator most commonly is an unstable compound of
initiator, and as the polymerization proceeds, polymer particles symmetric structure that decomposes thermally at the reaction
stabilized by adsorbed surfactant molecules are formed with temperature to form two radicals (e.g., benzoyloxy radicals from
diameters (50−500 nm) intermediate to those of micelles and benzoyl peroxide), which may undergo rearrangement reactions
droplets. As an emulsion polymerization progresses, the main (e.g., a benzoyloxy radical can undergo ß-scission to give a
loci to be considered are the continuous aqueous phase, phenyl radical and carbon dioxide) before creating a nascent
monomer droplets, monomer-swollen micelles (if the surfactant chain radical by reacting with monomer. These two steps
is above CMC), and polymer particles. Most of the polymer in constitute initiation, with the rate-determining step being
the final latex is formed by polymerization within the polymer dissociation of the initiator.
particles. Propagation involves successive addition of monomer
The molecular weight of polymer produced in an emulsion molecules to the chain end. The rate coefficient for propagation
polymerization is normally an order of magnitude greater than is much higher for very short chains, but quickly reduces as the
that in a similar homogeneous free-radical polymerization. This number of repeat units increases and, beyond about 5 repeat
is due to segregation (compartmentalization) of propagating units, attains a constant value. In most cases, long chains are
chains in small particles, coupled with generation of radicals in formed with degrees of polymerization ≫100, so it is usual (and
the aqueous phase and a consequent increase in the radical reasonable) to consider the rate coefficient of propagation as a
lifetime. In a homogeneous free-radical polymerization, it constant when developing theory. Propagation is essentially
usually is necessary to increase the initiator concentration in irreversible at temperatures well below the ceiling temperature,
order to increase the rate of polymerization, which results in a which for the vast majority of monomers is very high (typically
higher radical concentration, but this gives rise to more rapid >200 °C) compared to the temperatures employed in most free-
termination and lower molecular weight (see section 2.2). In radical polymerizations, including all types of emulsion
emulsion polymerizations, due to segregation of propagating polymerization (for which reaction temperature is mostly
chains from each other suppressing bimolecular termination, it is limited by the boiling point of water).
possible to achieve high rates of polymerization and to produce Termination occurs by reaction together of two live chain
high molecular weight polymer in the same polymerization (e.g., radicals by either (i) combination (i.e., radical coupling) to form
Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
Biomacromolecules Review

Scheme 1. Outline Mechanism of Free-Radical structure of the solvent and increases greatly if the structure
Polymerizationa contains easily abstracted atoms (e.g., H-atoms in tertiary, allylic,
and benzylic C−H bonds). Transfer agents are compounds with
high rate coefficients for chain transfer that are included at low
levels to reduce (“control”) the degree of polymerization.
Mercaptans (RS−H) are widely used as transfer agents, but
halogenated compounds (e.g., carbon tetrabromide, CBr3−Br)
also have been used.
If chain transfer to polymer occurs, a branch begins to form on
what was previously a dead polymer chain. Chain transfer to
polymer can proceed intramolecularly which results in short
branches or intermolecularly which results in long branches. The
chemistry and consequences of chain transfer to polymer will be
discussed in much greater detail in section 3.6.
2.2. Kinetics of Homogeneous Free-Radical Polymer-
ization. Free-radical polymerization is characterized by the
formation of high molecular weight polymer early in the reaction
I is initiator, i is the number of radicals R• produced from the
initiator (i = 1 or, more commonly, i = 2), M is monomer, P•z is a (i.e., at low overall monomer conversions) and the presence of
chain radical with degree of polymerization z, Pz is a “dead” polymer unreacted monomer even near the completion of the polymer-
molecule with degree of polymerization z, S is solvent, TA is transfer ization, which are typical characteristics of a chain polymer-
agent, In is inhibitor, M• and TA• are radicals produced by chain ization. This is because a single molecule of polymer is initiated
transfer to monomer and transfer agent, respectively, Q is an inactive and propagates to the point where it is killed in a time frame of
species produced by reaction of a free radical with inhibitor, and ky typically 0.1−10 s. As the reaction progresses, new chains are
represents the rate coefficient for the reaction y. initiated, grow, and die in the same way; hence the monomer is
converted progressively into an ever-increasing number of
a dead chain of length equal to the sum of the lengths of the live polymer chains.
chains (combination is dominant in the polymerization of most For homogeneous free-radical polymerizations, where the
monomers) or (ii) disproportionation which results in two dead initiator, monomer, and polymer remain in solution throughout
chains being formed with lengths equal to those of the live chains the reaction (either with monomer acting as the “solvent” or as a
at the instant of their reaction together (a reaction that proceeds solution in an added solvent), analysis of the steady-state
via abstraction of a H-atom by one chain radical end from the reaction kinetics gives the following equations for the rate of
other, which contributes primarily for methacrylates and other polymerization (Rp) and the number-average degree of
polymerization (xn̅ ) of the polymer produced4
ij ifk yz
monomers where one substituent, X or Y, is a methyl group).

= k pjjj d zzz
Invariably, termination is diffusion controlled and the overall
j 2k t z
k {
rate coefficient for bimolecular termination, kt, shows a step Rp = − [M][I]1/2
change reduction of several orders of magnitude when the dt (1)
viscosity of the reaction medium reaches the point at which the
mode of diffusion control switches from reaction between short 1 1 [S ] [TA]
= + C M + CS + C TA
(highly mobile) chain radicals and (low mobility) long chain xn̅ (xn̅ )0 [M] [M] (2)
radicals to being between two long chain radicals (both of low
mobility) because the viscosity is too high for fast diffusion of the k p[M]
short chain radicals. At this point, the rate of polymerization and (xn̅ )0 =
(1 + q)(ifkdkt /2)1/2 [I]1/2 (3)
degree of polymerization rise rapidly; the effect is known as
autoacceleration or the Trommsdorf f−Norrish ef fect or gel effect. where [I], [M], [S], and [TA] are the concentrations of initiator,
The term autoacceleration is used since the increases in rate of monomer, solvent, and transfer agent, respectively, f is the
polymerization and degree of polymerization lead to a rapid initiator efficiency (i.e., the fraction of free radicals from the
further increase in viscosity, thereby accelerating the effect. initiator that are successful in initiating chains), kt (=ktc + ktd) is
A propagating chain radical can also be “killed” by chain the overall rate coefficient for termination, (xn̅ )0 is the number-
transfer to another molecular species, which most commonly average degree of polymerization in the absence of chain
involves abstraction of a single atom (normally a H-atom, but transfer, CM (=ktrM/kp), CS (=ktrS/kp), and CTA (=ktrTA/kp) are
sometimes a halogen atom), e.g., from a molecule of monomer the transfer constants for chain transfer to monomer, solvent,
or solvent or an added transfer agent. In most cases, the product and transfer agent, respectively, and q is the fraction of
radical from these chain transfer reactions will react with termination by disproportionation (=ktd/kt). The other terms
monomer to initiate a new chain. However, if an inhibitor is are defined in Scheme 1. As described in section 3.6, the effect of
added (e.g., hydroquinone), it highly efficiently reacts with all chain transfer to polymer on xn̅ is small because it does not
free radicals present and produces unreactive species that do not change the number of live and dead polymer chains and because,
initiate polymerization, effectively stopping polymerization until even though the first monomer addition to the resulting chain
it is consumed completely. Chain transfer to monomer is radical usually is slower, subsequent propagation of the chain
relatively low for many monomers but high for those with labile proceeds as normal.
C−H bonds (e.g., vinyl acetate in which abstraction of a H atom Hence, in homogeneous free-radical polymerizations, both Rp
from the ester methyl group gives a radical stabilized by and (x̅n)0 can be increased by increasing [M], which is a
resonance with the carbonyl group). The extent of chain transfer maximum in bulk polymerization of the monomer. However, the
to solvents varies massively dependent upon the chemical initial value of [M] is either fixed or limited by the process
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employed and so [I] is the main parameter for controlling Rp. copolymer chains. The most common scenarios for values of rA
Therein lies a dilemma in homogeneous free-radical polymer- and rB are (i) rA > 1 and rB < 1, in which case FA > fA and, as the
ization because increasing [I] to increase Rp causes a reduction disparity in reactivity ratios increases, the deviation becomes
in (x̅n)0 and since controlling x̅n often is important for larger and the copolymer chains contain increasingly long
applications, this can place a restriction on the value of Rp that sequences of A-type repeat units (if rA = 1/rB the sequence
can be achieved in a given process, dependent on the target value distribution will be random); and (ii) rA < 1 and rB < 1, in which
of x̅n. However, eq 2 shows that chain transfer processes can be case both types of chain radical prefer to cross-propagate and
dominant in controlling xn̅ , especially when (xn̅ )0 is high, in there is an increasing tendency toward alternation of repeat units
which case this dilemma is reduced. (Note that the measurable in the copolymer chains produced. There are two special cases
quantity is number-average molecular weight (M̅ n) which for for rA and rB values: rA = rB = 1 for which FA = fA for all values of fA
long chains is related to x̅n by M̅ n = xn̅ M0 where M0 is the and the sequence of repeat units in the copolymer is random;
molecular weight of the repeat unit.) and rA = rB = 0, in which case only cross-propagation occurs and
2.2.1. Free-Radical Copolymerization. When two or more a perfectly alternating copolymer is produced with FA = 0.5 for
monomers are copolymerized, the composition of the all values of fAalthough there are no real systems of these two
copolymer will rarely be the same as the composition of the types, there are some copolymerizations which approximate to
comonomer mixture because the monomer reactivities will these behaviors.
invariably be different and the more reactive monomer will be Due to one monomer being preferentially consumed, as the
preferentially incorporated into the copolymer chains. The overall monomer conversion increases, the values of fA and f B
terminal model is the simplest for prediction of copolymer will steadily change, giving rise to a continuous change in the
composition and assumes that the reactivity of a polymeric value of FA for the copolymer chains produced as the reaction
radical is defined only by the end unit and unaffected by the progresses. Thus, as conversion increases, fA (and hence FA)
preceding repeat units. On this basis, there are four propagation change continuously, which is known as composition drift. This
reactions to consider in a binary copolymerization of monomer compositional drift is described by the integrated copolymer
A with monomer B, as shown in Scheme 2. equation.6 For most applications, a specific value of FA is
required, so composition drift is not acceptable. There are three
Scheme 2. Terminal Model for Binary Free-Radical principal strategies for minimizing or avoiding drift in FA: (i)
Copolymerizationa stop the reaction at low conversion (typically <5%) to minimize
drift (which still gives some drift and is not attractive for
commercial use because of the need to recover unreacted
monomer); (ii) add the comonomer mixture of composition fA
to the reactor and then feed the more reactive monomer to the
reaction at a rate that compensates for its preferential
consumption and maintains fA constant (not simple to do);
and (iii) keep fA constant by feeding the monomer mixture of
composition fA slowly to the reactor under conditions that give
a very high instantaneous overall monomer conversions (most
kpAA and kpBB are the homopropagation rate coefficients, and kpAB
and kpBA are the cross-propagation rate coefficients. widely used and referred to as starved conditions).
2.2.2. Further Reading on Free-Radical Polymerization.
The instantaneous copolymer composition (ignoring stochas- Only the essential features of free-radical polymerization have
tic variations) in a homogeneous medium is then given by the been described here, sufficient for understanding emulsion
Mayo−Lewis or copolymer equation.4,5 polymerizations, and this has been presented in simple outline
without giving full details, especially in relation to the
rA f A2 + fA fB mechanistic chemistry and statistical aspects for which far
FA = more complete descriptions may be found in textbooks.4,5
rA f A2 + 2fA fB + rB fB2 (4) Additionally, more extensive coverage of reactivity ratios for
with rA = k pAA /k pAB and rB = k pBB/k pBA copolymerization, composition drift, and prediction of sequence
distribution probabilities can be found elsewhere.4,5,7−9
where FA is the average instantaneous mole fraction of monomer 2.3. Homogeneous Polymerization Processes. Free-
A repeat units in the copolymer formed when the mole fractions radical polymerization may be carried out in various media. Bulk
of monomers A and B in the copolymerization are fA and f B (=1 polymerization is the simplest process, involving only a solution
− fA), and rA and rB are the monomer reactivity ratios (or simply of initiator in monomer, but although monomers are most often
“reactivity ratios”), i.e. ratios of the rates of homopropagation to liquid, the polymer produced is typically a solid. This leads to
cross-propagation for each type of chain radical. Since radical problems of removing the polymer from the reactor and, since
lifetimes in free-radical polymerizations are very short, the most free-radical polymerizations are highly exothermic, the
change in values of fA and f B due to preferential reaction of the viscosity of the monomer/polymer solution increases rapidly
more reactive monomer will be negligible during the lifetime of a with monomer conversion, making it increasingly difficult to
propagating copolymer chain and the copolymer equation 4 can remove the heat of reaction. For these reasons, although bulk
be used to predict FA for that instant in the reaction. polymerization is used for production of a few commercial
If rA > 1, homopropagation is favored by ∼A•, whereas if rA < polymers, it is not used widely. In solution polymerization a
1, cross-propagation is favored by ∼A•. Thus, the values of rA solvent (for the initiator, monomer, and polymer) is added to
and rB are very important; not only do they control the reduce, to an extent, the viscosity of the polymerizing mass but
composition of copolymer produced at a given value of fA, they brings with it the environmental and health issues associated
also control the sequence distribution of repeat units in the with VOCs and reduces the monomer concentration, causing
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proportionate reductions in Rp and (x̅n)0. Additionally, chain nature of the initiator. Microsuspension polymerization may
transfer to solvent further reduces xn̅ and isolation of the also employ a low molecular weight polymer as a steric stabilizer
polymer involves recovery and recycling of the solvent, which (instead of a surfactant) together with homogenization to
can add substantially to the cost of the process. Hence, solution produce the smaller droplet size. The kinetics remain essentially
polymerization is used mostly for applications where the those of homogeneous bulk free-radical polymerization,
polymer is required to be in solution. although some submicron particles are often produced since
2.4. Dispersed-Phase Polymerization Processes. An almost all water-insoluble initiators will partition at least slightly
alternative to solution polymerization for reducing the issues
into the aqueous phase where they can generate particles via
associated with the high viscosities of bulk polymerizations is the
whole realm of dispersed-phase polymerization. In this class of mechanisms of emulsion polymerization. Microsuspension
processes, the liquid monomer is dispersed in a second, polymerization is used to produce pressure sensitive adhesives
continuous phase, usually water. The viscosity of the dispersion for repositionable notes and small polymer beads for biomedical
is controlled to a large extent by the viscosity of the dispersion applications.
medium (see section 7), and so, even at high monomer If the initiator in a microsuspension polymerization
conversions, the viscosity remains low, thereby making agitation formulation is changed from monomer-soluble to water-soluble,
easier and aiding removal of the heat of polymerization. The the kinetics of the polymerization change completely and the
high thermal conductivity of water makes it a very effective heat product is not a dispersion of polymer beads but instead is a
transfer medium, and its high specific heat and large latent heat colloidally stable polymer latex with a particle diameter that
of vaporization provide a large safety margin in the event of a normally is in the range 50−500 nm. This is emulsion
runaway polymerization. In addition, water is plentiful, nontoxic, polymerization in its simplest form, i.e. a free-radical polymer-
environmentally friendly, and inexpensive. ization of a water-insoluble monomer emulsified in water using a
In suspension polymerization a solution of a monomer-soluble surfactant and polymerized using a water-soluble initiator. The
initiator in a water-insoluble monomer is dispersed into droplets
reaction loci are nanometer-size particles created in situ through
in a continuous aqueous phase by the action of an agitator. Since
various mechanisms (see section 3.2), and the kinetics are no
little or no surfactant is used, no emulsification takes place; if the
agitation is stopped, the monomer will form a separate bulk longer those of bulk free-radical polymerization because the
phase, usually above the aqueous phase as most monomers have small size of the loci of polymerization introduces segregation
densities lower than that of water. The monomer is polymerized effects, e.g., in which termination of propagating polymer chains
by the initiator within the droplets, which at complete is suppressed by the low probability of two propagating chains
conversion become polymer beads with approximately the existing simultaneously in the same particle. This results in the
same size as the original droplets (0.1−2 mm diameter). The formation of higher molecular weight polymer at a high rate of
product is readily separated from the aqueous phase, via polymerization (see section 3.3).
filtration or decantation, in the form of macroscopic particles or If the surfactant concentration in a monomer emulsion is
beads that are easily washed, dried, and packaged for transport. greatly increased, or if the water-insoluble monomer concen-
Heat transfer is facilitated by the presence of the continuous tration is greatly reduced, a microemulsion is produced, though
aqueous phase and the high total surface area of the droplets. it is normal to include a short-chain alcohol (e.g., butan-1-ol or
Low levels of surfactants, sometimes supplemented by low pentan-1-ol) to facilitate their preparation. Microemulsions of
molecular weight water-soluble polymers, often are dissolved in monomer are thermodynamically stable systems in which all of
the aqueous phase to assist dispersion, and blocking agents, such
the monomer resides within the micelles. At very high surfactant
as clays or talcs, are used to prevent bead agglomeration. The
loci of polymerization are the monomer droplets. Due to the size concentrations, the surfactant may form a bicontinuous network
of the droplets, such systems are suspensions rather than rather than discrete micelles. Polymerization of the monomer
emulsions or stable dispersions. Kinetically, each droplet acts as within a microemulsion (with water- or monomer-soluble
a small independent reactor and there is little exchange of initiator) is referred to as microemulsion polymerization and
material between the droplets. Since there is no solvent present produces polymer latexes with very small diameters (10−100
at the locus of polymerization, the kinetics of polymerization nm) but has received relatively little attention or use.
within each droplet are those of homogeneous bulk polymer- In miniemulsion polymerization (see section 4) the monomer
ization, i.e., as defined by eqs 1−3. If a water-soluble initiator is droplet size in the monomer emulsion is reduced sufficiently for
used in a suspension polymerization, very little polymerization the droplets to become the dominant locus of polymerization.
will occur, since few free radicals will reach the locus of The product is a colloidally stable polymer latex, as in emulsion
polymerization in the monomer droplets. polymerization. However, although the kinetics of miniemulsion
If surfactant is included in a suspension polymerization polymerization and the diameter of the final latex particles are
system, a number of phenomena may occur. If the surfactant is similar to those for emulsion polymerization, it offers
added in small amounts (below the CMC), the reduction in
opportunities not possible with normal emulsion polymer-
interfacial tension between the organic and aqueous phases will
ization; these will be discussed in detail later.
result in smaller monomer droplets, but few other effects will be
seen. If surfactant is added above the CMC and a monomer- If the continuous phase is organic, and the dispersed phase is a
soluble initiator is used, the process is commonly termed a water-soluble monomer dissolved in water, the process is termed
microsuspension polymerization. Due to the reduced interfacial an inverse emulsion polymerization and produces dispersions of
tension, droplet diameter (and hence the final polymer bead concentrated aqueous polymer solutions in the organic medium.
diameter) is reduced to approximately 10−40 μm. Little Although not widely used, such polymerizations are very
polymerization takes place in the aqueous phase or in surfactant important in producing polymers for use in cleaning of water
micelles swollen with monomer because of the hydrophobic in wastewater treatment plants.
Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
Biomacromolecules Review

A simple formulation for an emulsion polymerization is given in
Table 1. After emulsifying the monomer mixture in the aqueous

Table 1. Typical Formulation for Emulsion Polymerization

Component Amount/g
Aqueous phase:
deionized water 230.0
sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) 1.1
Monomer mixture:
n-butyl acrylate 50.0
methyl methacrylate 49.0
methacrylic acid 1.0 Figure 1. The three intervals of emulsion polymerization.
Initiator solution:
ammonium persulfate 0.4
deionized water 20.0 Harkins’ interpretation of the three intervals remains broadly
Total Amount 352.3 correct, though his detailed explanation, especially of Interval I,
was incomplete and deficient in several ways. Rather than
present a historical account of how understanding evolved over
phase surfactant solution with agitation, and heating to reaction several decades, in the subsequent sections we present the
temperature, the initiator solution is added to start the current understanding of emulsion polymerization with the
polymerization and agitation continued until completion of historical developments rationalized.
polymerization. Even for the more hydrophobic monomers with very low
Use of persulfates (−O3SO−OSO3−) as initiators in emulsion water solubilities (such as styrene and n-butyl acrylate),
polymerization is widespread because they are cheap, they are polymerization begins in the aqueous phase by reaction of an
effective in the usual reaction temperature range of 60−95 °C, initiator radical (e.g., the sulfate radical-anion, •OSO3− from
and they produce chains with charged end-groups (Px−SO4−) persulfate ions) with monomer dissolved in the aqueous phase
that can contribute to the surface charge on particles. Redox (a fact not recognized until a long time after Harkins’ paper).
initiation systems need to be used when the reaction has to be The resulting oligomeric chains continue to grow by solution
carried out at lower temperatures and often involve reduction of polymerization in the aqueous phase and have several possible
persulfates (e.g., by sulfite ions), so the chain ends again have fates as their length increases. These will be discussed in some
charged end groups (Px−SO4− and Px−SO3− from use of the detail in relation to particle nucleation, but first a brief
persulfate-bisulfite redox couple). Since all these initiators give introduction to factors that control the colloidal stability of
negatively charged initiating species, it is important to use particle dispersions in water will be given.
anionic surfactants (such as SDS) for providing more substantial 3.1. Colloidal Stability of Particle Dispersions in Water.
colloidal stability via electrostatic repulsion between particles A dispersion of colloidal particles in water would quickly
(see section 3.1). Some biological applications require positively coagulate in the absence of forces to counteract the van der
charged particles, in which case cationic surfactants (e.g., Waals attraction between particles. Figure 2 shows schematic
dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide) and initiators that give diagrams of the three important ways in which colloidal stability
cationic initiating species (e.g., 2,2′-azobis(2-methylpropiona- can be conferred. A simple, descriptive introduction to these
midine) dihydrochloride) need to be used to provide electro- effects is given here, sufficient for understanding colloidal
static stabilization; the underlying mechanism of emulsion stability in the context of this review paper; more detailed
polymerization is not affected by such changes. understanding is best obtained using textbooks11−15 as a starting
Having established the basic reactants and chemistry of an point.
emulsion polymerization, we are now in a position to discuss Electrostatic stabilization is the principal mode of colloidal
how the reaction progresses and why it is very different from stability used in emulsion polymerizations. It is achieved by use
homogeneous free-radical polymerization. If performed as of adsorbed ionic surfactant molecules, which bring their
described above, the reaction progresses through three distinct headgroup charge to the surface of particles, as shown in Figure
stages, which were first articulated and interpreted qualitatively 2(a). The counterions are free to move anywhere in the aqueous
in the seminal paper by Harkins,10 who termed these Intervals I, phasethey are attracted to the particle surface by the surface
II, and III, a terminology that is very helpful and persists today. charges, but also are pulled away from the surface because of
The three intervals of an emulsion polymerization are illustrated their low concentration at distances far from the surface. The
in Figure 1. Interval I (typically 0−5% conversion) is the period surface charge and dif f use region of counterions constitute the
during which particles are nucleated and after which the particles electrical double-layer, the extent of which is crucial for colloidal
are assumed to remain colloidally stable and simply grow by stability. As particles approach each other closely, the diffuse
further polymerization. Particle nucleation is followed in Interval regions of counterions overlap, creating a force of repulsion. In
II by a period of approximately constant rate of polymerization DLVO (Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey, and Overbeek) theory the
in the presence of monomer droplets. Monomer droplets are sum of the potential energies (V) of electrostatic repulsion and
absent during Interval III (which typically starts at about 40% van der Waals attraction is defined as a function of distance of
conversion), and the rate of polymerization reduces pro- separation (h). A typical V(h) versus h curve is shown in Figure
gressively as the remaining monomer is consumed. 2(a) and has three features: (i) a very deep primary minimum
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Figure 2. Modes of colloidal stability for particle dispersions in water: (a) electrostatic stabilization due to adsorbed ionic surfactant molecules (anionic
shown); (b) steric stabilization due to strongly adsorbed or grafted water-soluble polymer (WSP) chains; and (c) depletion effects arising from WSP
chains dissolved in the aqueous phase. The right-side plots are of total potential energy of interaction (V(h)) versus distance of separation (h) for each
mode of stabilization.

due to dominance of the van der Waals attraction at very small chains, which radiate out from the particle surface into the
values of h; (ii) a potential energy maximum (Vmax) at aqueous phase. In the absence of electrostatic effects, there is no
intermediate h where the electrostatic repulsion is dominant; force of repulsion until the particles approach at distances of
and (iii) a weak secondary minimum at larger distances of separation close to twice the thickness (δ) of the surface layer of
separation. Particles may associate weakly (i.e., f locculate) in WSP chains. At h < 2δ, the chains are in contact (i.e., interacting)
ordered arrays at h corresponding to the secondary minimum, and mix or compress each other, all of which is unfavorable
but they are easily disturbed from this order by agitation (if the because polymer−water contacts are preferred and the chains
particles have a very narrow size distribution, the dispersion will lose configurational (conformational) freedom as they become
be iridescent when in the secondary minimum). For reasonable concentrated or compressed. Hence, there are both enthalpic
colloidal stability, Vmax should be greater than 10kT (where k is and entropic components to the potential energy of repulsion,
the Boltzmann constant and T is absolute temperature). If the which increases rapidly as h reduces and dominates the V(h)
particles gain sufficient energy (e.g., kinetic energy from versus h curve for h < 2δ. If the surface layer is thin (i.e., the WSP
agitation), they can overcome the potential energy barrier and chains are of low molecular weight), a secondary minimum due
enter the primary minimum from which there is no returnthe to the van der Waals attraction can be present, but this will be
particles become permanently aggregated, which is termed absent if the surface layer is thick. Electrostatic and steric
coagulation. The diffuse region of counterions can be greatly stabilization can be combined by adsorbing or grafting
compressed, and Vmax greatly reduced, by addition of ions to the polyelectrolyte chains at a particle surface, which is termed
aqueous phase (especially multivalent ions), leading to loss of electrosteric stabilization. For both steric and electrosteric
colloidal stability. Thus, the stability of electrostatically stabilization, it is essential for the chains to be strongly held at
stabilized particle dispersions is sensitive to the salt content of the surface (so grafting is beneficial) and to have complete
the aqueous phase. surface coverage (bare patches of surface offer no force of
Figure 2(b) depicts steric stabilization, which is provided by repulsion). In both cases, added electrolytes diminish the quality
complete surface coverage of either strongly adsorbed and/or of polymer−water interactions and can reduce the magnitude of
chemically bound (i.e., graf ted) water-soluble polymer (WSP) the steric repulsion, but the effect is much smaller than for
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Figure 3. Schematic diagram showing scenarios for nucleation in emulsion polymerization. Homogeneous nucleation is represented in (a) and (b),
which show the phases existing at the onset of polymerization and limited coagulation of primary particles, respectively, with surfactant at a
concentration below the CMC. Micellar nucleation is represented in (c) and (d), which show the phases existing at the onset of polymerization and
part way through nucleation, respectively, with surfactant at a concentration above the CMC. Note that homogeneous nucleation can also occur when
the surfactant concentration is above the CMC. Dashed lines for arrows indicate multiple processes of the same kind.

electrostatic stabilization, so steric and electrosteric stabilization chains will expand and the particles will redisperse into a stable
are widely used to increase resistance to the destabilizing effects colloidal form. Thus, steric and electrosteric stabilization can be
of electrolyte additions. Ultimately, if the solvency conditions used to protect latexes against coagulation.
are reduced sufficiently, the adsorbed/grafted chains will Depletion ef fects are illustrated in Figure 2(c) and are more
collapse back to the surface and the particles can flocculate difficult to appreciate because they are caused by WSP chains
because the secondary minimum moves to much smaller h, but that are free in the aqueous phase. There are different
the surface chains still prevent the particle surfaces approaching approaches to explaining depletion effects; here we will consider
close enough to enter the van der Waals primary minimum. (in less rigorous terms) the effect of WSP concentration
Hence, if the solvency conditions are changed again, the surface ([WSP]w)note that the actual values at which changes in
Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
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behavior occur are dependent on particle diameter and WSP where P•x is an oligomeric radical with degree of polymerization
molecular weight. A key parameter is the size (δ) of the WSP x, Dx is the aqueous-phase diffusion coefficient of P•x , r is the
chains in the aqueous phase. (δ is used again because, for a given radius of the spherical locus into which the radical is diffusing,
polymer and molecular weight, it will be similar to the layer and [P•x ]w is the aqueous phase concentration of P•x . It also is
thickness δ for an equivalent adsorbed or grafted chain.) At pertinent to consider the radical flux per unit area of surface,
“lower” [WSP]w, there is a high probability that particles will
Dx [P•x ]w
approach to h < δ with no chain between them; the chains are ρa /A =
then excluded from the region between the particles (the region r (7)
is depleted of chains), which causes water molecules to move out where A is the surface area of the spherical locus. Thus, small
to where the polymer chains exist, creating a force of attraction entities of high surface curvature (such as monomer-swollen
between the particles. At “higher” [WSP]w, the probability of micelles) are far more efficient at capturing oligomeric radicals
particles approaching without a WSP chain between them is than larger entities (such as monomer droplets).
small, so as they approach the chains become concentrated in 3.2.1. Homogeneous Nucleation. In terms of understanding
the region between them, which is unfavorable (for the same nucleation, it is instructive to consider homogeneous nucleation
reasons as in steric stabilization) and creates a force of repulsion first, even though it was not the first mechanism of nucleation to
between the particles. This gives rise to V(h) versus h curves that be recognized. This is because the underlying processes involved
take the form shown in Figure 2(c) for “bare” particles (which in homogeneous nucleation also occur in micellar and droplet
have no surface charge or adsorbed/grafted WSP chains): (i) an nucleation, though they are not essential to understanding the
energy barrier corresponding to Vmax exists at h ≈ δ, and if Vmax > essence of those mechanisms, and because it is the only
10kT, depletion stabilization is achieved for h > δ; and (ii) a mechanism of nucleation that can occur in all emulsion
primary minimum exists at h < δ where the particles will be polymerizations, including those performed in the complete
forced to aggregate permanently, which is termed “hard” absence of surfactant and monomer droplets. In relation to the
depletion f locculation (strictly this is coagulation). Even if the latter comment, surfactant-free emulsion polymerization has
particles are sterically stabilized (i.e., have an adsorbed/grafted been studied extensively and, although not useful for production
layer of WSP), depletion effects can occur if WSP chains also of high solids content latexes, it is useful for making larger
exist in the aqueous phase, but in this case the aggregation at h < particles (e.g., 500 nm to 1 μm diameter) with narrow particle
δ is reversible because the adsorbed/grafted chains prevent size distributions (PSD) and has been exploited for biomedical
direct contact between the particle surfaces; this is termed “sof t” applications.
depletion flocculation (i.e., true flocculation; this is the historic The mechanism of homogeneous nucleation is depicted in
reason for using the term). The potential energy of attraction Figure 3(a)−(b) where, for simplicity, we begin by considering a
increases as [WSP]w increases (from zero) to a critical value at formulation that has surfactant present at a concentration below
which the dispersion is destabilized by depletion effects. As the CMC so that there are no micelles present. In this case, at the
[WSP]w increases beyond this “lower” critical concentration, onset of polymerization, as shown in Figure 3(a) there are only
another critical concentration is reached at which the dispersion two phases to consider: (i) the aqueous phase containing
becomes stable due to depletion effects. These critical molecularly dissolved surfactant, initiator, and a saturation
concentrations reduce as particle diameter and WSP molecular concentration of monomer and (ii) monomer droplets with a
weight increase. In most latex systems, the concentrations few surfactant molecules adsorbed at the surface. Radicals
required for depletion stabilization are too high to be realized in generated in the aqueous phase react with monomer molecules
practice because the free aqueous polymer chains are typically of in the aqueous phase, creating oligomeric radicals that continue
low molecular weight. However, depletion flocculation effects to propagate homogeneously in the aqueous phase and begin to
can be observed in latexes that contain aqueous phase WSPs; resemble the structure of a surfactant molecule, with a
e.g., evaporation of water during film formation of a latex-based hydrophobic tail and a hydrophilic headgroup that usually
coating can trigger depletion flocculation, causing aggregation of carries a charge from the initiator radical, as shown for persulfate
particles that results in loss of gloss in the coating. initiation in Figure 3. Hence, as the oligomeric radical grows in
3.2. Interval I: Particle Nucleation. There are three the aqueous phase, it quickly becomes surface active; the degree
principal mechanisms by which particles are nucleated, which in of polymerization for surface activity often is referred to as z and
order of when they were first recognized and controlled are (i) the oligomer as a z-mer.17 The probability of entry into a droplet
micellar nucleation, (ii) homogeneous nucleation, and (iii) is low compared to continued propagation, and so the oligomer
droplet nucleation. All three mechanisms may occur simulta- continues to grow in the aqueous phase until it either terminates
neously in a given emulsion polymerization, though one tends to (leaving a short water-soluble dead polymer chain in the
be dominant dependent upon the monomer, the reaction aqueous phase) or reaches a critical degree of polymerization
formulation, and the reaction conditions. The mechanisms are (termed jcrit) at which it becomes insoluble in water. In the latter
described in the following sections with reference to the phases case, the propagating oligo-radical then phase separates
that exist in the reaction mixture at the beginning of the (“precipitates”) from the aqueous phase to give a primary
emulsion polymerization. particle that corresponds, at that point, to the collapsed size of
However, before considering nucleation mechanisms in the propagating chain and carries only the single chain-end
detail, it is helpful to consider absorption of an oligomeric charge from the initiator radical, so it is not colloidally stable.
radical from the aqueous phase into a spherical locus, such as a This is the essence of homogeneous nucleation and is shown
monomer-swollen micelle or latex particle. This is diffusion schematically in Figure 3(a). In the early development of
controlled and governed by Fick’s first law, leading to the homogeneous nucleation theory, it was assumed that a primary
following equation for the molar rate of absorption16 particle would become colloidally stable through rapid
adsorption of surfactant molecules to the surface, such that
ρa = 4πDx r[P•x ]w (6) every oligomeric radical which attains jcrit becomes a latex
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particle nucleus in which monomer is then absorbed and the phases, as illustrated in Figure 3(c). This adds further
oligomeric radical continues to propagate. In reality, primary complexity to the fate of oligomeric radicals propagating in
particles have poorly developed hydrophobic interiors (so do the aqueous phase because they also can be captured by the
not absorb much monomer) and undergo limited coagulation monomer-swollen micelles. If the surfactant is present at
with each other until a mature particle nucleus is formed that is concentrations of a few percent by weight of monomer, there
colloidally stable (by virtue of the increased surface charge) and will normally be a very high number concentration of monomer-
has a well-developed hydrophobic interior capable of imbibing swollen micelles (typically 1018−1021 L−1) of small size (around
an appreciable quantity of monomer.18,19 Adsorption of 10 nm diameter). In contrast, the monomer droplets are present
surfactant molecules contributes additional surface charge and at much lower concentration (typically around 1010−1012 L−1)
reduces the extent of limited coagulation. The process of limited and are much larger (around 10 μm diameter). Since the
coagulation, monomer imbibition, and surfactant adsorption monomer-swollen micelles have much greater total surface area
leading to a mature particle nucleus is shown schematically in (by a factor of at least 100) than the monomer droplets, Harkins
Figure 3(b). In the complete absence of surfactant, more asserted that all oligomeric radicals are captured by the
extensive coagulation of primary particles occurs such that the monomer-swollen micelles, an assertion that becomes even
mature particle nuclei formed are much larger before they more compelling when recognizing, from eq 7, that their much
become colloidally stable. This is why surfactant-free emulsion smaller size makes them far more efficient at capturing
polymerization produces far fewer particles and consequently oligomeric radicals. Entry into a monomer-swollen micelle is
gives rise to large particle sizes. likely to occur soon after the oligomeric radical becomes a z-mer,
As Interval I progresses, the already-formed particle nuclei as depicted in Figure 3(c). One of the many important features
bring new complexity. The oligomeric radicals growing in the recognized and explained by Harkins is that the polymer chains
aqueous phase now have another possibility, namely, entry into formed have a much higher degree of polymerization (x̅n ≫
an existing particle nucleus, which is assisted by the high 100) than the number of monomer molecules (around 50−100)
curvature of the particle nuclei surfaces at this point (in accord present in a monomer-swollen micelle. He rationalized this by
with eq 7) and becomes more likely as the degree of recognizing correctly that the principal role of the monomer
polymerization of the oligomeric radical increases beyond z. If droplets is to serve as monomer reservoirs which supply monomer
an oligomeric radical attains jcrit and precipitates to form a to the growing particles by diffusion through the aqueous phase
primary particle, that primary particle may coagulate onto the at a rate that exceeds the rate of polymerization within the newly
surface of an existing particle nucleus, which in effect is another created particles. Hence, after a monomer-swollen micelle has
mode of radical entry into the existing particle nucleus. In both been “hit” by entry of an oligomeric radical, propagation of the
cases, the oligomeric radical is lost in terms of nucleation. As radical continues as normal with an equilibrium concentration of
more particle nuclei are formed, oligomeric radicals and primary monomer in the particle nucleus. The surface area of a particle
particles become increasingly likely to be captured by them, and nucleus increases rapidly in its early stages of growth and
eventually, when the number of particle nuclei is high enough, all requires more surfactant to maintain colloidal stability. This
oligomeric radicals and primary particles become captured. This additional surfactant comes from monomer-swollen micelles
marks the end of Interval I for homogeneous nucleation. that have not been hit. Thus, a monomer-swollen micelle has
Evidence for aqueous phase polymerization was described, one of two fates, either (i) become a particle nucleus on being hit
but not explained, by Harkins in his landmark paper.10 by entry of an oligomeric radical or (ii) disappear by losing its
Recognition of particle formation through aqueous phase surfactant and monomer to service the colloidal stability and
polymerization was first reported by Priest,20 and homogeneous growth of already-formed particle nuclei.
nucleation was first described explicitly by Fitch et al.21−23 The already-formed particle nuclei compete with the
(based on polymerizations of methyl methacrylate in aqueous monomer-swollen micelles for capture of the oligomeric
solution). This culminated in a quantitative treatment of radicals, a situation that is evident from Figure 3(d). As Interval
homogeneous nucleation by Fitch and Tsai,24 which was I progresses, the number of monomer-swollen micelles
developed further by Hansen and Ugelstad.16,25 (Hence, the decreases and the number of particle nuclei increases, so the
theory often is referred to as HUFT theory.) More complete probability for entry of an oligomeric radical into a monomer-
theoretical prediction of the number of latex particles formed by swollen micelle steadily reduces. Eventually all of the monomer-
the end of homogeneous nucleation must take into account swollen micelles are just completely consumed, marking the end
limited coagulation of primary particles and has to balance the of micellar nucleation.
competition between all the possible fates for propagating All quantitative theories of micellar nucleation are developed
oligomeric radicals until the point when the probability of from balances of the probabilities of aqueous-phase radical entry
capture by existing particle nuclei is unity, taking into account into monomer-swollen micelles and existing particles. Smith and
the significance of oligomeric radical surface activity for radical Ewart26 were the first to quantify the Harkins model for
entry. Hence, theoretical prediction of final particle number for emulsion polymerization and developed a theory to predict the
homogeneous nucleation is complex even for homopolymeriza- number concentration of particles per unit volume of aqueous
tion and not appropriate for inclusion herethe reader is phase (Nc) at the end of Interval I for two limiting scenarios: (i)
referred to the literature for this.16,19,24,25 each free radical generated in the aqueous phase gives rise to
3.2.2. Micellar Nucleation. Micellar nucleation was proposed entry of a radical into a monomer-swollen micelle, creating a
by Harkins10 and has the requirement that the surfactant must particle that remains colloidally stable, and (ii) monomer-
be present at a concentration above its CMC; that is, most of the swollen micelles and already-formed particles compete for
surfactant is present in the form of micelles. This is true for the capture of aqueous phase radicals in proportion to their total
great majority of emulsion polymerizations performed as batch surface areas; that is, they (incorrectly) used collision theory for
processes (see section 3.5.1). In this case, at the onset of entry probability rather than diffusion theory. The end of
polymerization, the monomer emulsion now comprises three particle nucleation was defined as the point at which all the
Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
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Figure 4. Fate of aqueous phase oligomeric radicals in emulsion polymerization. The key to symbols is the same as given in Figure 3. Arrows with
dashed lines indicate multiple aqueous-phase propagation reactions of a growing oligomeric radical with monomer. Dotted lines indicate that all
oligomeric radicals with degrees of polymerization in the range z to jcrit − 1 are capable of entry by diffusion into monomer-swollen micelles and
already-existing particles.

surfactant molecules were adsorbed at particle surfaces, i.e., emulsion polymerizations use surfactants (whether or not above
when the total particle surface area Ap = NAaS[S]0, where NA is or below the CMC), and eq 8 correctly informs us that Nc can be
the Avogadro constant, as is the surface area occupied by an expected to increase as ρw and [S]0 increase. Stronger deviations
adsorbed surfactant molecule (which they assumed to be the from Nc ∝ ρw0.4[S]00.6 are observed for monomers of greater
same for monomer-swollen micelles and particles), and [S]0 is water solubility, because homogeneous nucleation contributes
the initial surfactant concentration. For both scenarios of radical and may be dominant, and when desorption of radicals out of
capture, the dependence of Nc on reaction parameters had the particles into the aqueous phase is significant.
same functional form, 3.2.3. Monomer Droplet Nucleation. Entry of oligomeric
i NAρw yz
Nc = k SEjjjj zz (NAaS[S ]0 )3/5
radicals into monomer droplets is another mechanism by which

k υ {
particles can be formed and is termed droplet nucleation. In most
(8) conventional emulsion polymerizations, the monomer droplets
are relatively large and in relatively low number concentration,
where kSE has values in the range from 0.37 (when monomer-
so for the reasons discussed in the previous two sections, droplet
swollen micelles and particles compete for radical entry) to 0.53
(when all aqueous-phase radicals enter monomer-swollen nucleation is of minor importance in terms of an effect on the
micelles), υ is the volumetric growth rate of particles (assumed value of Nc.
to be independent of particle diameter), and ρw is the molar rate If the size of the monomer droplets is reduced sufficiently,
of radical generation in the aqueous phase. they can compete effectively for capture of oligomeric radicals
Dependence of Nc on ρw0.4[S]00.6 was found to be in and conditions can be achieved under which droplet nucleation
reasonable accord with experimental data for emulsion becomes dominant. This was the basis for development of
polymerizations of styrene and a few other monomers of low miniemulsion polymerization (see section 4). A distinguishing
water solubility at [S]0 well above the CMC, though predictions feature of droplet nucleation, as opposed to homogeneous or
of the value of Nc were not usually accurate, in part because most micellar nucleation, is the nature of the particle at “birth”.
of the assumptions inherent in derivation and use of eq 8 are Monomer droplets that are nucleated into particles by entry of
invalid. In fact, it can be shown27 that micellar nucleation is not a an oligomeric radical begin as nearly 100% monomer. This is
prerequisite for Nc ∝ ρw0.4[S]00.6 because this dependency results much higher than for particles formed by homogeneous or
from the end condition (i.e., Ap = NAaS[S]0) and the assumption micellar nucleation, which initially contain low monomer
that, once formed, the volume of a particle continues to increase concentrations and then swell to around 50−60% monomer as
during Interval I at a fixed rate υ, so it is independent of the they grow during interval I. This fundamental difference can lead
precise mechanism of particle nucleation. It is for this reason that to large differences between miniemulsion and emulsion
eq 8 has importance beyond its historical significance in polymerizations in terms of radical desorption from particles
understanding of micellar nucleation. The vast majority of and/or termination within particles during Intervals I and II.
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3.2.4. The Balance of Nucleation Mechanisms and Control Table 2. Water Solubilities of Monomers
of Particle Number. Statistically, all three types of particle
Molecular Water Solubility/ Temp/
nucleation can compete and coexist in any emulsion polymer- Monomera Weight mmol L−1 °C Reference
ization, and their contributions must be balanced in theoretical
Acrylonitrile 53.06 1990 60 32
treatments.16,19,25,28−31 However, monomer droplet nucleation
Methyl acrylate 86.09 741 60 32
is normally only significant when the droplet size is small. Since Vinyl acetate 86.09 565 60 32
miniemulsion polymerization is dealt with separately in section 4 Ethyl Acrylate 100.12 233 60 32
and the contribution of droplet nucleation to the value of Nc is Glycidyl 142.15 210 60 32
negligible in the great majority of emulsion polymerizations, methacrylate
only homogeneous nucleation and micellar nucleation will be Methyl methacrylate 100.12 150 50 33
considered here in terms of the factors that control Nc. 4-Methylstyrene 118.18 60.3 60 32
A complete picture of the fate of oligomeric radicals in normal Allyl methacrylate 126.15 50 80 34
emulsions is shown in Figure 4. At any point during its growth in Oct-1-ene 112.21 42.7 60 32
the aqueous phase, an oligomeric radical can enter a monomer- α-Methylstyrene 118.18 8.22 60 32
swollen micelle (if present) to generate a new particle, or it can n-Butyl acrylate 128.17 5.8 80 34
enter an already-existing particle. Alternatively, it may grow to Styrene 104.15 4.3 50 35
jcrit and precipitate to form a primary particle that may enter an n-Butyl methacrylate 142.20 2.5 50 36
existing particle by coagulation or undergo limited coagulation Divinylbenzene 130.19 1.45 60 32
with other primary particles until a colloidally stable particle 2-Ethylhexyl acrylate 184.28 0.971 60 32
nucleus is created. When the already-existing particles are 4-Vinylbenzyl 152.62 0.509 60 32
present in high enough number, they capture all oligomeric chloride
radicals (i.e., the left-side pathway in Figure 4 is completely VeoVa 10 (vinyl 198.31 0.199 60 32
dominant) marking the end of nucleation. One further process
iso-Octyl acrylate 184.28 0.176 60 32
shown in Figure 4 is termination of oligomeric radicals in the
iso-Decyl acrylate 212.33 0.133 60 32
aqueous phase before they either undergo an entry event or
tert-Dodecylthiola 202.40 0.036 60 32
attain jcrit. This may be by combination with an initiator radical iso-Bornyl acrylate 208.30 0.0163 60 32
or with another oligomeric radical, which can be significant in 4-tert-butylstyrene 160.26 0.01 25 37
terms of polymerization kinetics in all intervals and, in most Cetyl alcohola 242.44 1.93 × 10−4 35 38
cases, produces a water-soluble, surfactant-like species in the Lauryl methacrylate 254.41 4.71 × 10−5 35 38
aqueous phase. Stearyl methacrylate 338.57 8.24 × 10−6 35 38
There is broad opinion, though often not proven irrefutably, Hexadecanea 226.44 3.88 × 10−6 25 39
that more water-soluble monomers have greater tendency to a
Not monomers, but sometimes used as components in emulsion/
undergo homogeneous nucleation. Monomer water solubility
miniemulsion formulations.
also is an indirect factor in controlling many final latex properties
(e.g., particle morphology and latex rheology; see sections 6 and
7) due to consequences of monomer partitioning between the 3.2.1. At [S]0 > CMC, both homogeneous and micellar
aqueous and particle phases. Hence, for reference, Table 2 shows nucleation can contribute and the complexity of predicting Nc
water solubility data for multiple monomers and other is much greater. For most monomers, there normally is a major
formulation components. (several orders of magnitude) increase in Nc as [S]0 passes from
As stated, there is belief that the higher the water solubility of below to above the CMC, though this transition often is quite
the monomer ([M]w), the higher is the likelihood of broad and not sharp, as might be expected if it was signifying a
homogeneous nucleation in the presence of micelles. This sudden switch from homogeneous to micellar nucleation. When
generalization, however, hides the numerous contributing [S]0 ≫ CMC, it is very likely that micellar nucleation is
factors because, in addition to higher [M]w, several of the dominant for all monomers, so the observed broader transition
more water-soluble monomers also have higher values of kp, so to higher values of Nc in the region of the CMC is indicative of
the rate of propagation of oligomeric radicals in the aqueous both mechanisms of nucleation operating when [S]0 is close to
phase (∝kp[M]w) can be very much higher than for more the CMC, which has been shown to be a realistic possibility by
hydrophobic monomers such as styrene. This is, in part, Gilbert and co-workers.19,40
compensated by the higher value of jcrit for oligomeric radicals The large change in Nc when [S]0 is in the vicinity of the CMC
from more water-soluble monomers, but the bigger factor provides important guidance when designing formulations for
usually is the rate of aqueous phase propagation. Homogeneous latex preparation. Given that the polymerization kinetics and so
nucleation often is presumed to be dominant for monomers with many latex characteristics are dependent on the value of Nc, for
high [M]w (e.g., vinyl acetate and vinyl chloride) and even for reproducibility of preparation, it is clear that surfactants should not
those with moderate [M]w (such as methyl methacrylate and be used at [S]0 close to the CMC.
ethyl acrylate). However, it is very difficult to prove Although [I]0 has a measurable influence on Nc, as is evident
unambiguously which of the two nucleation mechanisms is from the discussion of homogeneous nucleation and eq 8, the
dominant, as has been elegantly explained in the textbook by biggest factors in controlling Nc and latex colloidal stability
Gilbert,19 which also highlights the complexities in attempting to during the polymerization are the selection of surfactant type
predict Nc for real systems. and the value of [S]0. For most emulsion polymerizations,
Clearly, for 0 ≤ [S]0 < CMC, only homogeneous nucleation is however, it is very difficult to predict Nc or colloidal stability with
possible. The value of Nc will normally increase as [I]0 and [S]0 any certainty, so it is usual to develop a formulation by
increase. However, even for the simplest of homopolymeriza- experiment, for which statistical methods of experimental design
tions, accurate prediction of Nc is difficult, as discussed in section often are employed.41−43 The wrong selection of surfactant can
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be quite disastrous in terms of the levels of coagulum produced, Table 3. Calculations Using Eqs 9 and 10 for Seeded
and so it is common to base formulations and choice of Emulsion Polymerizationa
surfactant (or surfactant mixtures) on emulsion polymerizations
that are known to be satisfactory for the same or similar df/ particles (L dS / mS/g (L % Seed Polymer in
monomers (e.g., taken from the literature, company practice, or WfP nm H2O)−1 nm H2O)−1 Final Particle
intellectual property). 0.500 200 23.87 50 15.6250 1.6
3.2.5. Control of Particle Number Using Seeded Emulsion 0.300 200 10.23 80 27.4286 6.4
Polymerization. In view of the difficulties in predicting 0.100 200 2.65 60 3.0000 2.7
nucleation behavior, strategies for avoiding the uncertainty 0.500 300 7.07 100 37.0370 3.7
around controlling Nc are important. The most effective way of 0.300 300 3.03 50 1.9841 0.5
achieving this is to prepare a large batch of a seed latex and to 0.100 300 0.79
then include a portion of this latex to provide the particle nuclei 0.400 400 1.99 100 10.4167 1.6
in further emulsion polymerizations. If the seed particles are in 0.400 400 1.99 60 2.2500 0.3
sufficient concentration, they will capture all oligomeric radicals 0.200 400 0.75
and thereby eliminate Interval I. Seeding is used commercially to 0.100 400 0.33
achieve greater batch-to-batch reproducibility and is commended for 0.400 500 1.02 100 5.3333 0.8
use in all emulsion polymerizations where control of Nc is important. 0.300 500 0.65
For most applications, there is a particular target final particle 0.100 500 0.17
diameter and final latex polymer content, so it is important to a
For simplicity, ρH2O = 1000 g L−1 and ρP = 1 × 10−21 g nm−3 have
consider whether or not this is realistic for control by seeding.
been used in the calculations. Values of (Nc)f < 1 × 1016 particles (L
Based on historical experimental evidence, with support from H2O)−1 are italicized, and corresponding values of dS, mS, and % seed
theory, 44 a rule-of-thumb guide for having reasonable polymer in final latex particles are not given because seeded control of
confidence that all oligomeric radicals will be captured by the (Nc)f is unlikely to be successful.
seed particles, i.e., for elimination of additional particle
nucleation, is to use a seed particle concentration above 1016 1018−1019 particles (L H2O)−1. The reasons for this are (i) the
particles per liter of aqueous phase ({L H2O}−1). For 100% seed polymer is then a small percentage of the final polymer (as
conversion of monomer and assuming that surfactant and salts evident from Table 3); (ii) the seed latex contributes only a very
(e.g., buffer and residual initiator) contribute negligibly to the small proportion of the total water required (the total water in
total mass of final latex, it is simple to show that the value of Nc the formulation must include the water present from the seed
for the target final latex is given by latex); and (iii) a single batch of seed latex can be used to make
{WfP/(1 − WfP)}ρH O many batches of target latex or many different target latexes.
(Nc)f = 2
particles (L H 2O)−1 Batch-to-batch variation of dS in seed latex preparation is simply
(π /6)df3ρP (9) adjusted for using the calculations described above.
Additional surfactant must be added in a seeded emulsion
where WfP is the mass fraction concentration of polymer in the polymerization to ensure colloidal stability of the seed particles
final latex, ρH2O and ρP are the densities of water (g L−1) and as they grow. In order to eliminate the possibility of micellar
polymer (g nm−3), and df is the final particle diameter (nm). It nucleation, it is important to make sure that the concentration of
also is simple to calculate the mass mS of seed particles of surfactant does not exceed the CMC at any point. When using
diameter dS required more water-soluble monomers, lower rates of radical generation

ji d zy
mS = {WfP/(1 − WfP)}ρH O jjj S zzz g (L H 2O)−1
will also help to reduce the possibility of creating new particles

2 jd z

k f{
by homogeneous nucleation.
(10) Latexes with very large sizes (500 nm to 100 μm diameter) are
best prepared by a series of seeded emulsion polymerizations in
Ideally, number-average particle diameters should be used in which the latex from each reaction is swollen with just enough
these calculations, but in most cases only other average particle monomer to achieve equilibrium swelling and then polymerized.
diameters are available, in which case eqs 9 and 10 can still be For very large particles (diameters >10 μm), coagulation arising
used and will be most accurate if the particle size distribution is from gravitational forces is a problem, which has been overcome
narrow. For example, z-average particle diameters measured by for production of small volumes of standard narrow PSD
photon correlation spectroscopy are widely used and give polystyrene latexes by carrying out the polymerizations in
reliable predictions. (See section 3.7 for a discussion of particle space.45
diameter averages and their measurement.) 3.3. Interval II: Particle Growth in the Presence of
It is instructive to consider a few scenarios for these Monomer Droplets. The particles created during nucleation
calculations, as presented in Table 3, inspection of which become the loci for polymerization during Interval II (and also
shows that seeded emulsion polymerization can be very helpful Interval III). It is assumed that the particles remain colloidally
for controlling Nc when WfP is relatively high (≥0.40) and df ≤ stable as they grow by further polymerization and that secondary
400 nm, which is the situation for most commercial latexes. nucleation is absent, such that Nc is constant after Interval I. Key
However, it also is clear that when WfP is low (≤0.20) and df > to understanding Interval II is Harkins’10 recognition that
400 nm, it is very difficult to prevent creation of new particles monomer droplets exist for the complete duration of Interval II and
because Nc is too low to ensure capture of all oligomeric radicals. serve only as reservoirs for supply of monomer to growing latex
Seed latexes are usually prepared at high surfactant particles by diffusion through the aqueous phase at a rate which
concentrations to have relatively high polymer contents (e.g., exceeds the rate of polymerization within the latex particles (i.e.,
30−40% polymer by weight of latex) and dS in the range 50−100 mass transfer of monomer from droplets is fast and exceeds the
nm, which means they have very high values of Nc, typically rate of chain radical propagation inside a particle). This is now a
Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
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well-established truth and the particles can be considered to be

at equilibrium swelling by monomer throughout Interval II with
few exceptions (e.g., monomers of extremely low water solubility
may not achieve a saturation concentration in the particles due
to very low rates of diffusion). Thus, the factors controlling
swelling of particles by monomer will be considered before
examining the kinetics of polymerization.
3.3.1. Equilibrium Monomer Concentration in Particles.
Measured equilibrium [M]p data for some common monomers
are given in Table 4 and are typical of the values to be expected
for saturation swelling of a homopolymer particle by its

Table 4. Saturation Concentration of Monomer in Particles

at 50 °C19
Figure 5. Predicted equilibrium [M]p at 75 °C plotted as a function of ru
Monomer [M]p / mol L−1 ru / nm for three typical values of γPW (eq 11 was solved iteratively for ϕp to give
styrene 5.5 47 [M]p using 1/x̅n = 0 and data for styrene: ρM = 8.7 × 105 g m−3; χ = 0.44;
methyl methacrylate 6.6 34−46 M0 = 104.15 g mol−1; and VM = M0/ρM).
n-butyl methacrylate 3.8 40
n-butyl acrylate 5.0 79 Interval II occurs; e.g., an Interval II conversion range of 5−40%
vinyl acetate 7.5 29 would give a 2-fold {(40/5)1/3} increase in ru. Although the
assumption that [M]p is constant throughout Interval II has
support from experimental measurements of [M]p,49 the
Theoretical prediction for equilibrium swelling of particles by conclusions from the Morton Equation are that it will improve
monomer is achieved46 by balancing the favorable free energy of as γPW reduces but in most cases will only be reasonable if ru is
monomer−polymer mixing against the resistance to swelling ≳50 nm at the end of Interval I.
from the unfavorable surface free energy of polymer−water 3.3.2. General Considerations for Polymerization Kinetics
during Interval II. In homogeneous free-radical polymer-
ij 1 yz ij 2γ VM yz
contact, which when at equilibrium is defined by

ln(1 − ϕp) + jjj1 − zzzϕp + χϕp2 + jjj PW zzzϕp1/3 = 0

izations, individual chain radicals typically exist for up to, at

j z j ruRT z
k xn̅ { k {
most, a few seconds before being killed, but more often have
shorter lifetimes than this. In emulsion polymerizations, chain
(11) radicals are segregated (compartmentalized) into small particles
and have much longer lifetimes. If it is assumed (because the
where ϕp is the volume fraction of polymer in the swollen particles are so small) that termination is instantaneous when a
particle, x̅n is the number-average degree of polymerization of second chain radical enters a particle containing a single
the polymer, χ is the Flory−Huggins polymer−solvent propagating chain, then the particles can only contain either one
interaction parameter (which can be measured by experiment or zero radicals at any given instant in time, so-called zero−one
or predicted from monomer and repeat unit chemical conditions. This segregation of simultaneously propagating
structures47), γPW is the polymer−water interfacial tension chains in separate particles is very significant for the kinetics
(which must be measured or estimated), VM is the partial molar and is the underlying reason why it is possible to increase both
volume of monomer, ru is the unswollen radius of the particle the rate of polymerization and the degree of polymerization by
(which must be measured), R is the gas constant, and T is increasing Nc.
absolute temperature. (Note that the swollen radius was used The rate of polymerization is given by the following quite
originally46 and is given by rswollen = ruϕ−1/3
p .) Equation 11 often general equation (which is applicable during all intervals),
is referred to as the “Morton Equation”, in which it is usual to

assume that 1/xn̅ = 0 because xn̅ invariably is large. The equation
can be solved iteratively to give ϕp from which [M]p can then be R p = k p[M]p ∑ (iNi /NA)
calculated ([M]p = (1− ϕp)ρM/M0 where ρM is the density of the i=1

monomer). The value of [M]p is sensitive to γPW, which for pure in which kp[M]p is the molar rate of propagation for a chain
polymer−water contact typically has values in the range 7−32 radical in a particle, [M]p is the monomer concentration in a
mN m−1.48 At particle surfaces, γPW is likely to be reduced particle, and Ni is the number of particles containing i
significantly by the effects of surfactant and the presence of simultaneously propagating chain radicals. In view of its very
monomer dissolved in the aqueous phase. For a given monomer, small volume, it is often assumed that there are severe
if χ and γPW are assumed to be constants, the equation shows that restrictions on the number of radicals that can propagate
ϕp is dependent on ru and that ϕp, and hence [M]p, will change as simultaneously within a particle (i.e., the values of i are limited to
the particles grow, as illustrated in Figure 5 using values of γPW relatively small numbers). This assumption will be discussed
that are representative of the range expected at a particle surface. critically later, but for now it will suffice to understand that eq 12
The Morton Equation predicts that [M]p is highly dependent on is most appropriate for zero−one conditions.
ru when the particles are small (e.g., during Interval I) and that, In their elegant quantification of the Harkins model of
although the dependence becomes weaker as ru increases above emulsion polymerization, Smith and Ewart26 introduced the
50 nm, there is still a slight increase for ru > 150 nm. Hence, the extremely important concept of considering an average particle
common presumption that [M]p is constant during Interval II is that at a particular instant contains the number-average of the
an approximation in view of the typical conversions over which radicals present across all the particles in the reaction, a quantity
Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
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more usually referred to as the average number of radicals per homogeneous free-radical polymerizations, it often causes only a
particle, n̅ relatively small reduction in x̅n compared to (x̅n)0. However, the
∞ ∞ ∞ extremely high values of (x̅n)EP0 mean that termination of a chain
n̅ = ∑ iNi ∑ Ni = ∑ iNi Nc radical within a particle is often dominated by chain transfer to
i=1 i=1 i=1 (13) monomer, especially for monomers with high values of kp (such
as acrylates and vinyl acetate). Under these circumstances x̅n →

ij n yz
Hence, eq 12 can be recast into its more familiar form (CM)−1 and so still remains relatively high (104−105). Hence, in

R p = k p[M]p jjj ̅ zzzNc

jN z
accord with eq 17, transfer agents often are used at low levels in

k A{
emulsion polymerizations to reduce (“control”) x̅n to values
(14) more appropriate to the end application.
The importance of n̅ cannot be overemphasized because it is Chain transfer to monomer has another very significant effect:
fundamental to understanding the kinetics of emulsion it produces a small, highly mobile, monomeric radical that has
polymerization. The challenge for Interval II is to predict the sufficient water solubility to exit the particle. Exit of a monomer
value of n̅. In seeking to do this, Smith and Ewart considered radical brings a noncharged radical species into the aqueous
three cases for the value of n̅ that have remained a firm phase that will not become surface active, just less miscible with
foundation for consideration of Interval II ever since and will be water as it grows until terminating or entering another particle.
discussed in the following sections. The value of n̅ during Chain transfer to transfer agent within a particle also produces a
Interval II can easily be determined from experimental data for small radical of higher mobility than can desorb, though such
Rp, [M]p, and Nc using eq 14, calculations that are now far more radicals are normally much more hydrophobic than a
reliable because accurate values of kp measured by pulsed-laser monomeric radical and so have less tendency to exit (e.g.,
polymerization are available. 50−54 However, as for Nc, isomers of dodecylthiol are widely used as transfer agents and
theoretical prediction of n̅ is complex and challenging. (For give a C12H25S• sulfenyl radical on chain transfer). Finally, there
readers who are interested, the complexities have been well is a finite probability that, soon after entry, an oligomeric radical
documented and discussed.16,19,40) Before considering the three may exit a particle and continue propagating in the aqueous
Smith−Ewart cases, we will first turn our attention to prediction phase before it enters another particle. Although there are
of the degree of polymerization. several possibilities for radical exit, chain transfer to monomer
Under zero−one conditions, the time for which a segregated and exit of the resulting monomer radical is considered to be the
chain can propagate in an average particle is equal to the average predominant mechanism by which radicals exit particles.
time between successive radical entry events (te̅ n), which is given 3.3.3. Smith−Ewart Case 1. Smith−Ewart Case 1 is the most
by general condition for a zero−one system, which is n̅ ≪ 1. This
was defined because they had the vision to realize that radicals
Nc may exit from a particle and that for Case 1 the rate of radical exit
ten̅ =
ρen NA (15) f rom a particle is much greater than the rate of radical entry into a
particle, which in turn is much greater than the rate of radical
where ρen is the total molar rate of radical entry into particles per termination in a particle. Under such conditions, at any given
unit volume of aqueous phase. For most emulsion polymer- instant, most particles will contain no radicals, some will contain
izations the value of te̅ n falls in the range 1−100 s, which one radical, and extremely few will contain two or more radicals.
highlights the significance of compartmentalization. Under these Many emulsion polymerizations are found to proceed under
conditions, in the absence of chain transfer events, it is easy to Case 1 conditions with n̅ < 0.5. This is common: (i) when (x̅n)EP 0
predict the number-average degree of polymerization for is high (which is normal) and/or CM is high (e.g., allylic
emulsion polymerization monomers) because chain transfer to monomer is more
k p[M]p Nc prevalent; (ii) when the particles are small (e.g., d < 150 nm)
(x ̅ )0EP = k p[M]p ten̅ = because this increases the rate of exit; and (iii) when the radical
ρen NA (16) flux is low (e.g., at low [I]0 and lower reaction temperatures)
Thus, (x̅n)EP
0 can be increased by reducing ρen (e.g., by reducing because ρen is lower. Theoretical prediction of n̅ for Case 1
[I]0) or by increasing Nc (e.g., increasing [S]0), or vice versa, as a conditions is complex and requires solution of the equation
result of their effect on te̅ n. Values of kp generally are in the range
from 200 to 40,000 L mol−1 s−1 and for [M]p are around 4−8 dn ̅
= ρen − ρex
mol L−1. Thus, (x̅n)EP 0 typically has a magnitude of about 10 −
4 dt (18)
10 , i.e., extremely high. This massively increases the likelihood
that termination of a segregated chain radical will be brought where ρex is the total rate of radical exit taking into account the
about by chain transfer events, for which eq 2 is applicable, but in fate of exited radicals. A reliable equation for prediction of ρen
which all the concentrations are those within a particle. Since came from the work of Gilbert’s group in what often is referred
solvents are not used in emulsion polymerizations, only chain to as “Maxwell−Morrison” theory,17 the basis of which is that
transfer to monomer and transfer agent are relevant surface active z-mer radicals enter (see section 3.2.1); this was a
very important step forward. Several equations for prediction of
1 1 [TA]p ρex have been presented depending on the assumptions about
= + CM + C TA the fate of exited radicals (e.g., termination in the aqueous phase
xn̅ (xn̅ )0EP [M]p (17)
or “re-entry” into another particle or multiple exits and re-
First we will assume that a transfer agent is not present, so only entries). The most up-to-date rationale for such treatments has
chain transfer to monomer needs to be considered. Transfer been presented by Gilbert et al.19,40 One important point to note
constants for chain transfer to monomer are quite small for most is that these theoretical treatments lead to a dependence of n̅
monomers (CM is typically in the range 10−4−10−5) and, in (and hence Rp) on [I]0 as well as several other parameters.
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3.3.4. Smith−Ewart Case 2. Smith−Ewart Case 2 is the most solution56 of the Smith−Ewart population balance equations.
widely referenced of the three cases because it leads to a simple The analysis has physical inconsistencies but was useful in
prediction that n̅ = 0.5. This is a special case of zero−one reaffirming the Smith−Ewart criteria and providing a
conditions and, in comparison to Case 1 conditions, the only quantitative framework for evaluating some features of emulsion
difference is the assumption that radical desorption is negligible. polymerization that are intuitive and borne out in practice. (i)
Thus, the conditions for Case 2 are instantaneous termination on Case 1 conditions occur when radical exit is significant, and
entry of a second radical into a particle and a complete absence of more insightfully, under these conditions, increasing the rate of
radical exit. radical formation in the aqueous phase moves the kinetics
Smith and Ewart carried out a rigorous mathematical analysis toward Case 2. (ii) Case 2 conditions are possible only when
of population balances for Ni over all values of i, leading to radical exit is completely absent and the rate of formation of
mathematical proof that, under Case 2 conditions, n̅ = 0.5. radicals in the aqueous phase per particle is below the rate of loss
However, this is easy to deduce simply by considering an of radicals through bimolecular termination in the particles. (iii)
“average” particle, which will see radical entry events at exactly Case 3 conditions become possible whenever the rate of
equal intervals of te̅ n. Consider a point in time when a radical formation of radicals in the aqueous phase per particle is above
enters this average particle, assuming that it does not already the rate of loss of radicals through bimolecular termination in the
contain a chain radical. Thus, the radical entry event will particles, and the ratio of those rates required to cause a switch
instantly initiate a chain radical that will propagate within the from Case 1 to Case 3 kinetics gets larger as the extent of radical
particle for a period of time te̅ n until the next radical enters and exit increases.
instantly terminates propagation. The average particle now 3.3.7. Zero−One and Pseudobulk Categorization of
contains zero radicals again and remains dormant for another Particle Growth Kinetics. Gilbert et al.15,19,40 have shown that
period te̅ n until the next radical entry event initiates a new chain Smith−Ewart Case 3 conditions are part of a more general case
radical, which will propagate for a period te̅ n until it is terminated of pseudobulk conditions under which the compartmentalization
by the next radical entering. Hence, the average particle contains of radicals into particles has no effect on the kinetics.
zero radicals for half the time and one radical for the other half, In addition to n̅ > 1, pseudobulk behavior will also occur if
from which it is clear that the value of n̅ is 0.5. Another multiple radical exit and re-entry events proceed on a time scale
consequence of the conditions for Case 2 is that n̅ = 0.5 much shorter than that for bimolecular termination in a particle,
independent of ρen and Nc and that doubling the value of ρen conditions under which n̅ may be very small (e.g., <0.5 and often
simply has the effect of doubling the frequency at which the ≪0.5). In this case, the effects of compartmentalization are lost
average particle switches from containing zero to one radical, so because radicals rapidly exchange between particles, so in terms
it has no effect on Rp, only on (x̅)EP 0 (which will halve). Under
of kinetics, it is as if the aqueous phase is not there. The kinetics
Case 2 conditions, with n̅ = 0.5, eq 14 takes its most familiar are then the same as for n̅ > 1. In all cases of pseudobulk
form. conditions, the value of n̅ is controlled by the usual processes of
In the early days of emulsion polymerization, Smith−Ewart radical entry, radical exit, and bimolecular radical termination in
Case 2 was highly celebrated because application of eq 14 to the particles, but this time with the possibility for n̅ to be large.
experimental data gave n̅ values close to 0.5. However, this has Under pseudobulk conditions, the value of n̅ is obtained from
solutions to the equation
ij k yz
since been shown to have arisen because values of kp available at

= ρen − kex n ̅ − 2jjjj t zzzzn ̅ 2

that time were inaccurate and when correct values of kp are used,

j NAVp z
n̅ only rarely is found to be 0.5, even for styrene emulsion dn ̅
k {
polymerizations, which had been considered for many years the dt (19)
classic example of Case 2 kinetics.19 Very high radical fluxes (i.e.,
high values of [I]0 and higher reaction temperatures) will move where kex is the rate coefficient for radical exit and Vp is the
an emulsion polymerization toward Case 2 kinetics because particle volume. The analysis must take into account the effect of
0 is reduced, making chain transfer to monomer and exit less re-entry on kex and diffusion control of bimolecular termination
likely. Similarly, monomers (such as styrene) for which kp is on kt.
relatively small and CtrM is small will have lower values for (x̅)EP 0 A broader division of particle growth into categories is,
and tend toward Case 2 behavior. therefore, to use the designations zero−one (which embraces
3.3.5. Smith−Ewart Case 3. Smith−Ewart Case 3 corre- Smith−Ewart Cases 1 and 2) and pseudobulk (which includes
sponds to n̅ > 1. The conditions for Case 3 set out by Smith and Smith−Ewart Case 3 as well as the rapid radical exit and re-entry
Ewart were that the rate of radical entry is much greater than the scenario). Some emulsion polymerizations fall between these
rate of termination, with the presumption that particles are large categories and exact analytical solutions for calculation of n̅ are
enough to accommodate more than one simultaneously propagating only possible in the intermediate situation where a particle can
chain radical. contain either zero, one, or two radicals because two radicals can
Clearly, Case 3 is more likely to occur in large particles from exist within a particle, but instant bimolecular termination
which radical exit is less likely. As n̅ increases beyond unity, the occurs when a third radical enters (i.e., 0.5 < n̅ < 1), which is
effects of radical segregation are lost and the kinetics eventually referred to as zero−one−two conditions. Only under zero-one and
become those for bulk polymerization because termination zero-one-two conditions are effects of radical compartmental-
becomes rate-controlling instead of radical entry. A better ization observed.
approach to analyzing Case 3 conditions is described in section Westmoreland et al.57−61 have performed real-time electron
3.3.7. spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR) of emulsion polymer-
3.3.6. Alternative Analysis of Particle Growth Conditions. A izations, which facilitates measurement of n̅, and revealed that,
theoretical method for probing scenarios during particle growth for particles with diameters above about 100 nm, n̅ can take very
was developed by Ugelstad et al.16,55 and makes use of several high values (≫100 and often ≫1000) when [M]p is low, such as
parameters together with calculation of n̅ using O’Toole’s in Interval III or during a starved semibatch emulsion
Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
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polymerization (see section 3.5.2). Even very small particles become glass-like) at very high conversions. If this happens, then
with a diameter of 50 nm, which would be expected to show low not only are chain radicals immobilized, but diffusion of
values of n̅ due to increased radical exit, were shown to have n̅ in monomer to them also becomes much slower and propagation
the range 0.2−0.8 in a starved semibatch process when [M]p is becomes diffusion controlled, which causes kp to reduce by 1−2
low. These results indicate that pseudobulk kinetics operate for a orders of magnitude;62 this sometimes is referred to as the glass
significant proportion of the monomer conversion in most ef fect.
emulsion polymerizations. 3.5. Emulsion Polymerization Processes. The properties
3.4. Interval III: Particle Growth in the Absence of of polymers prepared by emulsion polymerization are greatly
Monomer Droplets. Interval III begins when the monomer affected by the process employed, even for the same overall
droplets are just completely depleted by supplying monomer to reaction formulation. In this section, the main factors of
the growing polymer particles, i.e., from the point at which importance are described for each of the three types of process
monomer droplets just completely disappear. This typically used. As for all polymerizations, regardless of process, the
corresponds to overall conversions of around 40% in batch reaction must be run under an inert atmosphere because oxygen
emulsion polymerizations in which, therefore, the majority of can inhibit or retard polymerization and may become
polymer is formed during Interval III. incorporated into the polymer structure as peroxide links. The
During Interval III, most of the remaining monomer will reacting mixture must be stirred for the full period of the
reside within the particles, with a small amount dissolved polymerization using an appropriate agitator design and speed,
molecularly in the aqueous phase. Thus, the particles remain the so that good heat removal and good mixing are achieved without
principal loci of polymerization and, as conversion increases, generating too high a shear rate (see section 3.10). As a general
[M]p reduces continuously which, from eq 14, might be rule, for commercial-scale reactors, an axial flow airfoil impeller
expected to produce a proportionate reduction in Rp, ultimately gives low energy consumption and low shear for fluids having
to zero when all the monomer is polymerized. However, as viscosities in the range of most emulsion polymerizations. Radial
discussed in the previous section, it is common for n̅ to increase flow impellers are often used in emulsion polymerizations at the
during Interval III as the particle volume increases, compensat- laboratory scale, and anchor-type impellers are best for very high
ing somewhat for the reduction in [M]p, and zero−one and viscosity fluids.
zero−one−two systems are likely to switch to pseudobulk 3.5.1. Batch Emulsion Polymerization. This is the simplest
conditions at some point, which completely changes the process and involves addition of all reactants to the reactor at the
kinetics. Additionally, chain transfer to polymer becomes more outset. Usually, the monomer emulsion is prepared and heated
probable (see section 3.6.1) and effects arising from diffusion to reaction temperature first. A solution of initiator in monomer
control of propagation and termination in particles can become is then added to start the polymerization. Formulations may
highly significant for both Rp and x̅n, as discussed in the following include a seed latex in order to eliminate nucleation and get
section. Hence, the kinetics of polymerization during Interval III more reproducible control of particle diameter.
are complex. Many academic studies use batch processes, but its industrial
3.4.1. Effects Arising from Diffusion Control of Propaga- use is limited primarily to synthetic rubber production where
tion and Termination. The effects of diffusion control on chain transfer to polymer must be suppressed (to suppress
termination will be considered first. As [M]p reduces during branching and cross-linking) by keeping the monomer
Interval III, the internal viscosity of the particles increases and, concentration as high as possible. Rates of polymerization can
eventually, may become so high that the termination rate be very high, making it difficult to remove the heat of
coefficient, kt, becomes controlled by translational diffusion of polymerization. Additionally, there is no control of composition
long chain radicals, which is very low in media of high viscosity. drift in emulsion copolymerizations (see Section 3.9).
This causes an abrupt, massive reduction in kt and a dramatic 3.5.2. Semibatch Emulsion Polymerization. In a semibatch
increase in the radical concentration, the consequence of which process, some of the reactants are added to the reactor at the
is a large increase in Rp and (x̅n)0 for homogeneous free-radical start and the remainder are fed in a controlled way. Such
polymerizations, an effect termed autoacceleration, as discussed processes are highly versatile and are the most widely used of the
in section 2.1. In emulsion polymerizations, the massive three processes. Most commonly, a portion of the water,
reduction in kt will change the entry−exit−termination balance initiator, and surfactant and 5−10% of the total monomer are
toward higher values of n̅ and pseudobulk kinetics (if the present in the reactor at the start and allowed to react for a
reaction is not already under those conditions) with consequent period of time (often referred to as a “seed” stage) before
increases in Rp and (x̅n)EP 0 . Thus, autoacceleration often is metering in the remaining monomer at a controlled rate.
observed during Interval III of emulsion polymerizations, Monomer may be fed to the reactor either directly or as an
though this is dependent on the monomer: homopolymeriza- emulsion in water (referred to as a “pre-emulsion”), so-called
tions of acrylates are particularly susceptible and may even show monomer feed or emulsion feed strategies, the latter being favored
evidence of autoacceleration in Interval II; autoacceleration for by industry (even though it gives less control) because it tends to
methacrylates is substantial, but less than for acrylates, and for achieve better mixing of the feed into the reaction mixture.
styrene the effect is much smaller. These differences between Further quantities of aqueous initiator solution are added,
monomer classes arise from differences in kp and x̅nthe higher usually in “shots” at particular times during the reactionfor
they are, the more likely is autoacceleration. The effects of reasons of safety, initiator should never be included as part of the
diffusion control of bimolecular termination are accounted for aqueous phase in a pre-emulsion. Since water and surfactant are
by Gilbert et al.19,40 in treatment of pseudobulk kinetics. essential components of a pre-emulsion, care must be taken in
When the reaction temperature is well below the glass emulsion feed reactions to allow for the effects this has on
transition temperature (Tg)4 of the polymer being formed (e.g., aqueous phase surfactant concentration and on the final latex
methyl methacrylate and styrene have homopolymer Tg values polymer content. With monomer-fed reactions, if desired,
of 105 and 100 °C, respectively), the particle will vitrify (i.e., additional surfactant can be fed to the reactor as an aqueous
Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
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solution (or even dissolved in the monomer feed when eliminated by using a seed latex as one of the formulation
surfactant and monomer are miscible). For control of final components.
particle diameter it is necessary to ensure that the additional Emulsion polymerizations can be carried out using many
surfactant is just sufficient to maintain colloidal stability, but low types of continuous reactor, including a single continuous
enough to prevent formation of new particles, i.e., secondary stirred-tank reactor (CSTR), multiple CSTRs in series, single-
nucleation, in which case keeping the aqueous phase surfactant pass tubular reactors, and multiple-pass tubular reactors (i.e.,
concentration below the CMC is important since that eliminates loop reactors). Parameters such as [M]p, Rp, polymer molecular
one mode of nucleation. weight, conversion, copolymer composition, and particle
A very important consideration in semibatch processes is the diameter can be controlled, but PSD and MWD usually are
rate (RM) at which monomer is fed to the reactor (either directly much broader than for latexes produced by batch and semibatch
or in a pre-emulsion), for which there are two broad scenarios in processes because of the statistical distribution of reactor
relation to the maximum rate of polymerization ({Rp}max) which residence times, e.g., one particle may be in the reactor for only a
is the value of Rp for the reaction when [M]p has its equilibrium short time, whereas another may be present for a long time
value. before leaving. As for batch and semibatch processes, values of n̅
RM > {Rp}max Flooded conditions: monomer is fed to the reactor will depend on particle diameter and the polymerization
faster than it can polymerize and excess monomer builds up to conditions. CSTR trains consisting of 5 to 15 CSTRs in series
the point where monomer droplets are formed. The reaction are often used in the emulsion-polymerized rubber facilities.
proceeds much as in a batch process and [M]p has its Some water-based coating polymers are made in loop reactors.
equilibrium value. Most other emulsion polymer products are manufactured in
RM < {Rp}max Starved conditions: monomer is fed to the reactor semibatch reactors.64−66
slower than it can polymerize and [M]p is well below its 3.6. Effects of Chain Transfer to Polymer. Chain transfer
equilibrium value. Instantaneous conversions are very high (the to polymer leads to branching (and possibly cross-linking) in the
monomer is consumed rapidly as it enters the reactor) and Rp = polymer produced and usually is more significant in emulsion
ϕpRM.14,63 polymerizations than in homogeneous free-radical polymer-
Semibatch processes are routinely operated under starved izations. Also, water-soluble polymers are included in for-
conditions because it is only then that the full benefits of mulations for some emulsion polymerizations and can become
monomer feeding can be realized. Although ϕp (and the extent grafted to the particles through chain transfer to polymer
of starving) is dependent on RM, under these conditions ϕp reactions. The underlying principles for branching and grafting
typically is at least 0.8, and more usually >0.9, and the period of are the same and are discussed in the following sections.
monomer feeding is typically 2−4 h. Hence, under starved 3.6.1. Branching and Cross-linking due to Chain Transfer
conditions, Rp (and the rate of heat removal required) are to Polymer. The mechanisms of chain transfer to polymer were
controlled by RM. The reaction is effectively in Interval III first established in detail for preparation of low-density
throughout the period of monomer feeding, so values of n̅ can be polyethylene (LDPE) by free-radical polymerization at high
very high. In their real-time ESR studies of starved emulsion temperature, which revealed that the reaction can proceed both
polymerizations, Westmoreland et al.57,58 showed that there is a intramolecularly and intermolecularly, as shown schematically in
strong dependence of n̅ on particle diameter, with values of n̅ in Figure 6. (Although the typical levels of 3−6 mol % branched
the range 0.2−0.8 when dz = 50 nm and 240−29,860 for dz = 500
nm (where dz is the “z-average” particle diameter; see section
3.7). The high value of ϕp also promotes chain transfer to
polymer with significant consequences for the final polymer
molecular weight distribution (MWD) and skeletal structure
(i.e., branching and possibly cross-linking), especially for
polymerizations of monomers such as acrylates and vinyl esters
(see section 3.6.1).
The importance of starved, semibatch emulsion polymer-
ization cannot be overemphasized. In addition to facilitating
simple control of Rp and reactor cooling rate, it also provides
opportunities for elimination of copolymer composition drift
(see section 3.9) and for good control of particle morphology by
feeding different monomer mixtures in succession (see section
6). Figure 6. Schematic mechanism of intramolecular and intermolecular
chain transfer to polymer. Propagating chains are red and dead chains
3.5.3. Continuous Emulsion Polymerization. In a continu- are black. The inset shows the six-membered ring conformation at the
ous process, formulation components are fed continuously into end of the chain radical during intramolecular chain transfer to polymer,
a reactor system from which the product latex is continuously which produces a short branch. Dashed lines for arrows indicate
removed. Such processes are most suited to production of a multiple processes of the same kind.
single latex in very large volume, though they also have been
used in academic studies of mechanism and kinetics. The
process should operate under steady-state so that it produces repeat units in LDPE may not seem high, it actually is very high
latex of consistent quality. However, oscillations (e.g., of in terms of effects on the properties of LDPE4,67 because 1 in
conversion, particle diameter, etc.) at start-up often are an every 17−33 repeat units is branchedLDPE is considered to
issue and can persist for a long time before they disappear. These be one the most highly branched polymers.)
often are due to oscillations in aqueous phase surfactant The intramolecular reaction is most prevalent and typically
concentration and nucleation, in which case they can be proceeds via a 6-membered ring transition state to produce
Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
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Scheme 3. Mechanism of Chain Transfer to Polymer in Acrylate Polymerizationsa

Note that although the intermolecular reaction is shown, intramolecular reaction proceeds via the same chemistry, but via a 6-membered ring
transition state at the chain end. Dashed lines for arrows indicate multiple processes of the same kind.

Scheme 4. Mechanisms of Chain Transfer to Polymer in Vinyl Ester Polymerizations (Mechanism (b) Is Dominant)a

Note that although the intermolecular reactions are shown, intramolecular reaction proceeds via the same chemistry, but via small ring (5−7
membered) transition states at the chain end. Dashed lines for arrows indicate multiple processes of the same kind.

short-chain branches (typically 4 carbon atoms long), which with major consequences for polymer properties. Hence, with
disrupt the local polymer chain conformations and have greatest the exception of crystallizable polymers, the consequences of
significance for properties of polymers that crystallize (e.g., intermolecular chain transfer to polymer are much greater in
polyethylene and emulsion copolymers of ethylene with vinyl terms of effects on polymer properties (especially for emulsion
acetate) because the short-chain branches disrupt crystallization. polymers based on acrylates or vinyl esters).
Molecular weight averages (number-, weight-, and z-averages) Chain transfer to polymer is negligible in methacrylate
are little affected by the intramolecular processes because the polymerizations due to the lack of an easily abstractable H atom
number of chains does not alter and the same chain continues to on the polymer chain. However, in acrylate polymerizations
propagate much as before. Although intermolecular chain chain transfer to polymer is significant68−72 and proceeds via
transfer to polymer is less frequent, it becomes more likely as abstraction of H atoms from tertiary C−H bonds at the
conversion increases (i.e., when the polymer concentration is substituted backbone carbon atoms, as shown in Scheme 3.
high, such as in latex particles during emulsion polymerization) Since steric restrictions on reaction are strong for radicals, the
and produces long-chain branches that have a very large effect on driving force for chain transfer to polymer is that the product
polymer relaxation behavior and so on the physical properties of radical is tertiary and more stable than the normal secondary
amorphous polymers above Tg. In this case, the number of propagating radical (both radicals are stabilized by resonance
chains again does not change (so number-average molecular with the ester CO group). Branching is extensive for acrylates,
weight remains largely unaffected), but the originally propagat- typically giving 2−8 mol % branched repeat units (depending, in
ing chain is killed earlier than normal and the originally dead part, on the R group), and if acrylate homopolymerizations are
chain is reactivated into propagation at the site of H atom carried out to high conversions, then a high proportion of the
abstraction. This leads to broadening of the MWD and higher polymer produced will be cross-linked (termed “gel”) due to
values of weight- and z-average molecular weights. Also, if termination by coupling of long-chain branches, as depicted in
termination by combination is dominant, propagating long- Figure 6. Acrylates are the main monomer type used in synthesis
chain branches can couple and thereby create cross-links, again of pressure-sensitive adhesive polymers, the properties of which
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Scheme 5. Mechanism Responsible for Synergism in Chain Transfer to Polymer for Vinyl Ester−Acrylate Copolymerizationsa

Dashed lines for arrows indicate multiple processes of the same kind.

are very dependent on control of the extent of chain transfer to [M]local and [Pr−H]local are the concentrations of monomer and
polymer. abstractable polymer C−H bond, respectively, specifically in the
Scheme 4 shows the two possible mechanisms of chain vicinity of the chain transfer to polymer reaction. The first term
transfer to polymer in vinyl ester polymerizations. H-abstraction accounts for the intramolecular reaction and the second for
from the carbon atom attached to the ester CO group is intermolecular reaction. Equation 20 gives helpful direction in
dominant to the virtual exclusion of H-abstraction from the terms of controlling chain transfer to polymer. The rate
backbone tertiary C−H bond.73,74 Neither the normal coefficient ratios will become smaller as temperature is
secondary propagating radical nor the tertiary product radical decreased because chain transfer to polymer has a higher
from backbone H-abstraction is stabilized by resonance (other activation energy than propagation, e.g. chain transfer to
than the usual hyperconjugation with H atoms in the preceding polymer in acrylate polymerizations is negligible at 0 °C
main-chain CH2), but the product radical from side-group H- (which requires redox initiation) and increases progressively to
abstraction is stabilized by resonance with the ester CO levels of 2−8 mol % at temperatures of 70−80 °C. The
group, which is the reason why pathway (b) is dominant (even intramolecular reaction depends on the reciprocal of [M]local and
for vinyl acetate where the product radical from pathway (b) is so is most prevalent when [M]local is small, e.g. in the aqueous
primary). Only under starved conditions in emulsion polymer- phase of an emulsion polymerization or at high instantaneous
ization has pathway (b) been observed,73,74 but even then it was conversions within latex particles. In comparison, the
only to a small extent. For similar temperatures and polymer- intermolecular reaction depends on [Pr−H]local/[M]local and
ization conversion profiles, vinyl acetate gives lower levels of so is strongly promoted at high instantaneous conversions, such
branching (typically 0.2−1 mol % branched repeat units) than as under starved conditions in a semibatch emulsion polymer-
observed for acrylates. ization (see section 3.5.2). For these reasons, semibatch
Synergistic effects are observed in copolymerizations. For emulsion polymerizations tend to give polymers with higher
example, copolymerization of vinyl acetate with a few mol % of levels of branching. As conversion increases toward completion,
n-butyl acrylate gives rise to a big increase in branching both terms will become infinite, but infinite levels of branching
compared to homopolymerization of either monomer.75−77 The are not observed in practice. Equation 20 fails at very high
reason for this is that the poly(vinyl acetate) chain radical is conversions because assumption (i) does not hold at very high
highly reactive (i.e., of low stability) and acrylate repeat units conversionsat very low [M]local the product radical is likely to
provide labile tertiary C−H bonds for H-abstraction. The abstract a H atom from an adjacent chain before it adds
chemistry is shown in Scheme 5 more generally for monomer and so the product radical can “hop around” between
copolymerization of a vinyl ester with an acrylate. The converse chains before it eventually reacts with monomer to create a
also is true, i.e., monomers that give polymeric radicals of high branch.
stability (styrene or methacrylates) will reduce the extent of 3.6.2. Grafting of Water-Soluble Polymers (WSPs) by Chain
branching if included at low levels in an acrylate polymer- Transfer to Polymer. Emulsion polymerizations designed to
ization.77 produce latexes for coating applications often include WSPs to
In order to understand the principles of how to control the aid colloidal stability (they are then called “protective colloids”, a
extent of chain transfer to polymer, it is necessary to examine the poor term but one that is well established) and to assist in
kinetics. Assuming that (i) each chain transfer to polymer H- control of latex rheology (see section 7). The WSPs typically are
abstraction reaction produces a branch (i.e., that monomer poly(vinyl alcohol) for latexes used in adhesive applications and
always adds to the product radical), (ii) each propagation event hydroxyethylcellulose for latexes used in paints. The principles
produces a repeat unit, (iii) the rate coefficient for propagation of grafting WSPs to particle surfaces will be discussed generally
from the product radical is smaller than that for the normal first and then exemplified by considering the specific chemistry
propagating chain radical (known from measurements of kp by for poly(vinyl alcohol) and polysaccharides.
pulsed-laser polymerization54), and (iv) the concentration of The mechanisms by which WSPs become grafted to the
product radicals is much smaller than the concentration of surface of particles are akin to those described in the previous
normal propagating radicals, then it can be shown that the total
section for branching and involve chain transfer to the WSP, as
mole fraction of branches (f br) is given by

ji k intra zy 1 ji k inter zy [Pr − H]local

shown schematically in Figure 7. The first step is H-abstraction

fbr = jjjj trP zzzz + jjjj trP zzzz

from the WSP in the aqueous phase by either an initiator radical

j k p z [M]local j k p z [M]local
k { k {
(usually the sulfate radical-anion) or an oligomeric radical.
(20) Monomer then adds to the product radical, beginning growth of
the graft chain, which propagates until the graft polymer
where kintra inter
trP and ktrP are the rate coefficients for intramolecular becomes surface active. The propagating graft polymer may
and intermolecular chain transfer to polymer, respectively, and enter a micelle (thus creating a new particle) or an already-
Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
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Craig82−89 showed convincingly that (directly opposite to

previous popular belief) grafting of HEC is significant with
acrylates and negligible with vinyl acetate. Unlike for PVOH,
degradation of HEC was evident in the absence of monomer
when using persulfate or other peroxy initiators. The
mechanisms put forward by Craig are shown in Scheme 7(a)
but set out in more general terms because the chemistry is
common to all polysaccharides. Propagation from the product
radical for both acrylates and vinyl acetate requires formation of
a less stable secondary radical from the tertiary product radical,
but for acrylates this is more than compensated by resonance
with the acrylate CO group. Although Craig focused on H-
abstraction from the bridge link C atoms, it is easy to show that
grafting and degradation can also proceed via H-abstraction
Figure 7. Schematic mechanism of grafting of WSPs. The WSP chain is from any of the ring C atoms, as shown in Scheme 7(b).
blue, propagating chains are red, dead chains are black, and monomer Degradation of polysaccharides yields a chain end with a CO
within particles is green. Dashed lines for arrows indicate multiple
processes of the same kind.
bond and so can be monitored by measuring the reduction in
molecular weight and by appearance of the CO bond (e.g.,
using UV spectroscopy).90 The amount of H-abstraction from
existing particle (a radical entry event) or may grow to the point polysaccharide rings reduces significantly if azo initiators are
at which the growing graft chain becomes just too long for used, most likely because they give resonance-stabilized tertiary
solubility and phase separates to form a primary particle. In each free radicals.91 Degradation is rapid under normal conditions of
case, there is a chemical bond linking the original WSP to the emulsion polymerization with peroxide initiators but is greatly
particle surface. Ultimately the particles are covered in attached reduced in the presence of monomer; that is, grafting is much
WSP chains that radiate out into the aqueous phase; the particles faster than ß-scission and tends to dominate until the monomer
are referred to as having a “hairy layer”. concentration becomes very low. Thus, it is possible to graft a
Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVOH) is produced by partial hydrolysis high proportion of the polysaccharide chains to particles during
of poly(vinyl acetate) under conditions that leave a “blocky” polymerization, but at high conversion when there is very little
structure (i.e., the residual vinyl acetate repeat units are in monomer present, the grafted polysaccharide chains will then be
clusters of a few repeat units in sequence) so that they give degraded and the particles effectively receive a “hair cut”. This
stronger adsorption to hydrophobic surfaces; typically, PVOH competition between grafting and degradation must be
with about 18% residual vinyl acetate repeat units is used in considered whenever using polysaccharides in emulsion
emulsion polymerizations. The mechanisms of grafting in polymerizations with peroxide initiators.
emulsion polymerizations of vinyl acetate with PVOH are The kinetics of grafting can be considered in the same way as
shown in Scheme 6. Although only present at relatively low for branching. Assuming that (i) each chain transfer to WSP H-
levels, the methyl ester C−H bonds are a major site for grafting, abstraction reaction produces a graft (i.e., that monomer always
in part because of the 3× amplification factor of having three adds to the product radical and degradation is absent) and (ii)
labile C−H bonds per repeat unit, but mostly because of each propagation event produces a repeat unit, the ratio of

ij k yz [WSPr‐H]
resonance stabilization of the product radical by the ester CO grafting to propagation frequency (Kgr) is given by

K gr = jjjj trWSP zzzz

group.78 Grafting of PVOH in emulsion polymerization has

j k p z [M]local
been investigated thoroughly.78−81
k {
Grades of hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) used in emulsion
polymerizations are prepared by ethoxylation of cellulose to give
1.8−3.5 ethylene oxide units per anhydroglucose unit and where ktrWSP is the rate coefficient for chain transfer to the WSP
degrees of substitution of 0.8−1.8. A series of papers by and [M]local and [WSPr-H]local are the concentrations of

Scheme 6. Mechanisms of Grafting of Poly(vinyl alcohol) in Emulsion Polymerizations of Vinyl Acetatea

Dashed lines for arrows indicate multiple processes of the same kind.

Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
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Scheme 7. Mechanism of Grafting and Degradation of Polysaccharides in Acrylate and Vinyl Ester Polymerizations Using
Persulfate as Initiatora

Dashed lines for arrows indicate multiple processes of the same kind.

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monomer and abstractable WSP C−H bond, respectively, free surfactant concentration low, use of small diameter seed
specif ically in the vicinity of the chain transfer reaction. As for particles makes it possible to produce latexes with narrow PSDs
branching, the rate coefficient ratio will become smaller as by batch or semibatch processes (as is evident from Table 3).
temperature is decreased and so grafting will be reduced by However, in continuous processes (other than single-pass
lowering the reaction temperature. For chain transfer to WSP in tubular reactors), the reactor residence time distribution causes
the aqueous phase away from particle surfaces, [WSPr-H]local/ the PSD to be broader, even when seed latexes are used in the
[M]local will be relatively high in most cases because many feed.
monomers have low solubilities in water. (Note, however, that It is important to note that methods of particle size
some monomers do have relatively high water solubilities, e.g., measurement are based on different measures of size and give
vinyl acetate, see Table 2.) For chain transfer to WSP chains that different particle diameter averages (see the definitions of
are grafted (or adsorbed) at the particle surface, [WSPr-H]local/ common average diameters given in Table 5). For example,
[M]local is more difficult to predict because it will depend on
surface coverage and effects of the WSP chain conformation at Table 5. Definitions of Common Particle Diameter Averages
the interface, though it is very likely that [M]local in the hairy
Name Symbol Definitiona
layer will be higher than in the aqueous phase well away from
particle surfaces. Again, semibatch emulsion polymerizations number-average diameter d̅n ∑ Nidi
∑ Ni
operated under starved conditions will tend to give polymers weight-average diameter d̅w ∑ Nidi4
with higher levels of grafting because [M]local is low at all times ∑ Nidi3
(see section 3.5.2). z-average diameter d̅z ∑ Nidi7
3.7. Particle Size Distribution (PSD). Control of particle ∑ Nidi6
diameter is achieved through control of particle nucleation and z-average reciprocal diameter (measured by PCS) 1 ∑ Nidi5
growth, as discussed earlier. In this section we are concerned ()d z ∑ Nidi6
with the PSD (strictly meaning particle diameter distribution) harmonic z-average diameter (from PCS) d̅hz
and will begin by considering an emulsion polymerization in
1/ ( d1 )z
“z-average diameter” (reported by PCS) “d̅z”

jij ∑ Nidi zyz

which secondary nucleation and particle coagulation do not = d̅hz

j ∑ Ni z
surface-average diameter d̅s 1/2

k {
occur during Intervals II and III. Under these conditions, all 2

particles created in Interval I simply grow throughout Intervals II

jij ∑ Nidi zyz
j ∑ Ni z
and III. Particles formed at the start of Interval I will grow for the volume-average diameter d̅v 1/3

k {

full period of Interval I, whereas those formed close to the end of

Interval I will have grown very little by the time nucleation ceases a
Ni is the number of particles of diameter di
and Interval II begins. This is the origin of the PSD, which will be
further broadened at the end of Interval I because the nucleated
particles will grow initially at an accelerating rate since [M]p photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS, a type of dynamic light
increases rapidly as particle diameter increases at small sizes (see scattering, DLS) is an absolute method that is very popular, due
section 3.3.1). During Intervals II and III all particles will grow, to its simplicity and relatively low cost, but gives the harmonic z-
but that growth is in mass of polymer per unit time (i.e., average particle diameter (often incorrectly referred to simply as
proportional to volumetric growth rate) which means that a the “z-average diameter”) which is heavily weighted to larger
particle’s diameter grows nonlinearly at an ever-decreasing rate particles, so is most useful when the PSD is narrow.92,93 The
as the particle gets bigger. Additionally, although eq 6 informs us hydrodynamic size is measured by PCS, which includes any
that the total radical flux into a particle increases with particle surface species, such as grafted WSP chains, or other molecules
diameter, the efficiency of radical entry diminishes with particle that move with the particle (e.g., adsorbed layers plus ions and
growth in accord with eq 7. Hence, for these various reasons, the water hydration sheaths). PCS instruments often interpolate the
PSD is broadest at the end of Interval I and becomes narrower full PSD curve, but these are based on assumptions about the
during Intervals II and III. The breadth of the final PSD is distribution and are not very reliable94,95 and a numerically
determined by the relative conversion ranges of Interval I and significant population of small particles may go completely
Intervals II + III. Therefore, in order to produce latexes with very undetected. In contrast, transmission electron microscopy
narrow PSDs, Interval I must be complete at very low (TEM) gives the dry particle diameter with any surface layers
conversions (<1%), which can be achieved by keeping [S]0 collapsed and requires calibration, but if enough particles are
low, though this gives smaller values of Nc and larger particles. analyzed it can give a measure of the PSD from which any
Such conditions have been used very successfully to produce average can be calculated. TEM of soft polymer particles,
standard polystyrene latexes with very narrow PSDs and well- however, can give major errors because the particles flatten into
defined particle diameter for use in calibrating instruments for “pancakes” during analysis unless the samples are either made
measurement of particle diameter. rigid by chemical treatment (e.g., with phosphotungstic acid) or
In semibatch emulsion polymerizations operated with held at temperatures well below Tg both before and during
emulsion feeds, nucleation can continue through the feeding analysis. Also, some polymers (e.g., homopolymers of
period if the surfactant level in the monomer pre-emulsion is methacrylates) degrade easily in the electron beam and will
high, resulting in latexes with small particle diameters and a very shrink in size during the analysis. Another criticism of TEM is
broad particle size distribution. In a semibatch process, creation that, even if a few thousand particles are measured, only a tiny
of new particles part way through a reaction can be deliberately fraction of the population is being analyzed. High-speed
triggered by adding a “shot” of surfactant in order to establish centrifugation, hydrodynamic chromatography, and field-flow
conditions for particle nucleation; such strategies can be used to fractionation are able to give the full PSD of hydrodynamic size.
achieve bimodal or multimodal PSDs. If secondary nucleation is These methods are powerful and make it possible to detect small
avoided by keeping Nc high (>1016 particles (L H2O)−1) and the populations of particles (especially important for detecting the
Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
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presence of a small population of very small or very large monomer partitioning, can have a major effect on the kinetics of
particles) and can resolve multiple peaks in the PSD. More polymerization, the progress of the reaction, and the properties
details of the merits and limitations of the various methods for of both the final polymer and latex when using a batch process.
measurement of particle size and PSD can be found else- For example, copolymers prepared by batch emulsion
where.13−15 copolymerization of monomers with large differences in
3.8. Molecular Weight Distribution (MWD). Under reactivity ratios often show evidence of macroscopic hetero-
zero−one conditions with low values of n̅ (<0.1) as a geneity, such as the presence of two glass transitions because
consequence of chain radical termination being dominated by copolymer formed early in the reaction is of a composition that
chain transfer to monomer, the instantaneous polymer MWD is not compatible with the copolymer formed late in the reaction,
will have the form of the most probable distribution (for which which leads to their phase separation within the particles.96,97
M̅ w/M̅ n = 2, where M̅ w and M̅ n are the weight- and number- Semibatch processes operated under flooded conditions
average molecular weights, respectively) as for any polymer- proceed much as in the equivalent batch process and show
ization in which termination is by chain transfer to monomer.4,5 effects of monomer partitioning and composition drift with
This also will be true, regardless of the value of n̅, if a transfer conversion. However, when operated under starved conditions, a
agent is included and chain transfer to transfer agent dominates semibatch process produces copolymer of uniform composition that is
termination of the chain radicals. Under pseudobulk conditions, equal to the feed composition. By feeding a monomer mixture with
the instantaneous polymer MWD will also be the most probable the desired copolymer composition under starved conditions,
distribution unless termination is dominated by combination, in for which little unreacted monomer exits in the reactor, a
which case the MWD will be narrower (M̅ w/M̅ n = 1.5).4,5 pseudo-steady-state is achieved under which the copolymer
Smith−Ewart Case 2 conditions are special in that the composition is equal to the feed composition (i.e., FA =
polymer MWD will then be closely linked to the PSD because it fA).14,15,96,97 Hence, unlike in batch or flooded semibatch
will be determined by the variation in actual times between processes, particles of highly uniform composition can be
radical entry events for each particle, which will be influenced by produced with only the small amount of copolymer formed early
particle diameter in accord with eq 6. in the reaction (when the pseudo-steady-state is being attained)
As discussed in section 3.6.1, chain transfer to polymer has no and late in the reaction (after complete addition of the feed)
significant effect on M̅ n. However, intermolecular chain transfer being subject to composition drift. This is extremely significant
to polymer increases M̅ w (and higher molecular weight averages) and another major advantage of starved semibatch processes,
and may also lead to formation of cross-linked polymer of which is why such processes are used extensively for commercial
(theoretically) infinite molecular weight. Thus, intermolecular production of latexes and in control of particle morphology (see
chain transfer to polymer often has a major effect of broadening section 6). They also are simple to perform in practice, unlike
the polymer MWD, which can be profound during the final 10% other strategies for achieving uniform copolymer composition
of conversion. (such as adjustment of individual monomer feed rates using real-
In all cases, the predicted form of the MWD is for a given time analysis-feedback loops or optimal monomer addition rate
instant in time and so polymer MWD will invariably become profiling).
broader as conversion increases, even in the absence of Continuous processes allow for control of copolymer
intermolecular chain transfer to polymer. The integrated form composition within the constraints of the conversion because
of the MWD can be found in ref 6. partitioning effects and composition drift will occur across the
3.9. Emulsion Copolymerization. Most emulsion poly- range of conversion achieved in the reactor.
merizations involve copolymerization of two or more mono- When a highly water-soluble monomer is included as a
mers, so it is essential to understand the differences in comonomer, it is likely that water-soluble copolymer will be
comparison to homogeneous free-radical polymerizations. The formed in the aqueous phase, i.e., that termination of
Copolymer Equation 4 was derived for polymerization in propagating radicals may take place in the aqueous phase. The
homogeneous media (e.g., solution) but can be applied to efficiency of radical entry is reduced and there will be a buildup
emulsion copolymerizations provided that local monomer of low molecular weight WSP in the aqueous phase. Control of
concentrations are used because each monomer will partition the extent to which this happens is important as it can have
differently between the aqueous and particle phases. For serious consequences for colloidal stability because the WSP
example, if monomer A is significantly more water-soluble chains can cause coagulation of the latex particles by depletion
than monomer B, the mole fractions of monomer in the aqueous effects (see section 3.1). Even if depletion effects are not serious,
and particle phases will differ from the total mole fractions as the WSP will increase the aqueous phase viscosity and affect
follows: f aqueous
A > f total
A > f particle
A and f aqueous
B < f total
B < f particle
B . latex rheology (see section 7). Monomers with carboxylic acid
(The ratio of phase volumes is an increasingly important factor groups (e.g., acrylic acid and methacrylic acid) are widely used at
in determining these values as the difference in monomer water low levels (e.g., 1−5 mol %) with the objective of increasing
solubilities increases.) In a batch emulsion polymerization, colloidal stability of the final latex through postpolymerization
oligomeric radicals in the aqueous phase will have a higher neutralization of the acid groups in copolymer chains located at
proportion of repeat units from monomer A, and the copolymer particle surfaces. During polymerization, it is imperative to
formed in the particles will have a composition that is lower in ensure the acid groups are in protonated form by controlling the
monomer A repeat units, than is predicted from f total A . The aqueous phase pH (ideally at pH ≤ 4, i.e., corresponding to the
deviations from predictions made using total mole fractions can acid group pKa) because at higher pH a significant proportion of
be enormous when using highly water-soluble monomers, such the acid groups will be ionized and the ionized monomer will be
as acrylic acid or acrylamide, which will be predominantly found present only in the aqueous phase, which accentuates the
in the aqueous phase with only a small amount in the particles. problems associated with WSP formation.98 Conductometric
As the overall conversion increases there will also be titrations of the latexes produced facilitate measurement of the
composition drift, which when combined with the effects of proportions of acid groups present (i) in the aqueous phase, (ii)
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near the particle surface, and (iii) buried in the particles.99 This electrostatic stabilization) and/or nonionic surfactants (to
is very useful in assessing the effects of process variables and provide steric stabilization). Loss of colloidal stability can be
comonomer composition. Starved semibatch processes enable driven by excessive shear, i.e., by giving the particles enough
more of the acid monomer repeat units to be incorporated into kinetic energy to overcome the energy barrier to coagulation.
copolymer in the particles.98,99 When using acrylic acid, Hence, although a high level of agitation (shear) might be used
regardless of the process employed, the majority of acid groups for monomer emulsification, the rate of agitation during the
are found near the particle surface with some in aqueous phase polymerization should be only high enough to facilitate good
copolymer. By comparison, methacrylic acid is more hydro- mixing and heat transfer (removal of the heat of reaction) during
phobic and has lower solubility in water, so it is much more polymerization. Good mixing is essential for several reasons
useful for incorporating acid groups more deeply into particles.99 besides ensuring uniform heat transfer. Aqueous initiator
(In this respect, it is notable that, in protonated form, unlike solutions typically have a high enough salt concentration to
poly(acrylic acid), which is very soluble in water, poly- cause latex coagulation, so addition of initiator shots during
(methacrylic acid) has limited solubility in water.) polymerization must be done with very good mixing to minimize
3.10. Colloidal Stability. The colloidal stability of this. (In general, addition of salts is to be avoided (especially
monomer emulsions depends on a number of factors. The first multivalent ions) because electrostatic stabilization is very
is Ostwald ripening. This is a diffusional mechanism of instability susceptible to failure in their presence at low−moderate
in which smaller droplets shrink while large droplets grow (via concentrations.) Feeding monomer onto the surface of the
diffusion across the aqueous phase) in order to reduce the reacting mixture in a semibatch process is bad practice that in the
overall interfacial free energy of the system. If the monomer is worst case scenario, will lead to pools of monomer at the surface
even slightly soluble in the continuous aqueous phase (and most in which bulk polymerization is possible and results in large
monomers are; see Table 2), monomer will, over time, diffuse amounts of coagulum. Hence, monomer is best fed directly into
from the smaller monomer droplets into the larger ones. This the reacting mixture at a position low enough in the reactor that
results in a lower interfacial area (and interfacial energy), since the feed always is below the surface. In all cases, reactor feeds
the loss of interfacial area of the smaller droplets is larger than should go to points in the reactor where there is the greatest
the gain in interfacial area of the larger ones. The reduction in shear.
interfacial energy is the driving force for Ostwald ripening. This Bulk polymerization in monomer droplets is another factor
results ultimately in complete phase separation into a monomer that can contribute to coagulum.100 As discussed in section
layer and an aqueous layer, which invariably will be the lower 3.2.3, with the exception of miniemulsion polymerization, entry
layer because monomers typically have densities below that of
of oligomeric radicals into monomer droplets is negligible in
water. This is not often a problem for emulsion polymerization
terms of nucleation and polymerization kinetics. However, the
where the monomer droplets are relatively large, and the
effect of this can be significant in terms of latex stability and the
emulsion is stirred before and during polymerization. The
formation of coagulum. Since some (and possibly all) droplets in
second mode of instability is Stokes Law separation in which,
an emulsion are likely to absorb radicals during the course of the
driven by gravitational forces and the difference in densities
between the monomer droplets and the aqueous phase, the reaction, those droplets cannot disappear completely but instead
monomer droplets float to the surface (cream) and form a shrink to a point where they have no excess monomer, relative to
separate monomer layer. This too is not usually a problem in the particles. The large particles formed in this way will have
emulsion polymerization because the monomer emulsion is poor colloidal stability and promote coagulation. This issue is
stirred. Hence, during emulsion polymerizations, the main issue avoided by using a starved semibatch process because excess
of concern is the colloidal stability of latex particles. monomer in the form of droplets is never present.
Although the latex particles could become colloidally unstable Significant research has gone into developing methods for
by either of the modes described above, they are not normally a preventing migration of surfactants away from particle surfaces
contributing factor in particle stability. Much bigger influences and has embraced use of modified initiators, monomers and
on colloidal stability come from effects of: (i) surface charge and transfer agents that carry surfactant groups as part of their
extent of the electrical double-layer of ions near the particle structure (termed inisurfs, surf mers, and transurfs, respec-
surface; (ii) water-soluble copolymer; and (iii) the shear rate tively).101−105 In each case, the surfactant group becomes
imparted by the agitator in the reactor. The particles can chemically attached to the polymer during polymerization and
undergo flocculation and/or coagulation with each other (see so cannot migrate, which not only improves colloidal stability
section 3.1). Flocculation is reversible with stirring and so is not but also has the additional benefit of preventing surfactant
evident during polymerization, while coagulation is irreversible migration to the substrate interface and surface of films cast from
and gives rise to deposits of polymer on the reactor surfaces, on the latexes. Inisurfs and transurfs can only give surfactant groups
the stirrer blades, and in the form of large particle aggregates at chain ends, so are not as effective or versatile as surfmers,
dispersed in the latex (often referred to as “grit”). Coagulum which can be used to incorporate much higher, controlled
formation in commercial processes can be tolerated, but only at numbers of surfactant groups per chain. Hence, surfmers have
very low levels and, even then, preferably as grit that can be been most widely studied and used. In order to ensure control of
filtered from the product latex because down-time for reactor surfmer incorporation, starved semibatch processes are
cleaning is a major cost. For academic studies, small amounts of preferred, though this can lead to some surfactant groups
coagulum (up to 1−2% of total polymer) are acceptable because being buried within the particle.
there is usually only a small effect on the target latex properties. Where latex shear stability is important for the end application
Coagulation can be reduced by use of an appropriate surfactant (e.g., high-speed coating of paper), it is usual to add more
and surfactant level, feeding surfactant during the polymer- surfactant to the latex after polymerization is complete. The
ization in order to maintain an adequate surface coverage on the broader subject of latex stability has been well-discussed by El-
polymer particles. This may include ionic surfactants (to provide Aasser and co-workers106,107 and more widely in textbooks.13−15
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Figure 8. Schematic diagram showing the mechanism of nucleation in miniemulsion polymerization: (a) shows the phases existing at the onset of
polymerization in which there is a complete absence of micelles and a low concentration of molecularly dissolved surfactant; and (b) shows the phases
existing part way through nucleation.

3.11. Detailed Theory and Mathematical Modeling. droplet has little effect on the competition for radicals. This is
Mathematical equations have been included in this paper where not so with conventional emulsions since both homogeneous
they are directly useful and/or assist in understanding. All of the and micellar nucleation result in a large shift in the surface area
equations relating to polymerization kinetics are instantaneous; from micelles to particles as the particles are created and grow.
that is, they apply to a specific instant in time when Here we present an introduction to the important features and
concentrations have specific values that, in many cases, are benefits of miniemulsion polymerization. An in-depth dis-
transient and change during the polymerization. Integration of cussion is given by Schork et al.117
the kinetics equations is nontrivial and usually requires 4.1. Mechanism of Miniemulsion Polymerization.
assumptions that some concentrations do not change Miniemulsion polymerization was first reported by Ugelstad,
significantly. The equations resulting from such integrations Vanderhoff, and El-Aasser in 1973.118 It involves the use of an
have been collated by Schork.6 In addition, readers interested in effective surfactant/costabilizer system to produce very small
learning about more complete theoretical treatments of (0.08−0.30 μm) monomer droplets. The droplet interfacial area
emulsion polymerization will find textbooks and reviews a in these systems is very large, and most of the surfactant is
good starting point.14,15,19,40 adsorbed at the droplet surfaces with the free aqueous-phase
Comprehensive mathematical modeling of an emulsion surfactant concentration well below the CMC, so micelles are
polymerization process can be done but must include absent. As for conventional emulsion polymerizations, it is
population balances over PSD, polymer chain length distribu- normal to use water-soluble initiators, such as persulfates. Figure
tion, distribution of radicals per particle, copolymer composition 8 illustrates the mechanism of nucleation in miniemulsion
distribution, and copolymer sequence distribution. Details of polymerization and may be contrasted with Figures 3 and 4. The
such models also are beyond the scope of this review, but some first thing to note in comparing these figures, is that the
examples may be found in the literature.108−116 mechanism of miniemulsion polymerization is significantly less
complex. Particle nucleation is via entry of oligomeric radicals
into miniemulsion monomer droplets because micelles are not
present and because there is insufficient free surfactant available
The mechanisms of conventional emulsion and miniemulsion to stabilize any primary particles formed by homogeneous
polymerizations, although related, are in some ways significantly nucleation in the aqueous phase. The fate of primary particles is,
different. As discussed in section 3.2.4, particle nucleation in therefore, simply to coagulate onto and enter miniemulsion
conventional ab initio (unseeded) batch emulsion polymer- droplets. Ideally, all the droplets are hit by radicals and become
izations can be irreproducible, which is the reason why emulsion latex particles. Thus, the reaction proceeds by polymerization of
polymerizations are often seeded with polymer particles of the monomer in the miniemulsion droplets and there is no true
known size and concentration, prepared specifically for use as Interval II.
seed particles. Miniemulsion polymerization provides a different In conventional emulsion polymerization, homogeneous and
approach to control of particle nucleation. In an ideal micellar nucleation dominate. This is because the very large size
miniemulsion polymerization, the nucleation of one droplet of the monomer droplets and their low total interfacial area
results in the formation of one particle of approximately equal make them ineffective in competing for entry of radicals. As
surface area, in which case nucleation of a particle by entry into a discussed in sections 3.2.3 and 3.10, droplet nucleation takes
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place in emulsion polymerization, but it is generally considered hours. Miniemulsions have been shown to remain stable for six
to be insignificant in terms of kinetics and only important in months or more. In the original miniemulsion polymerization
terms of its undesirable potential for promoting coagulum paper,118 El-Aasser and co-workers showed that a costabilizer
formation. The underlying principle for miniemulsion polymer- could be used to stabilize small monomer droplets, making them
ization is that if the monomer droplet size can be reduced to competitive as sites for particle nucleation. The earliest
below 0.5 μm, two phenomena will occur. First, the droplets will costabilizer used by El-Aasser and co-workers was cetyl
be able to compete successfully for water-borne radicals due to alcohol,118 which has a water solubility ≈1.9 × 10−4 mmol L−1
their smaller diameter and increased interfacial area. Second, the at 35 °C.38 The use of hexadecane (water solubility ≈3.9 × 10−6
reduction in droplet size will result in a huge increase in droplet mmol L−1 at 35 °C39) followed shortly after this.30 Both cetyl
interfacial area that requires a monolayer of surfactant to remain alcohol and hexadecane suffer from the fact that they are too
colloidally stable. When preparing a miniemulsion for a given high in molecular weight to be easily removed from the final
formulation, the surfactant necessary to support the much larger latex but are volatile enough that they add to the VOC loading of
interfacial area comes from breakup of surfactant micelles. In a the product and, therefore, are not entirely desirable. Hence,
properly formulated miniemulsion, all micelles will be sacrificed alternatives have been sought.
to adsorption at the droplet interfaces. Thus, the small Highly water-insoluble monomers, such as lauryl methacry-
miniemulsion droplets cause the depletion of micelles to the late122 and other highly hydrophobic monomers,123 as well as
point of exclusion, leaving droplet nucleation as the dominant highly hydrophobic, monomer-soluble initiators124 and chain
particle nucleation process. transfer agents (e.g., tert-dodecylthiol) have been used as
4.2. Preparation of Miniemulsions. Miniemulsions are reactive costabilizers. Polymeric costabilizer has been used as
produced by the combination of a high shear rate, to break up well.125 Use of polymer costabilizers will not give thermody-
the starting emulsion into submicron monomer droplets, and a namic stability by completely eliminating Ostwald ripening but
surfactant/costabilizer system to provide colloidal stability and can slow monomer diffusion and, more importantly, enhance
retard monomer diffusion from the final submicron monomer radical entry into particles126 to the point where significant
droplets. Both are necessary to effect the reduction in droplet droplet nucleation can take place before Oswald ripening
diameter. High shear is provided by a sonicator or a mechanical destroys the monomer droplet distribution. Polymeric costabil-
homogenizer. The surfactant is necessary to retard droplet izers have major advantages in that they are totally innocuous in
coalescence caused by stirring, Brownian motion, or Stokes law the polymeric product and can give greater efficiency of
creaming or settling. When a monomer emulsion is subjected to conversion of droplets into particles, as discussed in the
high shear, small droplets will result and there will be a statistical following section.
distribution of droplet sizes. The costabilizer (referred to in 4.3. Control of Nucleation in Miniemulsion Polymer-
earlier works as a cosurfactant or hydrophobe) prevents Ostwald ization. Miniemulsion polymerization is distinct from emulsion
ripening119 (see section 3.10). If Ostwald ripening is allowed to polymerization in that the predominant mode of particle
continue unchecked, the droplet sizes will become large enough nucleation is droplet nucleation. This does not mean, however,
for creaming to occur in a matter of seconds to minutes; for that all droplets are nucleated and become polymer particles. As
example, Jannson120 has shown that, in the absence of in an emulsion polymerization, miniemulsion droplets that are
costabilizer, Ostwald ripening occurs in unagitated systems on not nucleated serve as monomer reservoirs for the polymer
a time scale of seconds. particles. Reimers and Schork127 have shown that, for their
A costabilizer dissolved in the monomer functions to prevent formulations (using 4 wt % poly(methyl methacrylate) as
Ostwald ripening by retarding monomer diffusion from the costabilizer), the particle number is independent of the level of
smaller droplets to the larger. Costabilizers need to be highly initiator. This is often taken as evidence of droplet nucleation
insoluble in the aqueous phase (so that they will not diffuse out efficiency near 100%. Miller et al.126,128,129 have reported that
of the droplets) and highly soluble in the monomer. Under these when cetyl alcohol is used as the costabilizer in conjunction with
conditions, diffusion of monomer out of the smaller droplets preformed polymer (1 wt %) in the monomer miniemulsion
results in an increase in the concentration of the costabilizer in droplets, enhanced nucleation is observed (i.e., a higher
those particles (since, by definition, costabilizers are too proportion of droplets are converted to particles) due to
insoluble in the aqueous phase to leave the droplet). The enhanced radical entry into droplets, with a resultant increase in
increase in free energy associated with this concentration of the the rate of polymerization. They also found that the number of
costabilizer balances the decrease in free energy due to the particles is independent of initiator concentration, again
reduced interfacial area caused by Ostwald ripening, and at some implying a droplet nucleation efficiency near 100%, while
point, ripening stops. The thermodynamics are essentially the without preformed polymer in the droplets the nucleation
same as for equilibrium swelling of particles by monomer (see efficiency may be less than 20%.
section 3.3.1), but in this case the components are monomer and One of the initial concerns about miniemulsion polymer-
costabilizer. Hence, the Morton Equation 11 is modified by ization was that it would produce very broad PSDs. Landfester
replacing: (i) the identifiers “P” by “C” (for costabilizer) with and Schork130 report PSDs for multiple formulations in which
consequent changes to the identities of the variables and the PSDs are equal to or only slightly greater than those of
parameters; and (ii) 1/x̅n by the ratio of monomer to costabilizer equivalent conventional emulsion polymerizations.
molar volumes. The equation has been extended by Ugelstad121 Reimers and Schork have shown that, in comparison to
to droplets containing three components (monomer, polymer, nucleation in conventional emulsion polymerization, mini-
and costabilizer). emulsion droplet nucleation can be very much more robust to
4.2.1. Costabilizers. Since all costabilizers have a very low but effects of rates of initiation or levels of residual inhibitor in the
finite water-solubility, in their presence Ostwald ripening will monomer mixture.127 They were able to develop miniemulsions
proceed, but on a time scale of months, which is unimportant in in which the particle number was essentially independent of
relation to the time scale of polymerization, which is minutes to initiator flux over a wide range of operating conditions.
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4.4. Miniemulsion Copolymerization. Since all the described in section 4.2, miniemulsions must be protected
monomer is present in the miniemulsion droplets at the start against Ostwald ripening. After miniemulsion polymerization,
of polymerization, composition drift can be expected and is the latexes obtained have been shown to exhibit increased shear
observed in miniemulsion copolymerizations, as evident from stability compared to latex of similar composition and particle
studies of copolymerization of vinyl acetate with n-butyl size prepared by conventional emulsion polymerization.100 This
acrylate131 for which the reactivity ratios are quite different, is thought to be due to the conventional latex containing a very
with vinyl acetate being much less reactive (rVAc = 0.04; rBA = small fraction of large particles derived from monomer droplet
5.596). Monomer partitioning again has an influence on the nucleation (see section 3.10). This is not a factor in
copolymerization and, for this example, accentuates the miniemulsion polymerization and the lack of a tail of very
differences in monomer reactivity because vinyl acetate is far large particles in the PSD imparts greater shear stability.
more soluble in water than is n-butyl acrylate (see Table 2). Due When miniemulsion polymerization is used to carry out
to this, the mole fraction of vinyl acetate in the locus of controlled radical polymerizations (see section 5), the presence
copolymerization, i.e., the droplets, is lower than its value for the of a very large concentration of short oligomers early in the
total comonomer mixture. Hence, the copolymer molecules polymerization is thought to cause an Ostwald ripening
produced within nucleated miniemulsion droplets have a high instability known as superswelling.133
proportion of n-butyl acrylate repeat units at lower overall 4.6. Advantages and Exploitation of Miniemulsion
monomer conversions and a steadily increasing proportion of Polymerizations. In general, miniemulsion polymerization
vinyl acetate repeat units as the overall conversion increases. provides a number of advantages over conventional emulsion
There also can be unusual effects in miniemulsion polymerization. These include increased latex shear stability,
copolymerization, as observed when the less reactive monomer very reproducible particle nucleation (under conditions where
has very low solubility in water. This is exemplified here for droplet nucleation efficiency is near 1), and, potentially, the lack
copolymerization of vinyl stearate with methyl methacrylate by of monomer transport limitations. In addition, miniemulsion
batch emulsion and miniemulsion copolymerization,132 data polymerization retains the important advantages of emulsion
from which are shown in Figure 9. In this case, the conventional
polymerization, namely: high molecular weight polymer is
produced at high rates of polymerization with an absence of
VOCs at complete monomer conversion (provided that
nonvolatile costabilizers are used).
An attractive feature of miniemulsion polymerization is that
transport of monomer through the aqueous phase is not
required, so it is possible to prepare latexes from very highly
water-insoluble monomers with ease. Other examples where the
special features of miniemulsion polymerization are used to
advantage include the preparation of hybrid materials from
existing polymers, making use of grafting during polymerization
(see section 6.3), the nanoencapsulation of drugs, pigments, and
Figure 9. Cumulative mole fraction of vinyl stearate repeat units in the other particulate materials (section 6.4), and, increasingly,
copolymer (F̅ VSt) as a function of fractional conversion of total carrying out controlled radical polymerizations (section 5.1).
monomer (Ctotal) for copolymerization of vinyl stearate with methyl There are disadvantages of miniemulsion polymerization that
methacrylate132 at total f VSt = 0.034. Experimental data are shown for a have been impediments to its adoption for industrial processes.
conventional batch emulsion copolymerization (□) and a mini- The first is inertia and an unwillingness to modify existing
emulsion copolymerization (●). The solid line is the theoretical successful products and processes. The second is the thought
curve based on integration of the Copolymer Equation 4 using the
homogeneous copolymerization reactivity ratios: vinyl stearate (rVSt =
that it adds complexity and cost to the process. It is true that one
0.02) with methyl methacrylate (rMMA = 2.35). must invest in homogenization (miniemulsification) equipment,
but the cost of this is relatively insignificant in comparison with
emulsion copolymerization gives a lower vinyl stearate the overall capital cost of a polymerization reactor. Standard
incorporation (compared to prediction using the Copolymer industrial homogenizers can be used, minimizing the costs of
Equation 4) early in the reaction, presumably because of design and eliminating custom manufacture. There also is a
limitations on vinyl stearate transport, which is slow to diffuse misconception that the energy cost associated with mini-
from monomer droplets due to its very low aqueous phase emulsification will add significantly to the cost of manufacture.
concentration, or to differences in swelling capability between However, the energy cost of miniemulsification can be
the monomers (vinyl stearate is much less soluble in the aqueous calculated and is only of the same order of magnitude as the
phase, and with three times the molecular weight, provides the energy cost of heating the polymerization reactor contents from
same volume fraction as methyl methacrylate with one-third the ambient to polymerization temperature. There is a legitimate
mole fraction). The miniemulsion copolymerization, however, concern that the use of hexadecane or other costabilizers adds
gives higher vinyl stearate incorporation (compared to VOC to the product. This can be obviated by employing a
prediction) because some of the methyl methacrylate is polymeric costabilizer (see section 4.2.1) Finally, there are
dissolved in the aqueous phase, while virtually none of the questions about the stability of the miniemulsion, but this should
vinyl stearate is, thereby increasing the mole fraction of vinyl not be a concern if an effective costabilizer is used, especially if a
stearate in the miniemulsion droplets compared to its value for low level of polymer is employed (see section 4.3). All of these
the total comonomer mixture. concerns become less significant when one is considering a low
4.5. Colloidal Stability of Latexes Prepared by volume, high value added biomedical or biomolecular
Miniemulsion Polymerization. Prior to polymerization, as application.
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Scheme 8. Principal Categories and Types of CRP

4.6.1. Inverse Miniemulsion Polymerization. An inverse step polymerization kinetics) the molecular weight. Landfester
miniemulsion is a miniemulsion in which the continuous and and co-workers136 have succeeded in synthesis of polyesters in
dispersed phases of a conventional miniemulsion are in- miniemulsion. They report that the extent of esterification is
verted.134 Inverse miniemulsion polymerization is especially independent of particle size but strongly dependent on the
useful for producing hydrophilic polymers, nanostructured hydrophobicity of the monomers (and hence the water
polymers, encapsulated organic/inorganic materials, and concentration inside the particles). Pascual et al.137 have
biodegradable polymers.135
prepared polyesters in miniemulsion, both by polycondensation
4.6.2. Step Polymerization in Miniemulsions. While
and ring opening polymerization. Landfester and co-workers
miniemulsion polymerization is predominantly applied to free
radical monomers, step polymerization in miniemulsions has have reported preparation of high molecular weight polyur-
been reported. The obvious problem is that step polymer- ethanes in miniemulsion.138−140 This is significant since the
izations involving loss of water as a condensation product isocyanate monomers used in polyurethane synthesis are
(polycondensations) are equilibrium reactions, and the presence sensitive to water. They also demonstrate one-pot synthesis of
of large amounts of water around the miniemulsion droplets/ polystyrene/polyurethane and poly(butyl acrylate)/polyur-
particles will limit the extent of reaction and consequently (for ethane hybrids by miniemulsion polymerization.
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5. CONTROLLED RADICAL POLYMERIZATION (CRP) SG1 is a newer nitroxide that gives good control for styrene,
acrylates, and acrylic acid at temperatures as low as 90 °C and is
In the last 30 years, chemistries that achieve “quasi-living” radical
water-soluble, so it has found use in emulsion and miniemulsion
polymerization have been developed. They all have the same
polymerization.146,151 More recently, a new nitroxide (TITNO)
essential feature, which is that the propagating radical is trapped
designed to be hydrophobic and work at lower temperatures has
reversibly and released only for short periods of chain growth
been developed that gives excellent control of styrene NMP at
before being trapped again. Increasing the ratio of rate of
70 °C (for which thermal initiation is negligible) and of n-butyl
trapping to rate of propagation will give rise to better control and
acrylate NMP at 90 °C.152 Control in NMP necessarily requires
a narrower MWD. However, termination is not eliminated, it is
very low “free” radical concentrations and so NMP is slow. The
simply reduced to being an event of very low probability
degree of control usually reduces at higher conversions and so it
compared to the radical trapping reaction. Thus, the term
is difficult to achieve very high conversions. Hence, although a
“living” strictly is not appropriate. The IUPAC terminology is
lot of research on NMP has been done, including emulsion and
reversible-deactivation radical polymerization,141 which accurately miniemulsion NMP, it is not so attractive for commercial use.
reflects the mechanism of chain growth, but the alternative term Atom-transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) belongs to the
controlled radical polymerization (CRP) has now become widely same CRP category as NMP but is capable of controlling
adopted and will be used here. polymerization of a wider range of monomers, including styrene,
In CRPs, at a given instant in time, a large fraction of the active methacrylates, acrylates and vinylpyridine, though acidic
chains are in their dormant form, which releases the chain radical protons cannot be tolerated (so acrylic and methacrylic acid
for short bursts of propagation before it is deactivated again. In must be used in their fully ionized form). In ATRP, a halide atom
this way, active chains can grow for the entirety of the (typically Br or Cl) is exchanged reversibly between the “free”
polymerization, though many will suffer a true termination chain radical and the oxidized form of a catalytic amount of
reaction at some point. Since termination is bimolecular, it can transition metal compound (often Cu2+) that is complexed,
be made completely negligible by keeping the steady-state “free” usually by coordination with tertiary amine ligands. Initiation is
radical concentration extremely low, but this has the achieved using an alkyl halide (e.g., methyl 2-bromoproprionate
consequence of giving very low Rp. Hence, a compromise has for styrene and acrylates or ethyl 2-bromoisobutyrate for
to be reached between control and Rp. Nevertheless, it is possible acrylates and methacrylates), which controls the number of
to produce homopolymers and statistical copolymers with chains produced, and a complexed transition metal “activator”
relatively narrow MWDs (M̅ w/M̅ n < 1.5, often <1.2) and, more (e.g., CuBr). ATRP has been used to synthesize many different
significantly, to synthesize block copolymers of all kinds with types of block copolymer architecture (from diblock to
well-defined block lengths, in each case with the associated multiblock and star block shapes), but as for NMP, ARTP is
advantages of radical polymerization, i.e., being simple to carry slow because the “free” radical concentration must be kept very
out at moderate temperatures, and for most monomers at low to minimize bimolecular termination. Removal of the toxic
atmospheric pressure, and applicable to a very large number of transition metal and its ligand at the end of polymerization is an
monomers that, mostly, copolymerize well with each other issue that is particularly acute for emulsion and miniemulsion
(unlike anionic living polymerization4,5). Hence, methods of ATRP because it is very difficult to extract these from the latex
controlled radical polymerization have generated a lot of interest produced.
and research activity. Reversible-addition−f ragmentation chain-transfer polymeriza-
Here we will introduce the basic chemistry for the three types tion (RAFT) is essentially a small perturbation of a conventional
of CRP that have been most widely studied for use in emulsion free-radical polymerization in which an extremely efficient,
and miniemulsion polymerizations, but not in great detail reversible chain transfer agent (the RAFT agent) is added and
because the literature in this field is vast and there are many normal free-radical initiator is used. Provided that an
reviews, of which some are cited here.142−149 There are appropriate RAFT agent is used, it is applicable to the full
essentially two categories of CRP (see Scheme 8): (i) reversible range of monomers. The exchange of chain radicals at the RAFT
radical trapping and (ii) rapid, reversible chain transfer. end-group is extremely fast compared to bimolecular termi-
In nitroxide-mediated radical polymerization (NMP) the nation and must be fast compared to propagation to achieve a
trapping agent is a nitroxide. NMP is suitable for styrene and narrow MWD (requiring exchange transfer constants, CRAFT >
acrylates but fails to give control of methacrylate homopolyme- 10). The most widely used class of RAFT agents are
rizations because the nitroxide abstracts a H atom from dithiobenzoates (as illustrated in Scheme 8), which are suitable
monomer at the allylic CH3 group.142,146 The chemical for use with styrene, acrylates, methacrylates, acrylic acid,
structures of some nitroxides that are effective in controlling methacrylic acid, acrylamides, and vinylpyridine. Monomers of
NMP are shown in Scheme 8. The rate of dissociation of the lower reactivity (e.g., vinyl acetate) require less active RAFT
terminal C−ON (alkoxyamine) bond is controlled largely by the agents, such xanthates and dithiocarbamates. The reaction of
structure of the nitroxide and the temperature. Conventional initiator radicals with the RAFT agent generates the radical R•
free-radical initiators can be used in conjunction with the which then initiates a new chain that is made dormant by chain
nitroxide for initiation, but it is best to use alkoxyamines (e.g., transfer to another molecule of RAFT agent, thereby releasing
styrl derivatives of the nitroxide) as initiators, since the number another R• radical to initiate another chain, and so on. Hence,
of chains is then controlled directly. TEMPO was the first the number of chains should be controlled by the amount of
nitroxide to be widely used, but is only suitable for NMP of RAFT agent provided that the rate of radical generation from the
styrene, usually at 125−130 °C, for which styrene thermal self- initiator is low. On this basis, the moles of dead chains produced
initiation is substantial and reduces control.142,146,150 TIPNO by bimolecular termination is directly related to the moles of
was a major improvement on TEMPO, giving good control with dissociated initiator. Thus, the initiator to RAFT agent ratio
styrene and acrylates at temperatures around 110−120 °C, for must be kept low. This criterion is especially important in the
which thermal initiation of styrene is reduced but still significant. preparation of block copolymers, but again leads to low Rp. Since
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RAFT is very similar to free-radical polymerization with a used, limiting greatly the choice of surfactant and restricting the
normal chain transfer agent, it is particularly suited to use in choice mostly to nonionic surfactants.
emulsion and miniemulsion polymerization. The main dis- In comparison to NMP and ATRP, RAFT is far better suited
advantages of RAFT are that the use of sulfur compounds can to being carried out in emulsion and miniemulsion and has been
lead to problems with odor and to discoloration of the polymer. used very successfully with the usual water-soluble initiators
5.1. Emulsion and Miniemulsion CRP. The attraction for (such as persulfate), though choice of surfactant can be
carrying out CRPs in emulsion and miniemulsion is the same as important. For the reasons described earlier, hydrophobic
that already discussed for free-radical polymerization. In RAFT agents are preferred in emulsion RAFT but must have
comparison, CRP opens up the possibility of producing latexes sufficient water solubility to ensure transport of the RAFT agent
containing polymers with narrow MWDs or block copolymers of to particles, even when using a seeded, starved semibatch
well-defined architecture.4,5,14 Narrow MWDs are not necessary process. There is strong evidence for exit of the small radical R•
for most applications and can have negative effects; for example, released by reaction with the RAFT agent, and partitioning of
for pressure-sensitive adhesives, a broad MWD is desirable these radicals between the phases can have a significant effect on
because low molecular weight chains provide increased tack and the control achieved and Rp. Nevertheless, a major advantage of
interfacial adhesion, whereas high molecular weight chains RAFT is that as a chain grows within a particle, it soon attains a
promote cohesion of the polymer. Thus, it is the unique degree of polymerization at which the released polymeric radical
properties of block copolymers,4 in particular, that have driven is too hydrophobic to exit the particle; in contrast, with NMP
the considerable interest in exploring both emulsion and and ATRP, the identity of the released species (T• in Scheme
miniemulsion CRP. Naturally, in order to understand how to 8(a)) does not change and always is small, so its tendency to exit
control these polymerizations in emulsion and miniemulsion, or partition into the aqueous phase remains the same
much of the research has concerned homopolymerizations. throughout the polymerization. Oligomeric z-mer radicals
Because the majority of chains are kept in a dormant, yet entering a particle from the aqueous phase may instantly
active state throughout a CRP, the sequence distribution in exchange with a dormant species and, if CtrRAFT is very high, will
copolymer chains produced by continuous CRP of a mixture of undergo several exchanges before the released z-meric radical
two monomers is dependent on the type of reactor used and, in reacts with monomer; this provides time for the z-meric radical
particular, on the reactor residence time distribution. For to exit the particle again, an effect that is thought to contribute to
instance, a continuous stirred-tank reactor will produce
reduction in Rp. A simple way to reduce problems associated
copolymer chains with a uniform sequence distribution, whereas
with exit of radicals is to use larger particles, which is best
a plug-flow reactor will produce chains with a tapered sequence
achieved using seed particles. Hence, it is possible to prepare
distribution that is richer in repeat units from the more reactive
homopolymers and block copolymers with relatively narrow
monomer at one chain end and richer in repeat units from the
MWDs in a predictable way using emulsion RAFT. Mini-
less reactive monomer at the other chain end. Thus, a reactor
emulsion RAFT has obvious attractions in terms of both the
system can be designed, based purely on the various reactor
larger size of the droplets, which should help reduce effects from
types available, to produce different combinations of repeat unit
blocks and gradients within each copolymer chain.153−155 This exit of radicals, and the lack of need for transport of RAFT agent
also is true for emulsion and miniemulsion CRP. through the aqueous phase, which (at least in theory) should
Besides the obvious need to assess water-sensitivity of the make the reactions more predictable.
controlling agents, partitioning is the most important consid- An interesting use of RAFT160−162 and NMP163,164 has been
eration for transferring CRP from a homogeneous medium to a to first create short chains of neutralized (meth)acrylic acid
heterogeneous medium. The main effects are easy to predict. If homopolymer or copolymer by homogeneous aqueous
the controlling agent(s) are highly soluble in water, good control polymerization and then feed in a hydrophobic monomer to
is not possible because most of the controlling agent will be in grow these chains, which soon become surfactant-like and
the aqueous phase, whereas the majority of polymerization will micellize. Further polymerization of the chains in the micelles
take place in the particles. If the controlling agent(s) have low produces particle nuclei that with further polymerization grow
water solubility and are dissolved in the monomer, better control into latex particles. The resulting particles are electrosterically
is possible, but CRP will then be possible in all loci, including stabilized by the first-stage neutralized (meth)acrylic acid repeat
monomer droplets, which can lead to bimodal MWDs and, more unit containing polymer, which is directly chemically linked to
significantly, large amounts of coagulum. Hence, batch emulsion their surface. Hence, surfactant-free latexes are produced in
polymerization is not well suited to CRPs, and it is more effective which migration of the stabilizing moiety is not possible; this is
to use preswollen seed particles to carry out emulsion CRPs. an advantage for coatings formulated from the latex. An
Problems associated with partitioning of controlling agents extension to this concept, which has been applied to ATRP,
are significant for NMP, but far more limiting for ATRP. NMP, and RAFT, is to use initiating species that are amphiphilic
Because miniemulsion droplets constitute a self-contained and provide the chains for steric or electrosteric stabilization of
nanoreactor, they are more attractive for use in carrying out the particles produced by polymerization from an aqueous
both NMP and ATRP. Miniemulsion NMP has been used very solution.165−168
effectively to control homopolymerizations and to produce Another development has been the use of inverse
block copolymers, albeit at low Rp, especially successfully with miniemulsion CRPs to create microgels and very specific
SG1 as the nitroxide.156−159 However, even in miniemulsion, molecular structures in WSPs.135,169−172
ATRP is only possible if the ligands have very low water An excellent review of the use of CRP in dispersed systems for
solubility so that the transition metal activator is held in the biological applications has very recently been published and is
monomer/polymer phase. Additionally, all anionic and many essential reading for anyone interested in biomedical applica-
cationic surfactants interact with the activator and cannot be tions of polymer colloids.3
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6. PARTICLE MORPHOLOGY very important for control of particle morphology, as discussed

in section 6.2.2.
One of the most important features of emulsion and
6.2. Core−Shell and Other Particle Morphologies. Due
miniemulsion polymerization is the ability to produce particles
to the very low entropy of mixing, polymers of even only slightly
with specific surface characteristics (e.g., reactive surface
different structure are usually immiscible with each other.4 This
functional groups) and/or internal morphology (e.g., core−
makes it possible to produce core−shell and multiphase particles
shell or multiphase structure) relatively easily, though not as
by emulsion polymerization, a feature that has been used
simply as might first be thought. Some of the achievable particle
extensively to advantage by academia and industry. For many
morphologies are illustrated in Figure 10, and routes to their
applications, this is key to delivering novel materials and to
preparation are discussed in the following sections.
enhancing end-use performance. In crude terms, a core−shell
particle could be created by completely polymerizing one
monomer or comonomer mixture first and then adding a
different monomer or comonomer mixture to complete the
polymerization, so-called sequential feeding. However, the
outcome is rarely simple because the internal morphology is
controlled by the thermodynamics of the system and the
mobility of chains.
6.2.1. Thermodynamic Control of Particle Morphology. If
sequential feeding is used in an emulsion polymerization under
conditions whereby the polymer chains have complete mobility,
the resulting particle morphology will be controlled by
equilibrium thermodynamics. Hence, the morphology with
minimum free energy will be obtained and is controlled by the
polymer−polymer and polymer−water interfacial tensions. It is
relatively straightforward to predict the overall free energy
(GPM) for a given particle morphology174,175
G PM = ∑ γi− jAi− j
i−j (22)
where γi−j and Ai−j are the interfacial tension and area of interface
“i−j”, respectively. The challenges are to obtain reliable values
for the polymerA−polymerB, polymerA−water, and poly-
merB−water interfacial tensions and to survey all conceivable
morphologies in order determine which specific morphology has
Figure 10. Diagrams of cross-sectional areas through the equators of the lowest free energy. The issues have been discussed by
particles illustrating some of the particle morphologies that have been Sundberg and co-workers.48,176,177 Provided that the interfacial
achieved by methods of emulsion and miniemulsion polymerization. tensions are known, eq 22 can give quite good predictions of
The letter designations for the polymer phases do not indicate the order morphology when the chains have complete translational
in which the polymers were formed, but only that they are different, freedom. The idealized core−shell structure shown in Figure
immiscible polymers. 10(a) is an example of a simple equilibrium morphology that is
produced if polymer A is significantly more hydrophilic than
6.1. Morphology of Apparently “Homogeneous” polymer B, such that γPA‑W ≪ γPB‑W. In the absence of cross-
Particles. Latex particles produced by emulsion or mini- linking, the morphology obtained under conditions that
emulsion polymerization of a single monomer always have a facilitate equilibrium thermodynamics should be the same
morphology that cannot be ignored because the particle surfaces regardless of which polymer is formed first. This gives rise to the
are distinctly different from the particle interior due to surface term inverse core−shell when a core−shell morphology is
colloid stabilizing groups/molecules (e.g., adsorbed surfactant obtained in which the first-formed polymer is present as a
and/or adsorbed/grafted WSP chains) and surface charges from shell surrounding a core of second-formed polymer in the final
polymer end-groups (e.g., sulfate end-groups from persulfate particles. If γPA‑W and γPB‑W are similar, the equilibrium
initiation). Ionic polymer end-groups can contribute signifi- morphology during polymerization may be different from the
cantly to the surface charge and are the only source of colloidal final prediction because monomer will influence the values of
stability in narrow PSD latexes prepared by surfactant-free γPA‑W and γPB‑W and reduce the value of γPA−PB; these effects will
emulsion polymerization. However, because sulfate end-groups change according to the monomer(s) present at a given time and
slowly hydrolyze to hydroxyl groups, the colloidal stability may as conversion increases. If γPA‑W ≈ γPB‑W ≳ γPA‑PB, then both
reduce over time. polymers will prefer to be at the surface and lobed morphologies
There are indications from real-time ESR studies during batch will be formed, like those depicted in Figure 10(b)−(c). The
and starved semibatch emulsion polymerizations that polymer value of γPA−PB can be reduced significantly if grafting of polymer
chains are formed near to the particle surface,60,61 and A to polymer B occurs (e.g., due to chain transfer to polymer),
theoretical modeling supports this observation.173 Hence, which can lead to multiple inclusions of smaller domains of the
particles may have an internal morphology in terms of the polymer with the higher polymer−water interfacial tension, such
radial distribution of molecular weight, and possibly branching, as shown in Figure 10(d)−(e). The effect of surfactant and even
within an apparently homogeneous particle. The extent to which initiator end-groups on the interfacial tensions can be significant,
an entering radical has access to the full volume of a particle is so the equilibrium morphology may change if they are changed.
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Figure 11. Representation of the Sundberg−Stubbs decision map187 for prediction of particle morphology (adapted from the content of Figure 1 in
Progress in Organic Coatings, vol. 61, J. M. Stubbs and D. C. Sundberg, “The Dynamics of Morphology Development in Multiphase Latex Particles”, pp
156−165, Copyright (2008), with permission from Elsevier).

The equilibrium particle morphology can also be sensitive to are typically 70−95 °C and the highest pure polymer Tg values
postadditions of surfactant because this will reduce both γPA‑W normally encountered are for poly(methyl methacrylate) and
and γPB‑W, thereby making the contribution from the polymer− polystyrene (both having Tg ≈ 100 °C), in most cases the
polymer interface more important; this can result in changes of monomer-swollen polymer in the particles will be above Tg.
morphology over time if chain mobility is low, but still possible. Even under starved conditions with higher Tg polymers, it was
6.2.2. Effects of Chain Mobility on Particle Morphology. found that monomer molecules are easily capable of penetrating
Although equilibrium morphologies can be obtained, the chains the particles fully. Thus, the key parameters determining
often do not have sufficient mobility to achieve this and more nonequilibrium particle morphology are those relating to
complex morphologies are obtained. Furthermore, if the desired chain mobility.
particle morphology does not correspond to the equilibrium Based on many years of observations and theoretical
morphology, then it is essential to reduce chain mobility in order experience, Sundberg and Stubbs187 produced a decision tree
to control the phase structure within the particles. These effects for bespoke software that predicts morphology in terms of the
will now be discussed. The work of Sundberg and co-workers in extent of penetration into a particle by entering oligomeric
this area is seminal48,178−188 and will be followed here in radicals and the extent of phase separation/consolidation
descriptive (rather than mathematical) terms in order to convey (which is dependent on the mobility of the already-formed
the important concepts. polymer chains), taking into account thermodynamic effects
There are two chain mobility factors to consider, the mobility where chain mobility facilitates this. A slight adaptation of their
of an entering oligomeric radical and the mobility of the polymer decision tree is shown in Figure 11a series of questions are
chains already present in the particle. Chain mobility depends asked, the answers to which eventually lead to the most likely
strongly on: (i) x̅n (when x̅n ≳ 100, the diffusion coefficient of a type of final particle morphology. Its qualitative use requires
chain is proportional to x2n); (ii) temperature (chains are approximate knowledge of (i) the difference between γPA‑W and
essentially immobile below Tg); and (iii) cross-linking (a chain γPB‑W (which can often be assessed simply based on differences
in a network polymer can change its local conformation within in polymer hydrophilicity, e.g., it is reasonable to assume that
the network if above Tg, but cannot undergo translational γPB‑W < γPA‑W if polymer B is more hydrophilic than polymer B);
movement). Thus, restriction of chain mobility can be used to (ii) polymer Tg under reaction conditions (easy to estimate
achieve nonequilibrium particle morphologies and often is approximately) in comparison to reaction temperature; and (iii)
important when preparing particles of controlled structure. whether or not polymer A and polymer B are miscible (to which
Sundberg et al.180 proposed a model that examined non- the answer invariably is no if the polymer chains have x̅n > 100).
equilibrium particle morphology in terms of penetration of Hence, it is usual to assume that the two polymers will be
oligomeric radicals and monomer into a particle. Monomer immiscible, but also to recognize that oligomeric radicals are
diffusion is relatively fast, even in highly viscous media such as likely to remain miscible with the preformed polymer until they
polymers at temperatures ≳Tg. In this context, for most of the reach a critical value of x̅n at which they will phase separate if
polymerization, the polymer Tg will be significantly lower than chain mobility is sufficient.
that of the pure polymer due to plasticization by the monomer 6.2.3. Experimental Strategies for Controlling Particle
present in the particles. Given that polymerization temperatures Morphology. The principle of using sequential monomer
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feeds to produce multiphase particles is simple, but as indicated imately to account for swelling since the amount of unreacted
in the previous section, the desired morphology will be obtained monomer can be calculated from the conversion. The reason for
only by selecting the correct conditions. Thus, the Sundberg− needing to calculate Ntotal is that during semibatch processes
Stubbs decision tree is very helpful when planning the more water and monomer are added to the reactor and so the
formulation, process, and reaction conditions for preparation value of Nc can change even if there is controlled growth of the
of a particular particle morphology. There are, however, two particles, whereas Ntotal will be constant. If Ntotal is increasing
other factors that are of paramount importance when seeking to during the reaction, secondary nucleation is occurring or if it is
control morphology: (i) controlled particle growth in the decreasing, limited coagulation has happened; in either case,
absence of secondary nucleation or particle coagulation; and (ii) control of morphology is either poor or absent. Thus, it is
a relatively narrow PSD. These factors will be considered first necessary to monitor Ntotal in order to have confidence that a
before going on to give some examples of the application of the controlled morphology can be achieved or to direct the changes
decision tree to selecting a process and reaction conditions. in formulation or reaction conditions needed to achieve
As discussed in section 3.2.5, for controlled particle growth Nc constant Ntotal. Provided that particle growth is controlled and
must be high enough to ensure capture of all oligomeric radicals PSD is narrow, it is possible to use sequential feeding to produce
(and primary particles, if formed), a rule-of-thumb guide for particles with multiple layers of polymers, similar to that shown
which is to ensure that Nc > 1016 particles (L H2O)−1. Surfactant in Figure 10(g).
concentration during particle growth must be kept low, just high Although it is a prerequisite for controlling morphology,
enough to maintain colloidal stability, but not so high that it simply establishing that Ntotal is constant is not sufficient because
encourages secondary nucleation of second-stage polymer it only confirms that the particles were grown and gives no
particles (hence, it is helpful to ensure that the free surfactant indication of the internal particle structure. Hence, methods for
concentration in the aqueous phase is kept well below the CMC examining particle morphology are needed. Most commonly,
to eliminate the possibility of micellar nucleationthis can be this is achieved by TEM or atomic force microscopy (AFM) of
tested by measuring the surface tension of samples removed microtomed sections of particles embedded in a matrix (e.g., a
from the latex during the reaction). A narrow PSD is necessary to cast film or dispersed in another polymer). Examining the
get well-defined particle morphology because smaller particles surface of a film or blend is not satisfactory because the surface
are more efficient at capturing oligomeric radicals (see section can be different from the bulk; films should be sectioned across
3.2) and because particle diameter is proportional to the cube their thickness, perpendicular to the plane of the film. For
root of particle mass (i.e., the diameter of a small particle analysis by TEM, selective staining agents need to be used to
increases more rapidly with a given increase in particle mass). provide contrast between the phases. Ruthenium tetroxide is the
Consider the example of a system that produces an ideal core− most versatile staining agent and will stain many different
shell morphologyif the first-stage polymer PSD is broad, then polymers, but at different rates which allows for contrast to be
the smallest particles are likely to form thicker second-stage developed.189 (Historically, osmium tetroxide was used but is
polymer shells and the largest polymer particles are likely to form only effective in staining polymers with olefinic CC bonds.) In
thin shells, with a multitude of different possibilities in between. many cases, there is a difference in stiffness between the phases,
Thus, a broad first-stage polymer PSD will give rise to core−shell so AFM phase contrast imaging is effective in revealing the
particles for which there is a distribution of shell thicknesses different phases, but where the difference is not sufficient, newer
superimposed on the broad PSD. instruments are able to use the probe to simultaneously probe
Use of either a reliable seed stage that gives particles with a the surface and record infrared spectra of the surface at sufficient
narrow PSD or (better) a preformed seed latex with a narrow resolution to reveal phases of different chemical structure. When
PSD are the best ways to satisfy the criteria for controlling analyzing TEM or AFM images from microtomed sections, it is
particle morphology. It always is wise to check that the particles important to realize that particles may have been sectioned at
are growing in the required way during the second-stage any point from their pole to their equator.
polymerization by sampling the reaction to measure the mass of We can now come back to discussing use of the Sundberg−
polymer produced and the particle diameter, which is easily and Stubbs decision tree. We will assume a narrow PSD polymer A
quickly done using PCS (which is fine for narrow PSDs). This first-stage and that controlled particle growth of the polymer A
enables calculation of the total number of particles in the reactor particles is achieved by formation of polymer B (i.e., as in Figure
(whatever its size) 11).
total The ability of an entering oligo-B radical to penetrate into
mpolymer polymer A depends on the physical state of polymer A under
Ntotal =
ρP (π /6)d3 (23) reaction conditions. The Tg of pure polymer A (obtained from
the literature, measured or predicted from composition if it is a
where mtotal
polymer is the total mass of polymer in the reactor at the copolymer47) is important, but will be reduced somewhat during
time of sampling (e.g., calculated from the total mass added to polymerization due to plasticization by monomer in the
the reactor and the measured latex solids content, adjusted for particles. For example, if polymer A is poly(methyl meth-
presence of other nonvolatiles), ρP is the polymer density (which acrylate) (PMMA, Tg ≈ 105 °C) and the reaction is run under
usually can be assumed equal for the two polymers without too starved semibatch conditions at 70 °C, it is likely that oligo-B
much error), and d is the (unswollen) particle diameter for the radicals will not penetrate and instead polymerize near the
sample. Use of the swollen diameter measured by PCS leads to particle surface. If you want to create a shell of hydrophobic
low values of Ntotal, but if the instantaneous conversion is high, poly[(n-butyl acrylate)-stat-styrene] (PBA-S, with composition
the error is relatively small and it can be used; the value of Ntotal giving a Tg ≈ 10 °C, i.e., ≪ reaction temperature), the best that
calculated using the PCS value of d will come back to its accurate can be achieved is a less coherent lobed outer layer because,
value at the end of polymerization when monomer conversion is although the more hydrophobic PBA-S is formed at the particle
complete. Alternatively, the PCS d can be adjusted approx- surface, it has the mobility to rearrange in order to minimize its
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contact with water and expose some of the underlying PMMA to the decision tree indicates that a core−shell particle with a low
make contact with water (for which there is a thermodynamic Tg hydrophilic core and a shell of hydrophobic polymer cannot
driving force). However, if a shell of polystyrene (Tg ≈ 100 °C) be achieved. Additionally, in order to eliminate copolymer
was desired, then a core−shell morphology would be obtained composition drift, starved semibatch processes must be used
because the polystyrene chains are constrained to formation on when producing copolymer phases. Hence, for preparation of
the surface and do not have the mobility to reorganize; in this particles with well-defined shells surrounding low Tg first-stage
case the “nonequilibrium” core−shell structure will result. particles, other constraints on chain mobility must be
Clearly, it should be straightforward to create a PMMA shell introduced.
over polystyrene first-stage particles (equivalent to the Copolymerization with cross-linking monomers (i.e., mono-
equilibrium morphology) because γPA‑W will be greater than mers with more than one CC bond) leads to branching in the
γPB‑W. In both the examples of achieving core−shell morphology, copolymer and, ultimately, to cross-linking of the copolymer. As
the surface of the shell may be nodular (raspberry-like, as in stated earlier, cross-linking stops translational movement of
Figure 10(f)) rather than smooth because polymer B has very chains (chain mobility ceases when a chain becomes part of a
little mobility. network). Hence, cross-linking can be used to restrict chain
The second main route through the decision tree occurs if mobility. The question becomes, how far does an entering oligo-
pure polymer A Tg < reaction temperature, in which case the B radical penetrate before it becomes immobilized by branches
entering oligo-B radical will be able to penetrate the polymer A or cross-links? Sundberg and Stubbs studied this for a low Tg
particle to a large extent, though its ability to do so will diminish (≈40 °C) hydrophilic first-stage copolymer and a hydrophobic
as it grows inside the particle and will become more dependent second-stage copolymer of higher Tg (≈70 °C) using ethylene
on the volume fraction of monomer in the particle, since dilution dimethacrylate (EGDMA) at different levels as a cross-linking
by monomer will reduce the internal viscosity in the particle. monomer in the second-stage comonomer mixture.186 They
When the chain radical has become long enough to entangle found that EGDMA had little effect on the morphology and
with the already-formed polymer chains, the active end will interpreted this as being due to radical penetration taking place
move by reaction dif f usion (i.e., by propagation) only. However, faster than branching/cross-linking of the chain radicals could
as discussed in section 3.3.2, termination is usually dominated by reduce radical penetration. However, theoretical prediction and
chain transfer to monomer, which produces a small radical that practical observations showed that when the first stage polymer
initiates a new chain with high initial mobility (this will also be is cross-linked, even at relatively low levels, then penetration of
the case if chain transfer agent is included). Hence, when radical the first-stage polymer by an entering oligo-B radical is greatly
penetration is possible, formation of polymer B can take place
restricted and nonequilibrium core−shell morphologies can be
much deeper into the particle than the distance penetrated by
the entering oligo-B radical. This deeper penetration has been
An alternative strategy that works in overcoming the
demonstrated.180 For example, this scenario would occur when
limitations highlighted by the decision tree is to use graftlinking
using poly(n-butyl methacrylate) (PBMA, Tg ≈ 36 °C) as the
monomers, which have two or more CC bonds of very
first-stage polymer. The question then becomes whether or not
different reactivity, an example being allyl methacrylate (ALMA)
phase separation is possible, which also depends on the mobility
of the already-formed chains. If a highly starved semibatch where the allyl CC bonds are of low reactivity.190 By using
process is used at 70 °C, then the volume fraction of monomer in ALMA (at levels of 1−2 mol % in the comonomer mixture) in a
the particles will be low, so polymer mobility will also be low due preceding phase (i.e., synthesis of polymer A for a two-phase
to the high internal viscosity. Regardless of the choice for system), that phase will be very lightly cross-linked (eliminating
polymer B, it is likely that phase separation will be restricted polymer A chain mobility) and will contain a significant
because the propagating chains will become entangled with the proportion of ALMA repeat units with unreacted allyl CC
existing chains within the extremely viscous particle interior and bonds. If the second-stage monomer mixture is added under
chains will find it difficult to aggregate to form well-defined starved semibatch conditions, an oligo-B radical will have lower
phases. This will give rise to a metastable molecular mixture with mobility in the cross-linked polymer A phase and will react with
either a radial distribution or a more uniform distribution of the some of the allyl CC bonds, immediately switching it to
two polymers, depending on the extent to which chain radicals movement by reaction diffusion only. Thus, entering oligo-B
penetrate into the particle. In order to facilitate phase separation, radicals have much lower penetration into the particle and
the internal viscosity needs to be reduced, which can be achieved polymer B will be formed mostly near the surface of the polymer
by operating the reaction under less starved conditions, e.g., by A first-stage particle. This strategy has been used successfully to
feeding the monomer faster, in which case phase separation prepare multilayer particles for toughening of PMMA (as well as
becomes possible to give small phase domains and then, as the other thermoplastics), e.g., particles with a core of hydrophobic
steady-state [M]p increases toward its equilibrium value, phase low Tg polymer and a shell of hydrophilic high Tg polymer or
consolidation becomes possible. In order to achieve an particles with a core of hydrophilic high Tg polymer, a second
equilibrium core−shell morphology, where the more hydro- layer of hydrophobic low Tg polymer and an outer shell of
philic polymer forms the shell, there must be relatively high hydrophilic high Tg polymer, or even particles with a core of
polymer chain mobility, which normally is possible only when hydrophobic low Tg polymer, a second layer of hydrophilic high
reaction is run under flooded semibatch conditions or as a batch Tg polymer, a third layer of hydrophobic low Tg polymer, and an
polymerization. Hence, when seeking to grow a more hydro- outer shell of hydrophilic high Tg polymer.191−195 Hence,
philic polymer shell onto the surface of a low Tg hydrophobic graftlinking monomers like ALMA are widely used in synthesis
particle, the decision tree indicates that it is necessary to use fully of commercial multilayer particle latexes. The grafting between
swollen particles and a batch process, which is possible for the polymers also has the advantage of providing strong
homopolymerizations, but would give rise to copolymer interfaces between the layers, which is crucial when the particles
composition drift in a second-stage copolymerization. Similarly, are being used for enhancing mechanical properties. It is, of
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course, not necessary to use a graftlinking monomer in synthesis applications, particularly biomedical applications. Usually,
of the outer shell of polymer. chemical functionality is provided using f unctional monomers
Particle morphologies rarely have the idealized core−shell that have the functional group of interest, which very often is
structures shown in diagrams like those in Figures 10 and 11. polar. Hence, in many cases, the monomers used to provide
There invariably are microdomains of one polymer in the other chemical functionality have relatively high water solubilities and
polymer phase, and incoherent lobe-like layers are quite partition strongly into the aqueous phase. For this reason, they
common, including lobe-like internal layers within multilayer can only be used at low levels (typically <10 mol %). A large
particles. In fact, distinct layers with thicknesses of 10−15 nm number of functional groups have been incorporated into latex
are extremely difficult to achieve because the interphase regions particles or attached to latex particle surfaces, including
are typically of this thickness. Fortunately, in most cases, the poly(ethylene glycol) chains (useful for providing steric
morphology does not need to be perfect to deliver the desired stabilization and for masking particles in biomedical applica-
effect. Hence, a pragmatic view about achieving a particular tions)200,201 and complex functionalities (e.g., antibodies) for
morphology is sufficient and, in terms of end applications, latexes used in medical diagnostics;1,2 it also is possible to create
achievement of enough structuring to deliver the desired effect is core−shell particles with molecular imprints in the shells for
the most important factor. diagnostic purposes,202−204 as depicted in Figure 10(k). A
Radial distributions like that shown in Figure 11 are best review of each of these areas is beyond the scope of this paper, so
achieved by changing copolymer composition radially within the instead we focus on general principles for their incorporation.
particle, rather than by having a metastable molecular mixture of The first consideration is the tolerance of the functional group to
homopolymers. This is readily achieved using power-feed starved free radicals and to the oxidizing effects of the usual peroxide-
semibatch processes98,196 in which two monomer supply tanks based initiators. Many groups are quite tolerant, e.g., carboxylic
are used to feed monomer to the reactorthe first tank feeds acid, hydroxyl, epoxide, alkylamine, sulfonic acid, alkyne,
monomer B into a second stirred tank containing monomer A, hydroxyethylsulfonyl, and oxazoline groups all can be
and the mixture of monomers from this second tank is fed to the incorporated by copolymerization with a monomer containing
reactor. Thus, the comonomer mixture being fed into the reactor the functional group. However, sometimes it is necessary to
has an ever-increasing proportion of monomer B. Provided that attach functional groups to preformed latex particles, a topic that
particle growth is controlled, under these conditions radial will be discussed at the end of this section and is most relevant
distributions of copolymer composition can be achieved because for specialist applications where the additional cost of doing this
the particles grow in small increments with the instantaneous can be justified (e.g., in the biomedical field).
copolymer composition reflecting the composition of the The principles for controlling the location of hydrophilic
comonomer mixture entering the reactor at that point.
repeat units have already been discussed in section 3.9 with
As should be evident from the discussion, preparation of
regard to use of acrylic acid and methacrylic acid for providing
core−shell or other layered particle morphologies is done using
carboxylic acid groups at the surface of latex particles. Hence, if
emulsion polymerization processes. Miniemulsion polymer-
the functional monomer is very water-soluble, formation of
ization can be used to prepare the first-stage polymer particles,
some functional WSP is inevitable. For more specialized
allowing advantage to be taken of its lack of need for monomer
diffusion through the aqueous phase and the ease with which applications (e.g., biomedical) this can be an issue, in which
other materials can be encapsulated into particles (see sections case the latex needs to be dialyzed with a membrane of high
6.3 and 6.4), but the broader PSD does limit the precision to porosity in order to remove the WSP chains from the latex
which particle morphology can be controlled in subsequent aqueous phase or more generally cleaned.205 In less critical
particle growth stages. applications, e.g. latexes for coatings, this can be tolerated if the
A quite different approach to creating core−shell types of WSP reacts chemically during film formation to become part of
particles is the use of heterocoagulation. In this case, for example, the polymer matrix. For example, diacetone acrylamide
large particles with positive surface charge are added slowly to a (DAAM) is widely used to provide ketone side groups for
latex of much smaller particles stabilized by negative surface cross-linking during film formation by reaction with the amine
charges; the opposite scenario of adding large negatively charged groups of adipic acid dihydrazide (ADH), which is added to the
particles to small positively charged particles also works. The latex after its preparation.206 Even if a significant amount of
particles of opposite surface charge attract each other and so the DAAM-containing WSP is present, the DAAM groups present
small particles deposit onto the surface of the large particles. as copolymer repeat units in the particles react with the DAAM-
Provided that this is done carefully to avoid coagulation (which containing WSP, which then becomes cross-linked with the
is the reason for adding the large particle latex to the small particles during film formation. More hydrophobic functional
particle latex), it is possible to completely cover the surface of the monomers will be more easily incorporated in the copolymer
large particles and change their surface charge to that of the small particles and may become buried; if they are required only to be
particles. This gives morphologies such as that shown in Figure near the surface, then they should be included in the final part of
10(h) from which core−shell particles can be produced by the monomer mixture fed to the reactor. If designing a new
heating the latex to a temperature above the Tg of the small functional monomer, its ability to copolymerize well must be
particles to give them the chain mobility to coalesce with each borne in mind, e.g., acrylate, methacrylate, or styrenic
other to create a coherent shell.197,198 Morphologies similar to monomers are far better than vinylic or allylic monomers; 1,2-
Figure 10(h) can also be obtained by using Pickering stabilizers substituted CC bonds are to be completely avoided because
(charged particles) instead of surfactants to provide colloidal they generally do not polymerize. Additionally, the presence of
stability in miniemulsion polymerization.199 weak bonds (e.g., allylic or benzylic C−H bonds, C−Br bonds,
6.2.4. Particles with Chemical Functionality. Particles with and S−H bonds) that are susceptible to atom abstraction must
chemical functionality are important for control of latex be avoided in order to prevent chain transfer to the functional
rheology, cross-linkable coatings and for more specialized monomer severely limiting x̅n.
Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
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An alternative approach for achieving surface functionality is In cases where one wishes to create an aqueous dispersion of a
to use postreaction attachment, for which click reactions have pre-existing polymer that cannot be produced by miniemulsion
been used successfully. For example, dialyzed latexes with alkyne polymerization, it is possible to dissolve the polymer in a solvent
surface groups will undergo the Huisgen click reaction with (more volatile than, and of low, but finite, solubility in, water),
azide groups on a functional compound to efficiently attach the create a miniemulsion by conventional techniques, and then
functional compound to the particle surface;207 the reverse carefully evaporate the solvent under controlled vacuum to
strategy also is possible.208 These reactions are limited to dilute create a dispersion of the polymer.
latexes because of the need for catalysis by copper(I) salts, so are 6.4. Nanoencapsulation. Encapsulation of organic com-
suitable only for high-cost applications. pounds (e.g., drugs, dyes, perfumes) can be useful for prevention
Another type of functional particle are responsive microgels, of their diffusion or for slow release. Encapsulation of inorganic
which are cross-linked particles of hydrophilic polymers that compounds is of benefit for achieving good dispersion (e.g.,
swell considerably with a change in conditions, e.g., local pH or pigments, clays) or to give the particle special characteristics
temperature. They can be prepared by normal emulsion or (e.g., iron oxide makes the particles respond to magnetic fields).
miniemulsion polymerization using a cross-linking comonomer The principles of hybrid miniemulsion polymerization can be
with reaction conditions under which the polymer is insoluble in applied to encapsulation of organic compounds or inorganic
water, so that cross-linked particles are formed. They are termed compounds into latex particles. The compound needs to be
microgels because the particles are submicron size cross-linked dissolved or dispersed in the monomer prior to miniemulsifi-
(i.e., network) polymers which, therefore, cannot dissolve, only cation. Subsequent polymerization then encapsulates the
swell. The key to achieving responsive behavior is to use compound provided that it does not phase separate from the
functional monomers in their synthesis that confer sensitivity to particles during polymerization. For example, encapsulation of
their environment. For example, a microgel containing high titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles via miniemulsion polymer-
levels of methacrylic acid repeat units (prepared at low pH to ization has been described by El-Aasser and co-workers.226−229
ensure their incorporation into the particles; see section 3.9) will When encapsulating inorganic hydrophilic materials via
respond to a change of aqueous phase pH from 4 to 10 by miniemulsion polymerization, it is often necessary to pretreat
expanding greatly due to neutralization of the carboxylic acid the inorganic surface to make it more hydrophobic and allow
groups, which then have a high affinity for water and charge dispersion within the monomer droplets.230−232 If this is not
repulsion between each other.209 Another example are microgels done, the resulting particles are often “armored” (like Pickering
prepared by emulsion polymerization using N-isopropylacryla- emulsions) with the inorganic particles residing on the surface
mide (NIPAM) cross-linked with methylene bis(acrylamide) at (rather than the interior) of the particles. However, this is not
temperatures above 50 °C.210 Poly(NIPAM) has a phase always necessary for emulsion polymerization, particularly with
transition (LCST) in aqueous media at 32 °Cbelow this clays, which are naturally hydrophilic, and tend to exfoliate in an
temperature it is soluble in water, but above this temperature it aqueous medium. After varying degrees of edge modification
loses its associated water molecules and is insoluble. Hence, (functionalization to make the surface more hydrophobic) the
poly(NIPAM) microgels will expand greatly on cooling from 35 clay particles and adsorbed surfactant can form hemimicelles,
°C down to 30 °C, a sharp transition which can be used to which act as sites for polymerization, and the clay can be
release molecules trapped in the microgel. For all types of effectively encapsulated.233
microgel, expansion of the microgel particles is constrained by The interest in encapsulation of TiO2 is to ensure its uniform
the cross-links, so the final swollen diameter will depend on the dispersion in paints or plastic materials. In addition to use of
degree of cross-linking. Poly(NIPAM) also has been grown from miniemulsion polymerization, TiO2 has been encapsulated in
the surface of polystyrene particles using a method of controlled particles by other methods, including heterocoagulation.
radical polymerization, thus making the particles sensitive to However, the most effective method was developed by Hawkett
temperature.211,212 et al. making use of RAFT.234 In this method, a low molecular
6.3. Hybrid Miniemulsion Polymerization. The absence weight statistical copolymer of n-butyl acrylate and acrylic acid
of monomer transport across the aqueous phase is a feature of (PBA-AA) is prepared by RAFT and then dissolved in an
miniemulsion polymerization that makes it especially useful in aqueous sodium hydroxide solution at pH 5.5−8, thus
the synthesis of hybrid materials, where one of the materials is neutralizing the carboxylic acid groups. The TiO2 particles are
insoluble in water but is soluble in monomer. For instance, dispersed into this solution by milling or sonication, the PBA-AA
alkyd-acrylic hybrid particles have been synthesized in which a adsorbing to the TiO2 particle surfaces because at the pH values
preformed alkyd is dissolved in an acrylate comonomer mixture used its surface is either neutral or positively charged. A water-
and then miniemulsion polymerized.213−217 Crucially, the soluble azo initiator is added and a new comonomer mixture fed
acrylate polymerizes in the intimate presence of the alkyd into the reactor (e.g., methyl methacrylate and n-butyl acrylate),
resin, so that graft copolymers are formed which stabilize the which copolymerizes from the RAFT end-caps of the PB-AA,
morphology. Attempts to produce such hybrids by conventional creating a block copolymer that ultimately surrounds and
emulsion polymerization fail because, as monomer diffuses out encapsulates the TiO2 particles. In this way very high efficiencies
of the monomer droplets to the latex particles, the alkyd in the of encapsulation of TiO2 particles have been achieved, similar to
droplets becomes concentrated and eventually forms large, that in Figure 10(l). The use of statistical (“random”) PBA-AA is
unstable particles that coagulate and bring about loss of latex critical to the success because these chains have no tendency to
stability; in addition there is no possibility for grafting (since the form micelles (if micelles of chain-extended PA-AA did form, the
alkyd is never at the locus of polymerization). Similar hybrids RAFT end-groups would be present in them and so the micelles
incorporating polyurethanes,218−220 polyesters,213 and other would become the locus of polymerization, not the surface of the
polymers,221,222 as well as inorganic223,224 materials, have been TiO2 particles). Efficient encapsulation of phthalocyanine blue
reported. (See the review by Guyot et al.225). pigment also was achieved in this way.234
Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
Biomacromolecules Review

Exfoliated clay nanocomposites were first developed in the then rigid). The final latex is blended with a film-forming latex to
late 1980s by Toyota, who first used them to increase the create a coating formulation, which when cast or painted into a
modulus of nylon-6.235 Individual clay platelets have two major film loses water by evaporation, including the water from inside
benefits if dispersed uniformly in a coating or plastics material: the swollen core−shell particles. Since the shell remains rigid,
(i) they act as reinforcements and stiffen the matrix; and (ii) they the loss of water from the swollen core eventually leads to
provide excellent barriers to vapor or oxygen transmission when mechanical failure of the core copolymer and it collapses to the
aligned perpendicular to the direction of flow. These benefits inner wall of the shell. When the coating is fully dry, these hollow
can only be realized if the clay platelets can be uniformly particles (ultimately filled with air that has diffused into the film)
dispersed. Hence, there has been great interest in encapsulating are embedded in a matrix of the film-forming polymer, which
individual clay platelets in polymer particles by several methods, typically has a refractive index of 1.4−1.5, so the hollow particles
including emulsion polymerization on the clay surface. By far the cause light scattering and the film is made opaque. The opacity
most successful method has been an adaptation of the Hawkett depends on the concentration of the hollow particles and their
et al. RAFT method for encapsulating titanium dioxide.236 This size, which is tuned to maximize light scattering.
has facilitated highly efficient encapsulation of individual clay Using the principles of the Rohm & Hass process, Hawkett et
platelets, similar to that shown in Figure 10(m). al.245 have adapted their RAFT method for encapsulation of
Several methods have been used to encapsulate iron oxide TiO2 particles to produce what they call nanorattles, which in
particles for diagnostic applications, including creating a shell application have a morphology like that in Figure 10(n). In this
over ferrofluid droplets by methods of emulsion polymer- case, the TiO2 particles are dispersed in an aqueous solution of
ization237 and encapsulation by miniemulsion polymeriza- PBA-AA RAFT copolymer in protonated form, which surrounds
tion.238 This gives particle morphologies like that depicted in individual TiO2 particles. The PBA-AA encapsulated TiO2
Figure 10(p). Hawkett et al.239 have recently used their RAFT particles are then coated with a shell of high Tg copolymer in
methodology to encapsulate clusters of a few tiny (<10 nm) iron the next stage by RAFT-controlled chain extension of the PBA-
oxide particles for use in cell labeling. AA copolymer. The next step follows the Rohm and Haas
In other work, carbon black encapsulation by emulsion approach. The dispersion is heated to a temperature ≳ Tshell g and
polymerization240 and miniemulsion polymerization241 has an aqueous base is added, which diffuses through the shell to
been demonstrated. Luo et al.242 have encapsulated aqueous neutralize the acid groups of the inner PBA-AA copolymer,
solutions (potentially containing various therapeutics) via causing it to swell considerably and inflate the shell. In a third
inverse miniemulsion polymerization. stage, the inflated shell is grown to greater thickness by
One of the reasons for interest in poly(NIPAM) is that its polymerization of divinylbenzene, before cooling the dispersion
LCST is close to human body temperature, which raises the to room temperature, which makes the (now thicker) shell rigid
possibility of encapsulating a therapeutic drug within a because it is well below Tshellg . Individual encapsulated TiO2
poly(NIPAM) microgel for highly localized delivery in warmed particles are now each within a swollen PBA-AA inner phase
tissue if the LCST could be raised sufficiently. This has been surrounded by a rigid shell, locking the swollen morphology in
achieved243 by controlling its tacticity4,5 using a specially place. When these particles are blended with a film-forming latex
designed RAFT agent (to give a LCST of 37.6 °C). and coated, the swollen inner PBA-AA will fracture due to loss of
Unfortunately, due to differences in the solubilities of NIPAM water and will collapse onto either the inside of the shell and/or
and the RAFT agent, miniemulsion polymerization of this onto the surface of the encapsulated TiO2 particle. This leaves a
system has not been realized. void within which there is a single TiO2 particle, hence the name
6.5. Hollow Particles. Hollow particles, of the type depicted nanorattle. The significance of this is that the refractive index
in Figure 10(i), have found an important application as organic difference is not just between the void (i.e., air) and the matrix
opacifiers for water-borne coatings that can replace the inorganic polymer, but also between the void and TiO2, which has a high
pigments (such as TiO2) normally used for this purpose. This refractive index of 2.8. Hence, the nanorattles give much greater
highly innovative, clever technology was first developed by light scattering and opacity.
Rohm & Haas (now part of Dow Chemical)244 and is marketed Very large hollow particles of polystyrene with diameters of
under the trade name “Ropaque”. The principle for preparation 6−8 μm and narrow PSDs have been formed by using a porous
of the hollow particles is as follows. The first stage involves glass emulsification technique to create large droplets of styrene
preparation of a latex of lightly cross-linked carboxylic acid containing hexadecane and then polymerizing the droplets,
containing copolymer particles (e.g., 15−30 wt % methacrylic during which the polystyrene phase separates to form a shell.246
acid) at controlled pH to ensure the acid groups are protonated A very unusual type of “hollow” particle, termed a parachute
so that particles can be formed. In the second stage, the first- morphology because of its appearance (see Figure 10(j)) results
stage particles are grown with a completely coherent shell of a from polymerization of monomer within the walls of vesicles.247
high Tg copolymer (e.g., Tshell
g of 80−95 °C) that contains a Polymerization takes place within the walls of the vesicle, but
much lower level of carboxylic acid groups (e.g., 1−5 wt % mostly occurs at a single point; the final vesicle is delicate and
methacrylic acid), just sufficient to make the shell permeable to filled with aqueous phase.
aqueous base. In the third stage, the core−shell latex is heated to
a temperature ≳ Tshellg and an aqueous base (e.g., ammonium 7. LATEX RHEOLOGY
hydroxide) is added which is able to diffuse through the shell to As is true for most complex fluids, the rheology of polymer
neutralize the acid groups of the core copolymer. This causes the latexes is generally non-Newtonian, and so viscosity can only be
core to swell significantly (for the reasons described for acid- reported at a given shear rate. At low shear rates, the viscosity is
containing microgels in section 6.2.4) such that the shell is high and then drops markedly as the shear rate increases and the
inflated and the whole particle becomes much bigger. The latex transitions from a relatively disordered state to a relatively
swollen core−shell morphology is then locked in place by ordered state. At even higher shear rates, disorder is induced
cooling the latex to a temperature well below Tshell
g (so the shell is again, and the measured viscosity increases. Within a given
Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
Biomacromolecules Review

intermediate range of shear rates, the viscosity is a function of the object of providing new researchers to this field with the
several properties of the latex, e.g., in decreasing order of necessary theoretical and practical understanding to begin using
importance: aqueous continuous phase viscosity, dispersed- the various processes effectively and creatively in ways that avoid
phase particle volume fraction, average particle size, and PSD. common mistakes. The overview has been written for a general
The Krieger−Doherty Equation248 for viscosity of an aqueous scientific audience with no prior knowledge assumed. It balances
dispersion of impermeable spheres is most commonly used to coverage of mechanistic and theoretical understanding, with

ÅÄÅ ÑÉÑ−2.5ϕmax
interpret latex viscosity sufficient insight into the opportunities for exploitation of the

ÅÅ jij ϕdp zyzÑÑÑ

multitude of types and sizes of colloidal particles that can be
= ηaq ÅÅÅ1 − jjj zÑ
j ϕmax zzzÑÑÑÑ
created by these processes, to provide readers from any
ÅÇ k {ÑÖ
ηdisp background with the necessary foundation to realize the
(24) opportunities this opens in their research.
Some of the key messages are (i) these processes are complex
where ηdisp and ηaq are the viscosities of the dispersion and and a good understanding of the mechanisms operating is
aqueous continuous phase, respectively, ϕdp is the volume essential to controlling them; (ii) the idealized (and most widely
fraction of impermeable spheres (dispersed phase), and ϕmax is presented) explanation of emulsion polymerization set out by
the maximum possible volume fraction of the spheres (which Harkins, Smith, and Ewart, while a good starting point, rarely is
depends on the particle packing). The equation is applicable for observed in practice; (iii) there is a need to understand the
all values of ϕdp up to ϕmax. For latexes, the value of ϕdp is for the conditions under which the three mechanisms of particle
hydrodynamic particle, including all species that move with the nucleation operate; (iv) the related concepts of segregation
particle. The equation shows that the most important factor (compartmentalization) of propagating radicals into submicron
determining the viscosity of a latex is the aqueous phase size particles and the average number of radicals per particle (n̅)
viscosity, which can be greatly increased by the presence of are crucial to understanding and deliver the unusual kinetics
water-soluble polymers added to enhance colloidal stability or associated with these methods of polymerization; (v) the time
produced during polymerization or added post reaction to between radical entry events into particles is long (typically 1−
facilitate greater control of latex rheology (see section 3.6.2). 100 s) and is the reason why it is possible to achieve high rates of
The second most important factor is the dispersed-phase polymerization and high molecular weights when n̅ ≤ 1 and why
volume fraction ϕp and as its value approaches ϕmax (=0.74 for chain transfer to monomer often dominates the killing of
hexagonal close packing of monodisperse particles), the latex propagation; (vi) it is important to recognize that monomer
viscosity rises rapidly; the latex then becomes like a semisolid water solubility has major effects on kinetics, including effects on
gel. particle nucleation and the effects of differential partitioning of
The PSD is important in that a latex with a broad PSD will monomers in copolymerizations between the aqueous, mono-
have a much lower viscosity than one with a narrow PSD at the mer droplet, and particle phases; (vii) in practical applications,
same dispersed-phase volume fraction. This is due to the fact the uncertainties of nucleation are best eliminated by using seed
that small particles can fit into the interstices between large ones, latexes or miniemulsion polymerization with polymeric
such that a higher dispersed-phase volume fraction can be costabilizers; (viii) preparing particles with a narrow particle
achieved for a given viscosity. This is the basis for producing size distribution requires the use of emulsion polymerization
multimodal PSD latexes that have manageable viscosities at very with either seed latexes or constraint of particle nucleation to the
high polymer contents, up to 70−80 wt % (see section 3.7). first few percent conversion of monomer, and then achieving
Several factors can alter the effective dispersed-phase volume controlled particle growth without secondary nucleation or
fraction and, therefore, latex viscosity. Carboxylated latexes have limited coagulation of the particles; (ix) in most practical uses of
particles with surface carboxylic acid groups (e.g., from emulsion polymerization, semibatch processes run under
copolymerization with methacrylic acid), which when neutral- starved conditions are necessary to achieve control of copolymer
ized with added base will cause the particles to swell due to composition and particle morphology; (x) chain transfer to
charge repulsion between the ionized acid groups and their high polymer will be very significant in acrylate and vinyl ester
affinity for water. Swelling of the particles increases the effective homopolymerizations when the concentration of monomer in
dispersed-phase volume fraction and so increases the latex the particles is low (i.e., interval III and starved polymerizations)
viscosity−the effect can be large if the latex has a high dispersed- leading to branching and possible cross-linking; (xi) grafting of
phase volume fraction before neutralization. A latex containing water-soluble polymers (WSPs) to particle surfaces is possible
particles with a thick electrical double layer on the surface will via chain transfer to WSP chains in the aqueous phase, but
have a higher viscosity than one with a thin electrical double grafted polysaccharide chains will undergo rapid degradation
layer (e.g., compressed by added salts, see section 3.1). This is when monomer concentration is very low if using peroxy
because the effective dispersed-phase volume fraction includes initiators; (xii) control of particle morphology requires careful
any species (in this case, counterions) that move with the design and control of reaction conditions, for which the ground
particle. Finally, if a latex has nonspherical particles, its viscosity rules are well established; (xiii) great opportunities exist for
will be higher than that of a latex of spherical particles with the creating novel materials, including functional particles, hybrid
same dispersed-phase volume fraction because, as the non- particles, hollow particles, and encapsulation of other substances
spherical particles rotate, they sweep out a hydrodynamic into polymer particles using emulsion and miniemulsion
volume that is larger than their actual volume, resulting is an
polymerization and methods of controlled radical polymer-
apparent increase in dispersed-phase volume fraction.
ization; (xiv) all the equations for reaction kinetics presented in
this overview are instantaneous, so apply only at a particular
8. SUMMARY instant in time for the local (not overall) concentrations and
A comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of emulsion values of rate parameters existing at that moment in the locus for
polymerization and related processes has been presented with which the equation applies.
Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4396−4441
Biomacromolecules Review

The list just given may be considered long, but it is only a ϕp volume fraction of polymer in a particle
starting point and reflects the complexities of the processes. reversible-addition−fragmentation chain-transfer pol-
Together with deeper reading, it will be a good check list for RAFT ymerization
those new to the field when planning how to use these extremely Rp rate of polymerization
versatile methods for preparation of polymer colloids. The [S]0 initial concentration of surfactant per unit volume of
opportunities for innovation are enormous and will be delivered water
most effectively through understanding and control of these [TA]p concentration of transfer agent in the particles
complex polymerization processes, which is the principal Tg glass transition temperature
purpose of this overview. WSP water-soluble polymer

Corresponding Authors
number-average degree of polymerization
number-average degree of polymerization in the
absence of chain transfer for homogeneous free-radical
Peter A. Lovell − Department of Materials, School of Natural polymerization
Sciences, The University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, (x̅n)EP
0 number-average degree of polymerization in the
United Kingdom;; absence of chain transfer for emulsion polymerization
F. Joseph Schork − School of Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
30332-0100, United States;
(1) Elaissari, A. Colloidal Biomolecules, Biomaterials, and Biomedical
7152; Email: Applications; Marcel Dekker: New York, 2003.
(2) Elaissari, A. Colloidal Nanoparticles in Biotechnology; John Wiley &
Complete contact information is available at:
Sons: Hoboken, 2008. (3) Gurnani, P.; Perrier, S. Controlled Radical Polymerization in
Dispersed Systems for Biological Applications. Prog. Polym. Sci. 2020,
Notes 102, DOI: 10.1016/j.progpolymsci.2020.101209
The authors declare no competing financial interest. (4) Young, R. J.; Lovell, P. A. Introduction to Polymers, 3rd ed.; CRC


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