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This documentary is about the exile of Jose Rizal in Dapitan, and his relationship with Josephine

The video starts with talking about Rizal's exile in Dapitan. It was a remote place where he was
isolated from his friends and family. Rizal was a medical doctor and continued to practice
medicine there. He also created a huge relief map of Mindanao, the first of its kind. The
documentary mentions that the church where Rizal made this map is undergoing restoration.

The documentary then goes on to discuss Rizal's relationship with Josephine Bracken. She was a
young woman from Hong Kong who came to Dapitan to seek medical treatment from Rizal.
They fell in love and wanted to get married. However, the Catholic Church did not approve of
their relationship because Rizal had previously criticized the church. Despite the opposition, they
lived together as a couple. They had a child together but the baby died shortly after birth.

The documentary ends by showing how Rizal and Josephine are remembered in Dapitan today.
There is a museum dedicated to Rizal where some of his belongings are on display. The place
where his house used to be is now a museum as well. The documentary also talks about a
religious group in Dapitan who believe that Rizal was a messianic figure.

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