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编 号:CTSO-C162a

日 期:2018 年 12 月 8 日
批 准:




1. 目的



的制造人。本 CTSO 规定了陆基增强系统甚高频数据广播设备为获得

批准和使用适用的 CTSO 标记进行标识所必须满足的最低性能标准。

2. 适用范围

本 CTSO 适用于自其生效之日起提交的申请。按本 CTSO 批准的

设备,其设计大改应按 CCAR-21-R4 第 21.353 条要求重新申请


3. 要求

在本 CTSO 生效之日或生效之后制造并欲使用本 CTSO 标记进行

标识的甚高频数据广播设备,应满足 RTCA/DO-253C《GPS 局域增强

系统机载设备的最低运行性能标准》(2008.12.16)第 2 节要求。


注 : RTCA/DO-253C 中 所 有 对 RTCA/DO-246 的 索 引 均 指

RTCA/DO-246B《基于 GNSS 的精确进近局域增强系统(LAAS)空

(2001.11.28 发布)

参见 CTSO-C161a 附录 2。


本 CTSO 标准适用于接收 GBAS 甚高频数据广播并向 GBAS 位

置与导航设备输出甚高频数据广播信息的设备。RTCA/DO-253C 第

2.2 节中规定了甚高频数据广播接收器的功能。

b. 失效状态类别

本 CTSO 第 3.a 节所定义功能的失效属于“轻微(Minor)




c. 功能鉴定

应按 RTCA/DO-253C 第 2.5 节的试验条件,证明设备性能满足要


d. 环境鉴定

应按 RTCA/DO-253C 第 2.4 节的试验条件采用该设备适用的标准


注:通常情况下,RTCA/DO-160D(包括 Change 1 和 Change 2)

或早期版本不再适用,如果使用该版本则需按照本 CTSO 第 3.f 节中


e. 软件鉴定



RTCA/DO-178B 《 机 载 系 统 和 设 备 合 格 审 定 中 的 软 件 考 虑 》

(1992.12.1)的要求进行研制。软件的设计保证等级应与本 CTSO 第

3.b 节规定的失效状态类别一致。该设备中包含的所有软件都必须按

照 RTCA/DO-178B 进行开发。

f. 偏离

如果采用替代或等效的符合性方法来满足本 CTSO 规定的最低


人应按照 CCAR-21-R4 第 21.368 条(一)要求申请偏离。

4. 标记

a. 至少应为一个主要部件设置永久清晰的标记,标记应包括

CCAR-21-R4 第 21.423 条(二)规定的所有信息。标记必须包含设备


b. 应为以下部件设置永久清晰的标记,标记至少包括制造人名

称、组件件号和 CTSO 标准号:



c. 如果设备包含本 CTSO 第 3.f 节中的偏离,则标记必须表明对


d. 如果部件中包含软件和/或机载电子硬件,则件号必须包含硬





5. 申请资料要求


设计和生产批准。提交资料包括 CCAR-21-R4 第 21.353 条(一)1


a. 安装使用手册中的运行说明和设备限制,该内容应对设备运行



b. 安装程序和限制。必须确保按照此安装程序安装设备后,设

备仍符合本 CTSO 的要求。限制必须确定安装方面的任何独特要求,




c. 安装原理图。

d. 安装布线图。

e. 本 CTSO 标准规定的 VDB 设备的部件清单及其件号。



f. 部件维护手册(CMM)。应包含 VDB 设备周期性维护、校准



g. 材料和工艺规范清单。

h. 质量系统说明资料。按 CCAR-21-R4 第 21.358 条要求提供质



可能会对 CTSO 最低性能标准符合性有不利影响的任何更改,并相应


i. 制造人的 CTSO 鉴定试验报告,应提供按本 CTSO 第 3.c 节完


j. 铭牌图纸,应包含本 CTSO 中第 4 节所要求的信息。

k. 定义设备设计的图纸和工艺清单(包括修订版次)。

l. 设备中每个部件进行环境鉴定的试验条件总结。例如,可采用

RTCA/DO-160F《机载设备环境条件和试验程序》附录 A 的表格方式


m. 如果设备包含软件,则还应提供:软件合格审定计划(PSAC)、




n. 确定设备中所包含而未按照本 CTSO 第 3 节进行评估的功能

或性能(即:非 CTSO 功能)

。在获得 CTSOA 的同时非 CTSO 功能

也一同被接受。接受这些非 CTSO 功能,申请人必须声明这些功能,

并在 CTSO 申请时提供以下信息:

(1)非 CTSO 功能的描述,如性能规范、失效状态类别、软

件、硬件以及环境鉴定类别。还应包括一份确认非 CTSO 功能不会影

响设备对本 CTSO 第 3 节要求符合性的声明。

(2)安装程序和限制,能够确保非 CTSO 功能满足第 5.n.(1)



(3)第 5.n.(1)节所描述非 CTSO 功能的持续适航要求。

(4)接口要求和相关安装试验程序,以确保对第 5.n.(1)节性


(如适用)试验大纲、试验分析和试验结果,以验证 CTSO

设备的性能不会受到非 CTSO 功能的影响。


5.n.(1)节描述的非 CTSO 功能的功能和性能。

6. 制造人资料要求





a. 用来鉴定每件设备是否符合本 CTSO 要求的功能鉴定规范;

b. 设备校准程序;

c. 持续适航文件(在颁发 CTSOA 后 12 个月内提交);

d. 原理图;

e. 布线图;

f. 材料和工艺规范;

g. 按本 CTSO 第 3.d 节要求进行的环境鉴定试验结果;

h. 如果设备包含软件,提供 RTCA/DO-178B 中规定的相关文档,

包括所有支持 RTCA/DO-178B 附件 A“软件等级的过程目标和输出”



i. 如果设备包含非 CTSO 功能,必须提供第 6.a 节至第 6.h 节与

非 CTSO 功能相关的资料。


确认设备对本 CTSO 的符合性,提供相关文档以表明该外部设备鉴定


7. 随设备提交给用户的资料要求

a. 如欲向一个机构(例如运营人或修理站)提交一件或多件按

本 CTSO 制造的设备,则应随设备提供本 CTSO 第 5.a 节至第 5.f 节

和第 5.l 节的资料副本,以及设备正确安装、审定、使用和持续适航


b. 如果设备包含已声明的非 CTSO 功能,则还应包括第 5.n.(1)

节至第 5.n.(4)节所规定资料的副本。

8. 引用文件

RTCA 文件可从以下地址订购:

Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics, Inc.

1150 18th Street NW, Suite 910, Washington D.C. 20036

也可通过网站 订购副本。

English Translation Version for Reference Only

Date of approval:Dec 8, 2018
Approved by:Xu Chaoqun

China Civil Aviation Technical Standard Order

This China Civil Aviation Technical Standard Order (CTSO) is issued according to
Part 37 of the China Civil Aviation Regulations (CCAR-37). Each CTSO is a criterion
which the concerned aeronautical materials, parts or appliances used on civil aircraft must
comply with when it is presented for airworthiness certification.

Ground Based Augmentation System Very High Frequency Data

Broadcast Equipment

1. Purpose.

This China Civil Aviation Technical Standard Order (CTSO) is for

manufacturers applying for Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS)

Very High Frequency Data Broadcast (VDB) Equipment CTSO

authorization (CTSOA). This CTSO prescribes the minimum

performance standards that Ground Based Augmentation System Very

High Frequency Data Broadcast Equipment must first meet for approval

and identification with the applicable CTSO marking.

2. Applicability.

This CTSO affects new application submitted after its effective

date. Major design changes to article approved under this CTSOA will

require a new authorization in accordance with section 21.353 of

English Translation Version for Reference Only

3. Requirements

New models of VDB equipment identified and manufactured on or

after the effective date of this CTSO must meet the MPS for the VDB

receiver equipment in RTCA/DO-253C, Minimum Operational

Performance Standards for GPS Local Area Augmentation System

Airborne Equipment, dated December 16, 2008, section 2.

NOTE: All RTCA/DO-253C references to RTCA/DO 246() apply to

RTCA/DO-246B, GNSS-Based Precision Approach Local Area

Augmentation System (LAAS) Signal-In-Space Interface Control

Document (ICD), dated November 28, 2001. Modifications to these

references are noted in appendix 2 of CTSO-C161a.

a. Functionality. This CTSO’s standards apply to equipment intended

to receive the GBAS VDB and output the VDB messages to GBAS

Positioning and Navigation equipment. The VDB receiver functions are

defined in section 2.2 of RTCA/DO-253C.

b. Failure Condition Classifications. Failure of the function defined

in paragraph 3.a of this CTSO is a “Minor” failure condition. Loss of the

function as defined in paragraph 3a of this CTSO is a “Minor” failure

condition. Develop the system to, at least, the design assurance level

equal to these failure condition classifications.

c. Functional Qualification. Demonstrate the required functional

performance under the test conditions specified in RTCA/DO-253C,

English Translation Version for Reference Only

section 2.5.

d. Environmental Qualification. Demonstrate the required

performance under the test conditions specified in RTCA/DO-253C,

section 2.4 using standard environmental conditions and test procedures

appropriate for airborne equipment.

NOTE: The use of RTCA/DO-160D (with Changes 1 and 2 only,

incorporated) or earlier versions is generally not considered appropriate

and will require substantiation via the deviation process as discussed in

paragraph 3.g of this CTSO.

e. Software Qualification. If the article includes software, develop

the software according to document RTCA/DO-178B, Software

Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, dated

December 1, 1992. The software design assurance level should be

consistent with the failure condition classification defined in paragraph

3b of this CTSO. All software included in the article definition must be

developed in accordance with RTCA/DO-178B.

f. Deviations. We have provisions for using alternate or equivalent

means of compliance to the criteria in this CTSO. If you invoke these

provisions, you must show that your equipment maintains an equivalent

level of safety. Apply for a deviation under section 21.368(a) of

English Translation Version for Reference Only

4. Marking.

a. Mark at least one major component permanently and legibly with

all the information in 21.423(b) of CCAR-21-R4. The marking must

include the serial number.

b. Also, mark the following permanently and legibly, with at least

the manufacturer’s name, subassembly part number, and the CTSO


(1) Each component that is easily removable (without hand tools),


(2) Each subassembly of the article that manufacturer determined

may be interchangeable.

c. If the article includes a deviation per paragraph 3f of this CTSO,

the marking must include a means to indicate a deviation was granted.

d. If the component includes a software and/or airborne electronic

hardware, then the part number must include hardware and software

identification. Or, you can use a separate part number for hardware and

software. Either way, you must include a means to show the modification


NOTE: Similar software versions, developed and tested to different

software levels, must be differentiated by part number.

English Translation Version for Reference Only

5. Application Data Requirements.

The applicant must furnish the responsible certification personnel

with the related data to support design and production approval. The

application data include a statement of conformance as specified in

section 21.353(a)(1) in CCAR-21R4 and one copy each of the following

technical data:

a. Operating instructions and equipment limitations in an installation

manual, sufficient to describe the equipment’s operational capability.

Describe in detail any deviations. If needed, identify equipment by part

number, version, revision, and criticality level of software/hardware,

classification for use, and environmental categories.

b. Installation procedures and limitations, sufficient to ensure that

the equipment, when installed according to the installation procedures,

still meets this CTSO’s requirements. Limitations must identify any

unique aspects of the installation. The limitations must include a note

with the following statement:

“This article meets the minimum performance and quality control

standards required by a technical standard order. If you are installing this

article on or in a specific type or class of aircraft, you must obtain

separate approval for installation.”

c. Schematic drawings of the installation procedures.

d. Wiring diagrams of the installation procedures.

English Translation Version for Reference Only

e. List of components, by part number, that makes up the VDB

equipment specified in this CTSO standard. Include vendor part number

cross-references, when applicable.

f. A component maintenance manual (CMM) or IM, as appropriate,

covering periodic maintenance, calibration, and repair, for the continued

airworthiness of VDB equipment. Include recommended inspection

intervals and service life, as appropriate.

g. Material and process specifications list.

h. The quality system description required by section 21.358 of

CCAR-21-R4, including functional test specifications. The quality system

should ensure that it will detect any change to the approved design that

could adversely affect compliance with the CTSO, and reject the article


i. Manufacturer’s CTSO qualification report showing results of

testing accomplished according to paragraph 3c of this CTSO.

j. Nameplate drawing with the information required by paragraph 4

of this CTSO.

k. List of all drawings and processes (including revision level) that

define the article’s design.

l. A summary of the test conditions used for environmental

qualifications for each component of the article. For example, a form as

described in RTCA/DO-160F, Environmental Conditions and Test

English Translation Version for Reference Only

Procedures for Airborne Equipment, appendix A.

m. If the article includes software: a plan for software aspects of

certification (PSAC), software configuration index, and software

accomplishment summary. We recommend that you submit the PSAC

early in the software development process. Early submittal allows us to

quickly resolve issues, such as partitioning and determining software


n. Identify functionality or performance contained in the article not

evaluated under paragraph 3 of this CTSO (that is, non-CTSO functions).

Non-CTSO functions are accepted in parallel with the CTSO

authorization. For those non-CTSO functions to be accepted, the

applicant must declare these functions and include the following

information with CTSO application:

(1) Description of the non-CTSO function(s), such as performance

specifications and software, hardware, and environmental qualification

levels. Add a statement confirming that the non-CTSO functions do not

interfere with the article’s compliance with the requirements of paragraph


(2) Installation procedures and limitations sufficient to ensure that

the non-CTSO function(s) meets the declared functions and performance

specification(s) described in paragraph 5.n.(1).

(3) Instructions for continued performance applicable to the

English Translation Version for Reference Only

non-CTSO function(s) defined in paragraph 5.n.(1).

(4) Interface requirements and applicable installation test

procedures to ensure compliance with the performance data defined in

paragraph 5.n.(1).

(5) Results of test/analysis, as appropriate, to verify that

performance of the hosting CTSO article is not affected by the non-CTSO


(6) Results of test/analysis, as appropriate, to verify intended

function of the declared non-CTSO function(s) as described in paragraph


6. Manufacturer Data Requirements.

Besides the data given directly to us, have the following technical

data available for review by the responsible:

a. Functional qualification specifications for qualifying each

production article to ensure compliance with this CTSO.

b. Equipment calibration procedures.

c. Corrective maintenance procedures (Submitted within 12 months

after the issuance of CTSOA).

d. Schematic drawings.

e. Wiring diagrams.

f. Material and process specifications.

English Translation Version for Reference Only

g. The results of the environmental qualification tests conducted

according to paragraph 3.d of this CTSO.

h. If the article includes software, the appropriate documentation

defined in RTCA/DO-178B including all data supporting the applicable

objectives in RTCA/DO-178B Annex A, Process Objectives and Outputs

by Software Level.

i. If the article contains non-CTSO function(s), you must also make

available items 6.a through 6.h as they pertain to the non-CTSO


k. If any external equipment was used to validate the article's

compliance with the requirements in this CTSO (such as simulators,

stimulators or other similar devices), the appropriate documentation

showing its accreditation and suitability for the intended purpose.

7. Furnished Data Requirements.

a. If furnishing one or more articles manufactured under this CTSO

to one entity (such as an operator or repair station), provide one copy of

the data in paragraphs 5.a through 5.f and 5.l of this CTSO. Add any other

data needed for the proper installation, certification, use, or for continued


b. If the article contains non-CTSO function(s), also include one

copy of the data in paragraphs 5.n,(1) through 5,n.(4).

English Translation Version for Reference Only

8. Availability of Referenced Documents.

Order RTCA documents from:

Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics, Inc.

1150 18th Street NW, Suite 910, Washington D.C. 20036

You may also order them online from the RTCA Internet website at:

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