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An integrated personal

•Silvester Makoasha• Social Pedagogy PSOP171.
Mexican flag and
The Introduction Norway. Photographer:
n.a (n.d).

My exploration delves into social pedagogy across regions. Norway

emphasizes human development and prosocial schools, aligning
with health, family, and fairness values. Mexico embraces
adaptability and interdisciplinary approaches, impacting family,
compassion, community engagement, caring for others, empathy,
flexibility, autonomy, and reflective teaching. The People's Republic
of China addresses teaching methods, quality, and adaptation,
aligning with values like family, adaptation, problem-solving,
kindness, and respect. South Africa's Ubuntu philosophy focuses on
community, compassion, and fairness, aligning with values such as
fairness, family, open-mindedness, and altruism.

84 words Flags of China, South

Africa. Photographer:
Argus456. (n.d).
Norway Social Pedagogical Insight.
Norway social pedagogy has played a significant role in both theory and
practice the emphasis has shifted more towards practice in recent times.
• Social pedagogy in Norway emphasizes the importance of human
development in social contexts, with an emphasis on socialization,
upbringing, and cognitive learning. (Kyriacou, Ellingsen, Stephens &
Sundaram 2009:84)
• Social pedagogical practice is found in various contexts, including after-
school clubs, children's homes, foster homes, child welfare services, and
schools. (Kyriacou, Ellingsen, Stephens & Sundaram 2009:84)
• Some schools in Norway employ social care professionals, often designated
as environmental therapists, to improve the psycho-social environment
within the school, emphasizing positive relationships between teachers and
students. (Kyriacou, Ellingsen, Stephens & Sundaram 2009:78)
• Norway places a strong emphasis on creating prosocial schools with safe and
positive environments that address bullying. (Kyriacou, Ellingsen, Stephens &
Sundaram 2009:84)

110 words
Value for Health:
My emphasis on health aligns with Norwegian social pedagogy,
which prioritizes the well-being of children, youth, and families.
• Value for Family:
My values for family aligns with the Norwegian social
pedagogical approach, emphasizing holistic child development
Norway’s within family contexts.
Social pedagogues in Norway often work closely with families,
Pedagogical making family values essential to their practice. (Kyriacou,
Ellingsen, Stephens & Sundaram 2009:83)
Values. • Value for Fairness:
Fairness is a shared value between my personal values and
Norwegian social pedagogical principles.
Social pedagogues in Norway aim to ensure equitable treatment
and opportunities for all, particularly in educational and welfare
settings. (Kyriacou, Ellingsen, Stephens & Sundaram 2009:78)
94 words
I will foster collaboration with Peers and Families:
• Social pedagogy involves working closely with professionals and families.
• Emphasizes open communication with parents and collaboration with
Norway • The aim is to provide comprehensive support for students.
I will take a Holistic Approach to Education:
Social • Social pedagogy prioritizes holistic child development.
Pedagogical • Focuses on emotional, social, and cognitive well-being.
• Encourages teachers to consider students' emotional and social needs, not
Influence. just academic achievement.
I will promote Inclusivity:
• Social pedagogy encourages inclusivity and values diversity.
• Teachers should ensure inclusive practices, welcoming all students
regardless of background or abilities.
• May involve adapting teaching methods for diverse learning styles.
102 words
Mexico Social Pedagogical Insight.
Social pedagogy is not widely recognized or regulated in Mexico but is a diverse and
evolving field. It integrates various influences to address social issues through
education and action.
• Key Characteristics
Adaptability and interdisciplinary nature promote social justice, democracy, and
humanization. (Schugurensky, 2016:240)
Diverse Influences
Draws from a wide range of international and historical influences. (Schugurensky,
• Global Influences
European traditions (Germany, Denmark, UK) shaping Mexicon social pedagogy.
(Schugurensky, 2016:225)
• Holistic Approach
Considers the whole person and integrates individual and social dynamics. Draws
from interdisciplinary fields. (Schugurensky, 2016:224)
• Lifelong Education
Addresses social problems and promotes change through lifelong education and
social interventions. (Schugurensky & Silver 2013)
100 words
Family and Community:
Mexico My emphasis on family aligns with social pedagogy's recognition of the
importance of community and familial bonds.
Personal & Building strong communities and family-like environments is vital for well-
Social being in social pedagogy. (Schugurensky, 2016:238)
Compassion and Caring for Others:
Pedagogical Prioritization of compassion and caring aligns with social pedagogy's approach
Values to working with vulnerable populations. (O'Neil, 2021)
Community Engagement:
My Appreciation for community involvement is in line with social pedagogy's
focus on community building and participation.
Community engagement empowers individuals and promotes social change in
social pedagogy. (Schugurensky, 2016:241)

83 words
Mexico Social Pedagogical Influence
My newly gained knowledge of social pedagogy has transformed my teaching approach by fostering a deeper understanding
of my students' needs, promoting empathy and social justice, and encouraging flexible and student-centered methods. It
has enriched my teaching philosophy and allowed me to create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment
Flexible Teaching Methods: Social
pedagogy encourages adaptable
Emphasis on Relationships: Social Empathy and Understanding:
teaching methods. I've embraced
pedagogy prioritizes meaningful Social pedagogy's focus on
flexibility, incorporating diverse
relationships with learners. I've empathy has made me more
strategies such as utilsing open-
integrated this into my teaching by attuned to students' emotional
ended questions, inductive
connecting with students needs. Creating a non-judgmental
reasoning and group work ,
personally, building trust, and space has improved
resulting in increased engagement
enhancing classroom dynamics. communication and a positive
and deeper understanding.
(27 words) classroom atmosphere. (29 words)
(Deyhle & Swisher 1997) (24
Reflective Practice: Engaging in
regular assessment, seeking
feedback, and professional
development leads to continuous
improvement in teaching practice.
Promoting reflection and self-
awareness among educators.
(Schugurensky, 2016:246) (24 176 words
The People’s Republic of China Social Pedagogical Insight.

• Teaching Methods in Asia-Pacific:

Teacher-centered methods are common, involving limited
student interaction and a focus on textbooks. (Newman, Gentile
• Quality of Teaching Practices:
Many developing Asian economies face subpar teaching
practices. Effective pedagogy, improved subject knowledge, and
teacher development are crucial to address the learning crisis.
(Newman, Gentile 2020:10)
• Variation in Teaching Approaches:
Both teacher-centered and learner-centered approaches can be
effective. Academic achievement alone may not capture
essential skills. (Newman, Gentile 2020:10)

64 words
❑ Life Skills and Adaptation:
Eastern social pedagogical programs focus on imparting essential life skills.
Adaptation is a vital skill, aligning with my value for adapting to change in
an evolving world.
The People’s ❑ Critical thinking skills and creativity:

Republic of Based on Hu et al. (2016), I would develop critical thinking skills and
creativity, is integral to many Eastern pedagogical methods.
China My value for adaptation complements the emphasis on critical thinking
skills and creativity in Eastern pedagogical approaches.
Pedagogical ❑ Kindness and Respect:

Values. Politeness, respect, and kindness towards others are what I value. Social
and emotional skills are what I would want to transfer to my students.
(OCED, 2023:1)

105 words
The People’s Republic of China Social
Pedagogical Influence.

I will focus on Student-

Centered Teaching: Social
Prepare for Lifelong Encourage Inclusive
pedagogy prioritizes a Create awareness of Global
Learning: Social pedagogy Education: Social pedagogy
student-centered approach, Perspectives: Social
emphasizes lifelong learning places a strong emphasis on
focusing on holistic pedagogy promotes global
for both educators and inclusivity and addressing
development. The shift in awareness and cultural
students. The value is diverse student needs.
teaching style involves sensitivity. Incorporating
demonstrated through Efforts include creating an
considering individual global perspectives
pursuing professional inclusive classroom
needs, interests, and well- broadens students' horizons
development, staying environment, adapting
being, alongside academic and fosters intercultural
updated on educational teaching strategies, and
growth. Diverse teaching understanding, preparing
research, and continuously advocating for inclusive
methods, promoting active them for a diverse world.
improving teaching practices within the school
engagement and critical (26 words)
practices. (30 words) community. (34 words)
thinking, cater to various
learning styles. (41 words)

149 words
South Africa’s Social
Pedagogical Insight
Ubuntu has an association with being humane and respecting
humanity. (Ngubane & Makua, 2021: 3)
• Shared values of Ubuntu: community, solidarity, compassion,
interdependence. The intersection of Ubuntu philosophy and
social justice, emphasizes respect, equality, and fairness.
(Ngubane & Makua, 2021: 3,4)
• Guiding principles: for implementing Ubuntu pedagogy in higher
education include Recognition of self and others as a foundation
for identity and belonging, Building positive relationships for a
harmonious learning environment, Promoting student
cooperation and teamwork, Nurturing students' minds through
active, interactive learning, Teaching from a place of love and care
to inspire and empower students and Embracing linguistic
diversity through Ubuntu translanguaging. (Ngubane & Makua,
2021: 4)
South Africa Personal & Social Pedagogical Values.

• I value Fairness (Ubuntu Pedagogy - Equity and Inclusivity):

Ubuntu pedagogy places a strong emphasis on fairness and inclusivity, ensuring that everyone is
treated equally. My commitment to fairness aligns with this principle, I am sensitive to situations
involving unequal treatment.
• I value Family (Ubuntu Pedagogy - Community-Centered):
I highly value my family and prioritize their well-being. Ubuntu pedagogy is rooted in the idea of
community and interconnectedness, treating everyone as an extended family, or "ubuntu." This
aligns with my emphasis on family values.
• I value Open-Mindedness (Ubuntu Pedagogy - Receptiveness to Others):
Ubuntu pedagogy encourages openness to new perspectives, which I do with my values. We both
promote a willingness to consider alternative viewpoints.
• I value Altruism (Ubuntu Pedagogy - Intrinsic Kindness):
Ubuntu pedagogy values acts of kindness for their intrinsic value rather than personal gain, echoing
my commitment to altruism.
142 words
• Multilingual and Inclusive Language Practices: Mindful
language use in diverse classrooms. Acknowledgment and
value of students' linguistic backgrounds. Incorporation of
translanguaging for meaningful learning, influenced by
Ubuntu pedagogy. (Ngubane & Makua, 2021: 6)
• Promotion of Inclusivity: Application of Ubuntu pedagogy
principles to ensure inclusivity and student value.
Recognition and respect for diverse backgrounds,
languages, and cultures, align with Ubuntu's value of
tolerance and diversity. (Ngubane & Makua, 2021: 5)
• Promotion of Active Learning and Participation: Influence
of Ubuntu pedagogy on teaching methods. Design of
lessons that encourage active engagement, idea sharing,
and peer collaboration, enhancing students'
understanding of themselves and others. (Ngubane &
Makua, 2021: 5)
South Africa’s Social
Pedagogical Influence. 100 words

Exploring social pedagogy in Norway, Mexico, China, and South Africa reveals diverse
interpretations and values. Norway emphasizes holistic child development and prosocial schools,
aligning with health, family, and fairness values. Mexico focuses on adaptability and
interdisciplinary approaches, impacting values like family, compassion, and community
engagement. China highlights teaching methods and quality while emphasizing family,
adaptation, problem-solving, kindness, and respect. South Africa's Ubuntu philosophy
underscores community, compassion, and fairness, aligning with values like family, open-
mindedness, and altruism. Despite differences, social pedagogy promotes inclusivity, empathy,
and transformative education across regions.
90 words
Argus456. n.d. Flags of China, South Africa. [Online] Available at:
with-china-flag.html [Accessed 1 October 2023]
Glenn. W.J. (2013) Omdefinerer En Norsk Norge 1 : The Influence of Changing Demographics on Norwegian Schooling for Social Democracy,
Equity & Excellence in Education, 46:1, 36-47, DOI:
Kyriacou. C , Ellingsen. I.T, Stephens. P & Sundaram. V (2009) Social pedagogy and the teacher: England and Norway compared, Pedagogy,
Culture & Society, 17:1, 75-87, DOI: 10.1080/14681360902742902
n.a. n.d. Mexican flag and Norway. [Online] Available at:
w=1600&rlz=1C1ONGR_enZA1040ZA1040[Accessed 1 October 2023]
Newman, K & Gentile, E (2020) How Teachers Teach: Comparing Classroom Pedagogical Practices in the Asia and Pacific Region How
Teachers Teach: Comparing Classroom Pedagogical Practices in the Asia and Pacific Region (ADB Brief No. 154) [Accessed:29 September
Ngubane, N.I. & Makua, M., 2021, ‘Intersection of Ubuntu pedagogy and social justice: Transforming South African higher education’,
Transformation in Higher Education 6(0), a113. https://
OECD (2023), Schools as hubs for social and emotional learning: Are schools and teachers ready?
en[Accessed:29 September 2023]
Schugurensky, D. (2016). Social pedagogy in Mexico: historical background and current developments. [Accessed:29 September 2023]

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