Activities Suitable For DiSC

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Activities suitable for DiSC :

1. Brainstorming with DiSC: (Online session)


1. Review DiSC Styles: Before the session, remind participants of the four DiSC styles
(Dominant, Influential, Steady, Conscientious) and their key characteristics.
2. Choose Breakout Room Topics: Select brainstorming topics that encourage
participants to leverage their DiSC styles. Here are some ideas:

 Strengths Identification: "How can we leverage the strengths of each DiSC

style to create a more effective team?"
 Communication Strategies: "How can we tailor our communication styles to
better understand and connect with colleagues of different DiSC styles?"
 Conflict Resolution: "How can we approach potential conflicts
constructively, considering the different DiSC styles involved?"

3. Assign Breakout Rooms: Consider grouping participants by DiSC style for some
topics (e.g., Strengths Identification) For others (e.g., Communication Strategies), mix
up the styles to encourage diverse perspectives.

Conducting the Breakout Session:

1. Introduce the Activity: Briefly explain the brainstorming topic and the importance
of considering DiSC styles in their approach.
2. Set Ground Rules: Establish time limits and encourage active participation within
each breakout room.
3. Facilitate Breakout Rooms: Circulate between breakout rooms virtually, offering
guidance if needed. You can also use the platform's chat function to send quick
prompts or questions to stimulate discussion.
4. Time Management: Ensure each breakout room has enough time to brainstorm
effectively, but keep an eye on the clock to avoid exceeding the allotted time.

Bringing it Back Together:

1. Share Key Points: Have a representative from each breakout room share their key
points and solutions. Encourage discussion on how these strategies can be applied in
real-world scenarios.
2. Summarize and Conclude: Summarize the main takeaways from the brainstorming
session and connect them back to the overall DiSC training objectives.


 Use a Timer: Encourage focused brainstorming by setting a timer within each

breakout room to keep the discussion moving.
 Debrief Individually: If time allows, consider having quick individual discussions
after the session to gather further insights and address any lingering questions.
Outcomes of Effective Brainstorming:

 Enhanced Learning: The active participation in brainstorming reinforces

understanding of DiSC styles and their application in various situations.
 Diverse Perspectives: Breakout rooms foster the exchange of ideas from different
viewpoints, leading to a richer understanding of DiSC concepts.
 Improved Communication: Participants practice articulating their ideas clearly and
concisely, which improves communication within teams with diverse DiSC styles.
 Problem-Solving Skills: By brainstorming solutions to DiSC-related challenges,
participants develop their problem-solving skills in a collaborative setting.

2. DiSC Training: Quizzes (offline)

Group/individual: Can make a group of 2 members

Variety is Key: Mix up question formats (multiple choice, true/false, open-ended) to keep
participants engaged.

Use a Timer: Set a timer for each question to keep everyone engaged.

Engaging During the Session:

 Scenario-Based Quizzes: Present participants with real-world workplace scenarios

and ask them to identify the most likely DiSC style to exhibit a specific behaviour.
This helps them apply their knowledge to practical situations.

Wrap-Up and Review:

 Knowledge Check Quiz: Offer a short quiz that revisits key concepts covered
throughout the training. This reinforces their learning and assesses knowledge

 Improved Application: By analysing behaviours in context, participants learn to identify
DiSC styles in action, allowing them to better understand colleagues and navigate workplace
 Problem-Solving Skills: Scenario-based quizzes encourage participants to think critically
about how different DiSC styles might approach a situation, fostering problem-solving skills
in a team environment.

 Retention and Recall: Actively applying knowledge to scenarios strengthens memory and
improves recall of DiSC concepts compared to passive learning methods.
Example: Scenario 1:

During a brainstorming session, a team member consistently interrupts others with their ideas
and pushes for their preferred solution without considering alternatives.

Which DiSC style is most likely to exhibit this behaviour?

 (a) D (Dominant)
 (b) I (Influence)
 (c) S (Steadiness)
 (d) C (Conscientiousness)

Explanation: The answer is (a) D (Dominant). D styles tend to be decisive and action-
oriented, sometimes coming across as forceful or interrupting others to drive results.

Scenario 2:

A team is tasked with developing a new marketing campaign. One team member
meticulously researches competitor strategies, analyses data trends, and proposes a well-
defined plan with clear timelines and deliverables.

Which DiSC style is most likely to exhibit this behaviour?

 (a) D (Dominant)
 (b) I (Influence)
 (c) S (Steadiness)
 (d) C (Conscientiousness)

Explanation: The answer is (d) C (Conscientiousness). C styles are detail-oriented and

analytical, prioritizing accuracy and following established procedures.

Scenario 3:

A team is facing a conflict between two members with differing approaches. One member
focuses on maintaining harmony within the group and avoids voicing strong opinions that
might cause friction.

Which DiSC style is most likely to exhibit this behavior?

 (a) D (Dominant)
 (b) I (Influence)
 (c) S (Steadiness)
 (d) C (Conscientiousness)

Explanation: The answer is (c) S (Steadiness). S styles value cooperation and prioritize team
harmony. They might avoid confrontation to maintain a peaceful environment.

Scenario 4:
A team leader is presenting a new project proposal to a group of stakeholders. They use
storytelling and enthusiastic language to capture the audience's attention and generate
excitement for the project.

Which DiSC style is most likely to exhibit this behaviour?

 (a) D (Dominant)
 (b) I (Influence)
 (c) S (Steadiness)
 (d) C (Conscientiousness)

Explanation: The answer is (b) I (Influence). I styles are naturally enthusiastic

communicators who excel at building relationships and inspiring others.

3. Facilitating a Discussion on DiSC Styles (Online &

Goal: Explore how DiSC styles impact communication, teamwork, and conflict resolution.


 Whiteboard/flipchart or online collaborative platform (Miro, Mural)

 Markers/pens (online) or sticky notes (offline)
 Handouts with brief descriptions of DiSC styles (optional)



Briefly explain the DiSC model and its four styles (Dominant, Influential,
Steady, Conscientious).

Ask an icebreaker question: "Have you heard of DiSC before? If so, how?"

1. Understanding DiSC Styles:

o Offline: Distribute handouts or use a whiteboard to display short descriptions
of each DiSC style.
o Online: Share a document or presentation with the descriptions.

Divide participants into small groups (3-4 people).

Ask each group to discuss and identify:

 Strengths of each DiSC style in a team setting.

 Potential challenges each DiSC style might face when working with
2. Impact on Communication:
o Re-group as a whole discussion.
o Ask: "How might communication differ between someone with a Dominant
style and someone with a Steady style?"
o Encourage participation by using open-ended questions like:
 "What communication approaches might work best for each DiSC
 "How can we ensure everyone feels heard in a team with diverse
3. Teamwork and Conflict Resolution:
o Ask: "How can understanding DiSC styles help us build stronger teams?"
o Facilitate a discussion on how different DiSC styles might approach:
 Problem-solving and decision-making.
 Delegating tasks.
 Providing feedback.
o Ask: "How can we leverage DiSC styles to navigate conflict more
o Encourage participants to share real-life examples (if comfortable).


o Summarize key points about DiSC and its impact on communication,

teamwork, and conflict resolution.
o Ask a closing reflection question: "How can you apply this knowledge in your
own interactions?"

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